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• The generic name Cisatracurium was given
(A to Z) by scientists at Burroughs Wellcome Co.
(now part of GlaxoSmithKline)
Dr. Tushar Chokshi
• Because the molecule is one of the
Article Outline three cis-cis isomers comprising the ten
isomers of the parent, Atracurium
combining the name "Atracurium" with
- History of Cis-Atracurium "cis“, hence Cisatracurium

- Mechanism of Action of Cis-Atracurium • In 1989, D A Hill and G L Turner, PhD (both

chemists at Burroughs Wellcome Co.,
- What is Ideal Neuro Muscular Blocking Agent
Dartford, UK) first synthesized
- Different Systemic Actions of Cis-Atracurium Cisatracurium as an individual isomer
- Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
• The entire clinical development
- Indications and Dosage of Cisatracurium was completed in a record
- Commercially available preparations short period from 1992 to 1994

- Compatibility of Cis-Atracurium • Its approval for human use was in 1995 by

the US FDA and marketed as Nimbex
- Contraindications and Adverse Effects by GlaxoWellcome Inc (Burroughs
Wellcome Co. + GlaxoSmithKline)
- Cis-Atracurium in different types of conditions

- Atracurium and Cis-Atracurium

The Ideal Neuromuscular Blocking Agent
* An ideal neuromuscular blocking agent needs to take
- Journal Articles
the shortest time in endotracheal intubation
- Future of Cis-Atracurium
• The best intubating condition and have the
- Take Home message shortest duration of muscle paralysis

Introduction • Non-depolarizing mechanism of action

• Full name is Cis-Atracurium Besylate • Rapid onset enabling quick intubation

• Also known as BW-51W and BW-51W89 • Rapid, complete and predictable recovery

• It is Benzylisoquinolinium neuromuscular- • Short elimination half life

blocking drug or skeletal muscle relaxant • No cumulative effect
with intermediate-acting action
• No histamine release
• It is in the category of non-depolarizing
neuromuscular blocking drugs • High potency

• Cisatracurium is one of the ten isomers of • Should have pharmacologically inactive

the parent molecule, Atracurium metabolites

• Reversible by cholinesterase inhibitors

• Elimination pathways less dependent on organ • Sedative, Volatile agents, Local anaesthetics
function and Anti-epileptic agents will prolong the
effect of Cis
• Lack clinically important cardiovascular side
effects • Recovery rate is not affected by age, renal
failure or end stage liver disease
Mechanism of Action of Cis-Atracurium
• Cis is lung protective through its anti
• Cis acts by competitive antagonism inflammatory properties
• It binds with nicotinic acetyl chonline • Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics o
receptors (nAChRs) on the motor end-plate f Cisatracurium in patients undergoing
of neuromuscular junction to produce surgery under acute
neuromuscular blockade normovolemic hemodilution (ANH) and
acute hypervolemic hemodilution (AHH)
• This action is antagonized by acetyl
cholinesterase inhibitors such as requires higher dose of Cis
Neostigmine • Effect will be prolonged in presence of
• Sugammadex has no ability to reverse the Sevoflurane anaesthesia
neuromuscular effects of • Cis is not associated with dose related
Benzylisoquinolinium-based relaxants such histamine release even after 0.15mg/kg, so
as Cisatracurium it is cardiovascular stable in MI patients

Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics Different Systemic Actions of

of Cis Cis-Atracurium
• The neuromuscular blocking activity of Cis is • Cisatracurium will not cause any change in
due to parent drug Atracurium Heart Rate, Contractility, SVR and Blood
• IV bolus of Cis is best described by two- Pressure (Most favourable choice for
compartment open model and volume of cardiac patients)
distribution is limited by its large molecular • It is lung protective through its anti
weight and high polarity inflammatory properties and better than
• The degradation of Cis is largely any muscle relaxants in ARDS patients
independent of liver metabolism • Cis metabolism is through Hofmann
• It undergoes 80 % Hofmann elimination to reaction so best muscle relaxants in Acute
form Laudanosine and the monoquaternary or chronic renal failure patients
acrylate metabolites • It is most safe and effective choice of
neuromuscular blocking agent for
• Renal Excretion of Cisatracurium is only 16
% anaesthesia in hepatic disease

• In neuroanesthesia Cis reduces ICP,

• Elimination half-life is 20–29 minutes
cerebral perfusion and lower blood
• Hypothermia and Hyperthermia, increase pressure, it is neuroprotective through its
and decrease the duration of action active metabolites Laudanosine

• In chemotherapy and obese patient, Cis is

drug of choice
• It does not produce any autonomic effect • This initial bolus dose last for 40 to 50

• In infants from 1 month to 23 month dose

Commercially available preparations is 0.15 mg/kg
1) 5 ml Bulb 2 mg/ml (Total 10 mg) • This initial bolus dose last for 50 to 60
minutes in infants
2)10 ml Bulb 2 mg/ml (Total 20 mg)
• Cisatracurium is not studied in neonates
3)20 ml Bulb 10 mg/ml (Total 200 mg)
below 1 month, hence not recommended
4)5 ml Amp 2 mg/ml (Total 10 mg)
In the ICU
• Normal infusion rate is 3 mcg/kg/min
• It is intermediate onset and duration action for adult patients on mechanical
of drug ventilation in ICU

• Mainly indicated for inpatients and • Repeated boluses and more time are
outpatients adjunct to general anaesthesia necessary to achieve complete muscle
relaxation in ICU patients if using the same
• To facilitate tracheal intubation
dose as for the routine induction of
• To provide skeletal muscle relaxation during anesthesia
• Doses of Cisatracurium should be higher
• For mechanical ventilation in ICU than those used in current anesthetic
practice for an adequate degree of
Dosage (IV) neuromuscular blockade

• 0.15 to 0.20 mg/kg as bolus dose initially • It is advisable to use neuromuscular

after IV anaesthesia induction agents monitoring during Cisatracurium use in ICU

• Gives excellent condition for intubation Contraindications to use Cis

within 1.5 to 2 minutes and last up to 50 to
60 minutes • Cisatracurium is contraindicated if there is a
known hypersensitivity
• Maintenance dose is 0.02 to 0.03 mg/kg
and last approximately 20 - 25 minutes • Caution is advisable in patients with
myasthenia gravis or myasthenic syndrome
• For shorter or longer duration of as a profound effect may occur
maintenance smaller or larger dose is
adjusted • Precautions are also advisable in those
patients with a history of prior anaphylactic
• Maintaining paralysis via infusion with reactions to neuromuscular blocking
Cisatracurium is at 1 to 3 mcg / kg / min agents

In Paediatric Patients • Cisatracurium should be kept refrigerated

at 2 to 8 degrees Celsius and protected
• Children between 2 to 12 years of age dose
from light to preserve potency
is 0.10-0.15 mg/kg administered over 5 to
10 seconds after induction of anaesthesia • The rate of loss of potency is as high as 5%
per month at 25 degrees Celsius
• Once removed from refrigeration to room Cis-Vec and Cis-Roc combinations are allowed but
temperature storage, it should be used Cis-Atr is only additive
within 21 days
The following lists diseases that can lead
Adverse Effects of Cisatracurium to hypersensitivity to Cis
• Adverse effects are uncommon with the • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
use of Cisatracurium
Autoimmune disorders
• Adverse reactions occurred at a rate of less
than 1% • Systemic lupus erythematosus

Include • Polymyositis

Bradycardia, • Dermatomyositis

Hypotension, • Familial periodic paralysis hyperkalemia

Bronchospasm, • Guillain-Barre syndrome

Rash, • Muscular dystrophy (Duchenne type)

Anaphylaxis, • Myasthenia gravis

Prolonged neuromuscular blockade, and • Myasthenic syndrome

Myopathy Myotonia

No clinically relevant alterations in the recovery • Dystrophic

profile were observed in patients with renal
• Congenital
dysfunction or end-stage liver disease, making
Cisatracurium a good choice in a patient with • Paramyotonia
either of these diseases
The following lists diseases that can lead
Compatibility of Cis to a resistance to Cis
• Cis injection is acidic and not compatible • Burn injury
with alkaline solution with pH greater than
8.5 • Cerebral palsy

• Cis is compatible with • Hemiplegia (on the affected side)

5 % Dextrose • Muscular denervation (peripheral nerve

5 % DNS
Severe chronic infection
0.9 % NS
• Tetanus
• Cis is not compatible with
• Botulism
Ringer Lactate


Toxicity of Cis
• Overdose with Cisatracurium may result in Atracurium vs. Cis-Atracurium
neuromuscular blockade beyond the time
needed for surgery and anesthesia • The neuromuscular blocking potency of
Cisatracurium is roughly three times more
• The primary treatment is the maintenance potent than atracurium
of sedation, a patent airway, and controlled
ventilation until recovery of neuromuscular • The clinically beneficial duration of action
function is assured and rate of spontaneous recovery from
equipotent doses of the two drugs are
• It is important to note that reversal should similar
not be attempted if there is evidence or
suspicion of complete neuromuscular • Twice costly than Atracurium in market
blockade. Once recovery from blockade • Cisatracurium has Three major advantage
begins, from the evidence of peripheral
over Atracurium
nerve stimulation, the neuromuscular
blockade may be reversed with an 1) It releases less histamine
anticholinesterase agent (e.g., neostigmine)
2) It produces less Laudanosine as
in conjunction with an anticholinergic agent
(e.g., glycopyrrolate)
3) It does not require any dose adjustment
• A typical dose of neostigmine is 0.4-0.8
in renal failure, liver failure, cardiac patients or
mg/kg, in conjunction with 0.2 mg
obese patients
glycopyrrolate for every 1 mg of
neostigmine Journals Conclusions
Extra Knowledge • Incidence of residual neuromuscular
blockade in children below 3 years after a
• In one study suggests that standard dosing
single bolus of Cisatracurium 0.1 mg/kg is 8
of Cisatracurium in patients with severe
sepsis results in a slower patient response
with a reduced effect. So use of a larger • Cis improves oxygenation only after 48 h in
dose may overcome this reduced delayed moderate, severe ARDS patients and has a
response lower barotrauma risk without affecting ICU
• Because of intermediate action , Cis is not
recommended for rapid sequence • Backward blood flow during diastole in
intubation (RSI) severe AR impaired distribution
of Cisatracurium from the central
• Long term infusion upto 6 days of Cis during
compartment to the peripheral
mechanically ventilated patients in ICU are
compartment, which accounted for the
safely used, but dose requirements my
lagged PD responses
increase or decrease
• Effects of different doses
• In pregnancy, Labour, Delivery and Nursing
of Cisatracurium besilate on hemodynamic
mother, Cis is not contraindicated but use
and postoperative cognitive function in
only if clearly needed
patients undergoing radical resection of
lung cancer, stabilize hemodynamic and
reduce the incidence of postoperative Thus, these patients are ready for
cognitive dysfunction intubation after a longer time. Moreover,
we have to repeat Cisatracurium injections
• A hyperthermic patient thought to have
after shorter intervals to maintain the
ARDS and septic shock required a high rate
desired level of blockade
of Cisatracurium infusion for adequate
paralysis during mechanical ventilation. • Cisatracurium doses according to fat-free
The Cisatracurium did not appear to cause mass is clinically reasonable for inducing
prolonged neuromuscular blockade anesthesia in morbidly obese patients, but
due to a prolonged muscle relax onset time,
• Successful Treatment of Idiopathic
the timing of tracheal intubation should be
Intractable Hiccup
delayed by 1-2 min in morbidly obese
With Cisatracurium Under Intravenous
General Anesthesia: A Case Report
Future of Cisatracurium
• A single dose of 8 mg of dexamethasone
hastened the onset and total recovery Cisatracurium will gain near to ideal muscle
times of Cisatracurium-induced block by relaxants of choice by all anaesthesiologists in their
approximately 15 and 9%, respectively if practice in coming decade
administered 2-3 h prior to surgery
• Effective doses of Cisatracurium in the adult
and the elderly were not significantly • Cisatracurium is new generation,
different intermediate acting, nondepolarising
muscle relaxant
• Optimum dose of neostigmine to reverse
shallow neuromuscular blockade with • Its metabolism is through Hofmann
rocuronium and cisatracurium is 40 μ reaction independent of renal and liver
functions (Tissue and pH dependent)
• The combination of the low dose ketamine
and Cisatracurium priming accelerated the • It is less histamine release agent compared
onset time and was improved the other muscle relaxants
intubating conditions (combination of
• It is most ideal muscle relaxant in altered
Cisatracurium 0.01 mg/kg, and ketamine
functions of kidney, liver, lung, heart or
0.5 mg/kg)
• The effect of different storage temperature
• It can be given to any age, sex, disease,
on the pharmacodynamics dose-response
altered body mass patients going under
of Cisatracurium Besylate at 4-8°C or at
anaesthesia except neonates
room temperature for 30 – 60 days found
that, compared with that stored under • It is not recommended for rapid sequence
refrigeration, the onset time was intubation
significantly longer, clinical duration and
75% recovery time were significantly • So it is choice of medium to long term
shorter surgeries in haemodynamically unstable
• In patients having undergone
chemotherapy, the effect of Cis starts with • Cis give uniform recovery from anaesthesia
a longer lag time and finishes earlier too.
Cis is the SOUL of all operation theatre

S – Stable hemodynamic

O – Organ independent Hofmann metabolism

U – Uniform recovery even after multiple doses

L – Lack of significant histamine release

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