MidTermII - DSA QBank

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Semester: III
(2017 - 2018)
Subject: Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis
Question Bank for Term Test-II

1. Write a function to implement quick sort and comment on its complexity.

2. Write a function to implement merge sort and comment on its complexity.
3. Write an algorithm of shell sort and comment on its complexity
4. Write an algorithm and explain with an example radix sort method.
5. Write algorithm for heap sort and explain Ascending heap with suitable example.
6. Write an algorithm to traverse a graph using Breadth First Search, Depth First Search
For 2 marks questions
7. Given graph, find traversal (DFS / BFS)
8. Given graph, find adjacency matrix, adjacency list
9. Give comparison of various sorting algorithms.
10. Given set of numbers, give sorting using some algorithm. (Step wise / pass wise)
11. Tree basics (height, depth, etc.)
12. Explain data structures for representing graph with example, advantages and

13. Describe linked list? State and explain different types of linked list?
14. Illustrate functions like traverse ( ) , insert( ) (Case 1: The new node is inserted at the
beginning , Case 2: The new node is inserted at the end, Case 3: The new node is
inserted after a given node, Case 4: The new node is inserted before a given node) to
implement singly linked list and display the list.
15. Illustrate function delete ( ) (Case 1: The first node is deleted, Case 2: The last node is
deleted, Case 3: The node after a given node is deleted) to implement singly linked
16. Demonstrate function for insertion in circular linked list.
17. Discuss/Calculate depth, height, degree of Binary tree with an example?
18. Construct a binary tree from a given inorder and pre/post order traversal.
Sample question:
In–order Traversal: D B E A F C G Pre–order Traversal: A B D E C F G
19. Discuss algorithms/functions for tree traversals.
20. Explain Expression tree? Give examples.
21. Find Parent node, Leaf node, Ancestor node, Descendant node, Level number of a node,
Degree of a node, In-degree of a node, Out-degree of a node for a given tree.
Sample question: Find for node 14

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