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80 _________________________________________________________________________

Micro-strip Transmission lines:

It is one of the most popular types of planar transmission lines. It can be easily integrated with other passive and active micro-wave devices. It can be fabricated by photolithographic processes. It can be viewed as a two wire line consisting of two flat strip conductors of width w separated by a distance 2d in the absence of the dielectric. The micro-strip line can not support a pure TEM wave. In most practical applications, the dielectric substrate is electrically very thin i.e. d and so the fields are quasi-TEM. The phase velocity v p = c e The propagation constant = 0 0 e 1 2 2 1 + 12d w Micro strip has most of its field lines in the dielectric region and some fraction in the air region above substrate. It is an asymmetrical type strip transmission line.

e =

r +1 r 1

Strip line Transmission lines: Planar type transmission line widely used in microwave integrated circuitry. It is a sort of flattened out coaxial line. It has two conductors and a homogenous dielectric. It supports TEM wave and this is the usual mode of operation. Strip-line can also support higher order TM and TE modes but these are suppressed with shorting screws between the ground planes and restricting b to less than 4 The analysis of the strip-line is quite complex and difficult process. A reasonable approximation to the exact results with the application of Laplace equation gives. Cavity Resonators

These are tuned circuits at the highest frequencies. Their behaviour is identical to a LC tuned circuit. Theoretically a given resonator has an infinite number of resonant modes and each mode corresponds to a definite resonant frequency. So each cavity resonator has an

_________________________________________________________________________ Microwave Engineering Dr.PVS&RSR __________________________________________________________________________

81 _________________________________________________________________________ infinite number of resonant frequencies. The mode having the lowest resonant frequency is known as the dominant mode. In practice the rectangular-cavity resonators, circular-cavity resonators and reentrant-cavity resonators are commonly used in many microwave applications. Types: Regular shaped resonators like spheres, cylinder or rectangular prisms. But their various resonant frequencies are harmonically related which is a defect. Irregular shaped resonators known as re-entrant cavities are also useful as tuned circuits as well as they can be easily integrated into the structure of the microwave device. It is also convenient to couple the signal to and take the signal form the re-entrant cavity. A re-entrant cavity is one in which the metallic boundaries extend into the interior of the cavity. The examples are coaxial cavity, radial cavity, butterfly cavity etc. They are designed to for use in klystrons and microwave triodes. One of the commonly used re-entrant cavities is the coaxial cavity. Tuning: With adjustable screws or posts, by introducing solid dielectric material or ferrites, by moving a wall in and out slightly with screw are some of the commonly used methods of cavity tuning. Coupling: Power can be coupled using slots, loops and probes. But they load the cavity and also change its resonating frequency. Beam coupling is another method of power coupling of the cavity which is widely used in microwave tubes. Applications: Used as input and output circuits of amplifiers as well as in oscillators. These are also used in filters, with mixers. Another major application of the cavity resonator is as cavity wave meter
Analysis of the regular cavities: Consider a piece of rectangular wave guide lying along z axis carrying a travelling wave in positive z direction. When the opening at the output side is closed with a shorting plate, made with perfect conductor, the forward travelling or positive z travelling wave hits the shorting plate and gets reflected. Now there comes into being another wave travelling in negative z direction. Due to the interference between the two waves travelling in opposite directions but over the same path, the standing wave pattern comes into being. When the opening at the inlet side is also closed with another shorting plate, the input to the forward wave is cut off but its place is taken over by the wave resulted due to reflection of the negative z travelling wave. The net result is the trapping of a travelling

_________________________________________________________________________ Microwave Engineering Dr.PVS&RSR __________________________________________________________________________

82 _________________________________________________________________________ wave which keep on travelling in between the shorting plates for ever in case of loss free conditions. The frequency at which the wave hits the walls is called resonant frequency and in general it depends upon the dimensions of the wave guide as well as the mode of the wave. Consider the case Rectangular Cavity Resonator. Structurally it is a piece of waveguide closed at both the ends. So we start with a piece of rectangular wave guide of length d lying along z direction. When both the openings are remained opened and a wave is travelling in positive z direction then the fields in phasor form at an arbitrary point in the waveguide can be expressed as
Eix = Eixo e j z

and H ix = H ixo e j z

Eiy = Eiyo e j z and H iy = H iyo e j z Eiz = Eizo e j z and H iz = H izo e j z When the opening at the outlet is closed, the forward travelling wave gets reflected and the fields of the reverse or z travelling wave Erx = Erxo e j z and H rx = H rxo e j z Ery = Eryo e j z and H ry = H ryo e j z Erz = Erzo e j z and H rz = H rzo e j z Due the combining or interference of these two waves standing wave pattern comes into being. The fields of the standing wave pattern are Esx = Eixo e j z + Erxo e j z ; H sx = H ixo e j z + H rxo e j z Esy = Eiyo e j z + Eryo e j z ; Esz = Eizo e j z + Erzo e j z ; H sy = H iyo e j z + H ryo e j z H sz = H izo e j z + H rzo e j z

It is possible to relate the amplitudes of the reflected waves with those of the incident waves. Magnitude wise: As the waveguide walls are made with perfect conductor and hallow region is made up of perfect dielectric the resonator under consideration is a loss-less system. So the magnitudes of the reflected waves remain same as that of the incident waves. And phase wise: The tangential component of the E fields and normal components of the H fields suffer180 o phase shift and the normal components of the E fields and tangential components of the H fields suffer no phase shifts on reflection at the surface of the perfect conductor resulting in Eixo = Erxo Eizo = Erzo Eiyo = Eryo H ixo = H rxo
H iyo = H ryo With these relations the fields in the standing wave become H izo = H rzo

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83 _________________________________________________________________________
Esx = 2 jEixo sin z H sx = 2 H ixo c os z H sy = 2 H iyo c os z

Esy = 2 jEiyo sin z

Esz = 2 Eizo c os z

H sz = 2 jH izo sin z

For TM mode fields are. m n x sin y H izo = 0 ; Eizo = C sin a b

j m Eixo = B 2 C cos a h j m Eiyo = A 2 C sin a h n x sin y b

n x cos y b j m n H ixo = A 2 C sin x cos y h a b j m n H iyo == B 2 C cos x sin y h a b

For TE mode fields are m n x cos y Eizo = 0 ; H izo = C 'cos a b j m n Eixo = A 2 C 'cos x sin y h a b j m n Eiyo = B 2 C 'sin x cos y h a b j m n H ixo = B 2 C 'sin x cos y a b h
j m n H iyo = A 2 C 'cos x sin y a b h

and g =

1 0

_________________________________________________________________________ Microwave Engineering Dr.PVS&RSR __________________________________________________________________________

84 _________________________________________________________________________ When the both ends are closed, the wave gets trapped inside the waveguide and keep on travelling from one end to another end with a certain frequency know as resonant frequency. Certain field components like Ex , E y and H z get reflected with phase reversal and as a result there exists minima or nodes occur at both the ends in their standing wave pattern. Other field components like H x , H y and Ez get reflected with out any phase reversal resulting in maxima or anti-nodes at both the ends in their standing wave pattern. From the properties of the standing waves we know the distance between two nodes or anti-nodes and hence the distance p between the ends must be an integral no. of half (guide) wave lengths. i.e.
p 2 d With both the openings closed , the fields inside the resonator become p p Eres , x = 2 jEixo sin z H res , x = 2 H ixo cos z d d p p Eres , y = 2 jEiyo sin z H res , y = 2 H iyo cos z d d p p Eres , z = 2 Eizo cos z H res , z = 2 jH izo sin z d d d =p

Resonant frequency:

We know that for a rectangular wave guide . In the case of the resonator, this relation becomes p = r2 h 2 = . d 2 2 m n + Solving this equation for f r with h 2 = leads to the expression for the a b resonating frequency
fr =

= 2 h 2

1 2

m n p + + a b d

The physical significance of the mode subscripts m , n and p depends upon the fact that they represents the number of half-wave periodicity in x, y and z directions respectively. The allowed integral values for them are _________________________________________________________________________ Microwave Engineering Dr.PVS&RSR __________________________________________________________________________

85 _________________________________________________________________________
m =1, 2, 3,..... n =1, 2, 3,..... p = 0,1, 2, ..... For TE mode:: m = 0,1, 2,3,..... n = 0,1, 2, 3,..... p = 1, 2, 3, 4 .....

For TM mode::

Dominant mode of the resonator is one having the lowest resonant frequency. It is TE101 for a > b < d in the case of rectangular cavity resonator.. Consider the case Circular Cavity Resonator. We start with a piece of rectangular wave guide Fields of the forward or +z travelling wave Ei = Ei o e j z H i = H io e j z
Ei = Ei o e j z H i = H i o e j z
Eiz = Eizo e j z H iz = H izo e j z Fields of the reverse or z travelling wave Er = Er o e j z H r = H r o e j z e j z

Er = Er o e j z
Erz = Erzo e j z

H r = H r o e j z
H rz = H rzo e j z

Fields of the standing wave Es = Ei o e j z + Er o e j z H s = H i o e j z + H r o e j z

Es = Ei o e j z + Er o e j z H s = H i o e j z + H r o e j z
Esz = Eizo e j z + Erzo e j z H sz = H izo e j z + H rzo e j z But the tangential component of the electric fields and normal components of the magnetic fields suffer 180 o phase shift and the normal components of the electric fields and tangential components of the magnetic fields suffer no phase shifts on reflection at the surface of the perfect conductor resulting in Ei o = Er o Eizo = Erzo

Ei o = Er o H izo = H rzo

H io = H r o H i o = H r o

And hence the fields in the standing wave become _________________________________________________________________________ Microwave Engineering Dr.PVS&RSR __________________________________________________________________________

86 _________________________________________________________________________

Es = Eio 2 j sin z Es = Eio 2 j sin z Esz = Eizo 2 cos z

H s = H io 2 cos z H s = H io 2 cos z H sz = H izo 2 j sin z

TM mode fields. H izo = 0 ; Eizo = An J n (hnm ) cos (n ) e j z

j n An J n (hnm ) sin (n ) e j z 2 hnm j ' H io = An J n (hnm ) cos (n ) e j z hnm H io =

H Eio = H io
Eio =

' ' TE mode fields. Eizo = 0 ; H izo = An J n hnm cos (n ) e j z

H io = H io =

j ' ' ' An J n hnm cos (n ) e j z ' hnm

j n
' 2 nm

h Eio = H io Eio = H io 2 = and g = 2 g 1 ( 0 )

' ' An J n hnm sin (n ) e j z

When the both ends are closed, the distance between the ends must correspond to an integer no. of half(guide) wave lengths. i.e. d = p

2 Resonant frequency:

p d

_________________________________________________________________________ Microwave Engineering Dr.PVS&RSR __________________________________________________________________________

87 _________________________________________________________________________ We know that for a circular wave guide . In the case of the resonator, this relation becomes p . = r2 h 2 = d 2 2 m n 2 Solving this equation for f r with h = + leads to the expression for the a b resonating frequency
fr =

= 2 h 2

1 2

m n p + + a b d

leading to the resonating frequency of

fr =

1 2

(ha )nm q for TM + a d

2 2

1 2

(ha )'nm q 2 a + d for TE


For TM mode n = 0,1,2,... , m =1,2,3..... , q = 0,1,2,.... For TE mode n = 0,1,2,... , m =1,2,3..... , q = 1,2,3.... n indicates the periodicity in the direction m .indicates the number of the zeros of the field in the radial direction. q the number of half-waves in the axial direction If d < a the dominant mode is TM 110 and it is TE111 when
The Q factor of a cavity resonator:

Q is a measure of the frequency selectivity of a resonant or anti-resonant maximum energy stored W 2 2 circuit. Q = 2 where W = E d = H d = energy dissipated per cycle P 2 2 v v

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88 _________________________________________________________________________
Rs 2



da here E and H are peak values of the field intensities and H t is the peak

value of tangential magnetic field intensity. Q =

H d

Rs H t da

2 Rs ( surface area )

( volume )

Multiple choice questions

1. The dominant TE mode in rectangular wave guide is a) TE01 c) TE20 2. b) TE11 d) TE10

[ D

Wave guides can carry a) TE mode b) TM mode c) Mixed mode d) All Cut off wave length of Circular Wave-guide in TM mode is 2a 2 a) ) b) 2 2 (ha) nm m n + a b 2a c) d) None (ha )'nm Cut off wave length of Rectangular wave guide is 2 2 a) b) 2 2 2 2 m n m n + + b a a b c) both d) None Guide wave length of cylindrical wave guide is a)
1 0

[ D


[ B


[ A


[ C


f 1 0 f

_________________________________________________________________________ Microwave Engineering Dr.PVS&RSR __________________________________________________________________________

89 _________________________________________________________________________ c) both 6. d) None

[ A ]

Wave impedance of wave-guide in TE mode can be a) c) both

1 0

b) 1 ( / 0 ) 2 d) None
[ C ]


Dominant modes in a cylindrical wave guide is a) TE11 b) TE10 c) Either d) None Dominant modes in regular cavity resonators can be a) TE111 b) TE110 c) Either d) None Non existent modes in circular wave guides are a) TE10 b) TE00 c) both d) None Resonant frequency of Rectangular c resonator is a) c)
1 2 1 2

8. 9. 10.

[ A [ B [ A

] ] ]

m n p + + a b d
2 2


1 2

m n p + + a b d

m n p + + a b d

d) None
[ D ]

11. a)

Attenuation constant due to dielectric loss is in Nepers/mt

tan 2 b) 2 tan 2 2 0 0 r 2 c) tan d) tan 2 2

[ A ]


Attenuation constant due to conductor loss is 2 x power flow power dissipated / unit length b) a) 2 x powerflow Dissipated power / unit length 2 x powerdissi / unit length c) c) None Power flow 13. Reflective attenuation comes into being when the frequency of the wave is a) < cut off frequency b) > cut off frequency

[ A

_________________________________________________________________________ Microwave Engineering Dr.PVS&RSR __________________________________________________________________________

90 _________________________________________________________________________ c) both 14. d) None

[ A ]

In RWG, the mode subscripts m and n indicate a) no of half wave patterns b) No. of full wave patterns c) no of the zeros of the field d) None In RWG, for dominant mode, the cut off- wave length is a) 2a b) 2b c) a d) None The wave whose frequency is 1.5 GHz falls in the band a) L b) S c) C d) None The wave whose frequency is 2.5 GHz falls in the band a) L b) S c) C d) None The wave whose frequency is 7 GHz falls in the band a) L b) 5 c) C d) None The wave whose frequency is 9 GHz falls in the band a) L b) X c) C d) None Degenerate modes in circular wave-guides are a) TE01 & TM11 b) TE22 & TM22 c) Both d) None

15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

[ A [ A [ B [ C [ B [ A

] ] ] ] ] ]

At infinite frequency, the guide wave length is a) Infinite b) Free space wave length c) cut-off wavelength d) None 22. An air filled rectangular waveguide has dimensions of 6 X 4cm. Its cut-off frequency for TE10 mode is a) 2.5GHz b) 25GHz c) 25MHz d) 5GHz 23. The phase velocity of the guided wave at a frequency of 3.0GHz in TE10 for the above problem(probno:1) is a) 0.1m/s b) 5.42108 m/s c) 5.4106 m/s d) 3.78108 m/s In problem1 the group velocity is b) 5.42108 m/s a) 1.659108 m/s d) 3.78108 m/s c) 0.185108 m/s


[ B [ A

] ]


_________________________________________________________________________ Microwave Engineering Dr.PVS&RSR __________________________________________________________________________

91 _________________________________________________________________________ 25. In problem1, the wave impedance in the waveguide at 3GHz is b) 681.72 a) 120 c) 300 d) 600 In problem1, the phase constant in the waveguide is a) 69 rad/m b) 100 rad/m c) 34.5 rad/m d) 50rad/m The cut-off frequency of a waveguide depends on a). dimensions of the waveguide b). the dielectric property of the medium in the waveguide c). wave mode d) all
[ ]



[ D


In hollow rectangular waveguides [ C a). the phase velocity is greater than the group velocity b). The phase velocity is greater than the velocity of light in free space c) both d) none In a waveguide, the suffix m, n of the modes TE/TM denote a). half wavelength of E field and full wavelength of H field b) half wavelengths of E and H fields c) full wavelength of E field and half wavelength of H field d) half wavelengths of H and E fields
[ B



The waves in a waveguide a). travel along the border walls of the waveguide b).are reflected from side walls but do not travel along them c). travel through the dielectric without touching the walls d). travel along the all the four walls

[ B


Which of the following modes is not supported by RWG TE10 b) TE11 c) TM11 d) TM10

D ]



For a wave of finite frequency in an air filled RWG a) guide-wavelength is never less than the free space wavelength b) Wave impedance is never equal to the free space impedance

[ D

_________________________________________________________________________ Microwave Engineering Dr.PVS&RSR __________________________________________________________________________

92 _________________________________________________________________________ c) TEM is possible d) all 33. 34. 35. a) Dominant mode in circular wave guide is a) TE10 b) TE11 c) TE01
[ B ] ] ]

d) TE12
[ A [ B

In TE20 of RWG, the no of half waves in x direction a) 2 b) 1 c) 4 d) 0 In cylindrical waveguide ZTE is b)


] ]

Theoretically no. of modes that can exist in cylindrical waveguides [ D a) Zero b) One c) 2 d) Infinite 37. The primary mode in a rectangular resonant cavity [ B a) TE111 b) TE101 c) TE100 d) TE001 36. 38. Real power transmitted in a rectangular waveguide is a) EH* 39. b) HE*
[ [ D

c) Re( HE*) d) Re( EH* ) A disadvantage of microstrip compared with strip-line is a) Does not readily lend itself to printed circuit technique b) More likely to radiate c) Bulkier d) complex and expensive The transmission system using two ground planes is a) Microstrip b) Rectangular waveguide c) Circular waveguide d) Strip line A disadvantage of strip line wave guide is a) Smaller bulk b) Greater bandwidth c) Higher power handling capability d) Greater compatibility with solid state devices



_________________________________________________________________________ Microwave Engineering Dr.PVS&RSR __________________________________________________________________________

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