1.1.1 Express Obligations, Advice, Predictions and Concerns

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1 Express obligations, advice, predictions and concerns


Nurse: Good morning Mr. Gael, today we will talk about what is
happening to your illness.
Mr. Gael: I understand perfectly nurse, I also need you to give me some
advice to improve my health
Nurse: You should improve your diet so that your body mass index does
not worsen over time, it is advice that I give you and that I know will
serve you over time.
Nurse: You can also go to the nutritionist to give you a proper diet.
He must make a diagnosis to verify in what state he is, although the
doctor will also inform him
Mr. Gael: So might I'm going to improve in a matter of a few years, not
Nurse: Indeed, Mr. Gael, it is only a matter of dedication and a lot of
effort to be able to stand out.
Nurse: We had a patient who had the same thing happen to him, he could
able to lead a completely normal life after 3 years of effort and courage.
Mr. Gael: it may start from tomorrow, first I will tell my family so that
they can be supported and go to the nutritionist.
Nurse: You shouldn't be so hasty, everything in due time Gael, we'll give
you directions.
Nurse: I think you will have to do blood tests, urine tests, and among
other things, to better understand how the treatment you are currently
undergoing is working.
Nurse: finally you mustn't not eat so abruptly when serving food, this is
for the moment until they establish your diet
Mr. Gael: Understood, thank you very much for the appointment about
my health, nurse, I will wait for further indications.

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