2 2 Journal Reflection 2

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Cassidy Behm

Ed 3505

Cynthia Gietz

September 28, 2022

Journal Reflection 2: How Will I Create a Safe Learning Environment?

Creating a learning community and inclusive environment is one of the most important

tasks a teacher can do at the beginning of the school year. By creating an inclusive learning

environment, you are telling your students that they are accepted, cared for, and that they are

welcome to lean on each other no matter what. There are several ways to create this learning

community, including but not limited to: creating a classroom learning community, being

knowledgable about safety, and having representation for all walks of life.

At the beginning of the year, I will ensure we build our learning community, just as I

have learned to do during the first few weeks of PS1. When students know each other and can

lean on each other for support, the class will automatically appear less intimidating, and more

inclusive as there is a sense of community and familiarity is established. Being available as a

support system will also let students know they are welcomed and cared for. Another way to

create a safe learning environment is to have students create their own “classroom rules.” This is

a great way to ensure they know what is expected of them in ways they will understand and

respect. Saying “students will be prepared and ready to learn” will not resonate with students,

especially young ones. However, if a student instead suggests that they will “raise their hands for

questions, and do their homework,” they are understanding and valuing their own education and

With the prevalence of cyberbullying, one of my goals is to provide support and

resources to my students about how to stay safe online. Students need resources and knowledge

to keep themselves safe while knowing that it is okay to ask an adult for help in any situation. If

there is a negative stigma surrounding cyberbullying and cybercrime, or anything ‘taboo’,

students are less likely to seek help, and more likely to find themselves in trouble. This is why I

will strive to include this information in my classroom environment.

Another way I will create a safe learning environment is by making my classroom

inclusive of all genders, races, communities, and walks of life. When students look at the walls

of a school, they should see representations of themselves as valued members of the classroom

community. As a teacher committed to creating a safe and inclusive environment, I will ensure

that resources are available that represent all students, not just the majority. There are hundreds

of resources to support inclusive learning that should be available to both teachers and students,

like videos, books, and activities. Education is essential, so it is crucial to set up an environment

where all students are welcomed. Inclusion should be embedded into teaching, and every student

should go through school feeling safe, cared for, and included.

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