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Activity log day 1 | Catherine Mae V.

Cadungog BSN 4-A

September 07, 2022

Today is our first day for our community health nursing duty, we conducted our orientation at
the city grounds of Tacurong then we went to the barangay health center at Prk. 9, Brgy.
Poblacion, Tacurong City. We were deployed at Prk. 11 Brgy. Poblacion to do the profiling of
Person with Disabilities. We were guided by our barangay health workers and the clinical
instructor that was assigned to us. We walked under the heat of the sun, it was tiring but fun
but it was also saddening that a lot of people thought we were going to give ayudas, and they
wanted to be listed though they don't have disabilities. It was a challenge for me to talk to
people since I don't know how to socialize that much, but at the long run I learned how to
conduct and interview with them properly in a way to gather important informations.
ACTIVITY LOG DAY 3 | Catherine Mae V. Cadungog BSN 4-A

On our third day with our Community Health Nursing exposure we conducted a culmination

program for the kids at the daycare in Prk. 9, Brgy. Poblacion, Tacurong City. We prepared

tokens, intermission numbers, songs, dance and food for them. It's really hard to keep the kids

entertained and keep them from playing around. We all know kids have very short attention

span and are most likely to cry and not participate much as I have observed during the

culmination, not all of them but just a few. Before we started the program I helped in bringing

and arranging the chairs, the after the program distributed the snacks for the kids and parents

who attended. I noticed that some kids don't listen on what the person in front is teaching but

when you approach them one by one and teach them the activities they willingly follow.

Here are some photos during the 3 days community exposure:

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