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1.How is Ashokan symbols incorporated in todays world?

Ans: Indian symbols define history as well as culture of

the economy. Each symbol has significance nd explains
about the Indian culture. It clearly symbolizes pride of
the country.
2 What according to you were the importance of
Ashokan edicts?
Ans: Ashokan edicts are 33 inscriptions engraved on
rocks $ pillars by Ashoka.
it was a message to public about the idea nd practice of
3 what were the changes everyone observed in ashoka’s
nature after the kalinga war?
Ans: Earlier he was a cruel king. He killed 99 of his
brothers just to asses the throne. After the kalinga war
he experienced a major change i.e. he adopted buddhism
nd practiced nd professed the religion.Also spread the
idea of buddhism among the public.

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