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Music and Arts III

General Standard for Third Year: The learner demonstrates understanding of basic concepts and principles of music and arts of the different periods

(Renaissance, Baroque, Classical/Neo classical and Romantic periods), through active participation in artistic and cultural performances for self development, promotion of cultural identity, and expansion of ones world vision.
Quarter I Renaissance and Baroque Arts (Arts) Stage 1: Results/Outcomes STANDARDS ESSENTIAL Content Performance Understanding
y The learner demonstrates understanding of the basic characteristics and functions of music and arts of the Renaissance and Baroque and how it reflect history, society and its influence in everyday life. y The learner y During the Renaissance, the artists performs/participates became more independent and competently in a highly regarded. Their influences presentation of a are those that also affected creative impression philosophy, literature, architecture, (verbal/non verbal) religion, science, government and on the Renaissance other aspects of society. and Baroque. y This period was mans first modern age of art, there was a certain freedom that these artists had to express themselves, and this freedom had really never existed prior to this time. Artists were now able to express their emotions, and their reality. The world was expanding and scientific discoveries were influencing the art and the times.

y How did the development of art influence the lives of people and society during the Renaissance period? y How art and cultural change during the Baroque period influenced daily life?

Product/ Performance
Participation in a performance of a creative expression on the Renaissance and the Baroque

Stage 2: Assessment At the level of Understanding Performance

Evidence at the level of understanding Learners should be able to demonstrate understanding by covering the six (6) facets of understanding: Explanation Explain the importance of art in the general context of socio-cultural development. Analyze the art works using knowledge of the elements and principles of art Criteria: y Clear y Accurate description of the different elements used y Use of appropriate terminology Evaluation of a created art work based on the following criteria: y Authenticity y Clarity of Message y Creativity

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes STANDARDS Content Performance

Different Elements of Art that were used in during the Renaissance and Baroque Period y Line y Shape and Form y Value y Color y Texture y Space Recognize the art works of representative artists during the Renaissance Period -Leonardo da Vinci -Michaelangelo -Raphael -Bramante -Brunelleschi Recognize the art works of representative artists during the Baroque Period -Caravaggio -Rubens -Velazquez -Rembrandt -Bernini

ESSENTIAL Understanding


Product/ Performance

Stage 2: Assessment At the level of Understanding Performance

Interpretation Interpret through a media technique of your choice how a representative example of Renaissance and Baroque art reflects society and history. Criteria: y Meaningful y Revealing y illustrative Application Apply knowledge of media techniques in creating an example of Renaissance art and Baroque art. Criteria: Appropriateness of: y materials used y media techniques y elements and principles of art Creativity Perspective Critique and compare the characteristics of artworks in various cultures during the Renaissance and Baroque period.

Artistic contributions of Renaissance and Baroque Art

Criteria: y critical y insightful y revealing Empathy Recognize art works in the community that are intellectual and artistic contributions of the Renaissance and Baroque Art. Create a sample art applying a chosen media technique and processes and the elements and principles of art. Describe how you felt as a folk artist. Criteria: y Sensitive y Open y Responsive y Receptive

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes STANDARDS Content Performance Understanding ESSENTIAL Question Product/ Performance

Stage 2: Assessment At the level of Understanding Performance

Self -Knowledge Write your realizations on the culture of the Renaissance and Baroque through their arts. Explain how you came to understand the culture of a specific cultural period through their use of the different media techniques and processes and the elements and principles of art. Criteria y Insightful y Reflective y Self-adjusting

Music and Arts III

General Standard for Third Year: The learner demonstrates understanding of basic concepts and principles of music and arts of the different periods

(Renaissance, Baroque, Classical/Neo classical and Romantic periods), through active participation in artistic and cultural performances for self development, promotion of cultural identity, and expansion of ones world vision.
Quarter II Neoclassical Period (Arts) Stage 1: Results/Outcomes STANDARDS ESSENTIAL Content Performance Understanding Question
y The learner demonstrates understanding of the basic characteristics and functions of arts of the Neoclassical Period and how it reflects history, society and its influence in everyday life. y The learner performs/participates competently in a presentation of a creative impression (verbal/non verbal) on the Neoclassical Arts. Neoclassical artists emphasize on the common sense of society rather than individual imagination, thus it was
characterized as rational or Age of Reason.

Product/ Performance
An exhibit or participation in a performance of a creative expression on the Neoclassical Arts.

Stage 2: Assessment At the level of Understanding Performance

Explanation Explain what motivates or inspires the artists of neoclassical period in creating their artwork. Criteria y Clear y Accurate description of the different elements used y Use of appropriate terminology Interpretation Illustrate through a media technique of your choice how neoclassical artists produced artworks. Criteria y Meaningful y Revealing y Illustrative Evaluation of a created art work and the whole festival based on the following criteria: y Authenticity y Clear Message y Creativity

How did the Neoclassical artists view man and society?

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes STANDARDS ESSENTIAL Content Performance Understanding Question

Origins of the Neoclassic Art Movement Visual characteristics of the works of the Neo Classical artists in terms of their use of the elements of art y Line y Shape and Form y Value y Color y Texture y Space Representative artists during the Neo Classical Period -Antonio Canova -Jacques Louis David -Francois Gerard -Antoine-Jean Gros -Jean Dominique Ingres -John Trumbull -Benjamin West

Product/ Performance

Stage 2: Assessment At the level of Understanding Performance

Application Apply knowledge of media techniques in creating an example of an Neoclassical art. Criteria y Appropriate use of: materials y Appropriate media techniques y Creativity Perspective Write a critique or insightful point of views on how the relationship of people and its society is shown in an example of Neoclassical arts through their use of different media techniques and processes, and the elements and principles of art. Criteria y critical y insightful y revealing

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes STANDARDS ESSENTIAL Content Performance Understanding Question

Artistic contributions of Neoclassical Arts

Product/ Performance

Stage 2: Assessment At the level of Understanding Performance

Empathy Experience directly and see the relationship of Neoclassical arts and Philippine arts Criteria y Sensitive y Open y Responsive y Receptive Self Knowledge Write your realization on how artists of Neoclassical period differ as regards to media techniques and processes and the use of the elements and principles of art. Criteria y Insightful y Reflective y Self-adjusting

Music and Arts III

General Standard for Third Year: The learner demonstrates understanding of basic concepts and principles of music and arts of the different periods

(Renaissance, Baroque, Classical/Neo classical and Romantic periods), through active participation in artistic and cultural performances for self development, promotion of cultural identity, and expansion of ones world vision.
Quarter III Romantic Period (Arts) Stage 1: Results/Outcomes STANDARDS ESSENTIAL Content Performance Understanding Question
y The learner demonstrates understanding of the basic characteristics and functions of arts of Romantic Period and how it reflects history, society and its influence in everyday life. y The learner performs/participates competently in a presentation of a creative impression (verbal/non verbal) on the Romantic Arts. Romanticism artists came to signify the departure from classical forms, social rules and conventions. Romanticism exalted individualism, imaginative approaches and it valued emotion over reason and senses over intellect. How did the artists of the Romantic Movement reflect and influence changes in this period?

Product/ Performance
Participation in a performance of a Creative expression on the Romanticism Arts.

Stage 2: Assessment At the level of Understanding Performance

Explanation Analyze and explain the differences among the different periods to the Romanticism style, composition, choice of subject matter, proportion, color and others. Criteria y Clear y Accurate description of the different elements used y Use of appropriate terminology Evaluation of a created art work and the whole festival based on the following criteria: y Authenticity y Clear Message y Creativity

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes STANDARDS ESSENTIAL


Stage 2: Assessment At the level of

Origins of the Romanticism Art Movement Visual characteristics of the works of the Romanticism artists in terms of their use of the elements of art y Line y Shape and Form y Value y Color y Texture y Space Representative artists during the Romantic Period -William Blake -Henry fuseli -Francisco de Goya -Friedrich Overbeck -Eugene Delacroix -William Turner -John Constable







Interpretation Illustrate through a media technique of your choice how factors of historical, cultural and societal context influence a specific art works. Criteria y Meaningful y Revealing y illustrative Application Apply knowledge of Romanticism themes and technical characteristics in creating own artwork. Criteria y Appropriate use of: materials y Appropriate media techniques y Creativity

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes STANDARDS ESSENTIAL Content Performance Understanding Question

Artistic contributions of the Romantic art

Product/ Performance

Stage 2: Assessment At the level of Understanding Performance

Perspective Write a critique on the style of a selected romantic art on how the elements of art were used to reflect mood, society and history. Criteria y critical y insightful y revealing Empathy Assume the role of artist from a Romantic Period and create a sample artwork. Criteria y Sensitive y Open y Responsive y Receptive Self Knowledge Write your realization after learning the folk arts of Romantic Period. Criteria y Insightful y Reflective

y Self-adjusting

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