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Centre, St Austell, Camborne or Saltash

Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly is a largely rural county that has a sparse and scattered population of approximately 530,000 with areas of high deprivation across the whole county but with greater concentrations in the west. The proportion of elderly people in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly is one of the highest in both England and the South West and is projected to increase. This is an exciting opportunity to join a multi-disciplinary public health team in a beautiful part of the Country. We are looking for an outstanding individual to fill this senior post. You will play a key role in developing services with partner agencies to improve health and reduce inequalities. The post holder will be responsible for providing expert public health advice on the broad agendas of healthy weight, childhood immunisations, public health information and intelligence and physical and sensory disability. The post holder will also support the Health Impact Assessment agenda in conjunction with the Health Impact Assessment Co-ordinator. You will have a proven track record at a senior level. Underpinning this you will have a comprehensive knowledge of key public health targets within the health service and local authority including relevant local and national policy context. Your experience and ability to demonstrate an understanding of the principles and practicalities of complex public health issues will be key. This is a full-time post working 37.5 hours. For further information please contact Felicity Owen, Director of Public Health at the Sedgemoor Centre, St Austell on 01726 627802. Please note that appointments are subject to two satisfactory references therefore please ensure you include current details for your nominated referees and where possible email addresses. To access the job pack and apply on-line for any job, go to and enter the appropriate reference number. Benefits include optional pension and life assurance. Closing date for completed applications: 31st July 2011 Interview date: Friday 19th August 2011. WORKING TOWARDS EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES The Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Primary Care Trust is a non-smoking organisation. Smoking will not be permitted on any of the sites.

JOB DESCRIPTION 1. JOB DETAILS Employing Organisation: Job Title: Job Band: Cornwall and Isles of Scilly NHS Consultant in Public Health/Public Health Medicine NHS Consultant (depending on experience and qualifications) or NHS Agenda for Change Scale 8d. Appointment salary is dependent on experience and qualifications. 10 PAs/37.5 hours a week. Director of Public Health Director of Public Health The team is spread across three sites: St Austell, Truro or Saltash. A larger proportion of staff are based at the Sedgemoor Centre in St Austell.

Hours: Managerially Accountable to: Professionally Accountable to: Location/Accommodation:

2. JOB PURPOSE This is a new full time post for a Consultant in Public Health/Public Health Medicine for NHS Cornwall and Isles of Scilly. The Public Health Directorate are split across 3 sites and the post holder will therefore have the choice of base. The post holder will provide expert public health advice on the broad agendas of healthy weight childhood immunisations, public health information and intelligence and physical and sensory disability. The post holder will also support the Health Impact Assessment agenda in conjunction with the Health Impact Assessment Co-ordinator. 3. KEY DIMENSIONS/CORE COMPETENCY AREAS Surveillance and assessment of the populations health and well-being To design, develop and utilise information and intelligence systems to underpin public health improvement and action across disciplines and organisations To receive, interpret, provide and advise on highly complex epidemiological and statistical information about the health of populations to the NHS, Local Authority and voluntary organisations To write and/or contribute to national and local policy setting reports on the health of the population of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. Assessing the evidence of effectiveness of health and healthcare interventions, programmes and services To provide expert public health advice and leadership to support and inform an evidence-based approach within ethical frameworks for commissioning and to develop high quality equitable services, across primary, secondary and social care, and across sectors including local authorities, voluntary organisations, etc, in potentially contentious and hostile environments where barriers to acceptance may exist To be responsible for leading on service development, evaluation and quality assurance governance in specific areas and for preparing and adjusting action plans in line with changing needs and changing geographical boundaries To be responsible for the identification and implementation of appropriate health outcome

measures, care pathways/protocols and guidelines for service delivery across patient pathways for the local population. Policy and strategy development and implementation To lead on behalf of the NHS Cornwall and Isles of Scilly on the communication, dissemination and implementation and delivery of national, regional and local policies, developing inter-agency and interdisciplinary strategic plans and programmes, with delegated Board or organisational authority to deliver key public health targets. To act in an expert advisory capacity on public health knowledge, standards and practice, across the spectrum of public health at Board or equivalent level. To be responsible for the development and implementation of multi-agency long-term public health programmes as required, based on identification of areas of potential health improvement, the diversity of local needs and the reduction of inequalities. Leadership and collaborative working for health To take the lead role on behalf of the NHS Cornwall and Isles of Scilly in developing inter-agency and interdisciplinary short and long-term strategic plans for securing health improvement both in the general population and in vulnerable groups at high risk of poor health and/or reduced life expectancy, in partnership with a range of agencies such as those in the statutory, non-statutory, voluntary and private sectors and by taking lead responsibility with a defined local authority. This requires the ability to work cross-directorate and across other agencies and voluntary organisations. To lead on the integration of health, social services and voluntary organisations to promote effective joint working to ensure delivery of the wider government targets To influence external agencies in their public health policy decisions by working with complex professional, managerial and population groups and other organisations in the statutory, nonstatutory and private sectors DEFINED COMPETENCY AREAS Health Improvement To be responsible for designated areas of health improvement programmes, public health surveillance, population screening or geographical areas. This may include engagement with primary care professionals and community staff to raise awareness and achieve engagement in their public health role. To take a Board or equivalent level leadership role in specified areas with local communities and vulnerable and hard to reach groups, helping them to take action to tackle longstanding and widening health inequality issues, using community development approaches as appropriate. To provide expert knowledge to ensure effective community involvement with regard to all the work of the organisation including commissioning and prioritising high cost services and to ensure that policies and strategies are interpreted, developed and implemented at all levels. Health Protection To take responsibility for safeguarding the health of the population in relation to communicable disease, infection control and environmental health, including delivery of immunisation targets. To take part in local arrangements and contributing to the on call rota for the effective control of communicable disease, environmental hazards to health and emergency planning, as detailed in local health protection agreements. To communicate effectively and diplomatically with a wide audience including the media and the public to change practice in highly challenging circumstances such as communicable disease outbreaks, chemical incidents, immunisation and screening. Service Improvement To provide expert advice to support evidence based commissioning, prioritisation of services for the population (and in some circumstances providing highly specialised advice on preferred treatment options or protocols based on the evidence for individual patients) in order to maximise opportunities for health

To be responsible for implementation of NICE/National Service Frameworks or equivalent national standards/guidance and frameworks. To lead the developments of clinical networks, clinical governance and/or audit. Public Health Intelligence To analyse and evaluate quantitative and qualitative data and research evidence from a range of sources to make recommendations and inform decision making which has long term impacts. To compare, analyse and interpret highly complex options for running projects identified as key public health priorities, and communicate this information across organisations and the local community. To lead on, plan and design agreed aspects of the assessment of health needs, health inequalities, and health impact assessment, to identify areas for action within the local population based on the best available evidence and to be responsible for short and long term planning and for providing advice on the treatment of groups of populations Academic Public Health/ Research and Development To undertake and commission literature reviews, evaluative research surveys, audits and other research as required to inform equitable service and reduce health inequalities. To develop links with academic centres as appropriate and the Public Health Observatory to ensure the work of the organisation is based on a sound research and evidence base. To develop public health capacity through education and training by raising awareness of the contribution of public health skills and knowledge in the local health community, including the local authority and the voluntary sectors, by contributing to teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate level and by supervising those training and working in public health.

4. ORGANISATION Cornwall and Isles of Scilly NHS serves a population of approximately 540,000. This number is significantly increased by visitors to the county and more than doubles during the busiest summer period. The PCT employs approximately 2800 staff. There are close links with the local authority; the Director of Public Health is a joint appointment with Cornwall Council. Public Health Directorate Current staffing See attached structure of the Public Health Directorate, which is a multidisciplinary team with more than 25 staff members, excluding the Health Promotion Service. IT, secretarial support and other internal resources The Directorate has good IT support and a desktop computer will be available for use at all times. IT is supported and maintained centrally by Cornwall Information Technology Services (CITS). Equipment: A computer with access to the internet, local NHS databases and national NHS resources will be provided. Remote access to PCT systems is available via iChain/UAG. Web access for emails is available separately. A telephone, mobile and pager for on-call work will be provided. There currently is a no dedicated secretarial support available for this post at the current time. However, the post would have access to support from the secretarial staff at the office they choose to be based in. Training and CPD arrangements The Directorate is approved for the training of Public Health Specialists and currently hosts 2 trainees. The Directorate also participates in the training of F2s and has close links with the Peninsula Medical School.

5. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE The post holder will: have demonstrable experience and in depth understanding of current public health issues and be able to advise and make recommendations regarding services and patient care. have knowledge of political and social influences on public health policy, including current public health targets. be experienced at providing expert advice and support to an Executive team and colleagues on any aspect of public health be able to analyse, appraise and interpret complex numerical and written information quickly and to translate national policy into local actions whilst setting and delivering objectives understand the NHS Commissioning Processes have experience and knowledge of health data and information sources have an understanding of and experience in promoting effective partnership working be able to cope with multiple and changing demands, and to meet tight deadlines. have a high level of intellectual rigour, negotiation and motivation skills and flexibility are required to deal with complex public health issues

be able to use a high level of tact and diplomacy and have the ability to understand other cultures to enable effective working across organisational boundaries and influencing without authority have a clear understanding of epidemiology and statistics, public health practice, health promotion, health economics and health care evaluation be able to establish credibility within local and regional public health networks seek every appropriate opportunity to develop new skills and competencies and to keep up-to-date with new policy and developments have excellent oral and written communication skills and be confident at communicating clearly and effectively to a wide range of audiences including people of all capabilities and attitudes have excellent presentational skills have effective interpersonal and influencing skills within senior general management and health professionals be computer literate, including e-mail, spreadsheets, word processing, and database management possess excellent time management and organisational skills demonstrate a strong commitment to public health principles be able to prioritise work, and work well against a background of change and uncertainty be adaptable to situations, self-motivated, pro-active and innovative demonstrate commitment to team-working, and display respect and consideration for the skills of others.

6. PRIMARY DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: The post holder will provide expert public health advice on the broad agendas of, healthy weight, childhood immunisations, public health information and intelligence and physical and sensory disability. The post holder will also support the Health Impact Assessment agenda in conjunction with the Health Impact Assessment Co-ordinator. The post holder will be expected to be able to cope with multiple and changing demands, and to meet tight deadlines. A high level of intellectual rigour, negotiation and motivation skills and flexibility are required to deal with complex public health issues, to advise and make recommendations regarding services and patient care. A high level of tact and diplomacy is required and an ability to understand other cultures to enable effective working across organisational boundaries and influencing without authority. It is expected the post holder: will have responsibility for development, implementation and delivery of national, regional and local policies, developing inter-agency and interdisciplinary strategic plans and programmes, with delegated Board or organisational authority to deliver key public health targets will provide expert public health advice and leadership to support and inform an evidence-based approach within ethical frameworks for commissioning and developing high quality equitable services, across primary, secondary and social care, and across sectors including local authorities, voluntary organisations, etc will develop and utilise information and intelligence systems to underpin public health action across disciplines and organisations, leading collation and interpretation of relevant data will design and deliver a training programme as a major part of the job e.g. training Specialist Registrars in Public Health Medicine and Public Health Specialist Trainees may be required to manage staff in the future will be responsible for the allocation/placement and supervision of qualified staff or trainees, and be responsible for teaching/delivery of core training on a range of subjects or for specialist training will be a delegated budget holder for healthy weight (in the region of 100,000) and monitor or contribute to the formulation of department/service budgets and financial initiatives will, as required, commission research audits/projects, and undertake research or audit work closely with the PCT, local authorities, NHS Trusts and other public agencies and the community and voluntary sector colleagues to ensure evidence based commissioning of health and social care play a powerful role in forging partnerships with and influencing all local agencies to ensure the widest possible participation in the health and well being agenda. work closely with the Health Protection Agency and other relevant organisations to ensure high levels of local resilience may be expected to take part in the out of hours rota for the control of infectious disease, environmental hazards, and Port Health. participate in the organisations staff appraisal scheme and departmental audit, and ensure appraisal and development of any staff for which s/he is responsible contribute actively to the training programme for Foundation Year Doctors/SHOs/Specialist

Registrars in Public Health Medicine and Public Health Specialist Trainees as appropriate, and to the training of practitioners and primary care professionals within the locality. pursue a programme of CPD/CME, in accordance with Faculty of Public Health requirements, or other recognised body, and undertake revalidation, audit or other measures required to remain on the GMC/GDC Specialist Register or the UK Voluntary Register for Public Health Specialists or other specialist register as appropriate. 7. FREEDOM TO ACT: The post holder is accountable for their own professional actions and those of their staff. Must use own initiative and act independently at a variety of levels. Work to achieve agreed objectives and freedom to do this in own way working within broad professional or organisational policies. The post holder will have responsibility for planning, development, implementation and delivery of national, regional and local policies, developing inter-agency and interdisciplinary strategic plans and programmes, with delegated Board or organisational authority to deliver key public health targets. Responsible for establishing how policies should be interpreted for specialist areas. 8. WORKING CONDITIONS/EFFORT: Physical Effort The role will require periods of intense concentration, working individually in an office environment. It will involve prolonged periods working intensively at a PC at a desk. There will be frequent meetings and therefore travel will be a frequent necessity. Will be required to present to large teams and a variety of audiences confidently. Will need to be prepared to attend evening meetings as and when required. Mental Effort Requirement to concentrate for long periods on complex data analysis with the ability to deal with interruptions from other members of staff. Emotional Effort The role will involve occasional highly distressing situations and the management of difficult/highly charged situations where expert opinions may differ; examples are advising, communicating and resolving issues sensitively with senior staff/teams, dealing with providers where contentious issues such as failure to deliver quality standards etc require resolution, dealing with staff performance and disciplinary issues. Working Conditions Office conditions. May occasionally deal with verbal aggression. COMMUNICATION & WORKING RELATIONSHIPS: KEY RELATIONSHIPS: Chief Executive, Directors, Deputy Directors and Non-Executive Directors within the PCT Professional Executive Committee Members Senior Managers Public Health Team Directors and Managers of Social Care/Local Authorities/Voluntary Sector Organisations Clinicians and managers in provider organisations within the local health community in Cornwall and within NHS South West Department of Health Strategic Health Authority Other NHS Trusts and Strategic Health Authorities Faculty of Public Health Public Health Observatory Public, patients and service users

Healthcare Commission Other health networks


To be responsible for ensuring compliance with appropriate health, safety, and security procedures within the work area; to report accidents, incidents and near misses using the NHS Cornwall & Isles of Scilly incident reporting procedure. To be responsible for ensuring risk is managed effectively and appropriate action taken where necessary to minimise risks to the NHS Cornwall & Isles of Scilly and its services, in line with the NHS Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Risk Management Strategy. To participate actively in supporting the principles and practice of equality and diversity, as detailed in the NHS Cornwall & Isles of Scilly policies, strategies and in accordance with its legal obligations. NHS Cornwall & Isles of Scilly employees will not discriminate unfairly or unlawfully against colleagues, patients or visitors during the course of their employment. Adhere to NHS Cornwall & Isles of Scilly policies and procedures. To comply where relevant with the NHS Cornwall & Isles of Scilly, NHS or Professional Standards of Conduct. Maintain personal and professional development to meet the changing demands of the job, participate in an annual appraisal and appropriate training activities, encourage and support staff development and training. To attend mandatory training. Respect the confidentiality of all matters that you may learn relating to your employment and other members of staff. All staff are expected to respect the requirements of the data protection act 1998. Comply with the corporate governance structure in keeping with the principles and standards set out by the NHS Cornwall & Isles of Scilly. The NHS Constitution became law in November 2009. The rights and responsibilities in the Constitution generally apply to everyone who is entitled to receive NHS services and to NHS staff. The PCT is required, by law, to have regard to the Constitution. All PCT staff are required to have knowledge of, and to act in accordance with, the 12 staff rights and duties as set out in the NHS Constitution Handbook. The handbook can be found at . Such other duties, which are commensurate with the banding of the job. Please note: Rehabilitation of Offenders ActThis post is exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. Should you be offered the post it will be subject to a criminal record check from the Criminal Records Bureau before the appointment is confirmed. This will include details of cautions, reprimands, final warnings, as well as convictions.

GENERAL CONDITIONS Terms and conditions of service The post is subject to general NHS Terms and Conditions of Service and relevant organisational employment policies. Those candidates who meet the requirements for appointment as a Consultant in Public Health Medicine will be eligible for the NHS Consultant Contract (salary scale 70,822 to 95,831). Those candidates appointed as Consultants in Public Health will be eligible for NHS Agenda for Change Band 8d (salary scale 65,270 to 80,810). On call arrangements The postholder will be expected to be on call for health protection and public health and to participate in the communicable disease and environmental hazards control and emergency planning arrangements for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. Suitable training will be provided for those who need it in discussion with the Health Protection Agency. Indemnity As the postholder will only be indemnified for duties undertaken on behalf of NHS Cornwall and Isles of Scilly the postholder is strongly advised to ensure that he/she has appropriate professional defence organisation cover for duties outside the scope of the organisation and for private activity within NHS Cornwall and Isles of Scilly. For on call duties provided to other organisations as part of cross cover out of hours arrangements the NHS Litigation Authority has confirmed that those organisations will provide indemnity for the postholder. Flexibility The postholder may, with their agreement - which should not reasonably be withheld - be required to undertake other duties which fall within the grading of the post to meet the needs of this new and developing service. The employing organisation is currently working in a climate of great change. It is therefore expected that all staff will develop flexible working practices both within any relevant local public health networks and at other organisational levels as appropriate, to be able to meet the challenges and opportunities of working in public health within the new and existing structures. Confidentiality A consultant has an obligation not to disclose any information of a confidential nature concerning patients, employees, contractors or the confidential business of the organisation. Public Interest Disclosure Should a consultant have cause for genuine concern about an issue (including one that would normally be subject to the above paragraph) and believes that disclosure would be in the public interest, he or she should have a right to speak out and be afforded statutory protection and should follow local procedures for disclosure of information in the public interest. Data protection If required to do so, the postholder will obtain, process and/or use information held on a computer or word processor in a fair and lawful way. The postholder will hold data only for the specified registered purpose and use or disclose data only to authorised persons or organisations as instructed in accordance with the Data Protection Act. Health and safety Employees must be aware of the responsibilities placed on them by the Health & Safety at Work Act (1974) and its amendments and by food hygiene legislation to ensure that the agreed safety procedures are carried out to maintain a safe condition for employees, patients and visitors.

Equal opportunities policy It is the aim of the employing organisation to ensure that no job applicant or employee receives less favourable treatment on grounds of gender, religion, race, colour, sexual orientation, nationality, ethnic or national origins or disability or is placed at a disadvantage by conditions or requirements which cannot be shown to be justifiable. To this end, there is an Equal Opportunities Policy in place and it is for each employee to contribute to its success. Smoking policy The Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Primary Care Trust is a non-smoking organisation. Smoking will not be permitted on any of the sites.



Job Holder: ..



Line Manager: Date:


Director: .. Date:

Draft CONSULTANT JOB PLAN 2011/12 Consultant in Public Health Lead areas: Healthy Weight, Childhood immunisations, Public Health Information and Intelligence and Physical and sensory disability. Also to provide a supporting role in Health Impact Assessment. Public Health Directorate, NHS Cornwall and Isles of Scilly 1. Job content (10 PAs) Type of programmed activity On- call outside of job plan Duty (list personal projects/areas of work) 1. Health protection Timing and location Mon to Fri 17.00 to 9.00 plus weekends all day. Location: from home Location: Public Health Directorate, in one of 3 bases. Number of programmed activities per week 1 in 9 Category A

Direct Clinical Care

2. To provide Public Health leadership on the broad agenda of childhood immunisations. 3. To provide Public Health leadership on the broad agenda of healthy weight. 4. To provide Public Health leadership on the broad agenda of public health information and intelligence. 5. To provide Public Health leadership on the broad agenda of Physical and sensory disability.

County wide locations

9.0 PAs

Supporting professional activities Total

5. CPD 6. Job Planning and appraisal

Public Health Directorate

1.0 PA


2. Accountability Arrangements Accountable to the Director of Public Health for NHS Cornwall and Isles of Scilly. Network. Line managed by the Deputy Director of Public Health

3. Managerial responsibilities Managing staff as and when required. Ethically managing self. Chairing and leading various committees and groups as and when required. 4. Objectives - and how these will be met To be agreed once in post. 5. Additional programmed activities none 6. Private medical practice none 7. Sign off Consultant name: Consultant signature:


Line Manager name: Line Manager signature: Date:

Person Specification For The Post Of: Deputy Director of Public Health Job Reference: 741-11-0402 All requirements listed in this specification must be (a) essential to the post and (b) assessable within the selection process. ATTRIBUTES REQUIREMENTS ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS Inclusion in the GMC Specialist Register/GDC Specialist List/UK Voluntary Register (UKPHR) for Public Health Specialists If included in the GMC Specialist Register/GDC Specialist List in a specialty other than public health medicine/dental public health, candidates must have equivalent training and/or appropriate experience of public health medicine practice Public health specialist registrar and specialist trainee applicants who are not yet on the GMC Specialist Register/GDC Specialist List in dental public health/UKPHR must provide verifiable signed documentary evidence that they are within 6 months of gaining entry at the date of interview ; all other applicants must provide verifiable signed documentary evidence that they have applied for inclusion in the GMC/GDC/UKPHR specialist registers. Applicants must meet minimum CPD requirements (i.e. be up to date) in accordance with Faculty of Public Health requirements or other recognised body. EXPERIENCE Project management Staff management and training Practical experience in facilitating change Budget management Training and mentoring skills Scientific publications, presentation of papers at conferences, seminars etc Experience of consultation methods and processes Application form Interview DESIRABLE MFPH by examination, by exemption or by assessment Application form Certificates METHOD OF ASSESSMENT

Experience of making funding applications PRACTICAL AND INTELLECTUAL SKILLS (INCLUDING ANY SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE) Strategic thinker with proven leadership skills Excellent oral and written communication skills (including dealing with the media) Effective interpersonal, motivational and influencing skills Ability to respond appropriately in unplanned and unforeseen circumstances Good presentational skills (oral and written) Sensible negotiator with practical expectation of what can be achieved Substantially numerate, with highly developed analytical skills using qualitative and quantitative data Computer literate. Experience of using the Microsoft Office programmes. Ability to concentrate for long periods (e.g. analyses, media presentations) Resource management skills High level of understanding of epidemiology and statistics, public health practice, health promotion, health economics and health care evaluation. Understanding of NHS Knowledge of methods of developing clinical quality assurance, quality improvement and evidence based clinical and/or public health practice Understanding of social and political environment Understanding of local authorities and social services Able to interpret NHS policy and guidance and influence Dealing with the media Application form Interview

implementation Able to assimilate, interpret and respond to information quickly making effective decisions under own autonomy. DISPOSITION/ ADJUSTMENT/ ATTITUDE Confident and wiling to use initiative Strong commitment to public health principles Able to prioritise work, and work well against a background of change and uncertainty Adaptable to situations, can handle people of all capabilities and attitudes Commitment to teamworking and respect and consideration for the skills of others Self-motivated, pro-active and innovative High standards of professional probity Thrive under pressure and consistently able to meet tight deadlines TRAINING Willingness to widen and improve skill set. Dedicated to supporting the development of staff Application form Interview Application form Interview

The NHS Cornwall & Isles of Scilly is a non-smoking organisation. Smoking will not be permitted on any of the sites.

JOB DESCRIPTION AGREEMENT: Signed: Job Holder: .. Date:


Line Manager:



Director: ..


Public Health Directorate

Director of Public Health

Senior Commissioning Manager Childrens Public Health

PA to Director of Public Health

Business Manager

Childhood Unintentional I j i C

Healthy Childrens P j t

Deputy Director of Public Health

Head of Social Marketing

Head of Low Carbon Programme

Health & WellBeing Co-ordinator


Associate Director (MidCornwall)

Associate Director (East)

Associate Director (West)


Nurse Consultant (maternity leave until

Health Promotion M

Consultant (Screening)

Cons ultant (Vaca

Tackling Inequalities

Specialist Trainee

Associate Specialist

Associate Specialist

NICE Adminis trator (V t)

Senior Practitioner


Associate Specialist & Emergency Planning

Jo Hardwick Personal Assistant Emergency Planning Officer (maternity Cover for Emergency Planning Officer during Maternity L

Personal Assistant

Data Clerk



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