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Impact of the changes on the training and development function The new technologies have changed the training

function. The breakthroughs in learning theory and scientific thought have been virtually neglected, while bandwidth limitations and browser issues have led web based training development. Now there is a web-based instructional and assessment material which are developed either by technophiles, or trained "instructional designers". The instructional systems now incorporate assessment and feedback at the core of the design process. The impact on the training function due to development of new technologies over the last decade has changed the training environment. Now training function can be described as:
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Collaborative Objectives-based Online Lifelong learning-oriented

Training and education is now delivered faster, more effectively, and "just in time . The training has moved from the Human Resources Department to part of an enterprise-wide strategy that incorporates management succession planning, self-development, new product knowledge, and the mission of the organization into a cohesive strategy. Due to advent of e-learning all participants in the society are viewed as learners, with the Internet providing the greatest access to all citizens. The web technology has enabled the training function to be global in its reach. The training programs are personalized to individual learner's needs. It incorporates feedback as an integral part of the design process. Few examples in the "breakthrough" in learning technologies are illustrated below:

A Web-based resource manager virtually manages all learning resources (print, video, audio, multimedia, graphics) from a "virtual technology hub"

An innovative self-assessment tool is used to test an individual's aptitude for the information technology industry

A hybrid CD-ROM/Web implementation of a product that takes prospective applicants through the selection and admissions process in institutions

As the increasing pace of technological breakthroughs over the past 10 years has made technology more "accessible" to increasingly savvy consumers, the value of training has also increased. Originally the

domain of the personnel department in organizations, training has evolved to a position that is directly linked to all functions of the enterprise. Training has moved from an organizational "overhead" cost on the corporate balance sheet to a marketable commodity with clearly defined revenue streams within and across industries. Training is now linked to an organization's competitive edge. Traiining is no more evaluated only qualitatively. The value of training has been elevated within organizations. Skills retraining time has been compressed as the speed of technological advance increases. As training must be produced literally "at the speed of change," the learning orientation has shifted responsibility from the instructor to the learner. As technology adoption continues into the mainstream of society, virtually every source of information can become part of a training system. Perhaps the single most innovative aspect of integrating the Web into the training process is the emergence of a "constructivist" approach to learning new material. Constructivist models emphasize the instructor as facilitator, and focus on constructing assessment and assignments during the learning process. This begins with a learnercentered design and directs discussion through questions and group communication. The instructor's job is to provide guidance, suggest possible resources, field questions, and use outside experts for particular learning tasks. Assessment is focused on the process of collaboration and the product of authentic materials. The introduction of the Web as an enabling technology for learning has allowed this approach to learning to capture the hearts and minds of academics and corporate trainers.

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