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PRACTICE TERM II (2021 - 22)

STD :XII Marks: 40
Time : 2 HRS.

General Instructions
1 The paper has been divided into four sections – A, B, C and D.
2 All questions are compulsory.
3 Section A – Question No. 1 to 4 are short answer type questions of 3 marks each.
Answer to each question should not exceed 80 words
4 Section B - Question No 5 to 7 are long answer type questions of 6 marks.
Answer to this question should not exceed 150 – 200 words.
5 Section C – Question Nos. 8 and 9 are case based questions carrying 4 marks each with subjects.
6 Section D - Questions No. 10 is Map based question carrying 2 marks.

Section A
Short Answer Type Questions
1 “Mughal court chronicles were written in Persian. Under the Sultans of Delhi, (3)
it flourished as a language of the court and of literary writings”
Analyse the statement.
2. “After introducing the permenant settlement in Bengal, the zamindars regularly (3)
failed to pay the land revenue demand”. Examine the causes and consequences of it.
3. “With the help of specific examples, examine the nature of Indian leadership (3)
that emerged against the British in the revolt of 1857.”
4 Distinguish between Subsidiary alliance and Doctrine of Lapse. (3)

Section B
Long Answer Type Questions
5 Briefly examine the political history of Mughals. (6)
6 Who were Santhals? Explain their rise and growth in Bengal. (6)
7 Describe the impact of Awadh Revolt. (6)
Section C
Case Based Questions

8 What Taluqdars thought

The attitude of the taluqdars was best expressed by Hanwant Singh, the Raja of
Kalakankar near Rai Bareli. During the mutiny Hanwant Singh had given shelter
to a British Officer, and conveyed him to safety. While taking leave of the officer
Hanwant Singh told him : Sahib, your countrymen came into this country and drove
out our King. You sent your officers round the districts to examine the titles to the
water. At one blow you took from me lands which from time immemorial had been
in my family. I submitted. Suddenly misfortune fell upon you. The people of the
land rose against you. You came to me when you had despoiled. I have saved you.
But now I march at the head of my retainers to Lucknow to try and drive you from
the country.
8.1 Who was Hanwant Singh? (1)
8.2 What reason does Hanwant Singh give for the anger of the people? (1)
8.3 How did suppression of taluqdars affect peasants? (2)

9 Nobles at Court
The Jesuit Priest Father Antonio Monserrate resident at the court of Akbar noticed.
In order to prevent the great nobles becoming innocent through the unchallenged
enjoyment of power, the King summons them to court and gives them imperious
as though they were his slaves. The obedience to these commands will suit their
excited rank and dignity.
9.1 Who is the Jesuit priest mentioned in the extract? (1)
9.2 What does Father Monserrates’ observation suggest about the relationship
between the Mughal Emperor and his officials? (1)
9.3 Briefly explain any 2 instances to show the cordial relation between (2)
Mughal Emperor and Jesuit priest.

Section D
Map Based questions
10 On the given political Outline Map of India, locate and label the following.
10.1 The place where Revolt of 1857 started.
10.2 Mention the place where Nana Saheb belonged to. (1 + 1= 2)


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