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1. S/he is a person to whom the message is meant for.

a. Sender c. Receiver
b. Speaker d. Channel
2. It is the process by which the receiver interprets the symbols used by the source of the message by
converting them into concepts and ideas.
a. Decoding c. Listing
b. Encoding d. Channel
3. It refers to a Latin term of communication.
a. Communis c. Comrades
b. Communication d. Conversation
4. It is the content of the communication called:
a. Message c. Media Richness
b. Jargon d. Noise
5. S/he is one who is more knowledgeable about the exact full meaning of the message.
a. Audience c. Receiver
b. Management d. Sender
6. It is a model of Communication which is a one-way communication process.
a. Scramm’s Model c. Interactive Model
b. Linear Model d. Transactional Model
7. It refers to the exchange of information, thoughts, and ideas from one person to another.
a. Communication c. Message
b. Intercultural Communication d. Sender
8. It refers to a short and direct message in communication.
a. Conciseness c. Completeness
b. Concreteness d. Consideration
9. It is known as convergence model.
a. Aristotle’s Model c. Linear Model
b. Interactive Model d. Transactional Model
10. It refers to a strategy that focuses on giving a factual message.
a. Conciseness c. Completeness
b. Concreteness d. Consideration
11. It refers to a barrier in a communication process.
a. Decoding c. Noise
b. Feedback d. Sender
12. These are the importance of communication, except one.
a. To change other people’s belief and values
b. To join the conversation
c. To increase personal awareness.
d. To improve social and professional relationships.
13. It is a systematic representation of the process which helps in understanding how communication work
can be done.
a. Communication c. Communication Process
b. Communication Function d. Communication Model
14. The S-M-C-R in Berlo’s SMCR Model of Communication stands for:
a. Sender-Message-Channel-Receiver c. Space-Message-Channel-Receiver
b. Sender-Message-Context-Receiver d. Space-Message-Content-Receiver
15. It is a strategy that a message should be simple, clear, and specific.
a. Clearness c. Concreteness
b. Completeness d. Correctness
16. It is a barrier which characterized by a set of vocabulary in a certain field.
a. cultural noise c. emotional barrier
b. jargon d. accent

17. It is a type of noise created from wrong explanation of another person’s behaviours.
a. Semantic Noise c. Psychological Noise
b. Physical Noise d. Cultural Noise
18. Raining sounds, thunderstorms, horns, outside building sounds and lights are best example of _______.
a. Physiological Noise c. Semantic Noise
b. Physical Noise d. Cultural Noise
19. Jenny cannot concentrate in class because of headache.
a. Psychological Noise c. Physiological Noise
b. External Noise d. Semantic Noise
20. Ela is a Muslim girl, and she does not like to listen any criticism of Islam. Therefore, she became distracted
when her lecturer was talking about anti-Islam issues.
a. Physiological Noise c. Semantic Noise
b. Physical Noise d. Cultural Noise
21. Jargon words, mispronunciations, unique words and grammatically wrong sentences are example of:
a. Physiological Noise c. Semantic Noise
b. Physical Noise d. Cultural Noise
22 A communication model that is a two-way process with the inclusion of feedback as one element.
a. Schramm Model c. Transactional Model
b. Shannon Model d. Weaver Model
23. ________ is a hearing with understanding.
a. Eating c. Listening
b. Laughing d. Talking
24. Process of communication on which states that receiver a ________ or interprets the message based on the
a. feedback c. encodes
b. generates d. decodes
25. Dr. Hayden Kho uses medical terms in front of the patient’s family who are not knowledgeable when it comes
to medicine. What type of noise is this?
a. Physical noise b. Physiological Noise c. Psychological Noise d. Semantic Noise
26. The following are the main elements of Wilbur Schramm’s simplified communication model (1954), except;
a. barriers c. channel
b. source d. receiver
27. The following elements are added to the Transactional Model, EXCEPT:
a. nonverbal communication c. feedback
b. context d. meaning
28. This model gave us the concept of noise and is often called the Telephone Model.
a. Shannon-Weaver Model c. Eugene White Model
b. Aristotle Model d. Schramm’s Model
29. He/She crafts the message accordingly and decides to deliver it.
a. message c. speaker
b. listener d. feedback
30. The following are the feature of an effective communication, which one is not?
a. conciseness c. ambiguity
b. consideration d. concreteness

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