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DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Indirapuram, Ghaziabad

Class : XII (Session 2021-22)

Syllabus (TERM-2)
S. No. Subject Syllabus
Book 1 chapter 1 Not -for -profit organisation, chapter 6 Retirement of
a partner, chapter 7 Death of a partner chapter 8 Dissolution of firm, Book 2
1 Accountancy
Chapter 2 issue of debenture, Book - 3 chapter 3 comparative and common size
Balance sheet and income statement , chapter 5 cash flow statement

Chapter 8 Human health and disease, Chapter 10 Microbes in human welfare,

Chapter 11 Biotechnology: Principles and Processses, Chapter 12 Boitechnology
2 Biology
and its applications, Chapter 13 Organisms and populations, Chapter 15 Bio
diversity and Conservation

Ch 6 - Staffing , Ch 7 - Directing , Ch 8-Controlling , Ch 9-Financial Management ,

3 Business Studies
Ch 10 - Financial Markets , Ch 12- Consumer Protection

Ch 3-Electrochemistry, Ch 4- Chemical kinetics, Ch 5- Surface chemistry, Ch 8- d

4 Chemistry and f block, Ch- 9 Coordination chemistry, Ch- 12 Aldehyde ketone and acids, Ch
13- Amines.
1.The Bengal School of Painting
5 Commercial Art
2. Indian National flag and the Modern Trends in Indian Art


CHAPTER 1 - Circular Flow of Income

CHAPTER 2 - Basic Concepts of Macroeconomics
CHAPTER 3 - National Income and Related Aggregates
CHAPTER 4 - Measurement of National Income
CHAPTER 7 - Aggregate Demand and Related Concepts
CHAPTER 8 Income Determination and Multiplier
6 Economics
CHAPTER 9 Excess Demand and Deficient Demand


CHAPTER 7 - Employment - Growth, Informalisation and Other Issues

CHAPTER 8 - Infrastructure
CHAPTER 9 - Environment and Sustainable Development
CHAPTER 10 - Comparative Development Experience of India and its
Writing Skills: Invitations & Replies, Job Application, Report Writing
7 English
Flamingo: The Rattrap, Indigo, A thing of Beauty, Aunt Jennifer's Tigers
Vistas: Should Wizard hit Mommy?, On the face of it, Evans tries an O Level

Chapter -6 Secondary Activities, Chapter -7 Tertiary Activities, Chapter-8 -

Transport and Communication.(Book-1) Chapter - 7 Mineral and Energy
8 Geography Resources, Chapter-9 Planning and Sustainable Development,case Studies
,Chapter -10 Transport and Communication ,Chapter 12-Geographical
Perspective on Selected Issues and Problems.(Book-2)
Theme 9-Kings and Chronicles,Theme 10-Colonialism and The Countryside(page
9 History no 257-274),Theme 11- Rebels and the Raj,Theme 13-Mahatma Gandhi and
Nationalist Movement,Theme 15-Framing the Constitution

Ch 7 Integration, Ch 8 Application of Integrals, Ch 9 Differential Equation, Ch 10

10 Maths
Vector Algebra, Ch 11 3D Geometry, Ch 13 Probability
Ch-3: Yoga & Lifestyle
Ch-4: Physical Education & Sports for CWSN
Ch-7: Physiology & Injuries in Sports
11 Physical Education
Ch-9: Psychology & Sports
Ch-10: Training in Sports

chapter 8: Electro magywaves; Ch9: Ray optics & Optical instruments; Ch10:
12 Physics wave optics; Ch11: Dual Nature of radiation and matter ; Ch:12: Atoms; Ch13:
Nuclei; Ch14: Semiconductor
Chapter – 4 New Centres of Power
Chapter – 5 South Asia and the Contemporary World
Chapter – 9 Globalization
13 Political Science
Chapter – 2 Party and Party Systems in India
Chapter – 5 & 6 Democratic Resurgence
Chapter – 9 Indian Politics: Trends and Development
Chapter - 4 Psychological Disorders, Chapter 5- Therapeutic Approaches,
14 Psychology Chapter 6- Attitude and social cognition, Chapter-7 Social Influence and group

15 Unit 1: Database Query using SQL. Unit 3: Introduction to Computer Networks

Data Structure: Stack

16 Computer Science Computer Networks
Database Management

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