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1. Stephen Maxwell – MD, Seman Global

2. Sylvia Deneville Ozike – GM Seman Global
3. Abdulrahaman Yakubu – Project Manager, Seman Global
4. Ikechukwu Udegboka – Manager, Seman Global
5. Henry Akwitti – Chairman, AROSE
6. Stephen Okoye – Financial Secretary, AROSE
7. Rev. Richard Iyoha – Elder Statesman, AROSE

Introduction and Discussions

The meeting commenced at 15:50hrs with introductions from Seman Global done by Mr. Stephen
Maxwell and AROSE done by Rev. Richard Iyoha.

Mr. Stephen gave the opening shot by narrating why Seman Global’s presence was not felt in Sideview
Estate, saying that Seman Global left Sideview Estate because Residents were uncooperative and because
of a breach of ‘understanding’. He said that Seman had an Understanding with Residents of Sideview
Estate that if Seman brings electricity to the estate, the Residents would start paying infrastructure fees
to complete the electricity and other projects. According to him, there were no response from Residents
after Seman put the poles and draw cables. Mr. Stephen went ahead to say that he got information that
Residents were having meetings over infrastructure without firstly relating to him, stating that Seman did
not refuse to do infrastructure in Sideview Estate, but there were no commitments from Residents. In
another turn, Mr. Stephen cited an internal issue, where another company Meritus Global were issuing
parallel offer letters, allotting plots to clients contrary to terms and conditions binding their partnership
and stated that those clients stand the risk of paying for their plots twice. He further stated that he granted
a meeting with AROSE because he understood that Residents wants the Estate Infrastructure to be fixed.

Reverend Iyoha, gave a brief background of AROSE, stating that it does not in any way contradict Seman’s
developmental goals, but rather compliments it. He said that the estate needed to come together to raise
money in the form of service charge to take care of things like waste collection and security guards and
frowned at residents who refuse to make such payments. He also mentioned that he got information that
the developer has asked some residents not to make any payment to the association.

Mr. Akwitti, in his speech faulted the MD of Seman Global, saying that there were few people living in the
estate as at then. He went ahead to tell Seman’s representatives that Residents are not happy with Seman
Global. He said the Residents felt abandoned because in many estates that are being built, infrastructure
like roads, drainages electricity etc, is always one important thing that the developer commits to do even
before houses are built. He went ahead to say that in Sideview’s case, it was not so. He stressed that the
Residents only met on ground a very poor drainage system, narrow ungraded roads etc. He told the
meeting that the Residents were very unhappy with Seman Global when Pastor Richard brought a
message that Seman was frowning at the collection of infrastructure in the estate. Mr. Akwitti also told
the meeting that there were lots of unfulfilled promises from Seman to do infrastructure in the estate. He
said that the perimeter fence was incomplete and half-walled, the culvert at the canal were done
unprofessionally which caused flood to pull down fences. Mr. Akwitti told the meeting that part of the
fees collected as infrastructure in the estate were used to solve immediate problems like expansion of the
culvert, street lighting and work on the perimeter fence. He stressed that there are no fees collected and
kept as infrastructure fund by AROSE. He mentioned that there was a prior plan to open a joint account
to be operated by the Residents and the Developer and that has not happened, yet that account has not
been opened. Mr. Akwitti told Seman Global that, as a group of people who felt relegated by the developer
cannot fold their arms without taken action. He reminded the developer that Sideview Estate Phase 1,
should have been his master piece acting as an example because that was where he started. He told
Seman Global that Residents have sent this representative to convey the following:

(a) Why have Seman relegated and abandoned Sideview Estate Phase 1?
(b) What is the best way to move forward?
(c) There is need for a re-assessment and immediate action for infrastructure

Mr. Stephen, in his response apologized to AROSE and stated that they did not abandon the estate rather
it was a case of one side doing all the things. He admitted that the drainage system was poorly executed
and stated that infrastructure works would commence in October 2022. He also appealed to AROSE to get
ready and support him when as soon as the roads are prepared. The Project Manager raised the issue of
upward review of infrastructure fees owing to the inflation in the country which has affected prices of
materials and the team requested for a list of Residents who have paid infrastructure fees. Mr. Akwitti
laid back the blame to Seman’s management for not devising a strategy to enforce and collect
infrastructure fees as at when due, and stated that the message of upward review of infrastructure fees
would be relayed back to the Residents for decision.


The following resolutions were made at the meeting:

(1) Joint Infrastructure account, to be operated by AROSE and Seman, would be opened
(2) Seman would commence infrastructure works in October 2022
(3) AROSE would support the works after seeing significant commitments
(4) Infrastructure fees already paid by Residents would be harmonized with Seman Global and
deducted from their infrastructure fees
(5) Residents with offer letter not bearing Seman Global should come to Seman’s office for
(6) Upward review of infrastructure fee would be decided by the Residents


The meeting closed at 17:05.

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