Math Plus Ulo-3

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College of Engineering Education

2nd Flr. BE Bldg.

Matina Campus, Davao City
Tel/Fax No. 082-2961084
Tel no. 082-2443455

At the end of the unit, you are expected to

a. Solve the unknown parts of a right triangle
b. Solve trigonometric equations.

In this section, the most essential terms relevant to the study of curriculum and to define
some terms that are essential in solving the parts of a given right triangle. You will encounter
these terms as we go on with the lesson. Please refer to these definitions in case you will
encounter difficulty in the in understanding the concepts.
1. Right Triangle is a triangle that contains one angle whose measurement is 90 degrees.
College of Engineering Education
2nd Flr. BE Bldg.
Matina Campus, Davao City
Tel/Fax No. 082-2961084
Tel no. 082-2443455

2. Complementary angles are angles whose sum is equal to 90 degrees.

3. Supplementary angles are angles whose sum is equal to 180 degrees.

Trigonometry is a branch of mathematics that deals with the measurement of sides and
angles of triangles and their relationship. There are many applications in engineering where
knowledge of trigonometry is needed such as engineering, navigation, land surveying, and
various physical sciences.

An angle is formed by rotating a ray (or half-line) about its endpoint. The initial side of
the angle is the starting position of the ray, and the terminal side of the angle is the final
position, the position of the ray after the rotation. The vertex of the angle is the point about
which the ray is rotated. Angles are usually denoted by lowercase Greek letters such as α
(alpha), β (beta), and θ (theta).

An angle is said to be in standard position if its initial side is on the positive x-axis and
its vertex is at the origin. The angles are both in standard position.

Angles in Standard Positions

College of Engineering Education
2nd Flr. BE Bldg.
Matina Campus, Davao City
Tel/Fax No. 082-2961084
Tel no. 082-2443455

The measure of an angle is determined by the amount of rotation of the ray as it goes
from the initial side of the angle to the terminal side. If an angle in standard position is
generated by a counter-clockwise rotation, it is said to have positive measure; if it is generated
by a clockwise rotation, it has negative measure. These angles are commonly referred to as
positive and negative angles, respectively.

Some types of angles are given special names. An angle whose measure is greater than
00 and less than 900 is called an acute angle. An angle whose measure is greater than 900 and
less than 1800 is called an obtuse angle. A 900 - angle is called a right angle, and a 1800 - angle
is called a straight angle.

College of Engineering Education
2nd Flr. BE Bldg.
Matina Campus, Davao City
Tel/Fax No. 082-2961084
Tel no. 082-2443455

Special Types of Angle.

There are two commonly used units of measurement for angles. The more familiar
unit of measurement is that of degrees. A circle is divided into 360 equal degrees. A right angle
is 90°. Degrees may be further divided into minutes and seconds, but that division is not as
universal as it used to be. Each degree is divided into 60 equal parts called minutes. Each
minute is further divided into 60 equal parts called seconds. The division of degrees into
minutes and seconds of angle is analogous to the division of hours into minutes and seconds of

College of Engineering Education
2nd Flr. BE Bldg.
Matina Campus, Davao City
Tel/Fax No. 082-2961084
Tel no. 082-2443455

Parts of a degree are now usually referred to decimally. For instance seven and a half degrees
is now usually written 7.5°.

The other common measurement for angles is radians. For this measurement, consider
the unit circle (a circle of radius 1) whose center is the vertex of the angle in question. Then
the angle cuts off an arc of the circle, and the length of that arc is the radian measure of the
angle. It is easy to convert between degree measurement and radian measurement. The
circumference of the entire circle is 2π, so it follows that 360° equals 2π radians. Hence,1°
equals π/180 radians and 1 radian equals 180/π degrees

College of Engineering Education
2nd Flr. BE Bldg.
Matina Campus, Davao City
Tel/Fax No. 082-2961084
Tel no. 082-2443455

Below is a table of common angles in both degree measurement and radian measurement. Note
that the radian measurement is given in terms of π. It could, of course, be given decimally, but radian
measurement often appears with a factor of π .

90° π/2

60° π/3

45° π/4

30° π/6

It has the degree ( 0 ) as the fundamental unit. The degree can be divided into minutes
( ‘ ) and seconds( “ ).

Important Conversions:

1 revolution (or 1 circular rotation) = 360 degrees or (1 rev = 3600)

1 degree = 60 minutes or (10 = 60’)

1 minute = 60 seconds or (1’ = 60”)

Other Trigonometric Measurement Systems

Important Conversions:

1 revolution (or 1 circular rotation) = 400 gradians or (1 rev = 400 grads)

1 revolution (or 1 circular rotation) = 6400 mils or (1 rev = 6400 mils)


College of Engineering Education
2nd Flr. BE Bldg.
Matina Campus, Davao City
Tel/Fax No. 082-2961084
Tel no. 082-2443455

Convert the following angles from degrees to radians.

(a) 140o
140o x π rad
180o = or 2.44 rad

(b) -360o6’9”
π rad
-360o6’9” x = -6.28 rad

(c) 160o
π rad
160ox 180o π rad or 2.8 rad

Convert the following angles from radians to degrees. Express your answer to three
decimal places.


( )= 330°

(b) -2 rad
-2 rad π rad = -114.65o

(c) 9.3 rad

9.3 rad π rad = 532.851o = 532 o 51’3.6” =532 o 51’4”

Trigonometry studies of relationships between the sides and angles of right triangles.
For example, trigonometry enables one to determine the height of an object by using lengths
and angles that are easier to measure. For a fixed acute angle θ in a right triangle, the ratio of

College of Engineering Education
2nd Flr. BE Bldg.
Matina Campus, Davao City
Tel/Fax No. 082-2961084
Tel no. 082-2443455

the length of the side that is opposite to the length of the side that is adjacent to θ does not
depend on the size of the triangle. This is true of the ratios of lengths of the other pairs of sides
of the triangle as well. Because these ratios depend only on the measure of θ, we can define
them in terms of θ. Each ratio of a pair of lengths of sides of a right triangle is given a special

sin θ = csc θ =

cos θ = sec θ =

tan θ = cot θ =

Reference Acute Right Triangle

College of Engineering Education
2nd Flr. BE Bldg.
Matina Campus, Davao City
Tel/Fax No. 082-2961084
Tel no. 082-2443455

The acute angles A and B of the right triangle ABC are complementary; that is, A + B =
900. The relations associate the functions in pairs - sine and cosine, tangent and cotangent,
secant and cosecant - each function of a pair being called the co-function of the other. The
following relations are then derived:
a c
sin A = = cos B csc A = = sec B
c a
b c
cos A = = sin B sec A = = csc B
c b
a b
tan A = = cot B cot A = = tan B
b a

Thus, any function of an acute angle is equal to the corresponding co-function of the
complementary angle. In summary of the above,

sin (90 − θ) = cos θ cos (90 − θ) = sin θ

tan (90 − θ) = cot θ cot (90 − θ) = tan θ

sec (90 − θ) = csc θ csc (90 − θ) = sec θ


1.) Find the value of the co-function of the corresponding complementary angle:

a.) cos 67.50

complement of 67.50 = 900 - 67.50 = 22.50

cos 67.50 = sin 22.50 = 0.383

b.) tan 400

complement of 400 = 900 - 400 = 500

tan 400 = cot 500 = 0.839

c.) sin 150

College of Engineering Education
2nd Flr. BE Bldg.
Matina Campus, Davao City
Tel/Fax No. 082-2961084
Tel no. 082-2443455

complement of 150 = 900 - 150 = 750

sin 150 = cos 750 = 0.256

1.) Find the six trigonometric functions of θ.

8 1 17
sin θ = csc θ = =
17 sin θ 8
15 1 17
cos θ = sec θ = =
17 cos θ 15
8 1 15
tan θ = cot θ = =
15 tan θ 8

2.) Find the six trigonometric functions of α.

15 1 17
sin α = csc α = =
17 sin α 15
College of Engineering Education
2nd Flr. BE Bldg.
Matina Campus, Davao City
Tel/Fax No. 082-2961084
Tel no. 082-2443455

8 1 17
cos α = sec α = =
17 cos α 8
15 1 8
tan α = cot α = =
8 tan α 15

In a right triangle , the side opposite the angle 90 ⁰ is called the hypotenuse. The other
sides are called legs. If the legs have lengths and and the hypotenuse has length then,

c =a +b

Parts of a Right Triangle

1.) If a right triangle has legs of lengths 5 and 12 units respectively, what is the length of the

Because this is a right triangle, we can apply the Pythagorean Theorem with a = 5 and b = 12
to find the length of the hypotenuse. Thus,
c =a +b
c = 5 + 12

= 5 + 12
= 13
2.) Given the following right triangle, find all the values of the trigonometric ratios of A.


5 77
College of Engineering Education
2nd Flr. BE Bldg.
Matina Campus, Davao City
Tel/Fax No. 082-2961084
Tel no. 082-2443455

Because this is a right triangle, we can apply the Pythagorean Theorem with a = 5 and b = 6 to
find the length of the hypotenuse. Thus,
c =a +b
c =5 +6

= 5 +6
= √61
6 6√61 √61
sin A = = csc A =
√61 61 6

5 5√61 √61
cos A = = sec A =
√61 61 5
6 5
tan A = cot A =
5 6

I. Finding the value of a trigonometric function given the angle:

a.) sin 20015’10” = 20.25277778= 0.34616
b.) cos 14020’ = 0.96887
c.) tan 3004’ = 0.59297
d. ) csc 50 = ≈ 1.3054
sin 50
e. ) cot 80 = ≈ 0.17633
tan 80

II. Finding the value of an angle given the value of its trigonometric function:
Considering the given trigonometric function:
cos θ = x
θ = angle in which the cosine is x
x = value of the trigonometric function for θ

College of Engineering Education
2nd Flr. BE Bldg.
Matina Campus, Davao City
Tel/Fax No. 082-2961084
Tel no. 082-2443455

If we are tasked to solve for θ given x, then the inverse trigonometric function for cosine
will be used. In equation form,
θ = cos x or θ = Arccos
The following is also used for the other five inverse trigonometric functions:
θ = sin x or θ = Arcsin x
θ = tan x or θ = Arctan x
θ = sec x or θ = Arcsec x
θ = csc x or θ = Arccsc x

θ = cot x or θ = Arccot x


a.) If cos α = 0.72015, then find the value of α.


cos α = 0.72015

α = cos (0.72015)=43.9331339°

α = 43 56′

b.) If sec = 14.6401, then find the value of γ.


Take note that there is no direct calculator key for secant. With this, its
corresponding basic trigonometric identity will be used, which is the reciprocal
of cosine. Thus, sec = 14.6401

= 14.6401

cos = = 0.06831

γ = cos 0.06831 = 86.08333° = 86 5′

College of Engineering Education
2nd Flr. BE Bldg.
Matina Campus, Davao City
Tel/Fax No. 082-2961084
Tel no. 082-2443455

Considering ∆ACB below, in order to find the magnitude of the remaining parts, the
following may be applied:

1.) Pythagorean Theorem (in which the 3 sides are involved)

2.) Trigonometric Functions (in which an angle & any of the sides are involved)

Reference Acute Right Triangle

Case 1: Solving a Right Triangle given the lengths of two sides.

Consider ∆ACB (solve for the remaining parts given the following:

1.) c = 37.21 cm, a = 19.67 cm


Solving for side b by Pythagorean Theorem,

b= c −a = (37.21 cm) − (19.67 cm) = 31.59 cm

Solving for angle A by utilizing the sine function,

19.67 cm
sin A = = 0.52862
37.21 cm

A = sin 0.52862 ≈ 31.91

College of Engineering Education
2nd Flr. BE Bldg.
Matina Campus, Davao City
Tel/Fax No. 082-2961084
Tel no. 082-2443455

Solving for angle B from the sum of angles in a triangle,

A + � + 90 = 180

� = 180 − (A + 90 ) = 180 − (31.91 + 90 )

� = 58.09

Case 2: Solving a Right Triangle given an acute angle measure and a side length.

Consider ∆ACB (referring to Figure 1.9), solve for the remaining parts given the following:

2.) A = 560, c = 15 m

Solution: Solving for angle B from the sum of angles in a triangle,

A + � + 90 = 180

� = 180 − (A + 90 ) = 180 − (56 + 90 )

� = 34

Solving for side a by utilizing the sine function,

a a
sin 56 = =
c 15 m
a = (15 m)(sin 56 ) ≈ 12.436 m
Solving for side b by utilizing the cosine function,
b b
cos 56 = =
c 15 m
b = (15 m)(cos 56 ) ≈ 8.388 m

If the value of trigonometric function sine of an angle θ is k , that is sin θ = k, then , it is

equivalent to saying angle θ is the angle having sine function of value equal to k. In symbol

θ = arcsin k or θ = sin -1 k

College of Engineering Education
2nd Flr. BE Bldg.
Matina Campus, Davao City
Tel/Fax No. 082-2961084
Tel no. 082-2443455

Inverse trigonometric function may be classified as general values or principal values of the
inverse trigonometric functions.

Distinction between the general values and principal value of the inverse trigonometric
function is made on the way how they were written. Principal values of inverse trigonometric
function are defined as follows:

Function Domain Range

Sin-1 x [ -1,1] [ , ]
Cos-1 x [ -1,1] [0 , ]
Tan -1 x (- , ) [ , ]
Cot -1 x (- , ) ( 0, )
Sec -1 x (- , ] U (1, ) [ 0, ) U ( , ]
Csc -1 x (- , ) U [1, ] [ - , 0) U ( 0, ]

These include all the possible angles having value of the trigonometric function equal
to x. Evaluation of the general values of the inverse trigonometric function is done using the
table below.
Inverse Trigonometric Function General Values
arcsin x and arccsc x n + (-1)n θ
arccos x and arcsec x 2n + θ
arctan x and arccot n +θ

where is the principal value and n= 0, +1, +2, …..

Inverse trigonometric functions are therefore multiple-valued. We denote the principal
value of the value of the inverse trigonometric function by upper case letters in their initials,
however multiple-value of the inverse trigonometric functions are denoted by lower case
letter .

1. Find the exact values of the following
Arcsin ( 1 / 2 )
Take note that the value of sine function is ½ , thus, the principal value is a positive angle in
College of Engineering Education
2nd Flr. BE Bldg.
Matina Campus, Davao City
Tel/Fax No. 082-2961084
Tel no. 082-2443455

quadrant 1. Thus ,
Arcsin ( 1 / 2) =

2. Arccos ( -1) =
3. Arcsin (-1/√2 )
To find the value , we use the formula nπ + (-1)n θ
θ = Arcsin (-1/√2 ) = - 45o
Arcsin (-1/√2 ) = nπ + (-1)n ( -45o) = n(180o) + (-1)n (-45o)
For some specific general values, we assume values of n, say:
When n = 0,
θ = Arcsin (-1/√2 ) = 0 + (-1)0( -45o) = -45o
When n = 1,
θ = Arcsin (-1/√2 ) = (1)(180 o) + (-1)1( -45o) = 225o
When n = 2,
θ = Arcsin (-1/√2 ) = (2)(180 o) + (-1)2(-45o) = 315o
4. Sin [arctan (- √3 ) ]

Let A= arctan (- √3 ), which is in quadrant II and quadrant IV since given value of tangent is
negative. Reference angle wqith respect to the x-axis equals 60o. Thus,
arctan - √3 = -60⁰ , 120⁰ ,

Hence , for -60⁰ , sin [arctan - √3 ] = -.866025

120⁰ , sin [arctan - √3 ] = .866025

[1] Trigonometry Barcharts (2002). Barcharts. Barcharts Inc.

[2] Ollerton, Mike (2007).100+ ideas for teaching mathematics. Bloomsbury Publishing
[3] Adrian Ning Hong Yeo (2007). Trig or treat. Workd Scientific Publishing Company
[4] Douglas ( 2009). Mathematics terms 3rd ed.New York: Barron’s Educational Series Inc.

College of Engineering Education
2nd Flr. BE Bldg.
Matina Campus, Davao City
Tel/Fax No. 082-2961084
Tel no. 082-2443455

1. Solve the missing parts of the right triangle ABC

C 5 B

A x
2. Find the trigonometric functions of the triangle ABC if tan A=3/6

1. Can Sin A = -1.5? Support your answer

The importance of learning the basic skills in solving the unknown/s in a given right
triangle are:

1. The Pythagorean theorem is very useful.

2. The following should be known 2sides or a side and an angle or the three sides before you
can use your knowledge in solving the missing parts of a right triangle.

College of Engineering Education
2nd Flr. BE Bldg.
Matina Campus, Davao City
Tel/Fax No. 082-2961084
Tel no. 082-2443455

Your turn:




If you have any questions regarding this topic, kindly write down on the table provided.






Right triangle Right angle Supplementary angles

Complementary angle Pythagorean theorem Reference angle
Supplementary angle Complementary angles Standard angle

College of Engineering Education
2nd Flr. BE Bldg.
Matina Campus, Davao City
Tel/Fax No. 082-2961084
Tel no. 082-2443455

In this section, the most essential terms relevant to the study of curriculum and to define
some terms that are essential in solving trigonometric equations and establishing the identity

College of Engineering Education
2nd Flr. BE Bldg.
Matina Campus, Davao City
Tel/Fax No. 082-2961084
Tel no. 082-2443455

statements. You will encounter these terms as we go on with the lesson. Please refer to these
definitions in case you will encounter difficulty in the in understanding the concepts.
1. Trigonometric equation is a conditional equation involving trigonometric functions.
2. Trigonometric identities are equalities that involve trigonometric functions and are true
for every value of the occurring variables where both sides of the equality are defined.

An identity is a relationship that is true for every value of its variable(s) for which each
side of the equation is defined. In this section, you will learn how to verify trigonometric
identities and solve trigonometric equations. The key to solve identities and equations lies on
the ability to use fundamental identities and the logical rules of algebra to manipulate
equations and identities efficiently.

A. Reciprocal Identities

1__ 1__
1.) csc ϴ = sin ϴ or sin ϴ = csc ϴ or sin ϴ csc ϴ = 1

1__ 1__
2.) sec ϴ = cos ϴ or cos ϴ = sec ϴ or cos ϴ sec ϴ = 1

1__ 1__
3.) cot ϴ = tan ϴ or tan ϴ = cos ϴ or tan ϴ cot ϴ = 1

B. Quotient Identities

sin ϴ sin ϴ
4.) tan ϴ = cos ϴ or cos ϴ = tan ϴ or sin ϴ = cos ϴ tan ϴ

cos ϴ cos ϴ
5.) cot ϴ = sin ϴ or sin ϴ = cot ϴ or cos ϴ = sin ϴ cot ϴ

College of Engineering Education
2nd Flr. BE Bldg.
Matina Campus, Davao City
Tel/Fax No. 082-2961084
Tel no. 082-2443455

C. Pythagorean Identities

6.) sin2 ϴ + cos2 ϴ = 1 ; sin2 ϴ = 1 – cos2 ϴ ; cos2 ϴ =1 – sin 2 ϴ

7.) 1 + tan2 ϴ =sec2 ϴ ; sec2 ϴ - tan2 ϴ = 1 ; tan2 ϴ = sec2- 1
8.) 1 + cot2 ϴ =csc2 ϴ ; csc2 ϴ - cot2 ϴ = 1 ; cot2 ϴ = csc2 ϴ- 1

D. Negative Identities

9.) sin ( - ϴ) = - sin ϴ

10.) cos (- ϴ) = cos ϴ
11.) tan (- ϴ) = - tan ϴ

Procedures for validating trigonometric identities:

1. Transforming only one side – making it similar to the other side
2. Proving both sides to the same expression.
3. NO general method of proving an identity can be given. A few suggestions,
however, will be of great help.
4. Proving only one side requires the choice of the more complicated side to verify.
Have in mind what is to derive in the end.
5. Simplifying of algebraic operations like factoring, operating fractions, etc., and
fundamental identities to make all terms simple in form. If possible, transform
the functions to sine and cosines.
6. Correct practice.
Remarks: In proving identities, do not:
1. cross multiply
2. transpose terms
Note that identities are not required to solve for its variable(s).
I Prove the following identities.

1.) = sin(90 − θ)
Proving the left side using identities,

College of Engineering Education
2nd Flr. BE Bldg.
Matina Campus, Davao City
Tel/Fax No. 082-2961084
Tel no. 082-2443455

cot θ
= sin(90 − θ)
csc θ

cos θ
sin θ = sin(90 − θ)
sin θ
cos θ
(sin θ) = sin(90 − θ)
sin θ
cos θ = sin(90 − θ)

Let : θ be an acute angle in a right triangle, 90o - θ is the complement of θ.

By taking the co-function of the complementary angles,
sin (90o - θ) = sin (90o - θ)
2.) sin4 θ - cos4 θ = 2sin2 θ - 1
Proving the left side:
As a difference of two squares:
(sin2 θ)2 – (cos2 θ)2 = 2 sin2 θ – 1
(sin2 θ + cos2 θ)(sin2 θ – cos2 θ) = 2 sin2 θ – 1
Since, sin2 θ + cos2 θ = 1
sin2 θ – (1 – sin2 θ) = 2 sin2 θ – 1
2 sin2 θ – 1 = 2 sin2 θ – 1

cos 1 + sin
3. ) + = 2 sec
1 + sin cos

Adding the fractions get the least common denominator,

cos x + (1 + sin x)
= 2 sec x
cos x (1 + sin x)
cos x + 1 + 2 sin x + sin x
= 2 sec x
cos x (1 + sin x)
College of Engineering Education
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Matina Campus, Davao City
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cos x + sin x + 1 + 2 sin x

= 2 sec x
cos x (1 + sin x)
Since, sin2 x + cos2 x = 1,
1 + 1 + 2 sin x
= 2 sec x
cos x (1 + sin x)
2 + 2 sin x
= 2 sec x
cos x (1 + sin x)
2 + 2 sin x
= 2 sec x
cos x (1 + sin x)

2 (1 + sin x)
= 2 sec x
cos x (1 + sin x)
= 2 sec x

2 sec x = 2 sec x
4.) ( sec ϴ - cos ϴ) (csc ϴ - sin ϴ) = sin ϴ cos ϴ
Replace the left side by identities:

1 _ 1 _
cos ϴ sin ϴ = sin ϴ cos ϴ
cos ϴ sin ϴ

1- cos2 ϴ 1- sin2 ϴ
cos ϴ sin ϴ = sin ϴ cos ϴ

sin2 ϴ cos2 ϴ
cos ϴ sin ϴ
= sin ϴ cos ϴ

sin ϴ cos ϴ = sin ϴ cos ϴ

1 − sin x cos x
5. ) =
cos x 1 + sin x
Neither the left nor the right side may be called more complicated therefore, choosing any of
the two sides to verify will give the same result. Proving the left side, multiply the conjugate
of an of the numerator or denominator, thus, if the conjugate of the numerator is multiplied,

College of Engineering Education
2nd Flr. BE Bldg.
Matina Campus, Davao City
Tel/Fax No. 082-2961084
Tel no. 082-2443455

1 − sin x 1 + sin x cos x

x =
cos x 1 + sin x 1 + sin x
( )

cos x cos x
cos x (1 + sin x) 1 + sin x

cos x cos x
cos x (1 + sin x) 1 + sin x

cos x cos x
cos x (1 + sin x) 1 + sin x

cos x cos x
1 + sin x 1 + sin x

6.) sec4 B + sec2 B = tan4 B + tan2 B

Proving the right side, get the common factor.
sec4 B+ sec2 B = tan2 B (tan2 B + 1)
Since, 1+ tan2 B = sec2 B, use tan2 B = sec2 B - 1
sec4 B + sec2 B = (sec2 B - 1)( sec2 B)
sec4 B + sec2 B = sec4 B + sec2 B
7.) (x sinϴ - y cos ϴ)2 + (x cos ϴ + y sin ϴ)2 = x2y2
Proving the left side, expand each term.
x2sin2ϴ - 2xy sin ϴ cos ϴ + y2cos2 ϴ + x2cos2ϴ+ 2xysin ϴ cos ϴ + y2sin2ϴ = x2 + y2
By common factoring,
x2 (sin2ϴ + cos2 ϴ) + y2 (sin2ϴ + cos2 ϴ) = x2 + y2
Since, sin2 x + cos2 x = 1,
x2 + y2 = x2 + y2

I. Addition Formulas
a. sin(A + B) = sin A cos B + cos A sin B

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Matina Campus, Davao City
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b. cos(A + B) = cos A cos B − sin A sin B

tan A + tan B
c. tan(A + B) =
1 − tan A tan B
II. Subtraction Formulas
. sin(A − B) = sin A cos B − cos A sin B
e. cos(A − B) = cos A cos B + sin A sin B
tan A − tan B
f. tan(A − B) =
1 + tan A tan B
1. Express sin 3θ in terms of sin θ and cos θ.
Since 3θ = 2θ + θ,
sin 3θ = sin(2θ + θ)
sin 3θ = sin 2θ cos θ + cos 2θ sin θ
Since cos 2θ = (cos θ) − (sin θ) and sin 2θ = 2 sin θ cos θ,
sin 3θ = (2 sin θ cos θ) cos θ + ((cos θ) − (sin θ) ) sin θ
sin 3θ = 2 cos θ sin θ + cos θ sin θ − sin θ
sin 3θ = 3 cos θ sin θ − sin θ

III. Double-Angle Formulas

. sin 2A = 2 sin A cos A
h. cos 2A = cos A − sin A
= 2 cos A − 1
= 1 − 2 sin A
2 tan A
i. tan 2A = , for tan A ≠ 1
1 − tan A

1.) Find the exact value of sin 1200 manually using trigonometric identities.

Since 1200 = 2 x 600,

sin 120 = 2 sin 60 cos 60

College of Engineering Education
2nd Flr. BE Bldg.
Matina Campus, Davao City
Tel/Fax No. 082-2961084
Tel no. 082-2443455

√3 1 √3
sin 120 = 2 =
2 2 2
2.) Find the exact value of cos 1200 manually using trigonometric identities.
Since 1200 = 2 x 600,
cos 120 = (cos 60 ) − (sin 60 )
1 √3 1 3 1
cos 120 = − = − =−
2 2 4 4 2
IV. Half-Angle Formulas

θ 1 − cos θ
j. sin =±
2 2

θ 1 + cos θ
k. cos =±
2 2

θ 1 − cos θ
l. tan =± , for cos θ ≠ −1
2 1 + cos θ
1 − cos θ
= , for sin θ ≠ 0
sin θ
sin θ
= , for cos θ ≠ −1
1 + cos θ

V. Product to Sum/Difference Formulas

m. sin X cos Y = [sin (X + Y) + sin(X − Y)]
n. cos X sin Y = [sin (X + Y) − sin(X − Y)]
o. cos X cos Y = [cos (X + Y) + cos(X − Y)]

College of Engineering Education
2nd Flr. BE Bldg.
Matina Campus, Davao City
Tel/Fax No. 082-2961084
Tel no. 082-2443455

p. sin X sin Y = [cos (X − Y) − cos(X + Y)]
1.) Express the product of sin 15 cos 25 as a sum or difference.

Using the formula: sin X cos Y = [sin (X + Y) + sin(X − Y)]

sin 15 cos 25 = [sin (15 + 25 ) + sin(15 − 25 )]
sin 15 cos 25 = [sin (40 ) + sin(−10 )]
Since sin(−10 ) = − sin(10 ),
sin 15 cos 25 = [sin (40 ) − sin(10 )]

There is no definite rule of procedure for solving trigonometric equations. However, the
following procedure may be introduced:
1. When two or more functions appear in one equation, the object is to reduce to a single
function, usually in terms of sine or cosine.
2. The equation maybe factorable. Otherwise, use quadratic formula.
Classification of Trigonometric Equations
1. An equation with no solution. There is no value of the variable that satisfies the equation.
cos x = -5
2. An identity. This is satisfied by any value of the variable.

tan x = sin x/ cos x

3. A conditional equation. There is at least one value that satisfies the trigonometric equation.

sin x = ½
1: Find the solutions to each trigonometric equation for the interval Oo≤ θ≤ 360o.
a. sin ϴ = cos ϴ

sin Ɵ__
cos Ɵ
College of Engineering Education
2nd Flr. BE Bldg.
Matina Campus, Davao City
Tel/Fax No. 082-2961084
Tel no. 082-2443455

tan ϴ = 1
ϴ = 45o, 225o
ubstituting 45o, 225o to the given equation
ooo 45o and 225o are solutions.
b. 2 sin x – 1 = 0
sin x =
x = sin
x = 30o, 150o

Substituting 30o and 150o to the given equation,

ooo 30o and 150o are solutions.
c. Solve the equation for θ , 0o < θ < 360o

2 sin θ - √3 = 0

sin θ = √3 / 2

θ = sin-1 (√3 /2)

= 60o , Q I
= 120o , QII
2 sin2 θ - cos θ tan θ = 0

2 sin2 θ - cos θ [ sin θ / cos θ ] = 0

2 sin2 θ - sin θ = 0

sin θ ( 2 sin θ - 1) = 1

sin θ = 0 , sin θ = ½

Getting the inverse trigonometric function,

College of Engineering Education
2nd Flr. BE Bldg.
Matina Campus, Davao City
Tel/Fax No. 082-2961084
Tel no. 082-2443455

θ = 0o, 180o, 360o and θ = 30o, 150o

[1] Trigonometry Barcharts (2002). Barcharts. Barcharts Inc.

[2] Ollerton, Mike (2007). 100+ ideas for teaching mathematics. Bloomsbury Publishing
[3] Adrian Ning Hong Yeo (2007). Trig or treat. World Scientific Publishing Company
[4] Douglas ( 2009). Mathematics terms 3rd ed.New York: Barron’s Educational Series Inc.


1. Prove that
ɵ ɵ
+ =2 secɵ
ɵ ɵ

2. Solve for  if it is 0°    360°

2 cos2  - cos  -1 = 0

1. Can there be a value(s) for tan A = -1, support your answer.

The importance of learning the basic skills in solving the unknown/s in a given
trigonometric equation are as follows:
1.The principles learned in the dealing with algebraic expression can be used in solving
trigonometric equation.

Your turn:

College of Engineering Education
2nd Flr. BE Bldg.
Matina Campus, Davao City
Tel/Fax No. 082-2961084
Tel no. 082-2443455



If you have any questions regarding this topic, kindly write down on the table provided.






Right triangle Right angle Supplementary angles

Complementary angle Pythagorean theorem Reference angle
Supplementary angle Complementary angles Standard angle

At the end of the unit, you are expected to

a. Solve the missing parts of an oblique triangle using the sine and cosines laws.
b. Interpret algebraic expressions

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