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N e u r o r a d i o l o g y / H e a d a n d N e c k I m a g i n g • C l i n i c a l Pe r s p e c t i ve

Ludwig et al.
Cervical Lymphadenopathy Imaging in the Young

Neuroradiology/Head and Neck Imaging

Clinical Perspective

Imaging of Cervical
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Lymphadenopathy in Children
and Young Adults
Benjamin J. Ludwig1 OBJECTIVE. This article describes the role of imaging in evaluating cervical lymphade-
Jimmy Wang1 nopathy in patients from birth to their mid-20s, illustrates imaging features of normal and ab-
Rohini N. Nadgir 1 normal lymph nodes, and highlights nodal imaging features and head and neck findings that
Naoko Saito 2 assist in diagnosis.
Ilse Castro-Aragon1 CONCLUSION. Cervical lymph node abnormalities are commonly encountered clini-
cally and on imaging in children and young adults. Although imaging findings can lack spec-
Osamu Sakai1
ificity, nodal characteristics and associated head and neck imaging findings can assist in de-
Ludwig BJ, Wang J, Nadgir RN, Saito N, Castro- termining the underlying cause.
Aragon I, Sakai O

ervical lymph node abnormali- mented palpable cervical lymph nodes in up to
ties are a common reason for pe- 90% of children 4–8 years old [1].
diatric and otolaryngology office Clinicians rely on history and physical ex-
visits and may be related to be- amination to determine the possible causes
nign processes, such as reactive nodes, or to of and the diagnostic workup for lymphade-
aggressive processes, including malignancy. nopathy. Physical examination findings of
Although often considered nonspecific, cer- tender, mobile, soft nodes suggest reactive
vical lymph node imaging features, in con- adenopathy, whereas nontender, firm, non-
junction with clinical presentation and relat- mobile nodes raise concern for neoplastic
ed head and neck imaging findings, can aid causes. Because infectious causes are most
in determining the cause of the abnormality. common, patients are often treated empiri-
Ultrasound, CT, and MRI may be used to cally with antibiotics [2]. When nodes fail
confirm the presence of lymphadenopathy, to resolve after 4–6 weeks of therapy, prog-
distinguish nodal abnormalities from con- ress in size or number, or are accompanied by
genital head and neck lesions, and further systemic symptoms, further workup is neces-
characterize lymph nodes. In the pediatric sary, which often includes imaging.
Keywords: cervical lymphadenopathy, head and neck population, ultrasound is the most appropri-
imaging, head and neck infection, head and neck ate initial imaging modality because of the Role of Imaging
malignancy, lymph nodes, pediatrics
lack of ionizing radiation. CT and MRI are Imaging may be performed to evaluate
DOI:10.2214/AJR.12.8629 complementary and can further characterize nodes lacking clinical features of benign
nodal abnormalities and related head and causes, confirm lymph nodes as the cause of
Received January 17, 2012; accepted after revision neck imaging findings. It is critical for the in- palpable abnormalities, and evaluate the re-
April 18, 2012.
terpreting radiologist to recognize the ap- mainder of the head and neck (including ar-
Department of Radiology, Boston University Medical pearance of normal cervical lymph nodes eas not amenable to clinical examination,
Center, Boston University School of Medicine, 820 and to report nodal features typical of spe- such as the deep fascia–defined spaces).
Harrison Ave, FGH Bldg, 3rd Flr, Boston, MA 02118. cific infections, inflammatory conditions, Ultrasound may be used to confirm the
Address correspondence to B. J. Ludwig and neoplasms to assist clinicians in subse- presence of an abnormal lymph node and
quent management. characterize its size, shape, borders, internal
Department of Radiology, Saitama International Medical architecture, vascularity, and perinodal soft
Center, Saitama Medical University, Saitama, Japan. Clinical Approach to Cervical tissues [3]. Benefits of ultrasound include the
Lymph Nodes lack of ionizing radiation and the ability to
AJR 2012; 199:1105–1113 Clinical evaluation of cervical lymph nodes characterize the nature of lymph nodes as ei-
in the pediatric population can be difficult be- ther cystic or solid.
cause palpable lymph nodes are common in Both contrast-enhanced CT and MRI may
© American Roentgen Ray Society healthy children. Previous studies have docu- be used to further characterize the extent of

AJR:199, November 2012 1105

Ludwig et al.

sonographic abnormalities and to confirm deep Fig. 1—7-year-old boy

with normal lymph node.
nodal abnormalities, if suspected [4]. Benefits Gray-scale ultrasound
include superior anatomic localization; de- shows circumscribed,
termination of size, number, shape, borders, ovoid node with cortical
internal architecture, and enhancement char- hypoechogenicity
(arrowhead) and
acteristics of nodes; and evaluation of peri- relatively hyperechoic
nodal soft tissues and related head and neck hilum (arrow).
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findings. Diffusion-weighted imaging has

been shown to increase conspicuity of sub-
centimeter lymph nodes due to suppression
of background tissue and can aid in detection
of lymph nodes relative to conventional se-
quences [5]. These benefits must be weighed
against the radiation risks of CT, and the need
for sedation must also be considered before
CT and MRI in infants and young children. nodal morphology, internal architecture, and causes of reactive lymph nodes, although any
Currently, the American College of Radi- perinodal soft tissues are complementary in bacteria can cause lymphadenopathy. They
ology (ACR) Appropriateness Criteria support lymph node evaluation. are seen as enlarged nodes with perinodal in-
the use of ultrasound (rating, 9/9), contrast-en- On ultrasound, normal or reactive lymph flammatory change [10].
hanced neck CT (rating, 8/9), and contrast- nodes are well defined and reniform in shape, Fungal infections may be seen in endemic
enhanced neck MRI (rating, 7/9) for evalua- with fatty echogenic hila and a hypoechoic regions or immunocompromised patients and
tion of children up to 14 years old who have cortex relative to muscle (Fig. 1). Color Dop- include cryptococcosis, coccidiomycosis, and
solitary or multiple neck masses, both with pler sonography may show avascularity or ra- histoplasmosis. The single protozoal cause of
and without fever [4]. The ACR Appropriate- dial symmetric hilar vascularity with low pul- lymphadenitis is toxoplasmosis.
ness Criteria rate PET/CT evaluation of a soli- satility index and low resistive index [3].
tary neck mass in a febrile child less than 14 On CT, nodes are iso- or hypoattenuating Bacterial Infections
years old and solitary or multiple neck mass relative to muscle and show mild homogene- Staphylococcus aureus and group A Strep-
in both febrile and afebrile children less than ous enhancement after contrast administra- tococcus—Staphylococcus aureus and group
14 years old as “usually not appropriate” (both tion. Normal nodes are circumscribed, with A Streptococcus are the most common bacte-
rated 1/9) [4]. In contrast, the role of PET/CT preserved fat planes with adjacent structures rial causes of cervical lymphadenitis and ac-
is evolving in the setting of known malignan- [8–10] (Fig. 2). count for 53–89% of cases of unilateral cervi-
cy, with studies showing superior accuracy of On MRI, nodes show low to intermediate cal adenitis [12]. These infections commonly
PET/CT in initial staging, response to thera- signal on T1-weighted images, intermediate occur in children 1–4 years old. They often
py, and follow-up of Hodgkin lymphoma rela- to high signal on T2-weighted images relative produce enlarged nodes with perinodal inflam-
tive to other imaging modalities, with a signif- to muscle, and homogeneous enhancement af- matory change and may progress to suppura-
icant (26.8%) change in initial staging based ter IV contrast administration [8, 9] (Fig. 3). tive adenopathy, defined as infection resulting
on PET/CT findings [6].
Clinical Entities
Normal Lymph Nodes Reactive Lymph Nodes
Anatomic localization of cervical lymph Reactive lymph nodes may result from vi-
nodes has been established on the basis of the ral, bacterial, fungal, or protozoal pathogens.
previous description of metastatic adenop- Such nodes are typically slightly enlarged
athy by Som et al. [7]. In adults, the upper and may show mild enhancement on CT or
limit of normal lymph node size is 10 mm MRI and vascularity radiating from the hi-
when measured in terms of greatest long-axis lum on Doppler ultrasound (Fig. 4).
dimension in the axial plane, with the excep- Viral infections are the most common cause
tion of nodal stations IB and IIA, for which of reactive adenopathy [11] and typically re-
the upper limit of normal is 15 mm in adults; sult in bilateral mildly enlarged cervical lymph
this size allowance is because levels IB and nodes without periadenitis. Cytomegalovirus
IIA drain common sites of infection, includ- infection, herpes simplex virus infection, vari-
ing the teeth, gums, tonsils, and pharynx and cella, rubeola (measles), and rubella are com-
thus are often enlarged [8, 9]. The upper lim- mon viral causes but typically require correla-
it of normal for retropharyngeal nodes has tion with clinical or laboratory data to reach a
been proposed as 8 mm [8–10]. No specific definitive diagnosis. Infectious mononucleo-
size criteria have been defined for lymphade- sis and HIV infection have associated imaging Fig. 2—18-year-old woman with normal lymph nodes.
nopathy in the pediatric population, although findings and will be described in detail later. Contrast-enhanced axial CT image shows multiple
ovoid, circumscribed left level II nodes with fatty hila
the preceding criteria are commonly used. Staphylococcus aureus and group A Strep- (arrow), which are hypo- to isoattenuating relative
Thus, additional imaging features including tococcus infections [12] are common bacterial to muscle.

1106 AJR:199, November 2012

Cervical Lymphadenopathy Imaging in the Young

retropharyngeal space. Differentiation is crit-

ical because intranodal abscesses are usual-
ly managed with antibiotics, whereas retro-
pharyngeal abscesses often require surgical
drainage [14, 15].
Mycobacterial infection—Head and neck
involvement with Mycobacterium tubercu-
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losis infection accounts for 12–15% of cases

of extrapulmonary tuberculosis [8, 16–18]. In
the acute phase, tuberculous granulomas may
produce nodal enlargement and enhancement.
Subacute disease is characterized by forma-
tion of suppurative nodes and intranodal ab-
scesses [10, 18]. Nodal calcification can be
seen in the chronic phase or after treatment,
although calcification within cervical nodes is
A B much less common than in mediastinal or hi-
lar lymph nodes [19]. Levels II and V nodes
Fig. 3—21-year-old man with normal lymph nodes.
A, Axial T1-weighted MR image shows ovoid right level IIA node with low to intermediate T1 signal relative to
are most commonly involved [8, 10, 16–18].
muscle (arrow). Ultrasound, CT, and MRI can depict all
B, Axial T2-weighted MR image shows intermediate to high T2 signal within same node (arrow). stages of disease. Subacute disease is most
commonly encountered on imaging and
in necrosis within lymph nodes (also referred metastatic disease, which otherwise can have characterized by intranodal abscess forma-
to as intranodal abscess formation) [8, 10]. On a similar imaging appearance. tion, which classically lacks perinodal in-
ultrasound, features of suppurative adenopa- It is also important to differentiate between flammatory change [10, 18] (Fig. 7). Because
thy include anechoic regions, peripheral vas- suppurative retropharyngeal lymph nodes and of the lack of periadenitis in tuberculosis,
cularity, and possibly septations and posteri- true retropharyngeal abscesses in children. Both metastatic adenopathy is the main differen-
or acoustic enhancement [13] (Fig. 5). On CT, medial and lateral retropharyngeal nodes are tial diagnosis and fine-needle aspiration may
suppurative nodes are hypoattenuating cen- present until about the age of 6 years and can be required for diagnosis. When tuberculous
trally, with peripheral rim enhancement and exhibit intranodal abscess formation (Fig. 6). adenitis is suspected, imaging of the chest
perinodal inflammatory change. MRI shows The peripheral enhancement on cross-section- should be performed to assess whether ac-
central T1 hypo- and T2 hyperintensity, with al imaging in intranodal abscesses conforms to tive pulmonary disease is present [8, 10, 18].
peripheral enhancement. The associated peri- the nodal border, whereas true retropharyngeal Atypical, nontuberculous mycobacterial in-
nodal inflammatory change can assist in dif- abscesses show retropharyngeal fluid with en- fection may also result in cervical lymphadeni-
ferentiation from central nodal necrosis due to hancement corresponding to the borders of the tis. In children less than 5 years old, the most

Fig. 5—6-year-old boy with suppurative lymph node
Fig. 4—8-year-old boy with reactive lymph node due to Streptococcus pharyngitis. due to Staphylococcus aureus. Gray-scale color
A, Gray-scale ultrasound shows increased cortical echogenicity (arrow) and lack of echogenic hilum. Doppler ultrasound shows enlarged cervical lymph
B, Axial contrast-enhanced CT image in same patient shows enhancing, round, node with central hypoechogenicity and peripheral
enlarged level II node (arrowhead) with perinodal inflammatory change. Note reactive Doppler vascularity.
retropharyngeal edema (arrow).

AJR:199, November 2012 1107

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Fig. 6—6-year-old boy with intranodal abscess Fig. 7—18-year-old boy with tuberculous adenitis. Fig. 8—2-year-old boy with nontuberculous
within lateral retropharyngeal lymph node. Axial Axial contrast-enhanced CT image shows multiple mycobacterial infection. Axial contrast-enhanced CT
contrast-enhanced CT image shows central fluid enlarged bilateral level II lymph nodes with central image shows enlarged, hypoattenuating left intra-
attenuation and peripheral enhancement within fluid attenuation and thick, irregular peripheral and periparotid, level V, and lateral retropharyngeal
enlarged left lateral retropharyngeal lymph node enhancement (arrows). Lack of perinodal fat nodes with thick irregular enhancement and
(arrow) with surrounding phlegmon. stranding is characteristic finding of tuberculous septations (arrows). Note perinodal inflammatory
adenitis. change posteriorly.

common cause of nonmycobacterial TB is Because exposure history is often not re- suggests underlying HIV infection when seen
Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare. Affect- called, children may undergo imaging for in conjunction with generalized cervical
ed children usually do not have a history of tu- the evaluation of a new solitary neck mass. lymphadenopathy [8, 10, 24] (Fig. 10). Lym-
berculosis exposure, and the tuberculin skin test Unfortunately, the imaging findings in cat- phoid hyperplasia and adenoid hypertrophy
is usually normal or only minimally indurated scratch disease are variable, ranging from en- can be seen but may not be present in patients
[10]. Children present with an isolated enlarg- hancing to necrotic lymphadenopathy. The with low CD4 counts due to inability to
ing neck mass with overlying skin discolor- diagnosis can be confirmed by an enzyme im- mount an immune response. Upon recogniz-
ation. On imaging, the most common findings munoassay (EIA), polymerase chain reaction, ing such imaging findings, the radiologist
include a dominant centrally necrotic peripher- skin or nodal biopsy [22]. may be the first to raise suspicion for HIV in-
ally enhancing neck mass, typically in the pa- fection and can facilitate early diagnosis be-
rotid or submandibular region (Fig. 8). Multi- Viral Infections fore disease progression and development of
ple separate adjacent nodal masses and minimal Infectious mononucleosis—Infectious mono- associated complications [8, 10, 24].
periadenitis have also been described [20]. nucleosis is caused by Ebstein-Barr virus [8],
Distinction between tuberculous and non- but illnesses that clinically simulate mononucle- Lymphadenopathy Associated with
tuberculous mycobacterial adenitis has im- osis may result from other viruses. Children Clinical Syndromes
portant treatment implications. Whereas tu- present with pharyngitis, fatigue, and fevers. Cervical lymphadenopathy is a component
berculous mycobacterial adenitis responds to Heterophile antibody (monospot) tests may of many clinical syndromes. Entities in which
antituberculosis therapy [8], medical therapy be diagnostic when clinical suspicion is high. associated head and neck imaging findings
is not effective in nontuberculous mycobac- However, imaging may also be used when the may aid in determining potential causes are
terial adenitis and the treatment of choice is clinical course is less characteristic. Lymphade- discussed in this section. Unfortunately, many
surgical excision [21]. nopathy is classically diffuse and lacks perinod- disease processes, including systemic lupus
Cat-scratch disease—Regional lymphad- al inflammatory change. Associated head and erythematosus, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis,
enitis secondary to Bartonella (formerly Ro- neck findings can aid in diagnosis, particularly posttransplantation lymphoproliferative disor-
chalimaea) henselae infection, also referred to adenoid and palatine tonsil enlargement [13] der, and sickle cell disease, lack distinguishing
as cat-scratch disease, most commonly affects (Fig. 9). The disease is typically self-limiting imaging findings but may be considered on the
children and young adults. The majority of with resolution after 3–4 weeks. basis of patient history and demographics.
cases are related to cat scratches or bites, with HIV—Diffuse lymphadenopathy is present Kawasaki disease—First described in Japa-
regional lymphadenopathy identified approx- in nearly all patients with HIV infection or nese children, Kawasaki disease (febrile muco-
imately 3 weeks after inoculation. Cervical AIDS and is a common initial presentation [8, cutaneous lymph node syndrome) is now rec-
lymphadenopathy is the third most common 10, 24]. Lymphadenopathy is present in 40– ognized in infants and young children of all
site of involvement after axillary and epitroch- 70% of children who are HIV-positive [12]. demographics [25]. The most common age of
lear nodes [22]. Isolated head and neck nod- On imaging, findings are typical of reactive onset is 6 months in Japan and between 13 and
al involvement occurs in 25% of cases, often viral-infected nodes. Identification of multiple, 24 months in North America [26]. Diagnostic
with solitary nodal involvement [23]. bilateral parotid lymphoepithelial lesions (cysts) criteria include fever lasting at least 5 days; lack

1108 AJR:199, November 2012

Cervical Lymphadenopathy Imaging in the Young
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Fig. 9—16-year-old boy with infectious
mononucleosis. Axial contrast-enhanced CT image Fig. 10—25-year-old woman with HIV infection.
shows enlarged palatine tonsils bilaterally (arrows) A, Axial contrast-enhanced CT image shows multiple, mildly enlarged nonspecific level II nodes (arrow).
and enlarged left level IIA lymph node (arrowhead). B, Additional image shows multiple left parotid lymphoepithelial cysts (arrow).

of evidence of concurrent disease to explain may be confused with bacterial lymphadeni- may also be observed in Kawasaki disease
clinical features; and meeting at least four of tis early in the course of Kawasaki disease; (Fig. 11). Early recognition facilitated by im-
five clinical components, one of which is cer- differentiation between the two entities has aging and treatment with IV immunoglobu-
vical lymphadenopathy (> 1.5 cm in diameter), been described on ultrasound, in which nod- lin can reduce the risk of cardiac complica-
usually unilateral [27]. al involvement consists of a coalescent nodal tions, including coronary artery aneurysms
Even though cervical adenopathy is the mass resembling a cluster of grapes formed and associated devastating consequences.
least often fulfilled diagnostic criterion and by multiple hypoechoic nodes as opposed to Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease—Kikuchi-Fujimo-
is present in less than 50% of confirmed cas- mildly enlarged or centrally cystic vascular to disease, or histiocytic necrotizing lymphade-
es [28], it has been described as the dominant nodes in bacterial infection [29]. Head and nitis, is a self-limiting disease of unknown cause.
manifestation of the disease in its early stag- neck findings of mucositis, including tonsil- There is a slight female predominance, and
es [26]. The presence of lymphadenopathy lar enlargement and retropharyngeal edema, patients are typically less than 30 years old.
Patients present with cervical lymphadenopathy,
often with systemic symptoms, including fever,
fatigue, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and weight
loss [30]. Because no laboratory tests are diag-
nostic of the entity, imaging plays a crucial role
in diagnosis, surgical planning, and follow-up.
Imaging findings in Kikuchi-Fujimoto dis-
ease have been described with great variabil-
ity. Unilateral cervical nodal involvement or
asymmetric bilateral nodal involvement is
most typical, with levels II, V, and III nodes
most often involved. Most nodes show ho-
mogeneous attenuation, enhancement, and
perinodal inflammatory change (Fig. 12), and
some show intranodal necrosis.
Because the differential diagnosis includes
both infection and malignancy, definitive di-
agnosis relies on biopsy. The natural history
of the disease is usually benign, with sponta-
neous resolution occurring 1–6 months after
Fig. 11—4-year-old girl with Kawasaki disease. symptom onset [31].
A, Axial contrast-enhanced CT image shows bilateral palatine tonsil hypertrophy (arrows) and retropharyngeal Castleman disease—Castleman disease, or
edema (arrowhead).
B, Additional image in same patient shows multiple enlarged right level II nodes, including conglomerate angiofollicular lymphoid hyperplasia, common-
adenopathy (arrow) with periadenitis. Findings are consistent with mucositis and reactive lymphadenopathy. ly presents with cervical lymphadenopathy.

AJR:199, November 2012 1109

Ludwig et al.

Fig. 13—9-year-old
boy with Castleman
disease. Axial
contrast-enhanced fat-
saturated T1-weighted
MR image shows
markedly enlarged,
enhancing, nonnecrotic,
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left level II and lateral
retropharyngeal lymph
nodes (arrows). 

Fig. 12—22-year-old woman with Kikuchi-

Fujimoto disease. Axial contrast-enhanced CT
calcification on histopathology [34] (Fig. 13). Contrast-enhanced CT depicts enhancing subcu-
shows homogeneously enhancing mass in right Central lack of enhancement, indicative of fi- taneous masses, regional cervical lymphadenop-
submandibular space (arrow) with surrounding brosis, within an enhancing nodal mass on CT athy, and often focal or infiltrative salivary gland
inflammatory change. has been described as suggestive of Castleman lesions. On MRI, involved nodes show low to
disease [32]. Surgery is typically curative; how- intermediate signal on T1-weighted images,
Isolated cervical lymphadenopathy is more ever, lesions can recur if incompletely excised. intermediate to high signal on T2-weighted
common in the hyaline vascular subtype, in Kimura disease—Kimura disease is a chron- images relative to muscle, and enhancement
which younger patients tend to present with ic inflammatory disorder that affects the sub- after contrast administration [35] (Fig. 14B).
asymptomatic cervical nodal masses. Over- cutaneous tissues, lymph nodes, and salivary Kimura disease usually follows a benign
all, the mediastinum is the most common site glands. This entity is most common in boys course with surgical excision performed for
followed by the head and neck [8, 10]. and men of Asian descent during the 2nd and both diagnosis and treatment. Imaging find-
On ultrasound, marked nodal enlargement 3rd decades of life [35]. Patients present with ings are not diagnostic of Kimura disease, but
is present, typically with Doppler hypervascu- nontender soft-tissue masses, most frequently the entity should be considered, particularly in
larity. Moderate to intense enhancement has within the submandibular or parotid regions, young adults of Asian descent with enhancing
been described on CT [32]. Nodal calcifica- with involvement of adjacent lymph nodes or subcutaneous head and neck lesions, nodal and
tion has been described including punctate and salivary glands [35]. Peripheral eosinophilia salivary gland involvement, cervical lymphade-
“arborizing” calcifications within pelvic lymph and elevated serum IgE levels are characteris- nopathy, and peripheral eosinophilia.
nodes [33]. On MRI, lesions are typically T1 tic laboratory features.
hypointense relative to muscle and T2 hyperin- On ultrasound, focal hypervascular hypo- Neoplasia
tense with linear, stellate T2 hypointensity cen- echoic lesions within the subcutaneous tissues Malignancy is the most feared cause of cer-
trally. The finding of central T2 hypointensity are characteristic (Fig. 14A). Similarly, involved vical lymphadenopathy. Suspicious clinical
correlates with sinusoidal fibrosis, vessels, and lymph nodes are enlarged and hypervascular. features—including hard, nonmobile, painless

Fig. 14—14-year-old boy with Kimura disease involving right parotid gland and intraparotid lymph nodes.
A, Gray-scale color Doppler ultrasound image shows hypoechoic parotid mass (arrow) with increased vascularity.
B, Axial STIR MR image shows hyperintense right parotid lesion (arrow).

1110 AJR:199, November 2012

Cervical Lymphadenopathy Imaging in the Young

to be familiar with characteristics of the dis-

ease and associated head and neck findings to
raise suspicion of lymphoma and guide clin-
ical management. Involved nodes show the
characteristic features of malignant adenopa-
thy, typically with homogeneous density and
mild enhancement (Fig. 15). Nodal calcifi-
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cation may be seen in both subtypes of lym-

phoma and is a hallmark of treated disease,
although calcification has also been reported
in lymphomatous nodes before treatment. As-
sociated head and neck findings of Waldey-
er ring involvement may be seen in Hodgkin
lymphoma but is rare in children [36].
Leukemia—Leukemia is the most common
childhood malignancy; however, diagnosis
relies on clinical evaluation, laboratory tests,
and bone marrow biopsy. Cervical lymph-
Fig. 15—21-year-old man with Hodgkin lymphoma. Fig. 16—20-year-old man with nodal metastasis due adenopathy is a common presentation of
Axial contrast-enhanced CT image shows multiple, to oral tongue cancer. Axial contrast-enhanced CT
markedly enlarged homogeneous left level II lymph shows large left level II node (arrow) with intranodal
acute lymphocytic leukemia [13] but is com-
nodes (arrow) without necrosis or periadenitis. necrosis and irregular, peripheral enhancement. monly seen in all forms of childhood leuke-
Biopsy revealed squamous cell carcinoma, and mia. On imaging, nodal involvement is very
primary tongue neoplasm was subsequently similar to lymphoma [8, 10] and thus requires
identified on physical examination.
correlation with clinical data.
Metastatic disease—Approximately 25% of
lymph nodes; progressive nodal enlargement; common manifestation of the disease [36]. malignant childhood tumors occur in the head
lack of response to antibiotic therapy; or sys- Non-Hodgkin lymphoma is the more common and neck, and cervical lymph nodes are com-
temic symptoms—most often lead to imaging. of the two subtypes and increases in preva- mon sites of metastatic disease [11]. Neuro-
Sonographic features of malignant lymph- lence with age. Extranodal disease is more blastoma, leukemia, rhabdomyosarcoma, and
adenopathy include nodal enlargement, round common in non-Hodgkin lymphoma and is non-Hodgkin lymphoma are the most com-
shape, absent or eccentric echogenic hilum, hy- present at the onset of disease [36]. mon primary malignancies associated with
poechoic parenchyma, and tendency of nodes Imaging cannot reliably distinguish be- cervical lymph node involvement in children
to aggregate into a mass [36]. Color Doppler tween Hodgkin lymphoma and non-Hodgkin up to 6 years old [11]. After the age of 6
features, including subcapsular vessels, dis- lymphoma, and biopsy remains the primary years, Hodgkin lymphoma is most common,
placement of hilar vasculature, and absent seg- means of definitive diagnosis. Nevertheless, it followed by rhabdomyosarcoma and non-
ments of nodal vessels, have been suggested to remains critical for the interpreting radiologist Hodgkin lymphoma [11].
be related to tumor infiltration [37]. Increased
pulsatility and resistive indices have also been
described as secondary to compression of
nodal vasculature by infiltrative tumor [37].
Nodal enlargement, enhancement, and intra-
nodal necrosis without periadenitis are com-
mon on CT or MRI. Diffusion-weighted MRI
has been reported to differentiate between en-
larged benign and malignant lymph nodes on
the basis of decreased apparent diffusion coef-
ficient values in some malignancies [38]. When
imaging features suspicious for malignancy
are identified in pediatric and young-adult pa-
tients, leukemia, lymphoma, and metastasis
should be considered.
Lymphoma—Lymphoma accounts for 10–
15% of all childhood malignances and is di-
vided into two main subtypes: Hodgkin and A B
non-Hodgkin lymphoma. In young adults, the
most common age of onset of Hodgkin lym- Fig. 17—26-year-old woman with cystic nodal metastases secondary to papillary thyroid cancer.
A, Axial T2-weighted MR image shows enlarged hyperintense left level II/III node (arrow).
phoma is in the mid to late 20s. In these pa- B, Coronal T1-weighted MR image shows hyperintensity within enlarged node (arrow), which may be related to
tients, cervical lymphadenopathy is the most thyroglobulin content or hemorrhage.

AJR:199, November 2012 1111

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