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Eli and Bessie Cohen Camps

Sponsors of Camps Pembroke, Tel Noar and Tevya

Personnel Policies and Practices for Summer Camp Staff

The Cohen Camps’ Personnel Policies and Practices are intended to give every employee clear expectations of
what Cohen Camps expects during your time working at camp. When you accept a position with Cohen
Camps, you are expected to follow these and other Cohen Camps policies that are identified within this
document, and any others which may be provided to you as a supplement. The Eli and Bessie Cohen Camps
are committed to the welfare and well-being of its staff and camper and have instituted these policies to
further that end. Cohen Camps reserves the right to amend and/or alter its policies at any time.

I. Equal Employment Opportunity

STATEMENT OF POLICY: The Eli and Bessie Cohen Camps: Sponsors of Camps Pembroke, Tel Noar and
Tevya (hereinafter referred to as the “Camp”) hereby reaffirms its policy of offering equal employment
opportunity to everyone regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, gender, gender
identity, sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy, age, marital/familial status, veteran status, mental or
physical disability, and/or any other protected class as defined by state and/or federal laws. .

This policy continues to apply to all employment decisions including, but not limited to, recruitment, hiring,
promotion, demotion, discipline, transfer, termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation and
selection for training programs.

II. Harassment/Sexual Harassment

A. Harassment/Sexual Harassment will not be tolerated at the Cohen Camps. This includes offensive
behavior which creates a hostile work or play environment for camp staff or campers by use of verbal
or written statements about one’s race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, gender, gender
identity, sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy, age, marital/familial status, veteran status, mental or
physical disability, and/or any other protected class as defined by state and/or federal laws.
Furthermore, intimidation, name-calling and bullying are identified as behaviors under the definition of

B. Harassment on the basis of sex constitutes unlawful discrimination. Unwelcome sexual advances,
requests for sexual favors and other verbal, nonverbal and/or physical conduct
of a sexual nature constitutes sexual harassment when:
• Submission to such conduct is made, either explicitly or implicitly, a term or condition of an individual’s
• Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decision
affecting such individual.
• Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work
performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or an offensive work environment.

An employee who in the course of employment with the Camp, experiences sexual or any other type of
harassment, is required to bring the incidence(s) to the attention of his or her immediate supervisor or any
member of the Cohen Camps management. This will enable the Cohen Camps to have an opportunity to
eliminate or abate the problem as soon as possible. All managerial and supervisory personnel are available to
all employees at any time to discuss any form of harassment and to initiate procedures to rectify any problem.
When a complaint is received, Cohen Camps will promptly conduct an investigation in as confidential a
manner as possible. Following any investigation, Management of the Camp will recommend the appropriate
disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment, if it finds the complaint to be

The Cohen Camps Bullying and Harassment Prevention and Intervention Plan is attached to these Personnel
Policies and Practices and is incorporated fully herein.

Discipline Related to Inappropriate Staff Contact with Campers: Cohen Camps reserves the right to investigate
and terminate any staff member found to have physically punished or intentionally hurt any camper. If
required, such conduct will be reported to local and/or state authorities.

III. Job Requirements

A. Health Examinations: BEFORE reporting to work at camp, all staff members are required to have a
current health examination, signed and dated by a physician. Regardless of a signed camp contract, the
Cohen Camps must have all required medical forms on file at camp.

B. Illness/Injury: Although the Cohen Camps have nurses on staff for minor illnesses and injuries, the camps
have nurses on staff for minor illnesses and injuries and if a staff member needs to see a doctor or go to
the hospital for treatment, staff are responsible for all medical bills. Staff members submit itemized bills
to his/her own medical insurance for reimbursement. Staff must bring their medical insurance
information (policy name, number and contact phone numbers) with them to camp. If appropriate,
Cohen Camps’ staff is responsible for submitting work related injuries in a timely manner, in accordance
with the State Workers’ Compensation laws.

C. Immunizations: The Cohen Camps requires all staff members to be up to date on all age-appropriate
vaccinations in accordance with the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and
the Advisory Committee on Immunizations Practices (ACIP). The only exception is individuals who have
medical contraindications to receiving some or all vaccinations. Contact your Camp Director for the full
list of required vaccinations required for/by the state in which the camp conducts its operations.

D. Personnel Forms: ALL employment forms necessary for payment of wages, including mandated state and
federal documents, must be completed, and returned to the Cohen Camps when requested. In addition
to these documents, we also require your signed and dated: Summer Camp Staff Contract,
Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”), Personnel Policies and Practices Document, Cohen Camps
Bullying and Harassment Prevention and Intervention Plan Document, and Social Media and Internet
Communications Policy Document.

E. Staff is strongly urged NOT to acquire new piercing or tattoos during the camp season. Existing (Pre-
Camp) piercing will be appropriate, non-distracting, and professional at all times and must not interfere
with job responsibilities. For your safety, “dangle jewelry” is discouraged. Tattoos or clothing, displaying
anything inappropriate, obscene, or disrespectful in nature in a camp or professional setting, are
prohibited. Staff may be asked to adjust or cover their body modifications (tattoos and piercing) and/or
clothing if they affect the camp community (campers, parents and camp staff) or if deemed
IV. Payment of Salary/Wages/Pocket Money

ALL employment forms necessary for payment of wages, including mandated state and federal documents,
must be completed, and returned to the Cohen Camps when requested. In addition to these documents, we
also require your signed and dated: Summer Camp Staff Contract, Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”),
Personnel Policies and Practices Document, Cohen Camps Bullying and Harassment Prevention and
Intervention Plan Document, and Social Media and Internet Communications Policy Document.

Seasonal, hourly employees must submit time sheets on a weekly basis to be paid. Failure to submit time
sheets may result in a change of employment arrangement.

V. Restrictions

The following restrictions are enforced to protect the health, safety and welfare of the campers, the staff and
the camp. Additional details are set forth in the Staff Handbook and will be discussed at staff orientation.

A. Possession, use or being in the presence of any drug, or drug paraphernalia, narcotic, or controlled
substance not prescribed for a staff member by a licensed physician or other health care professional,
whether on or off duty can result in immediate termination of employment and termination of the
seasonal agreement. Possession, use, or being in the presence of alcohol whether on or off duty can be
grounds for immediate termination of employment and termination of the seasonal agreement. The
administration also reserves the right to search without prior notice all personal property, vehicles on
camp property, storage areas, and living areas, at any time, with or without notice for the purpose of
monitoring compliance with Camp policies, rules and regulations and for the safety of all camp

B. Electronic Devices: Electronic devices that are capable of accessing information from outside of camp
are prohibited in the cabin, this includes but is not limited to cell phones. In addition, in order to
create an enriched social environment where children interact with one another as a community,
campers are not allowed to bring any electronic devices that have screens. Staff who share music with
campers in the bunk or in activities may use other iPods, but campers should not have access to these
devices. It is the responsibility of the staff to follow and enforce this policy. A secure place will be
provided to store prohibited devices when on duty.

C. Weapons, fireworks: Weapons, fireworks and other incendiaries are not permitted at camp. Any
offenses may result in immediate suspension and/or dismissal. Candles are not permitted in camp

D. Cigarettes: Smoking is allowed only in designated areas at each camp which will be discussed at staff
orientation and never in the company of campers. Staff is responsible for cleaning these areas
appropriately. Smoking is prohibited from all camp buildings or on porches. Cigarettes, lighters and
matches are prohibited from all camp housing.

E. Medications: ALL MEDICATIONS (prescription or non-prescription) MUST be kept in the camp Health
Center at all times. Exceptions will include, and not limited to, asthma inhalers, epi-pens, acne skin
creams and Lactaid pills, and any other items identified by health care professionals.
F. Cars: Staff automobiles will be parked only in designated areas and/or main parking lots at each camp.
Staff will be required to register his/her care each summer and will display his/her parking permit. Cars
without permits may be subject to removal.

G. Living Quarters: Female staff are prohibited from being in male living quarters and vice versa, except
when carrying out required camp duties under the direction of a member of the administrative staff.
No staff member (including members of administrative team) shall enter a sleeping area assigned to
campers of the opposite gender unless:
a. Such entry is necessary to protect the health and safety of the campers, such as in the case of
fire or medical emergency; or
b. The staff member first announces his/her intent to enter and allows a reasonable time for
campers to cover themselves if necessary.

H. Search of Belongings: The camp administration reserves the right to search without prior notice all
personal property and vehicles on camp property, storage areas and living areas for the purpose of
monitoring compliance with Camp policies, rules and regulations and for the safety of all camp

VI. Camp Policies

A. Email and Internet Policies (In Camp)

The Eli & Bessie Cohen Camps provides employees with electronic access, including an e-mail system, a
network connection, and/or Internet access. These policies govern all use of The Eli & Bessie Cohen
Camps’ network, Internet access, voicemail and email system at all camps’ location. This policy
includes, but is not limited to, electronic mail, chat rooms, the Internet, news groups, electronic
bulletin boards, and all electronic messaging systems. The Eli and Bessie Cohen Camps Employee
Social Media and Internet Communications Policy is attached to these Personnel Practices and
incorporated fully herein.

Prior to downloading files from the Internet, staff administration must give authorization. Any files
authorized to download must be scanned with virus detection software before being opened.

B. Software Usage Policies and Procedures

Software piracy is both a crime and a violation of The Eli & Bessie Cohen Camps’ Software Usage Policy.
Staff must use software strictly in accordance with its license agreement(s). Unless otherwise provided
in the license, the duplication of copyrighted software (except for backup and archival purposes by
designated staff administration) is a violation of copyright law. In addition to being in violation of the
law, unauthorized duplication of software is contrary to The Eli & Bessie Cohen Camps’ standards of
employee conduct.
To ensure compliance with software license agreements and The Eli & Bessie Cohen Camps’

Software Usage Policy, employees must adhere to the following:

1. Staff must use software in accordance with the manufacturer’s license agreements.
2. Staff reproducing software may be subject to civil and criminal penalties including fines and

NOTE: Unauthorized reproduction of software may violate state, federal and/or international
copyright and other laws. In the United States, violators may be subject to civil and/or criminal
penalties, including fines and imprisonment.
Prohibited Activities
Staff are prohibited from using The Eli & Bessie Cohen Camps’ email system, network, or Internet
access for the following activities:
• Downloading, printing or distributing copyrighted materials. This includes, but is not limited to,
software, articles, videos, graphics and/or music protected by copyright.
• Using software that is not licensed by the manufacturer or approved by The Eli & Bessie Cohen
• Sending, printing, or otherwise disseminating The Eli & Bessie Cohen Camps’ proprietary data, or
any other information deemed confidential by The Eli & Bessie Cohen Camps’, to unauthorized
• Making offensive or harassing statements based on race, color, religion, national origin, veteran
status, ancestry, disability, age, gender, marital status, or sexual orientation.
• Sending or forwarding messages containing defamatory, obscene, offensive, or harassing
statements. An employee should notify their supervisor immediately upon receiving such a
• Sending ethnic, sexual-preference or gender-related slurs and/or jokes via email. “Jokes”, which
often contain objectionable material, are easily misconstrued when communicated electronically.
• Sending or soliciting sexually oriented messages or images.
• Attempting to access or visit sites featuring pornography, terrorism, espionage, theft, or drugs.
• Gambling or engaging in any other criminal activity in violation of local, state, or federal law.
• Engaging in unethical activities or content.
• Participating in activities, including the preparation or dissemination of content, which could
damage The Eli & Bessie Camps’ professional image or reputation.
• Introducing a virus, harmful component, corrupted data or the malicious tampering with any of
The Eli & Bessie Cohen Foundation’s computer systems
• Staff who violate this policy and/or use The Eli & Bessie Cohen Camps’ email system, network,
Internet, or Intranet access for improper purposes will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and
including termination.

Failure to follow these policies and practices may result in dismissal including, but not limited to, the
cancellation of any and all seasonal agreements and/or contracts.
Eli and Bessie Cohen Camps
Cohen Camps Bullying and Harassment Prevention and Intervention Plan


The Cohen Camps enrich children’s lives by encouraging Jewish youth to be comfortable and
confident in themselves so that they can connect positively with others and the world in
which they live.

We are a community of positive role models who help our youth explore their Jewish identity and
experience the joy of their Jewish heritage.

Our campers and counselors leave camp determined to sustain Judaism and the Jewish people
and are committed to contributing responsibly to their world.


The importance of the physical and emotional safety of every camper and staff member is
paramount to our mission. The Cohen Camps are committed to providing a safe, positive and
comfortable environment where campers and staff can grow socially, emotionally and spiritually,
as they acquire important life skills. We expect that all members of our camp community will
treat each other in a kind manner and with respect for differences.

The Cohen Camps do not tolerate any behavior that impedes our mission, including but not
limited to, bullying, harassment, or retaliation on campgrounds or at camp-sponsored

The Cohen Camps Bullying and Harassment Prevention and Intervention Plan is a comprehensive
approach to address bullying and harassment. It includes guidelines for preventing, intervening,
and responding to incidents of bullying and harassment. The Camp Director, under the guidance
of the Cohen Camps’ President, is responsible for the implementation and oversight of this plan.
The plan will be reviewed and updated, as necessary, annually.

Please note that we have defined the terminology that we use in this plan as follows:

Aggressor: An individual who engages in bullying, harassment, or retaliation. We have

consciously chosen this terminology in place of ‘Perpetrator’, used in various statutes relating to
bullying, for this policy. Both words can be used interchangeably.

Target: An individual against whom bullying, harassment, or retaliation has been or is alleged to
have been, perpetrated. We have consciously chosen this terminology in place of ‘Victim’, used
in various statutes relating to bullying, for this policy. Both words can be used interchangeably.

Bullying: The repeated use by one or more individuals of a written, verbal or electronic
expression or a physical act or gesture or any combination thereof, directed at a Target that:

• Causes physical or emotional harm to the Target or damage to the Target’s property
• Places the Target in reasonable fear of harm to him/herself or damage to his/her property
• Creates a hostile and/or unsafe environment at camp for the Target
• Infringes on the rights of the Target at camp;
• Violates any state and/or federal laws; or
• Materially and substantially disrupts the orderly operation of camp.

Harassment: One or more acts of physical, verbal or non-verbal aggression based on a Target’s
actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, gender, gender identity, sex,
sexual orientation, pregnancy, age, marital/familial status, veteran status, mental or physical
disability, and/or any other protected class as defined by state and/or federal laws, that is
sufficiently severe, pervasive or persistent so as to interfere with or limit a Target’s ability to
participate or benefit from the programs or activities by creating a hostile, humiliating,
intimidating or offensive camp environment.

Hostile Environment: A situation in which any action including but not limited to, bullying causes
the camp environment to be permeated with intimidation, ridicule, or insult that is sufficiently
severe or pervasive to alter the conditions of a camper’s experience.

Retaliation: Any form of intimidation, reprisal, or harassment directed against a Target who
reports bullying, harassment, or provides information during an investigation of bullying or
harassment, or witnesses or has reliable information about bullying or harassment.

Cyber-bullying: While we recognize the rising concern over cyber-bullying in the “off season,”
the use of communication technology at camp is strictly prohibited and therefore not addressed
by the Cohen Camps Bullying and Harassment Prevention Policy.


a. Annual Staff Training on Bullying and Harassment: All staff will receive annual training on
bullying and harassment to establish a common understanding of tools necessary to create
a camp environment that promotes safety, civil communication and respect for differences.
Formal training will occur during the off-season for Administrative Team and during
orientation for all staff. Training will include:
i. Strategies to identify, reduce and prevent bullying and harassment;
ii. Age appropriate strategies for immediate, effective interventions to stop bullying and
harassment incidents;
iii. Information regarding the complex interaction and power differential that can take
place among an Aggressor, Target and witnesses;
iv. Research findings on bullying and harassment, including information about campers
who are at risk, and the effects of bullying and harassment; and
v. Staff responsibility with regard to prevention, reporting and response.

In addition, ongoing informal staff development will occur during staff meetings and
in consultation with administrative staff.

b. Annual Camp Staff Training on the Cohen Camps Comprehensive Bullying Prevention and
Intervention Plan: Annual training on this plan will occur with all camp staff during orientation.
This training will include camp procedures for preventing, identifying, reporting, and
responding to incidents of bullying and harassment.

c. Written Notice to Staff: The Camp will provide all staff with a written copy of the Plan.

The goal of prevention is to create a camp culture where all community members treat each
other with respect and kindness and strive to act in a manner that maintains that positive
community culture. With the goal of fostering a safe, respectful social environment for our
campers and staff, the Cohen Camps will incorporate age-appropriate activities on bullying
prevention into our camp curricula. The Cohen Camps will also include social and educational
procedures and programs that encourage a culture of respect and kindness as we define our
camp community.

Programs will include whole camp initiatives as well as specific activities focused on bunk life.
Bullying and Harassment Prevention Initiatives will include:
• An interactive staff program on creating a safe and respectful community
• Annual orientation component for new and returning campers on bullying and harassment
policies, procedures, practices, expected behaviors, and obligations to report
• Embedded activities during camp sessions that are aligned with our mission
• Camper Training on issues such as respecting differences, conflict resolution, bystander
responsibilities, seeking assistance, and reporting
• Camp-wide programs that teach and encourage the values of kindness, respect and acceptance

a. Staff who observe an act of bullying or harassment, or who have reasonable grounds to
believe that these behaviors are taking place, are obligated to report incidents to a member
of the Administrative Team.
b. Campers who believe that they are a Target of bullying or harassment, observe an act of
bullying or harassment, or who have reasonable grounds to believe that these behaviors
are taking place are expected and encouraged to report incidents to their counselors or to a
member of the Administrative Team.
c. Parents who receive information about bullying or harassment during the camp season should
immediately report this information to a member of the Administrative Team.
d. A form will be used to report incidents of bullying or harassment to the Administrative Team.
All verbal reports made by a staff member, camper or parent will be recorded in writing by a
member of the Administrative Team. Reports can be made anonymously, but no disciplinary
action will be taken solely on the basis of an anonymous report.
e. All campers and staff will be notified of the procedures for reporting incidents of bullying or


Response to a report of bullying or harassment will include investigation of the incident,

education of appropriate behaviors, discipline of the Aggressor, restoring a sense of safety for the
Target, notification of parents and appropriate record keeping.

• Investigation
i. A member of the Administrative Team will promptly investigate all reports and
interview those involved, including witnesses
ii. Members of the Administrative Team will assure those involved that retaliation is
prohibited and will result in disciplinary action

iii. The Administrative Team will make a determination of bullying or harassment

based upon all of the facts and circumstances

iv. A member of the Administrative Team will, when required by law or deemed
necessary in their judgment, report such conduct to local authorities

• Response Plan
i. Based on the result of the investigation, the Administrative Team will put in writing a
response plan which will include the teaching of appropriate behavior and appropriate
discipline using the Response Plan Form.
ii. The Response Plan will be facilitated by the Administrative Team and will include steps
to ensure that the Aggressor and extended group (for example: bunk, activity group)
understands the behavioral expectations at the Cohen Camps and to work toward a
positive group dynamic. This plan will include a reminder of the definition of bullying,
the effects of bullying and the behavioral expectations of our community.
iii. The Response Plan will include discipline steps for the Aggressor. Once an incident of
bullying or harassment has been determined, the Aggressor(s) will meet with a
member of the Administrative Team to address the situation and set expectations.
iv. Consequences will be based on the age and developmental level of the Aggressor, the
intent of the incident, the events leading up to the incident and the number of
previous inappropriate actions by the Aggressor. Consequences will be determined by
the Director with input from the Administrative Team and may include termination
and/or expulsion from camp.

• Restoring a sense of safety for the Target

The Administrative Team will consider what adjustments, if any, are needed in the camp
environment to enhance the Target’s sense of safety and the safety of others.
i. The Administrative Team will take steps to assess the need to restore a sense of safety
to the Target and/or to protect the Target from further incidents.
ii. The importance of a sense of safety will be discussed with the Target and assistance
will be provided to identify safe people.
iii. As needed, a personal safety plan for the Target will be developed.
iv. As needed, a safety plan will be developed for anyone who has reported or provided
information regarding the bullying.
v. Within a reasonable time period following the determination of bullying and the
implementation of the response plan, a member of the Administrative Team will
contact the Target to determine whether there has been a recurrence of bullying
and whether additional supportive measures are needed.

d. Parent Notification in the event of a determination of an incident of bullying

i. The parents of the Target will be notified of the situation.
ii. The parents of the Aggressor will be notified of the incident and the response plan.

e. Record Keeping: All Bullying and Harassment Reporting Forms and Response Plan Forms will
be filed in a secure location.
Eli and Bessie Cohen Camps
Employee Social Media and Internet Communications Policy

Cohen Camps view staff participation in social media channels positively and support the right of individuals to
self-expression on the internet. However, Cohen Camps know that the boundaries between personal and
professional lives are blurred, and that anyone may search online and find your place of employment.
Additionally, in many cases contacts between staff and campers after the camp season can be construed as
inappropriate or illegal, therefore, staff must exercise caution in these situations. Overall, staff are solely
responsible for any legal liability arising from or relating to the content they put online. Given that framework,
while staff work for the Cohen Camps, it is important to behave respectfully online with others, as staff
behavior is a reflection of Cohen Camps and camp values.

Staff are encouraged to write about or visually display their enthusiasm for the Cohen Camps on any public or
personal social media channel, as long as they identify themselves as a staff member or prospective staff
member. Cohen Camps encourage you to tag and/or link to any official Cohen Camps social media property
when you comment about our staff or your experience working with the Cohen Camps. Cohen Camps also
encourage staff to suggest new ideas to Cohen Camps staff about how to better communicate with and
engage with our online friends, supporters, and fans.

1. As a Cohen Camps employee, I agree to:

a. Identify myself as a Cohen Camps staff when making any type of comment related to any of the Cohen
Camps on any blog posts, visual media, Facebook posts, responding to Tweets, or any other publicly
viewable social media site;
b. Be respectful in all communications online related to or referencing the Cohen Camps or any one of
the Cohen Camps, its campers, and other employees; and
c. Encourage open and public online communication about the Cohen Camps and any of its three camps.

2. As a Cohen Camps employee, I will not:

a. Use the Cohen Camps logo, or the logo of any of the Cohen Camps or its programs without explicit
permission from the Cohen Camps;
b. Use official photographs, logos, or videos on my personal social media pages, blogs, profiles, or my
own website;
c. Republish text or photographs that are the property of the camp;
d. Create an online group with any of the above items; and
e. Use blogs, social media, or personal websites to write about, harass, bully, or intimidate other
employees, campers or former campers. Behaviors that include harassment and bullying include, but
are not limited to, comments that are derogatory with respect to race, religion, gender, sexual
orientation, family makeup, color, or disability; and
f. Use sexually explicit, suggestive, humiliating, or demeaning comments about campers, former
campers, volunteers, or other employees on blogs, social media or personal websites.

3. As a Cohen Camps employee, I understand that there are strict rules governing interactions between
campers and staff. I recognize and accept the Cohen Camps’ policy on out-of-camp contact with campers,
which includes that Cohen Camps’ discourages such contact. Furthermore, I may not share any contact
information (including, but not limited to cell phone number, e-mail address, Instagram, or social
networking sites) with a camper unless the camper’s parents are fully aware of this exchange, give
expressed permission for such contact, and take full responsibility for it. I understand that Cohen Camps
takes no responsibility for securing this permission.

4. As a Cohen Camps employee, use a social networking profile, blog or other internet medium to discuss
behavior, add comments to, or post photos is prohibited, including displays of behavior banned by camp
policy, including but not limited to alcohol or drug use, sexual behavior, delinquent behavior, destruction of
property, harassment, or intimidation.

5. As a Cohen Camps employee, no use of secret, public, or anonymous social media groups, profiles, or
names that disparage the Cohen Camps organization, its camps, its activities and/or programs, its staff,
volunteers, officers and directors, or its campers will be created.

6. As a Cohen Camps employee, respectfulness of the camp, its programs, the campers, and its staff and
volunteers in all communications in his/her profile, blog, or other internet sites and communications will be
adhered to accordingly. In doing so, staff agree not to:
a. Use obscenities, profanity, disparaging, disrespectful, or vulgar language;
b. Engage in harassment, bullying, discrimination, cyber-bullying, or intimidation;
c. Post comments, language, or visual media that are derogatory with regard to an individual person’s
race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, gender, gender identity, sex, sexual orientation,
pregnancy, age, marital/familial status, veteran status, mental or physical disability, and/or any other
protected class as defined by state and/or federal laws; or
d. Engage in sexually explicit, suggestive, humiliating, or demeaning comments.

7. As part of staff employment with the Cohen Camps, the Cohen Camps may review all available materials in
the public domain and will reserve the right to require all information a staff member posted on the
internet to be viewable by the Cohen Camps’ professional staff.

I understand that the general public may view me as an ambassador or spokesperson of the camp, whether or
not a staff has made an affiliation with the camp publicly known. I therefore understand that as a condition of
employment that I agree to and adhere to the guidelines outlined in the within policy, year-round. I
understand that if any of the guidelines outlined in this measure are violated, it may result in disciplinary
and/or legal action including possible termination of my employment and prohibit future employment at the
Cohen Camps.

Revised January 2021

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