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Hepatitis B is a dangerous infectious disease caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV)

(xue Yang, 2021). Blumberg et al. identified the first biomarker of hepatitis B virus
(HBV) infection in 1965; they called it the "Australia antigen." This biomarker was
later identified as the hepatitis B surface (HBsAg) antigen (Singh, Singhal and Bora,
2009a) .The prototype member of the Hepadnaviridae family and one of the smallest
enveloped DNA viruses, the hepatitis B virus (HBV) causes acute and chronic
infections in animals, including humans, and birds (Dieter Glebe, 2013) Hepatitis B is
geographically diverse in its epidemiology. (HBV) infection is characterized by
population prevalence, age and mode of acquisition, and the likelihood of becoming
a chronic infection (jennifer H.MacLachlan, 2015). Around 30% of the world's
population has serological evidence of current or past hepatitis B virus infection,
making it a serious public health issue (Trepo, 2014). The estimated 3.6 percent
global hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) seroprevalence was highest in the African
and Western Pacific regions (8.8 percent and 5.3 percent, respectively). There are
four levels of HBV endemicity: low (less than 2%), low-intermediate (between 2%
and 4.9%), high-intermediate (between 5% and 79.9%), and high (more than 8%). 4
The United States is thought to have a low prevalence (BO Hyun kim, 2018). The
second-largest global reservoir of chronic HBV infection, India is in the intermediate
HBV endemicity zone and has 50 million patients (HBsAg prevalence in the general
population ranges from 2 to 8 percent) (Akanksha Rathi, 2018). Seroprevalence is
two to four times higher among health care workers (HCWs) than it is in the overall
population (Singh, Singhal and Bora, 2009c). They continue to be at risk of
contracting HBV infection, primarily through mucosal or percutaneous contact to
contaminated blood or bodily fluids (Hadler, 1990) As injections are overprescribed,
frequently to appease the whims of the general populace who believe injections are
more effective than oral route, and hazardous injection practices are rampant, India
contributes to 25–30% of the worldwide injection burden (Rajasekaran et al., 2003).
Even 59/255 (23.13 percent) of HCW experienced needle stick exposure in a two-
year Indian surveillance survey. Inadequate sanitation of medical equipment,
reckless handling of infectious materials and poor waste disposal are the main
causes of this high prevalence of infection transmission (Singh, Singhal and Bora,
Using immunological energy of human, the hepatotropic hepatitis B virus (HBV) can
cause a chronic and persistent infection in people (Yuen et al., 2018). With the
prevalence of cirrhosis and liver cancer linked to HBV continues to rise, the burden
of chronic HBV infection is coming to light more and more (Jennifer H. MacLachlan,
2015). During hepatitis B virus infection, the adaptive immune response is assumed
to be in charge of viral clearance and disease development. (F.V.Chisari, 2010). It is
generally accepted that while the cellular immune response destroys infected cells,
the humoral antibody response aids in the removal of circulating virus particles and
the prevention of viral transmission within the host. The T cell response to the
hepatitis B virus (HBV) is robust, polyclonal, and multispecific in acutely infected
people who are able to clear the virus and relatively weak and narrowly focused in
patients with chronic infection, indicating that clearance of HBV is T cell reliant
(F.V.Chisari, 2010)

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