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International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 3(3), 59-76, July-September 2011 59

An Investigation Into
Mobile Learning for High
School Mathematics
Vani Kalloo, The University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago
Permanand Mohan, The University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago

This paper describes an investigation which was carried out to determine if mobile learning can be used to
help high school students improve their performance in mathematics. The investigation was driven by the
need to develop innovative learning solutions to eradicate the problem of low pass rates in mathematics in
the Caribbean. A mobile learning application called MobileMath was developed targeting a subset of the
mathematics curriculum. MobileMath offers the learner different learning strategies, game-based learning, and
personalization. Two of the evaluation studies conducted are described in this paper. The first study focused
on students using mobile learning on their own, while the second study explored the effects of teacher support
while using mobile learning. A t-test analysis shows that there was a significant improvement in performance
by students in both evaluation studies. The paper also compares the students’ performance with actual usage
of the mobile learning application.

Keywords: High School Algebra, Learning Games, Learning Mathematics with Technology, Mobile
Learning, MobileMaths

INTRODUCTION developed a mobile learning application with

several features to appeal to the target students.
This paper presents a mobile learning investiga- Next, we conducted several studies to
tion conducted in Trinidad and Tobago, which evaluate the mobile learning application. Two
aimed to determine if mobile learning can as- of these studies are highlighted in this paper.
sist students to improve their performance in In the first study, students were allowed to
mathematics. The investigation was driven by use the mobile learning application without
the need to develop innovative learning solu- teacher intervention. The objective of this
tions to eradicate the problem of low pass rates first study was to determine if students would
in secondary school mathematics in the Carib- choose to use mobile learning without teacher
bean. After reviewing the literature on learning intervention. In the second study, the students
technology for mathematics we designed and were encouraged to use the mobile learning
application by a teacher. The objective of the
DOI: 10.4018/jmbl.2011070105 second study was to determine if the students

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60 International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 3(3), 59-76, July-September 2011

Figure 1. CXC mathematics results for paper 1 and 2 Source: Caribexams 2004

would use mobile learning more with teacher students who passed Papers 1 and 2 in the last
support and encouragement. The results of the six years. It shows that for each year, the pass
first study are compared to that of the second rate was much lower for Paper 2 than Paper 1.
study to understand the effects of teacher The average pass rate for Paper 2 is 22%.
encouragement on student use of the mobile This data reveals that, on average over the
learning application. last six years, almost 80% of the students in the
The paper also discusses the effects of Caribbean failed Paper 2 of the CXC mathemat-
learning strategies deployed in the mobile learn- ics examination and 60% were awarded passing
ing application. These include games-based grades. This is convincing evidence that there is
learning and personalization. Various statistical a need for innovative learning tools for mathemat-
analyses are performed to show the results of ics in the Caribbean (Caribexams, 2004).
the evaluation studies. The paper also discusses The mobile phone is one of the most
some of the challenges experienced in carry- ubiquitous technologies today. It is appealing
ing out our research with mobile learning for to a large sector of the population, especially
mathematics. Finally, the paper concludes with young people. It is also affordable and the
some suggestions for future research. infrastructure is widely available throughout
the Caribbean. Almost every person in Trinidad
and Tobago owns at least one mobile phone. As
BACKGROUND part of the research, a survey was conducted
in Trinidad and Tobago with over 120 high
This study was motivated by the problem of
school students between the ages of 11 to 18
high failure rates in mathematics in the Carib-
years. It revealed that 83% of them own their
bean. In the last six years the average pass rate
own mobile phones.
of the Caribbean Examination Council (CXC)
Wagner (2005) identified several reasons
mathematics examination (an examination
why mobile technology is such a commonly
taken by most high school students in the
used technology in recent times. Wagner points
English-speaking Caribbean) was 41%. This
out that there are more wireless network ser-
examination is made up of Paper 1 and Paper
vices, customers are demanding better mobile
2. Paper 1 is a multiple choice examination
experiences such as a rich Internet experience,
and Paper 2 is the more extensive examination
and people connect anytime and anywhere
requiring detailed answers and is thus a better
more than ever before. Therefore, since mo-
indicator of high school mathematics profi-
bile devices are so commonly used, this study
ciency. Figure 1 illustrates the percentage of

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International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 3(3), 59-76, July-September 2011 61

hypothesized that mobile learning (learning learning, learners can communicate with their
that occurs with the aid of a portable device) peers, and they can learn in context.
could be a viable solution to the problem of Mobile learning studies were first carried
high failure rates in mathematics. out in developed countries such as Europe, Asia
In particular, the research set about to and USA. However, in later years studies were
answer the following research questions. Can conducted in some developing countries. Valk,
mobile learning assist students in improving Rashid, and Elder (2010) provides a review of
their performance in mathematics? Can teacher various mobile learning studies conducted in
support while using mobile learning impact on developing countries. In particular, they looked
the use of the mobile application and ultimately at six m-learning projects carried out in the
performance? Will students require reminders to Philippines, Mongolia, Thailand and India.
use the mobile application or will they be moti- These studies mainly used SMS for learning and
vated to use it on their own? Can mobile learning three of the studies stated that students improved
motivate the students to practice mathematics their performances after using mobile learning.
skills? Will personalization make navigation and One major problem identified in learning
selection of the topics and features easier? Will mathematics was that students thought learning
personalization cause a significant difference mathematics was boring, causing them to lose
in performance? interest. Games have proven to excite, motivate
and maintain the players’ attention. Games were
included in our mobile learning application since
LITERATURE REVIEW it has been proven to be a valuable motivating
strategy. A BBC report by Pratchett (2005) on
Mobile learning has been used widely for learn-
gamers in the UK indicates that 92% of 11-15
ing diverse subject areas by taking advantage of
year olds play games at least 3 times a week.
the many features of mobile devices. Duncan-
Figure 2 displays the results of a survey
Howell and Lee (2007) looked at the different
conducted in Trinidad and Tobago with over
types of mobile features that can be used for
120 high school students which revealed that
learning. These features include SMS, audio
42% of the students play computer games at
based learning, Java quizzes, learning modules,
least once a day. It also illustrated that 89%
media collection via camera phones, online
of the students play computer games at least
publishing, blogging using MMS, e-mail, web
once a week. This data implies that students
browsers, field trips using GPS positioning
in Trinidad and Tobago play games frequently
tools and concept maps via SMS.
and justifies our decision to include games as
The potential benefits of mobile learning
a major feature of our mobile learning system.
have often been discussed in the literature. Nai-
Several studies have investigated the use
smith and Corlett (2006) concluded that mobile
of games for learning mathematics. Lin (2007)
learning promotes positive learning outcomes
described a Pokémon learning game where the
such as motivation, engagement, personaliza-
learning activities are embedded within the
tion, collaboration, interactivity, and a sense
game. The player has to do addition and sub-
of community. McFarlane, Roche, and Triggs
traction when buying monsters. Jonker and
(2007), Cook et al. (2007), Faux et al. (2006),
Wijers (2008) presented Thinklets, a set of
Attewell (2005), and Perry (2003) reported that
mathematical e-learning games for problem
mobile learning had a significant motivational
solving. An evaluation was conducted with 600
impact on learners. Jones et al. (2006) suggested
Dutch children using Thinklet’s Share Money.
reasons why mobile devices may be motivating.
The children found this game to be fun.
The learners have the freedom to choose their
There have also been studies which in-
own goals, the ownership of the device can be
vestigated the use of games in mobile devices
motivating, learners can have fun with mobile

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62 International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 3(3), 59-76, July-September 2011

Figure 2. How often students in Trinidad and Tobago play games

for learning mathematics. Vahey, Tatar, and a mathematics application. Findings indicated
Roschelle (2004) developed NetCalc for use that they improved performance. Liebenberg
in handheld computers. The activities were (2008) described MOBI, a mobile learning
designed to teach graphing and distance-time application for learning mathematics in South
relationships. Africa. MOBI allows students to listen to pod-
My Sports Pulse (2007) is an interactive casts, view multimedia content, and chat with
educational game using SMS designed for other students via instant messaging.
learning the mathematics, science and technol- Some recent mobile learning projects are
ogy principles inherent in sporting activities. the Dr. Math project in South Africa (Conway-
Andrews and Raynor (2008) described a pilot Smith, 2010) and the St Mary’s City Schools
study for teaching mathematics with Tablet PCs Mobile Learning Technology (St Mary’s, 2008).
for first year classes in engineering. The learners Dr. Math is a cell phone project in South Africa
increased interactivity with peers and received where students can get help from live mathemat-
immediate feedback on their problem-solving ics tutors using a social networking tool for
activities from the teachers. mobile phones. Third grade students in Ohio
Shin, Norris, and Soloway (2006) de- of the St Mary’s City Schools Mobile Learning
scribed a study where 50 participants had to Technology used cell phones for learning in
solve problems on a Game Boy screen before schools and at home. The cell phone contains
it faded away. Students who played the game software allowing students to do word process-
more than four times a week outperformed those ing, spreadsheets, concept maps and animation
who played only twice a week. Busa, Greenop, drawing. The experimental group increased
and Volsoo (2008) presented a project which their overall mathematics score by 3.36% in
created Mathstermind, an innovative mobile 18 weeks while the control group increased by
game that requires players to solve mathematical 1.86%. Another ongoing study called Project
puzzles using simple arithmetic, inequalities, K-Nect (2008) targets secondary at-risk ninth
algebraic equations, and graphs. van’t Hooft, graders to focus on increasing their mathematics
Swan, and Bennett (2009) also looked at us- skills through mobile smartphones. Students
ing mobile devices to learn mathematics in communicate and collaborate with each other
elementary schools. Eighteen students attended and have access to tutors outside of the school
a class for 6 weeks and on the commute used day to help them master mathematics skills

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International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 3(3), 59-76, July-September 2011 63

and knowledge. A mobile learning study for was to offer multiple strategies for learning
mathematics called MoMath (2010) for learn- mathematics. These strategies include text-
ing mathematics in South Africa used MXit, a based lessons, dynamic examples, tutorials, and
free instant messaging application. It provides quizzes. The application also featured games,
learning through theory, exercises, tutoring, peer collaboration, personalized recommendations,
to peer support, competitions, tests and self as- and user control. The use of multiple strategies
sessments. The study shows that students used it gives the learner several choices for learning
on evenings, weekends and holidays. The usage mathematics so each student could choose an
of the mobile phones increased retention and activity which best suits his learning needs.
motivation and there were improvements in the The text-based lessons allowed the student to
students’ performance. Finally, Math4Mobile review the main mathematical concepts. The
is a suite of mobile applications for learning dynamic examples were intended to help the
graphs and can be used in classroom settings student understand how to solve mathematics
(Daher, 2010). problems on each topic. The tutorial gave the
The studies mentioned above indicate learner an opportunity to review topics and
that mobile learning can potentially improve attempt solving a problem. The quiz was used
students’ performance in mathematics. In some to assess the learner and provided immediate
of these studies the existing features of the feedback to the student. The games feature was
mobile devices were used and in others studies designed to offer the learner a fun, interesting
mobile learning application were developed method of learning and practicing mathemat-
targeting mathematics to facilitate learning. ics. Practicing mathematical skills has been
Our approach goes further and creates mobile identified as an important step in the process
learning content specifically targeted for learn- of learning mathematics.
ing mathematics. The content is presented using In designing our mobile learning ap-
various strategies. plication, the design framework for mobile
learning applications put forward by Parsons,
Ryu, and Cranshaw (2007) was taken into
DESIGN AND consideration. Parsons, Ryu, and Cranshaw
IMPLEMENTATION (2007) suggested that mobile learning should
use the game metaphor, i.e., it should engage
The first author of this paper was previously
the learner, create excitement, and have rules,
a high school mathematics teacher. Her years
goals, objectives, immediate feedback, con-
of experience of teaching mathematics were
flict, challenge, opposition, and competition.
utilized in designing the mobile learning ap-
Kebritchi and Hirumi (2008) highlighted some
plication to target specific weaknesses which
recommendations given by game designers.
students are known to have. After reviewing
They suggested that instructional support, hints,
current teaching methods, it was decided that
advice, and feedback are important. They also
the mobile learning application should not
suggested that the instructional approach should
replace the teacher but be a complementary
be learner-centered and have a firm rationale.
learning tool. Also, its aim was not to teach the
These recommendations were considered in
students new topics but to help them improve
the design of our mobile learning application.
their mathematics skills previously learned in
Our mobile application is referred to as
school. Our mobile learning application is not
MobileMath and focuses on learning algebra. It
tied to teaching in the classroom and gives
targets topics in algebra such as finding factors,
students the freedom to use it anytime and at
manipulating directed numbers, simplification
their own pace.
of algebraic terms, factorization, and solving of
The main pedagogical principle that guided
equations. MobileMath offers a different Les-
the design of the mobile learning application
son, Example, Tutorial, Quiz and learning Game

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64 International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 3(3), 59-76, July-September 2011

Figure 3. Example feature

for each topic targeted. The Lessons, Examples derstands the topic. The Quiz contains only ten
and Tutorials are resources for reviewing impor- questions to ensure that the student does not
tant concepts taught in the classroom. Different get bored and it provides immediate feedback.
Lessons, Examples, Tutorials and Quizzes are The Games offered are games for practic-
provided for each topic. For example there is ing Factors, Directed Numbers, Simplification
a Factors Lesson, a Directed Numbers Lesson, of Expressions, Factorization and Solving
a Simplify Expressions Lesson, a Factorization Equations.Figure 4 shows a screenshot of the
Lesson and a Solve Equations Lesson. The Factors game and Figure 5 shows a screenshot
Lesson feature is a brief summary explaining of the Directed Numbers game. The main ob-
the key concepts of the topic. It is not meant jective of the Games is to encourage students
to teach a student the topic. It is meant to be a to practice algebraic skills. Games have been
review or reminder of the topic that was previ- proven to draw and hold players attention, to
ously taught by the teacher in the classroom. keep them coming back for more and to create
The Example, shown in Figure 3, is a excitement and fun. The first game created was
dynamic feature where the learner can change the Bluetooth Game. This game was a Snakes
the numerical values in the worked example and Ladders Game where the student had to
of a mathematics problem. The numbers in answer a question correctly in order to roll the
the boxes can be changed by the learner giving dice and to move on the snakes and ladders
them some control. As the numbers change, the board on the mobile screen. However, after
solution adjusts depending on the new numbers. further consideration and literature review
This feature uses examples to help the student it was decided that the game would be more
review the main concepts in algebra. effective if the mathematical content was part
The Tutorial feature consists of three main of the game as opposed to being separate as
parts. The first part is a summary of the topic in the Snakes and Ladders Games. Lin (2007)
followed by a correctly worked example of a has shown success in creating games with the
problem and finally a question for the student content directly embedded in the games. It was
to try. The Quiz is a multiple choice assessment apparent that the students would understand a
designed to determine if the learner fully un- skill best by having to use it in a game as opposed

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International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 3(3), 59-76, July-September 2011 65

Figure 4. Factors game

Figure 5. Directed numbers game

to playing a game and answering questions to requires the player to roll a dice and move to
play the game. This resulted in the creation of one of the squares which is assigned a number
the other games. value. The player then has to add the previous
The Finding Factors Game requires the balance to the number he or she landed on and
student to choose a number from a moving enter the new value. The Simplification of
conveyor belt and then enter a factor of the Expression Game requires the player to sort
selected number. The Directed Numbers Game X-terms from the Y-terms as they drop in from

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66 International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 3(3), 59-76, July-September 2011

the top of the screen. Then the player needs to to do that activity, and the time available for
add this value to the ongoing X-terms or Y-terms study. The personalization used in this study
value depending on which it is. was client side personalization where the stu-
The Factorization Game requires the dent’s data was analyzed on the mobile device
player to select two terms, a number term and using decision rules created to determine the
an algebraic term from the set given. Then the recommendations. The rules created were based
player enters a common factor of these two on the mathematics curriculum, for instance if
terms. The Solve Equation Game is made up the student has completed and passed the quiz
of several equations and a probable solution on on the directed numbers only then the system
each line. One column of the set is shuffled and should suggest the simplification of expressions
the player has to put them back in the correct topic, as directed numbers is a prerequisite for
position. The final game is the Solve Equation the simplification of expressions topic. The
GPRS Game where two players connect via collaboration features were added to encourage
GPRS to solve equations together. Since the the students to work together and eventually
game has GPRS access, the players can be in learn from each other.
any location in order to play with each other. MobileMath offers navigational person-
The number values used in all the game are alization and attempts to determine if it helps
randomly generated and as the game progresses, the student navigate the menus. Depending
the level of difficulty increases. on the student’s previous knowledge and on
The mobile application was created using their continuous use of the system, activities
J2ME. The main components of the system are are recommended to the learner using traffic
a web server, a database, the mobile phones, light coloured menu options shown in Figure
Internet connectivity and a teacher to monitor 6 (Brusilovsky, Schwarz, & Weber, 1996). The
students’ progress. The server and the database system determines which activity the student
were created using Apache Tomcat and MySQL should do next depending on the activities they
respectively. The learning content was stored have successfully completed. The green option
on the mobile phone and the usage data on each is used to indicate the highly recommended
student was sent to the server to be stored in activities. The red is used to indicate options
the database. This data is used by the teacher which are not ready to be learned because
to keep track of the students’ progress. Most of the system recognizes that the learner did not
the features of the mobile application could be complete the required prerequisites for these
used without the GPRS connection. Therefore activities. The orange is used for the option
any disruptions in the GPRS service did not between these two categories, meaning they
hinder the usage of most of the features of the are recommended but not as highly as the
mobile application. The server is also used to green options. Learners are not prevented
facilitate a Chat feature enabling the students from selecting any menu option, the colours
to communicate freely and a GPRS game which are just used to recommend which activity the
the students can play from any location. student should do next but she is free to select
Personalization was used to assist the any option. If the student fails the Quiz or Tu-
learner in selecting the most suitable learning torial frequently then the system determines
activity. There were five topics targeted and that the student is having trouble and an alert
five features created for each of these topics message, shown in Figure 7, pops up to suggest
resulting in a somewhat complex menu sys- that the student try a feature she has not used
tem. The learning activity was recommended before. This mobile learning application was
depending on their knowledge level, ensuring evaluated to determine the effects of mobile
that the student met the prerequisites in order learning on the students.

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International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 3(3), 59-76, July-September 2011 67

Figure 6. Coloured menu

Figure 7. Alert suggestion

EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN learning application would be used indepen-

dently of classroom teaching. The third study
After building the mobile application, three aimed to find out the effect of mobile learning
evaluation studies were conducted, each of when used alongside classroom teaching. This
three weeks’ duration. The first study took paper focuses on the first and second studies
place in June 2010, the second in August 2010, which will now be referred to as Study 1 and
and the third in October 2010. The first and Study 2. The third study is discussed elsewhere
second studies aimed to find out if the mobile (Kalloo & Mohan, 2011). The target group of

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68 International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 3(3), 59-76, July-September 2011

Study 1 and Study 2 were high school students RESULTS

between the ages of 12 and 18 years. They
were taught algebra in their high schools in a The pre-test and post-test scores of both groups
previous term. were statistically analyzed. The mean value
Study 1 consisted of 19 students who are of the pre-test of Group 1 was 55.0658 and
collectively referred to as Group 1 and Study the mean value of the post-test was 63.4868,
2 consisted of 20 students who are collectively showing an increase in average performance.
referred to as Group 2. The goal of Study 1 A 2-tailed significance t-test was performed
was to determine if the students would be mo- on Group 1 scores, revealing a value of 0.025
tivated to use the mobile phones for learning which is less than 0.05. This implies that there
mathematics on their own and if they did, to is a significant difference between the pre-test
determine if they would improve their perfor- scores and the post-test scores.
mance in mathematics. The goal of Study 2 was The mean value of the pre-test of Group
to determine if teacher support can encourage 2 was 30.7, while the mean of the post-test
students to use mobile learning more often and was 40.85 showing an average increase in
for longer periods. It also set out to determine performance. The 2-tailed significance t-test
whether increased use of the MobileMath ap- value was 0.001 which is less than 0.05. This
plication would result in improved performance implies that there is a significant difference
by the students. between the pre-test scores and the post-test
At the beginning of both studies, the scores for Group 2.
students were given a pre-test to evaluate Table 1 shows the data on usage of Mo-
their performance in algebra. Next, they were bileMath and the performance of Group 1 and
trained in using the MobileMath application. Group 2 on the pre-test and post-test. It shows
The students were all given a Nokia 5130 that Group 1 acquired an average increase in
Express Music cellular phone pre-loaded with performance of 8.8% and Group 2 attained an
MobileMath. Each phone came with unlimited average increase in performance of 10.2%. The
GPRS access, 150 post-paid calling minutes table shows that Group 2 used MobileMath lon-
and 30 text messages. The students were left on ger and more times than Group 1. 12 out of 19
their own to use the mobile phones for Study students showed improvements in performance
1. Study 2 was different from Study 1 since from Group 1, while 19 out of the 20 students
it had the additional support from the teacher improved performance from Group 2, though
for using the mobile application. The teacher some improvements were minimal.
would monitor the student’s incoming data and Figure 8 shows the number of students of
depending on their usage, the teacher sent the Group 1 and Group 2 who passed and those
students personalized messages to encourage who failed the pre-test and post-test. It shows
them to use the application. They were urged that for Group 1, the number of students who
to use specific features or games. The teacher passed increased from 9 to 14 after using Mo-
would also send simple questions that would bileMath. It shows that for Group 2, the number
probe them to use the application. The teacher of students who passed increased from 2 to 7
met with the students twice a week to encour- after using MobileMath.
age them to use the mobile application. At the Table 2 shows the students’ performance
end of both studies, a post-test was given. The and usage of MobileMath and it compares the
results of the post-test were compared with the students whose performance was above average
pre-test results to determine if there was any with those whose performance was below aver-
change in performance after the three week age. It shows that the students who performed
period. The students were also asked to fill out above average for both groups used MobileMath
a questionnaire as part of the evaluation. longer and more often than the students who
performed below average.

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International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 3(3), 59-76, July-September 2011 69

Table 1. Summary data on usage of MobileMath by group 1 and 2

Group 1 Group 2
Number of times MobileMath was used 514 861
Length of time MobileMath was used (hours) 14.4 58.5
Average Increase % 8.8 10.2
Average Pre-test % 55.2 30.6
Average Post-test % 64 40.8

Figure 8. Number of students who passed the pre-test and post-test

Table 2. Summary data on usage of MobileMath by group 1 and 2

Duration of
Increase or Decrease from Frequency of use of
Average Group system use in
pre-test to post-test MobileMath
Above 25% 56.6 38.9
Below -1% 39.2 20.2
Above 19% 221.6 46.2
Below 3% 137.8 40.5

Table 3 compares the average the students’ above average used the MobileMath application
performance with the length of time MobileMath longer than those who performed below aver-
was used per topic for Group 1. The students age.
who performed above average were compared Table 4 compares the students’performance
with those who performed below average on and the length of time of using MobileMath,
each topic. The table shows that for Factors, by topic, for Group 2. It shows that for Di-
Directed Numbers, Simplification of Terms and rected Numbers, Simplification of Terms,
Factorization, the students who performed Factorization and Solving Equations, the stu-

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70 International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 3(3), 59-76, July-September 2011

Table 3. Comparison of performance increases and lengths of time by topic for Group 1

Group 1 Above Average Below Average

Average Perfor- Average Length of Average Perfor- Average Length of
mance increase % Time mance increase % Time
Factors 36 14.1 0 8.2
Directed Numbers 12 4.5 -35 1.6
Simplify Terms 30 3.1 -6 3
Factorization 61 10.1 0 1.2
Solve Equation 23 0.5 -10 2.9

Table 4. Comparison of performance increases and lengths of time by topic for group 2

Group 2 Above Average Below Average

Average Performance Average Length of Average Performance
Topics Length of
Increase % Time Increase %
Factors 6.2 6.5 0.3 9
Directed Numbers 2.3 12.4 -1.1 8.5
Simplify Terms 6.3 13.7 0.4 8.3
Factorization 11.5 13.7 0 10.8
Solve Equation 5 4.7 -1.9 4.4

dents who performed above average used to the rest of the week. In the second week,
MobileMath longer than those who performed they used MobileMath the most on the second
below average. day after meeting the teacher. On the third
The usage data shows that Games were week usage decreased quite a bit but they still
used the most by both groups and the Tutorials used it the most on the second day after meet-
were used the second most. The data also shows ing the teacher.
that the Quiz and Games features were used the Our research also investigates the impact
longest by both groups. All features were used of personalization on the students’ perfor-
more and for a longer period of time by Group mance. According to the data collected by
2 than Group 1. the server, Groups 1 and 2 used the personal-
Figure 9 shows the number of times in ized recommendations 33% and 34% of the
which MobileMath was used for each day of time, respectively. No correlation was found
the three-week period by Group 2. Group 2 between the students’ performance and use of
received teacher support. The bars, with the the personalized recommendations. However,
brick-styled pattern, represent the days when the questionnaire data reveals that 75% of the
the students met the teacher. They met on the students agreed that the colours used to recom-
29th, 30th of July, 5th, 6th, 12th, and 13th of mend learning activities were helpful.
August, 2010. The students were asked questions based on
In the first week, the bar chart shows that the alert messages, which made suggestions in
the students used MobileMath the most on the the event that the students were having trouble
two days they met with the teacher as compared with a feature such as failing the Quiz numer-

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International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 3(3), 59-76, July-September 2011 71

Figure 9. Number of times which MobileMath was used per day by group 2

Figure 10. Responses to personalization questions

ous times. Figure 10 highlights the students’ and the post-test scores for both Groups 1 and
response to the questions. It shows that 53% 2. The mean performances of Groups 1 and
of the students received personalized recom- 2 improved from the pre-test to the post-test
mendations and 97% of these students found scores. Table 1 shows that Group 1 improved
the recommendation useful. performance by 8.8% while Group 2 improved
by 10.2%. This statistical data indicates that after
using MobileMath Groups 1 and 2 improved
DISCUSSION their average performances. This is statistical
evidence that MobileMath had a positive im-
The t-test analysis revealed that there was a
pact on the students’ performance for Studies
significant difference between the pre-test

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72 International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 3(3), 59-76, July-September 2011

1 and 2. This implies that mobile learning can 67% more times and 300% longer than Group
be a tool to assist students in improving their 1. This evidence indicates that the students
mathematics performance. used the mobile learning application more with
Comparing these results to other mobile teacher encouragement. Figure 9 shows usage
learning studies was a bit challenging as many of MobileMath highlighting the days on which
studies lack detailed analysis of their results. they received teacher support. It shows that the
The MoMath (2010) project mentioned in the students used MobileMath more on the days
literature review reported on their success by which they received teacher encouragement
highlighting that 70% of usage of the mobile to use the system. This is further evidence that
learning occurred outside of school hours. They the teacher support encouraged the students
further stated that it improved mathematics to use the mobile learning more than if left on
scores based on normal end-of-term tests. Some their own. However, when comparing their
studies reported increases in performance in performances, Group 2 only improved perfor-
percentage terms; others simply stated that there mance slightly higher than Group 1 even though
were marginal increases; and, there were yet Group 2 used MobileMath much more than
others with inconclusive results (Valk, Rashid, Group 1. Furthermore, 19 students of Group 2
& Elder, 2010). van’t Hooft, Swan, and Ben- improved performance after using MobileMath
nett (2009) reported that their results indicated while 12 students of Group 1 improved. This
that students did improve. Valk, Rashid, and can be attributed to that fact that Groups 1
Elder (2010) pointed out that there is a lack of and 2 started out the study at different levels
analysis of the findings of m-learning projects of mathematical proficiencies. The means of
in the developing world. In agreement with the pre-test for Groups 1 and 2 were 55.2 and
Valk, Rashid, and Elder (2010), the literature 30.6 respectively. Therefore, since the groups’
reveals that for many similar studies there proficiencies were so different it is expected that
were no detailed reports of the analysis of the they would improve performance at different
results. This paper gives a detailed analysis of rates. The data also suggests that MobileMath
the results of our research studies. can potentially help students at different levels
One of the research questions of this study of mathematics proficiencies, so it can benefit
was to determine if the students would choose students who may be failing mathematics or
to use mobile learning without encouragement those who need to improve their grades.
from the teacher. The students of Study 1 were Table 2 shows that the students who
allowed to use the mobile learning application performed higher than average used Mobile-
on their own without any coaxing. Even though Math longer and more often than the students
they did not use the mobile learning as much as whose performance was below average. This
was expected they chose to use it on their own data shows that the students who performed
and improved their performance. Hence, Study better used the mobile learning application
1 illustrates that the students were motivated more than other students. Tables 3 and 4 show
enough to use the mobile learning on their own the students’ performance grouped by above
and as a result improved their performance. and below average, and MobileMath usage
The second research question of this study categorized by topics. These tables illustrate
was to determine if the students would use the that for 4 out of the 5 topics the students who
mobile learning application more if encour- performed above average used MobileMath
aged by the teacher and if so, would they longer. The data presented thus far implies
perform better. The students of Study 2 used that, for Group 1 and Group 2, there exists a
MobileMath with teacher support and encour- correlation between the usage of MobileMath
agement. Table 1 illustrates that Group 2 used and the students’ performance. Therefore, the
mobile learning more and longer than Group more times students used MobileMath the more
1. It illustrates that Group 2 used MobileMath likely they were to improve performance.

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International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 3(3), 59-76, July-September 2011 73

The Games, Tutorials and the Quizzes were this did not result in more improvements than
used the most. At least 65% of the students com- the group without teacher support. The results
mented that they enjoyed the Game feature the prove that students do not need a reminder to
most. This data reveals that the Games should be use the application since they used it many
the main focus of the mobile application since without reminders. Analysis of usage data and
it was used so much and the students stated students’ responses to the questionnaire showed
that they preferred it. The questionnaire data that mobile learning motivated the students.
also revealed that at least 80% of the students The students stated that the personalization
found it useful to use mobile learning anytime was helpful; however, there was no correlation
and anywhere to study mathematics, the mobile between use of the personalization features and
learning activities helped them improve their the students’ performance.
skills, and that the activities on the mobile device The major challenges encountered in our
were easy to use. This demonstrates that the research centered on creating pedagogically
majority of the students responded positively useful learning content and activities for a con-
to mobile learning, implying that they would strained mobile device, the reliability and speed
use it in the future for learning mathematics. of the GPRS connection and finding students
The server data illustrated that the personal- to participate in the evaluation studies since
ized recommendations were not used as much they could not be conducted in the schools. The
as was expected. Figure 10 shows that most of issue of creating mobile content was solved by
the students who received the personalization basing each feature on one small mathematics
alert messages found them useful. Therefore, skill as opposed to an entire topic containing
the data demonstrates that the personalization several skills. The delay in the GPRS connection
was not used very much and there was no evi- resulted in the collaborative features not being
dence that it had any impact on the students’ used and therefore the students were unable
performance. However, the students indicated to play the collaborative game. The problem
that they thought the personalized hints were of finding students to participate in the study
useful. The positive feedback from the students was solved by advertising for students within
and past successes from other personalization the secondary schools.
studies suggest that personalization is still
potentially beneficial to m-learning.
There were some concerns about loaning CONTRIBUTION
the mobile devices to the students. However
This research developed a mobile learning
after the three studies concluded, there was
application offering the learner a combination
no significant damage done to the mobile
of multiple learning activities, personalized
devices. Therefore, our experience shows that
recommendations, and game-based learning
when students are trusted with mobile devices
for learning mathematics. The multiple learning
most of them are likely to return the devices
activities provided the learner with several op-
in good condition at the end of the evaluation.
tions for reviewing and practicing mathematics
Thus, loaning mobile devices to students is not
skills. The personalization guided the learner in
a major concern.
choosing a suitable learning activity. The games
The results of the evaluation studies pro-
offered a fun and engaging learning activity
vide the answers to our research questions.
which encouraged and motivated the students to
The results show that students were able to
practice their mathematics skills. Each learning
improve their performance after using mobile
activity focused on one mathematics skill mak-
learning. The results also revealed that teacher
ing it easier for the student to internalize each
support resulted in the students using the mobile
activity. The results of our research show that
application more than without it. However,
the features of the mobile learning application
even if they used the application more often,

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74 International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 3(3), 59-76, July-September 2011

were successful in getting students to improve ACKNOWLEDGMENT

their mathematics performance.
The authors acknowledge the support of the
Campus Research and Publication Fund of the
CONCLUSION AND University of the West Indies and the Telecom-
FUTURE RESEARCH munication Services of Trinidad and Tobago
Foundation for their support in this project.
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in improving their performance in mathemat-
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76 International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 3(3), 59-76, July-September 2011

Vani Kalloo is currently pursuing an M.Phil. in Computer Science at the University of the West
Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago. She is currently doing research work in mobile learn-
ing for mathematics with secondary school students, game-based learning and personalization.
She was a secondary school teacher for four years and is currently a Teaching Assistant at the
University of the West Indies.

Permanand Mohan is a Senior Lecturer in Computer Science in the Department of Comput-

ing and Information Technology at the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus in
Trinidad and Tobago. He has a Ph.D. in Computer Science. Dr. Mohan was a Fulbright Visiting
Scholar to the School of Information Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh. He was the prin-
cipal investigator of a Microsoft Research funded mobile health project for diabetic patients.
He is currently working on several research projects investigating the use of mobile technology
to provide on-going education to diabetic patients and to support the learning of mathematics
at the secondary level. He presently supervises several postgraduate students in the areas of
mobile health, mobile learning, e-learning, and games for learning. Dr. Mohan is also the Chief
Examiner of the Caribbean’s CXC CAPE Examinations in Computer Science.

Copyright © 2011, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

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