Hirst2018 - No Surgical Innovation Without Evaluation. Evolution and Further Development of The IDEAL

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No Surgical Innovation Without Evaluation

Evolution and Further Development of the IDEAL Framework and
Allison Hirst, MSc,  Yiannis Philippou, MB, BChir,  Jane Blazeby, MD,y Bruce Campbell, MS,z
Marion Campbell, PhD,§ Joshua Feinberg, MD,ô Maroeska Rovers, PhD,jj Natalie Blencowe, PhD,y
Christopher Pennell, MD,ô Tom Quinn, MPhil,  Wendy Rogers, PhD,yy Jonathan Cook, PhD,zz
Angelos G. Kolias, PhD,§§ôô Riaz Agha, MBBS, MRCSEng,jjjj Philipp Dahm, MD, 
Art Sedrakyan, MD, PhD,yyy and Peter McCulloch, MD 

stage of IDEAL and underpin the recommendations. The Recommendations

Objective: To update, clarify, and extend IDEAL concepts and recommen-
for each stage are reviewed, clarified and additional detail added.
Conclusions: The intention of this article is to widen the practical use of
Background: New surgical procedures, devices, and other complex inter-
IDEAL by clarifying the rationale for and practical details of the Recom-
ventions need robust evaluation for safety, efficacy, and effectiveness. Unlike
mendations. Additional research based on the experience of implementing
new medicines, there is no internationally agreed evaluation pathway for
these Recommendations is needed to further improve them.
generating and analyzing data throughout the life cycle of surgical innova-
tions. The IDEAL Framework and Recommendations were designed to Keywords: ethics, IDEAL framework and recommendations, medical
provide this pathway and they have been used increasingly since their devices, randomized controlled trials, registries, research methodology,
introduction in 2009. Based on a Delphi survey, expert workshop and major surgical innovation
discussions during IDEAL conferences held in Oxford (2016) and New York
(Ann Surg 2018;xx:xxx–xxx)
(2017), this article updates and extends the IDEAL Recommendations,
identifies areas for future research, and discusses the ethical problems faced
by investigators at each IDEAL stage.
Methods: The IDEAL Framework describes 5 stages of evolution for new
surgical therapeutic interventions—Idea, Development, Exploration, Assess-
S urgery is a complex intervention with properties which make it
more difficult to evaluate rigorously than drug treatments. Evalu-
ation methods that fail to address this complexity have led to much
ment, and Long-term Study. This comprehensive update proposes several controversy and wasted effort through poor study design, inadequate
modifications. First, a ‘‘Pre-IDEAL’’ stage describing preclinical studies has reporting and failure to reach agreement on standards for high quality
been added. Second we discuss potential adaptations to expand the scope of trials. The resulting adverse consequences have included widespread
IDEAL (originally designed for surgical procedures) to accommodate thera- adoption of new techniques or devices which later proved to be harmful
peutic devices, through an IDEAL-D variant. Third, we explicitly recognise and of refusal by healthcare funders to reimburse for innovations with
the value of comprehensive data collection through registries at all stages in an inadequate evidence base, as well as large scale failures of surgical
the Framework and fourth, we examine the ethical issues that arise at each research to compete successfully for public funding.

From the Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences, University of Oxford, Oxford, the NIHR Bristol Biomedical Research Centre at the University Hospitals
UK; yBristol Centre for Surgical Research, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK; Bristol NHS Foundation Trust and the University of Bristol. The views
zUniversity of Exeter Medical School, Exeter, UK; §Health Services Research expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of the UK National
Unit, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK; ôMaimonides Medical Center, Health Service, National Institute for Health Research, or Department of
Brooklyn, NY; jjRadboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, The Health.
Netherlands; Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education, Kingston Uni- This paper updates the IDEAL Framework and Recommendations following review
versity and St George’s, University of London, London, UK; yyDepartment of at international expert meetings held during IDEAL Conferences in Oxford,
Philosophy and Department of Clinical Medicine, Macquarie University, UK in 2016 and New York, USA in 2017.
Sydney, Australia; zzNuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology A.D.H. and Y.P. contributed equally as joint first authors.
and Musculoskeletal Sciences, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK; A.S. and P.Mc.C. contributed equally as joint senior authors on behalf of IDEAL
§§Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Adden- Collaboration (attendees at 2016 Oxford consensus meeting listed in full in
brooke’s Hospital and University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK; ôôSurgery Acknowledgements with permission).
Theme, Cambridge Clinical Trials Unit, Cambridge, UK; jjjjDepartment of The authors report no conflicts of interest.
Plastic Surgery, Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK; Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citations

Department of Urology, Minneapolis VAMC and University of Minnesota, appear in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF versions of
Minneapolis MN; and yyyWeill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY. this article on the journal’s Web site (www.annalsofsurgery.com).
No specific funding was obtained for this update of IDEAL. The discussion meeting Reprints: Peter McCulloch, MD, Professor of Surgical Science and Practice,
was funded as part of the IDEAL International Conference in Oxford on Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences (Level 6), John Radcliffe Hospital,
April 7, 2016 by several sponsors as follows: the Oxford Academic Health University of Oxford, Oxford OX3 9DU, UK.
Science network (Oxford AHSN), The Health Foundation, Medtronic, and E-mail: peter.mcculloch@nds.ox.ac.uk; Allison Hirst, MSc, IDEAL Collabo-
Johnson and Johnson (J&J). It was also supported by BMJ and the Lancet. ration Project Manager/Researcher, Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences
IDEAL is funded by the Oxford NIHR Biomedical Research Centre, educa- (Level 6), John Radcliffe Hospital, University of Oxford, Oxford OX3 9DU,
tional grants and meetings income (PMcC and A.H.). J.M.B. is an NIHR Senior UK. E-mail: allison.hirst@nds.ox.ac.uk.
Investigator supported in part by the Medical Research Council (MRC) Copyright ß 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
ConDuCT-II (Collaboration and innovation for Difficult and Complex ran- ISSN: 0003-4932/16/XXXX-0001
domized controlled Trials in Invasive procedures) Hub (MR/K025643/1) and DOI: 10.1097/SLA.0000000000002794

Annals of Surgery  Volume XX, Number XX, Month 2018 www.annalsofsurgery.com | 1

Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
CE: D.C.; ANNSURG-D-17-02429; Total nos of Pages: 10;

Hirst et al Annals of Surgery  Volume XX, Number XX, Month 2018

The IDEAL Framework and Recommendations represent a at St Catherine’s College, Oxford on April 8, 2016 (Appendix 1—
new paradigm for the evaluation of surgical operations, invasive link 1, http://links.lww.com/SLA/B416). The first round required
medical devices and other complex therapeutic interventions. participants to address 22 questions aimed at clarifying the IDEAL
IDEAL began with a series of meetings at Balliol College, Oxford Recommendations, and the second round was focused on 11 areas
during 2007 to 2009 to discuss the specific challenges of evaluating where consensus was not clear in round 1, with remaining areas of
surgical innovation, recognizing, analyzing, and proposing solutions controversy dealt with at the Oxford meeting. The international
for the challenges which arise as new procedures move from proof of group of experts comprised 56 participants (47 attended the final
concept towards a randomized controlled trial (RCT). These dis- meeting) including surgeons, methodologists, clinical trialists, eth-
cussions resulted in the publication of a five-stage Framework icists, journal editors, Health Technology Assessment professionals,
describing the natural stages of surgical innovation (Idea, Develop- purchasers of healthcare, and device industry representatives. Further
ment, Exploration, Assessment, and Long-term Study), together with details of the process and findings are provided (Appendix 2, http://
recommendations for a rigorous stepwise surgical research pathway, links.lww.com/SLA/B417).
and suggestions for appropriate study methodology for the questions
which characterise each stage.1 –3 This was subsequently followed up SCOPE
by publications offering methodological guidance.4–7 Discussions about updating IDEAL covered 4 main new areas.
Each stage is defined by a key research question: First, the need for a pre-IDEAL, preclinical Stage. Second, the
application of IDEAL to other complex health interventions. Third,
 IDEA—STAGE 1: What is the new treatment concept and why is a reconsideration of the place of registries in the IDEAL pathway,
it needed? and finally an explicit examination of the ethical issues that arise at
 DEVELOPMENT—STAGE 2a: Has the new intervention each stage of IDEAL and underpin the recommendations.
reached a state of stability sufficient to allow replication Publications reporting preclinical studies prior to ‘‘first in
by others? human’’ studies as ‘‘IDEAL Stage 0’’ have already appeared.11
 EXPLORATION—STAGE 2b: Have the questions that might However, due to the challenge of drafting recommendations for
compromise the chance of conducting a successful RCT been conduct and reporting of such a potentially broad and varied set
addressed? of different study types, we recommend the use of the term ‘‘Pre-
 ASSESSMENT—STAGE 3: How does the new intervention IDEAL’’ for these studies rather than adding a formal ‘‘Stage 0’’ to
compare with current practice? the Framework.
 LONG-TERM STUDY—STAGE 4: Are there any long-term or IDEAL’s potential for application to therapeutic medical
rare adverse effects or changes in indications or delivery quality device evaluation was quickly recognized (Appendix 1-link 2,
over time? http://links.lww.com/SLA/B416), and the necessary modifications
Various users and funders of research have acknowledged have already been summarized in a description of an IDEAL-D
the utility of IDEAL (Table 1). Surgical researchers are also increas- (Devices) variant12 supported by an international Delphi process.13
ingly citing and using the study designs and reporting formats Other specific variants have also been proposed, such as the R-
recommended by IDEAL (552 papers cited key IDEAL papers IDEAL tool from the magnetic resonance imaging-Linear Accelera-
[Web of Science searched 19 October 2017]). Despite these signs tor Consortium14 and IDEAL-Physio.15 However, the consensus
of interest, international use of IDEAL remains limited. It is clear group agreed not to broaden the scope of the original IDEAL
that researchers need more detailed guidance about how to imple- Framework, but to welcome and monitor the work of groups investi-
ment the recommendations8 –10 which were initially outlined in a gating potential wider uses.
generalized way. With the help of academic ethicists, the scope of the IDEAL
We revised and updated the Framework and Recommenda- Framework and Recommendations has been expanded to include
tions using a 3-step modified Delphi process comprising a 2-round explicit ethical guidance at each stage. Ethical issues arising in each
online questionnaire survey between December 2015 and April 2016 of the IDEAL stages are examined in detail in an accompanying
followed by an expert consensus meeting at the IDEAL Conference paper.16

TABLE 1. URL Links to Organizations Utilizing IDEAL Recommendations

Organization URL
National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) http://www.ncri.org.uk/events/ncri-future-of-surgery-technology-
NHS Commissioners in the UK http://www.ideal-collaboration.net/2015/03/ideal-resources-
Medical Device Epidemiology Network Initiative (MDEpiNet) partnership with the http://mdepinet.org/
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
European Network for Health Technology Assessment (EUnetHTA http://www.eunethta.eu/
National Institute of Healthcare Research in the UK (NIHR) recommends IDEAL http://www.nihr.ac.uk/funding-and-support/documents/current-
study designs in commissioning briefs for example, 17/17 Fibrin Glue for funding-opportunities/hta/17_17cb.pdf
Pilonidal Sinus Disease
Royal College of Surgeons/NIHR Surgical Technology Evaluation Portal https://www.rcseng.ac.uk/standards-and-research/research/surgical-
NIHR Office for Clinical Research Infrastructure (NOCRI) https://www.nihr.ac.uk/about-us/how-we-are-managed/managing-

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Annals of Surgery  Volume XX, Number XX, Month 2018 IDEAL Framework and Recommendations Update

UPDATE OF IDEAL: STAGE BY STAGE EQUATOR and Meridian Network databases (Appendix 1—link
The 2009 Framework comprised 5 stages: Idea (1), Develop- 4, http://links.lww.com/SLA/B416), or at the National Institutes of
ment (2a), Exploration (2b), Assessment (3), and Long-term study Health (Appendix 1—link 5, http://links.lww.com/SLA/B416).
(4). (3) The main purpose of each stage is summarized above.
We updated the original Framework to improve its usability Ethical Aspects
and transparency. This update includes description of each IDEAL Animal studies should abide by recognized ethical guidelines,
stage using the population, intervention, comparator, outcome frame- including the imperative to reduce, refine, and replace animal use
work (patients/operators, interventions, comparators, outcomes), whenever possible (Appendix 1—link 6, http://links.lww.com/SLA/
identifying appropriate reporting guidelines and identifying when B416). Animal models must be valid and the results applicable to
to progress to the next stage. We also underline the key research humans. Pre-IDEAL simulation and bench testing can raise ethical
question for each IDEAL stage and highlight areas for future considerations of justice where assumptions built into testing (eg,
research. The revised and original versions are shown side by side about typical body shapes) may limit the applicability of the results,
to clarify the changes made in this update (Table 2). or expose subgroups to greater risk of harm.16

Pre-IDEAL Studies Identifying Stage Endpoints

In principle, the pre-IDEAL stage should be complete before
Purpose and Description the first in human procedure is done. Any feasible studies which can
Pre-IDEAL research is essential prior to first in human trials of be expected to identify avoidable and/or predictable risks of failure or
an innovation. harm to the first patient should be performed.

Patients and Operators ‘‘Idea’’ Stage 1—‘‘First in Human’’ Use

Although patients do not receive treatments in Pre-IDEAL
studies, consultation is desirable to evaluate the societal need and Purpose and Description
perceived value of the proposed intervention.17 Where the investi- IDEAL Stage 1 describes the first use of a new procedure or
gators are engineers or scientists with no clinical background, device in a patient, either as part of a planned approach or in an
clinicians should also be consulted. unplanned emergency situation.21 Where planned, the patient or
patients are usually highly selected.
Intervention and Comparator
Preclinical studies usually do not involve a comparator. How- Patients and Operators
ever, testing (eg, surface wear, battery drain), simulation or modeling Patient selection criteria should be explained in detail: if any
studies may allow comparison with the current standard. proposed patients refuse the procedure, or are excluded, this should
be explained with reasons. The operators are usually an individual or
Outcomes small team in a single center.
Depending on the type of preclinical study, the aims and
methods may vary widely. Typically, key studies focus on demonstrat-
ing that the intervention brings about the intended physical changes. A full technical description of the new procedure or technology,
Following this, studies to estimate reliability and safety, qualitative in sufficient detail to allow an equivalently skilled operator to repro-
studies with stakeholders to determine potential demand and accept- duce it, should be provided. There is normally no explicit comparator.
ability, and modeling studies to predict overall impact on health care
costs/efficiency may be desirable. This is especially relevant for new Outcomes
devices for the purpose of coverage and reimbursement. Commonly include technical success, safety and short-term
physiological and clinical measures. Transparency demands that all
Appropriate Study Designs adverse events must be fully disclosed. Whenever feasible, in all
Preclinical studies include material testing, simulator, stages of IDEAL, outcomes should be described using widely
cadaver, animal, modeling, and cost-effectiveness studies.18–20 accepted standardized definitions and terms, preferably selected
Controlled experiments will often be appropriate and feasible from a core outcomes set (Appendix 1—link 7, http://links.
for laboratory or bench studies. Because of the wide range of study lww.com/SLA/B416).
objectives and methods, comprehensive recommendations about
study design are impractical. We therefore recommend following Appropriate Study Designs
the best available authoritative guidance on particular study types Stage 1 involves a single case or a few cases. If enough
(Appendix 1- link 3, http://links.lww.com/SLA/B416). suitable patients are available progression may occur within a short
time. It is recommended that reports explain the need for the new
Recommended Reporting Guidelines for Protocols treatment concept and why it might be better than currently available
treatment. Video recording and sharing is highly recommended and
and Full Reports can be part of on-line publication.
Explicit reporting of Pre-IDEAL findings is both practically
and ethically necessary to support optimal development of Stage 1
studies. However protection of professional or commercial advan- Recommended Reporting Guidelines for Protocols
tage may inhibit full reporting. Transparency around study design, and Full Reports
subjects, and outcomes is essential, but recommendations for report- We recommend Stage 1 studies be reported as a single case
ing of sensitive details of mechanism or technique at this stage may report. The SCARE Guidelines provide a useful standard reporting
prove impractical. We recommend using the numerous high quality, structure.22 Menon et al11 demonstrate a well-reported IDEAL model
subject-specific guidelines that exist for reporting different kinds of of surgical innovation in the development of robotic kidney trans-
preclinical studies and protocols which can be found on the plantation with regional hypothermia.

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Hirst et al Annals of Surgery  Volume XX, Number XX, Month 2018

TABLE 2. Summary of the IDEAL Framework, Recommendations and Proposals Including Updates
Updated IDEAL Recommendations for Updated IDEAL Proposals for Improving
Stage of Innovation Updated IDEAL Framework Researchers the Surgical Research Environment
Pre-IDEAL Pre-IDEAL was not described in original  All predictable risks to patients should Journals:
Pre-clinical IDEAL framework be investigated before human studies Editors should require publication of the Pre-
Purpose: Feasibility and definition of procedure begin IDEAL minimum dataset before or together
Number and Types of Patients: preclinical  Guidelines on best scientific practice with first-in-human reports
Number and Types of Surgeons: Very few; and ethics specific to the types of Regulatory/legal: Regulators should develop
innovators study should be followed where a definition of the minimum publically
Output: Description addressing: available available dataset required to allow First-in
 Whether intended goal of procedure is  A minimum dataset describing Human studies of new devices to proceed.
accomplished technical consistency should be made Ethical aspects: general standards of
 Level of difficulty of performing procedure or public before first-in-human testing. research integrity apply
using device as compared with standard of
 Safety risks
 Desirability of intervention
Method: Various, including simulator, cadaver,
animal, modelling, and costeffectiveness studies
Stage Endpoint: Any studies that could avoid
predictable risks of failure or harm to the first
human should have been conducted.
Stage 1 Idea Purpose: Proof of concept  Provide full details of patient selection,
Journals: Encourage or require registration
First in human Number and Types of Patients: Single digit; technique and outcomes, and patients of the innovation when considering for
highly selective. not selected during the time frame, and publication (eg, IJS: Case Reports and
Number and Types of Surgeons: Very few; why. www.researchregistry.com)
innovators  Use standard well-defined measures for Regulatory/legal: Provide public interest
Output: Description reporting outcome and patient defence from legal discovery for registries
Intervention: Evolving; procedure inception characteristics specifically for first-in-human studies.
Methods: Structured case reports  Use structured reporting system eg, Ensure local hospital policy on innovative
Outcomes: Proof of concept; technical SCARE checklist. procedures groups foster innovation (ie, IRB
achievement; dramatic success; adverse events,  Make the above information available or new procedure committee)
surgeon views of the procedure to peers regardless of outcome Ethical aspects: multiple strategies required
Stage Endpoint: Outcomes will determine whether to minimize harms to patients, including
to proceed to stage 2a. formal human research ethics approval for
selected planned interventions
Stage 2a Development Purpose: Development of procedure  Make protocol for study available Journals: Support for publication of
Single center/single Number and Types of Patients: Few; Selected  Use standard well-defined measures for Development study formats and protocols
intervention; case series/ Number and Types of Surgeons: Few; innovators reporting outcome and patient Regulatory/legal: Ensure that patient
prospective cohort and some early adopters characteristics consent includes information about known
Output: Technical description of procedure and its  Report and explain all exclusions outcomes from Stage 1 , about unknown
development with reasons for changes  Report all cases sequentially with risks and—inform the patient that the
Intervention: Evolving; procedure development annotation and explanation of when surgeon has carried out few of the
Methods: Prospective development studies and why changes to indication or procedures previously
Outcomes: Mainly safety; technical, and procedure took place. Ethical aspects: formal human research
procedural success  Display main outcomes graphically to ethics approval required
Stage Endpoint: Procedure should be refined illustrate the above.
enough to allow replication in Stage 2b and there
should be no intent to make further major
Stage 2b Exploration Purpose: Achieving consensus between surgeons  Make protocol for study available Funders: Support Stage 2b Exploratory
Bridge from observational and centers  Use standard well-defined measures cohort studies as preliminary ‘‘pilot/
to comparative evaluation. Number and Types of Patients: Many; broadening for reporting outcome and patient feasibility’’ phases for RCT proposals.
Purpose is to gain data to indication to include all potential beneficiaries characteristics Journals: Support publication of IDEAL
decide if and how to test in Number and Types of Surgeons: Many;  Participate in collaborative Exploration studies and protocols
a robust RCT or other innovators, early adopters, early majority multi-center cooperative data Ethical aspects: formal human research
appropriate pivotal design. Output: Effect estimate based on large sample; collection, incorporating feasibility ethics approval required Ensure that potential
Analysis of learning curves; estimate of influence issues such as: harms from the learning curve are minimized
of prespecified technical variants and patient estimating effect size, by training and mentoring prior to
subgroups on outcome. defining intervention quality progressing to Stage 3
Intervention: Stable; acceptable variants defined standards,
Method: Prospective multicenter exploration cohort evaluating learning curves,
study (disease or treatment based); pilot/feasibility exploring subgroup differences,
multicenter RCTs. eliciting key stakeholder values and
Outcomes: Safety; clinical outcomes (specific/ preferences,
graded); short-term outcomes; patient centered/ analysis of adverse events:
reported outcomes; feasibility outcomes  Preplanned consensus meeting prior to
Stage Endpoints: fall in to two main groups; progressing to an RCT to identify
Demonstrate that technique can be more widely feasibility and ability to recruit,
adopted; and, Demonstrate that progression to RCT intervention and comparator
is desirable and feasible definitions, appropriate patient
selection criteria, primary endpoint.

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Annals of Surgery  Volume XX, Number XX, Month 2018 IDEAL Framework and Recommendations Update

TABLE 2. (Continued)
Updated IDEAL Recommendations for Updated IDEAL Proposals for Improving
Stage of Innovation Updated IDEAL Framework Researchers the Surgical Research Environment
Stage 3 Assessment Purpose: Comparative effectiveness testing  Register on an appropriate Funders: Support trial proposals
Definitive comparative Number and Types of Patients: Many; expanded international register (eg, incorporating preparatory Stage 2b work
evaluation of main efficacy indications (well-defined) clinicaltrials.gov) Journals: Encourage authors to refer to work
and safety aspects of new Number and Types of Surgeons: Many; early  Use standard well-defined measures on innovation in prior IDEAL stages
technique against current majority for reporting outcome and patient preceding RCT.
best treatment. Output: Comparison with current standard therapy characteristics Support use of appropriate reporting
Intervention: Stable  Incorporate information about patient guidelines.
Method: RCT with or without additions/ and clinician values and preferences in Mandate registration of RCT in trials register
modifications; alternative designs (cluster, consent information and outcome prior to publication.
preference RCTs, stepped wedge, adaptive designs) measure design Ethical aspects: formal human research
Outcomes: Clinical outcomes (specific and  Reporting guidelines: ethics approval required
graded); potentially Patient Reported outcomes, CONSORT update of 2010 with
Health Economic outcomes extension for nonpharmacological
Stage Endpoints: two main endpoints; Clear valid treatments
evidence on relative effectiveness of innovation; COMET
and, Identification of issues requiring long-term TIDieR
monitoring. SPIRIT (for RCT protocol design)
Stage 4 Long-term monitoring Purpose: Surveillance  Registries may begin from the earliest Funders: Link funding for purchasing
Number and Types of Patients: All eligible stages of human use treatment to delivery of adequate long-term
Number and Types of Surgeons: All eligible  Registry datasets should be defined by follow-up
Output: Description; audit; regional variation; the clinical community with patient Ethical aspects: resolve issues of consent for
quality assurance; risk adjustment input data use and especially for nested RCTs
Intervention: Stable  Datasets should be simple, cheap, and
Method: Registry; routine database; rare-case easy to collect
reports  Curation of registries by clinical
Outcomes: Rare events; long-term outcomes; community is desirable
quality assurance  Funding of registries should be agreed
Additions: Registries for devices—IDEAL-D between government and commercial
Registries at earlier stages of IDEAL interests but kept separate from
 Consent for use of registry data in
research should be broad and where
possible automatic

Registries should be organized according to the IDEAL recommendations and should be available for enrolment at any Stage.
Patient consent should always include outcomes from previous IDEAL Stage.
Actions for Professional societies:
 Ensure guidelines explicitly support IDEAL model of technical development and evaluation.
 Require members to use appropriate registers for the various stages of innovation as a condition of specialist recognition.
RCTs ¼ randomized controlled trials.

Ethical Aspects interventions is critical to prevent repetition of harmful errors.

Significant ethical issues arising in Stage 1 include: minimiz- However, investigators may be discouraged if transparency
ing patient harm; ensuring adequately informed patient consent; exposes them to legal and other challenges. Therefore, regulatory
optimizing communication about the innovation in the surgical team; and governance frameworks need to evolve to accommodate
identifying and managing conflicts of interest; and obligatory full these tensions. Public interest protection rules similar to those
and accurate reporting of outcomes to prevent avoidable harms to shielding accident investigations in the transport industries
future patients. Reflection is important to confirm the potential for could achieve this. The recently enacted UK ‘‘Access to Medical
the new innovation to solve a real clinical problem. Planned inno- Treatments (Innovations) Bill’’ allows the creation of a ‘‘medical
vations should be conducted in compliance with local hospital innovations register’’ which, with appropriate protection could
and research ethics frameworks such as IRBs. Local organizations represent an IDEAL Stage 1 register (Appendix 1—link 8, http://
should be responsible for ensuring that review supports rather than links.lww.com/SLA/B416).
discourages innovation.16 Incentives may be necessary to ensure that innovations with
adverse outcomes are registered. Potential mechanisms to achieve
Identifying Stage Endpoints this include making reporting a professional or legal obligation or
Once Stage 1 is completed, deciding whether to progress to requiring registration as a prerequisite to publishing first-in-human
Stage 2a depends on proof of concept, technical achievement, case reports.
apparent safety, and potential efficacy.
‘‘Development’’ (Stage 2a)—Toward Stabilization
Areas for Future Work and Research of the Technique
The IDEAL Collaboration strongly recommends registration
of all first-in-human procedures. There is an ethical obligation Purpose and Description
on investigators to make their research available to others In IDEAL Stage 2a, procedures are typically undergoing
contemplating similar interventions. Registration of unsuccessful iterative modification toward a final, stable version.

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Hirst et al Annals of Surgery  Volume XX, Number XX, Month 2018

Patients and Operators The phase of intentional iterative change should be complete,
Usually, only a few patients and a few operators are involved, although limited further modifications may still occur in Stage 2b.
within a single institution for technique-based innovations. For new
devices the number of operators and centers may be larger. Areas for Future Work and Research
Further work is needed to guide development of protocols to
Intervention plan Stage 2a studies, and to develop methods to evaluate when Stage
A technical description of the initial version of the interven- 2a endpoints have been reached. (Appendix 1—link 9, http://links.
tion is needed and an account of when, why and how modifications to lww.com/SLA/B416).
either technique or selection criteria were made.23 No comparator is
involved this stage. For example, Diez del Val et al23 report the ‘‘Exploration’’ (Stage 2b)—Bridge to a Pivotal Trial
development of robotically assisted oesophagectomy by a two-
surgeon team from the first robotic case onwards, presenting the Purpose and Description
cases sequentially and showing key outcomes (blood loss, robotic In the ‘‘Exploration’’ phase a greater experience of the new
operating time, lymph node yield, length of stay, and complications) intervention is gained in a wider group of surgeons and patients to
for each patient. The reasons for rejecting cases for robotic surgery collect information which will determine whether and how to
are explained, and all changes to technique or indication are progress to a definitive comparison against current best treatment.
highlighted, showing when they occurred and explaining why they The data should be used to promote consensus on the design and
were instituted. conduct of a future RCT, and to improve its feasibility by minimizing
potential barriers to delivery.26,27 Chen et al27 conducted a 20-center
Outcomes nonrandomized prospective cohort study of treatments for uterine
Relevant outcomes include short-term clinical, technical, and fibroids, in which patients chose to receive hysterectomy, myomec-
safety outcomes. tomy or high-intensity focused ultrasound therapy. The very large
differences reported in complications and short-term recovery ruled
Appropriate Study Designs these out as primary outcomes for a future RCT, as equipoise
Normally a small single center prospective cohort. A typology appeared impossible. Using quality of life measures at 6 months
which deconstructs interventions into their component parts may was also infeasible, as the very similar results found implied an
help with precise definition of procedures, and clarify description of enormous trial population requirement. There remained, however, an
which parts of the procedure change as it is modified and updated.24 answerable question about recurrence after treatment.

Recommended Reporting Guidelines for Protocols Patients and Operators

and Full Reports The patient group is less selective than for 2a studies, involv-
IDEAL advocates that Stage 2a studies should report: ing more patients in more centers; case numbers will commonly be
over 100. More surgeons are learning and undertaking the new
 Patient inclusion and exclusion criteria, how many patients were technique, and may disagree on inclusion criteria.
assessed for treatment, which candidates were excluded, and the
reasons for their exclusion. Patients considered for, but ultimately Intervention and Comparator
not offered the intervention may also be described, together with The intervention will now be relatively well defined, but minor
their outcomes. differences in technique are still common and can be explored
 Consecutive presentation of case-specific outcomes for all cases through preplanned subgroup analyses. A comparator intervention
treated. May involve use of statistical monitoring techniques, for may or may not exist.
example, CUSUM.25
 When and why modifications to the technique or indications Outcomes
occurred, to reduce the risk of avoidable harm by preventing These include safety, a precise effect estimate of short-term
repetition of unsuccessful modifications. A graphic representation clinical outcome useful for trial size calculations, identification of
showing when technical modifications occurred during the series possible subgroup outcome differences, assessment of surgical qual-
is useful. ity and learning curves, qualitative evaluation of trial feasibility, and
definition of core outcomes measures for the future trial. Validated
Ethical Aspects core outcome measures should be used if available (Appendix 1—
Stage 2a studies are planned, and are therefore subject to link 7, http://links.lww.com/SLA/B416).
appropriate institutional research ethics review. Issues specific to
Stage 2a are minimizing harm during development of the new Appropriate Study Designs
procedure, informed consent, and transparent publication of out- IDEAL Exploration studies are typically collaborative multi-
comes. Consent should include information about Stage 1 outcomes, center prospective cohort studies and feasibility RCTs designed to
acknowledging that risks cannot be reliably predicted or quantified at enhance investigator consensus on key issues. The goal is to resolve
this stage. Collecting and reporting outcomes in accessible ways the problems which most commonly prevent surgical RCTs: in doing
minimizes avoidable harm to future patients and guides the fair and so, however, Exploration studies may sometimes make it clear that an
equitable uptake of innovation. In this and subsequent stages an RCT is inappropriate or infeasible. In such cases Exploration studies
independent oversight group to monitor outcomes during the study is may facilitate ‘‘next best’’ approaches such as propensity scoring of
highly desirable particularly for high risk procedures.16 the observational data collected, or point to the need for a registry
approach. We therefore recommend an early preplanned consensus
Identifying Stage Endpoints meeting to evaluate short-term results and agree on whether an RCT
By the end of this stage, the procedure and indications should can be done, and where feasible, to develop its design. Statistical
be stable enough to permit multicenter replication during Stage 2b. analysis of learning curves may be useful.28

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Annals of Surgery  Volume XX, Number XX, Month 2018 IDEAL Framework and Recommendations Update

Recommended Reporting Guidelines for Protocols place soon after the new procedure is stable, and prior to its extensive
and Full Reports use, to avoid loss of equipoise among clinicians and patients.
Guidance to assist design and reporting of Exploration Stage
studies includes the recent CONSORT extension for pilot and Patients and Operators
feasibility RCTs29 and the updated STROBE guideline for observa- This will typically involve a substantial number of patients and
tional studies.30 IDEAL’s development of a reporting checklist for operators at multiple centers. Clear patient and operator selection
this stage is underway. criteria should be based on data gathered in previous stages.26,27

Ethical Aspects Intervention and Comparator

Stage 2b studies require institutional research ethics review. The new intervention is compared with a clinically relevant
Potential harms from the learning curve should be minimized by comparator. Typically, this will be ‘‘best usual care’’ but on occa-
training and mentoring. Informed consent should be based upon sions, a placebo or sham surgery control might be appropriate.32
information from Stage 2a. For reasons of justice and equity patient
selection should reflect the population in which the innovation can be Outcomes
expected to be effective; and the data set should include outcomes of Outcomes reflecting the values of patients and operators
importance to patients.16 An independent study oversight group to should be identified during the Stage 2b collaborative study
monitor outcomes is recommended. and consideration given to developing a new core outcomes set
if one does not already exist.33 IDEAL 2b studies provide oppor-
Identifying Stage Endpoints tunities to identify and pilot test the primary outcome for a definitive
By the end of Stage 2b, all the requirements needed to progress trial.
to a pivotal RCT should be complete. These fall into 2 groups;
Appropriate Study Designs
Endpoints That Demonstrate That the Technique Where feasible a multisurgeon, multicenter randomized
Can Be Widely Adopted by Surgeons trial6,34 should be performed. Variants, including cluster-randomized
1. Agreement on the definition of the intervention (and acceptable or expertise-based RCTs35,36 or stepped wedge designs, may be
variants) for the purposes of an RCT; appropriate. Where circumstances preclude randomization, accept-
2. Agreement on quality standards for delivery of the intervention; able alternatives include controlled interrupted time series or obser-
and vational designs using efficient post-hoc techniques (eg, propensity
3. Assessment of learning curves to allow decisions on admission of scoring) to minimize known sources of bias. Nesting medical device
clinicians into an RCT and how to evaluate their outcomes to based trials within national population/disease based registries is
avoid bias in a comparison versus standard treatment. recommended to facilitate larger scale pragmatic trials12

Endpoints That Demonstrate That Progression to a Recommended Reporting Guidelines for Protocols
Formal Randomized Controlled Trial Is Feasible and Full Reports
1. Confirmation of the appropriate target patient population. Dis- Several robust guidelines for reporting surgical RCTs are
agreements on details of patient selection are a common cause of recommended including the updated 2010 CONSORT Statement,37
failure to achieve consensus for an RCT; its extension for NPT (non-pharmacological treatments)38 and a
2. Confirmation of the appropriate comparator treatment; template for intervention description and replication (TIDieR State-
3. Confirmation of the appropriate primary endpoint for outcome ment).39
assessment in the RCT. The DELTA guidance on specifying the The SPIRIT statement provides excellent guidance for writing
target difference for a RCT is recommended (Table 2- link 10). protocols for RCTs.40 These and other more specific reporting
4. Evidence of consensus amongst surgeons and patients that they guidance for surgery can be found at the EQUATOR website
are willing to accept randomization between the proposed (Appendix 1— link 4, http://links.lww.com/SLA/B416).
treatment options.
We recommend the use of nested qualitative studies to explore Ethical Aspects
the attitudes and values of participants. Stage 3 trials require institutional research ethics review and
independent oversight. Relevant ethical issues concern the genera-
Areas for Future Research tion of valid data; fair inclusion and exclusion criteria; access and
Successful Stage 2b Exploration studies require the collabo- equity in research participation; use of outcomes relevant to patients;
ration of multiple researchers and institutions. These types of studies measures to minimize surgeon bias; efforts to minimize patient harm
may therefore be especially suitable to cooperative groups such as the due to the learning curve; fair treatment of the data and prompt
UK Surgical Trainee collaborative.31 Methods for establishing that publication of all relevant results. Placebo or sham surgery controls
the intervention is sufficiently defined and stable for RCT evaluation may be justifiable where they offer the best chance to resolve
need further work. Empirical evaluation of the impact of 2b studies uncertainty, do not involve unacceptable risks to patients and are
on the probability of developing a successful RCT is needed. If large acceptable to key stakeholders.16 All RCTs should be registered on
scale procedure registry systems or permanent audits exist, methods an appropriate international register, for example https://clinical-
for nesting 2b studies within the system are needed. trials.gov/.

‘‘Assessment’’ (Stage 3)—Pivotal Study/RCT Identifying Endpoints of Stage

The 2 main endpoints of Stage 3 are 1) valid evidence on the
Purpose and Description intervention’s relative effectiveness; and 2) identification of aspects
In the ‘‘Assessment’’ Stage a pivotal comparative evaluation which require long-term monitoring (typically late and rare out-
occurs, usually against current standard treatment. This should take comes).

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Hirst et al Annals of Surgery  Volume XX, Number XX, Month 2018

Areas for Future Work and Research consisting of all known patients with a specific medical condition,
Many current initiatives will contribute to improvements in are preferable scientifically but are not easy to implement and rarely
surgical trial design, conduct and reporting. These include Trial sustainable. A feasible compromise approach which facilitates
Forge (Appendix 1—link 11, http://links.lww.com/SLA/B416) to nested trials and other secondary data usage is the ‘‘all comers’’
improve trial efficiency,41 and PRECIS-2, a tool to improve trial model which collects data on available treatments in a specific
design.42 Research to establish better methods for early phase condition or area of practice.53 Advances in electronic records
IDEAL studies is also being undertaken at the Bristol Centre for systems’ capacity to code accurately for both diagnosis and treatment
Surgical Research in the UK (Appendix 1— link 12, http://links. will rapidly improve our ability to develop such registries in
lww.com/SLA/B416). the future.

‘‘Long-term Study’’ (Stage 4)—Identifying Rare and Intervention and Comparator

Later Outcomes Registries may be procedure/device-driven or disease-driven.
Which design is optimal depends on the objectives of the registry and
Purpose and Description should be clinician- and patient driven. Registries can be utilized
The IDEAL Framework proposes registries for data collection within specific trials where appropriate to increase their efficiency,
in Stage 4 (Long-term study). Their strength lies in recognizing late for example the UK REBOA (Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon
or uncommon safety outcomes and identifying changes in the use of Occlusion of the Aorta) RCT will be using data collected via the UK
procedures—so called ‘‘indication creep,’’ and trends in outcomes trauma registry (Appendix 1—link 15, http://links.lww.com/SLA/
which may reveal variations in the quality of surgery. Registries B416).
allow evaluation of ‘‘real world’’ outcomes and, very importantly,
can allow ongoing feedback to clinicians and manufacturer.43 This Outcomes
update of IDEAL introduces the recommendation for the use of Registries allow for analysis of long-term outcomes that may
registries at a much earlier stage in the framework. not be captured within the lifetime of an RCT. Early stage registries
may be particularly useful in allowing cooperating innovators to pool
Registries for Device Surveillance and Life Cycle learning on procedural modifications to arrive at the optimal tech-
Assessments nique more rapidly.
Registries or ‘‘registry like’’ systems can detect long-term or
rare safety problems with devices such as the failures of metal-on- Appropriate Study Designs
metal hip implants,44,45 problems with vascular closure devices,46 Key design issues for registries center on the dataset and on
and surgical meshes.47,48 Comprehensive coverage requires commit- fostering engagement. Datasets should be as small and cheap to
ment from users and sustainable partnership with stakeholders. collect as possible, while reliably capturing patient and device/
Registries should have independent supervision, use standard uni- procedure identity, diagnosis, and the key influences on outcome.
versally applicable definitions of outcomes and relevant confound- Standardized terminology should be used for all data items. Careful
ers, and cover equivalent devices from all relevant manufacturers. design of contributor recognition, data entry systems, and feedback
However, manufacturers are often involved in registry funding, and methods should maximize incentives for and minimize barriers to
are naturally wary of exposure of their data to competitors. IDEAL full data submission.
promotes comprehensive, high quality registry/big data development
while recognizing the conflicts and the need to address stakeholder Recommended Reporting Guidelines for Protocols
concerns.49 and Full Reports
Clear plans for analysis and reporting of data should be
Introducing Registries at an Early Stage developed at the outset, specifying time intervals, numbers of
Whereas IDEAL originally envisaged registries as confined to patients registered, or prespecified safety signals which will trigger
Stage 4, registry-type data collection can usefully begin from IDEAL analysis. The form, authorship, and means of distribution of reports
Stage 1. Device manufacturers typically develop competitor products needs to be agreed in advance, giving all contributors appropriate
more or less simultaneously, and evaluate them through exclusive recognition, notice of reports, and access to the data.
arrangements with a relatively small pool of clinicians. The evident
scientific and public interest in pooling of these datasets is in tension Ethical Aspects
with competition between manufacturers. Starting a registry at an In Stage 4, interventions are no longer within a research ethics
early stage can allow data harmonization and pooling of resources framework, but part of routine clinical practice. However, as registry
and data if agreements can be reached (50 & Appendix 1— link 13, data is collected this raises issues about patient consent for future use
http://links.lww.com/SLA/B416). of data including the development of pragmatic nested RCTs.
Integrated verbal consent can be an alternative to written consent
Developing Trials Within Registries in some contexts.54 Issues of access and equity may arise in Stage 4 if
IDEAL Stage 3 RCTs can be ‘‘nested’’ within registries or the innovation is more expensive than alternatives, or concentrated in
cohort studies (51,52 & Appendix 1—link 14, http://links.lww.com/ specialist centers. Conflicts of interest created by financial or repu-
SLA/B416), potentially enhancing trial recruitment, but informed tational rewards and/or aggressive marketing may bias practice
consent processes require careful consideration (see below). toward the innovation even for indications where there is little
Patients and Operators
The patient population is dictated by the stage at which the Areas for Further Research
registry is introduced. Registries introduced at an early stage are Research is needed on the specific value of different features
mostly procedure or device driven with clinicians entering all of registries, and on the factors which facilitate or prevent their
patients treated with the innovation. Disease-driven registries, introduction. Further analysis of real-world application of trials

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Annals of Surgery  Volume XX, Number XX, Month 2018 IDEAL Framework and Recommendations Update

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