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CS 101 - Algorithms & Programming I

Spring 2021 - HOMEWORK 1

Due: February 13, 2022

The goal of this assignment is for each student to set up a proper Java programming environment and
GitHub account and profile.
1. An IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is a software application providing numerous
facilities to programmers for conveniently developing software. These include syntax highlighting
(different color for reserved keywords such as “if” and “class”), code completion (when you start
typing a variable that was declared earlier, it offers to complete it), refactoring (e.g., changing the
name of a variable in all uses automatically), and debugging (inspecting the situation of the data in
the memory at any given point in execution). Visual Code Studio (VSC) is such an IDE that you will
be using for your lab assignments. First, follow this video tutorial (this is for Windows but the setup
should be similar for other operating systems) to set up VSC and Java Pack.
Once the setup is complete take a screenshot of your entire desktop showing VSC open and
2. Once the setup is complete, write a Java program using VSC that initializes three variables with
your own information: one is a string named studentName for your name, a variable, section,
that stores your section, and one named studentID for your Bilkent ID. Then this program prints
out the values of these variables in the following format using two separate function calls.
Student name: Joe Smith (2)
Student ID: 123456789
Once you get your program working, set a breakpoint (earlier video tutorial explains how to do this
as well) at the line printing out the ID, and take a screenshot clearly showing:
● Your program in its entirety,
● Debug window showing the values of currently defined variable(s) at the breakpoint, and
● The terminal/console output so far.
3. GitHub is a provider of Internet hosting and version control tools for software development. In other
words, programmers use GitHub to deposit their software and share it with other developers. As a
CS major, you will be using GitHub extensively throughout your education in many different courses
for your programming projects/assignments. So, first, create a free GitHub account (help). Then
customize your profile by changing your profile picture (help). Finally, create a profile README
containing information about you. At the least, you should introduce yourself and mention that you
are a student at Bilkent (help).
Once you have setup your GitHub account, take a screenshot of your profile
( that clearly shows your uploaded photo and
information in your profile README.
Put all your answers in a single document (e.g. a Google doc) containing your name and ID as well as
resulting screenshots by question number, and submit a PDF copy of this document on Moodle.

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