Logic Module 3

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Sindangan, Zamboanga del Norte, Philippines

Telefax No. (065) 224-2710/ +639121561506
S.Y. 2021-2022


Name: ___ Year/Date/Class Schedule: ____________

Course/Block: __________ Instructor: ________ _____

Module 3

Lesson Title: TERMS

Intended Learning Outcomes

Students are expected to demonstrate the following at the end of this module:
1. Illustrate through examples the different variations of the quality and quantity of terms ;
2. Differentiate essential matters from non-essential ones; and
3. Identify and classify ideas accordingly.

Important Concepts to Remember:

1. Terms – are sensible representations of a thing.
2. Signs – are representations of something else other than itself.

Discussion Proper:
Ideas are products of Simple Apprehension. These ideas are non-material and spiritual in
nature. Ideas exist only in the mind of the person thinking. They are personal but can be conveyed
to another persons’ mind. The thinking person can communicate or share his ideas to others through
the use of sensible signs. These sensible signs are called TERMS.

The principal method of sensibly expressing these ideas in order to make them sensible to
others is through spoken or written word. We think and then we express our thoughts in suitable
words so that receivers can translate these terms into their own personal thoughts.

The Subject Term

When we say, ‘Man can think’, the subject term ‘man’ is expressed in singular mood
grammatically. But ‘thinking’ can be predicated to ‘all men’. Therefore, man in the example, is a
universal subject term because, whether we like it or not, all men are thinking beings.

When we say, ‘Man is eating’, the subject term ‘man’ is also expressed in singular mood
grammatically. However, ‘eating’ cannot be predicated to all men (particular) because in reality, not
all men are eating. And we cannot identify who that one man is eating. It can either be Jose or Pedro
or John. The example, ‘man is eating’, is classified as particular.

Universal and Particular Terms

Universal terms are terms that apply to each of all the objects or members in a definitely
designated group to which the term can be applied. To make it short, universal terms apply to all
members of a given group.

1. Explicit universal – these are universal terms quantified explicitly. Universal terms include such
quantifiers as all, each, every, whatever, none, no one.
a. Every student [is busy].
b. No one [is allowed to enter the room].

2. Implicit universal – these are universal terms not quantified explicitly but only materially
universal. Absence of quantifiers do not affect the universality of the subject term.
a. Man is rational.
b. Tigers are animals that belong to the cat family.

3. Singulars – are terms that can apply to a single or only one definitely designated individual. For
the point of view of correct reasoning, a singular is considered universal because a singular term
extends to only one possible individual group and all to which that term can be applied.
a. Proper names like Jose, Mary, and etc. are singulars, and thus, classified as universal.
b. Superlatives can definitely designate or identify a single individual or group.
• The most beautiful girl is found in this section.
• The tallest building in Makati costs huge amount of money.
c. Demonstrative pronouns like ‘this’ or ‘that’ designates singularity.
• That window is overlooking the river.

4. Particular terms – are terms that extend or apply to each of some indefinitely designated part of
the universal term. In short, a particular term is a term that applies to a part of a given group.
a. Explicit particular – are particular terms quantified by some explicit or formal sign of
particularity such as some, certain, several, most, usually, not all.
• Some ladies [are wearing formal dress for the party].
• Most individuals [are speaking native language].

5. Implicit particulars – these are particular terms not quantified by some explicit or formal sign of
• Women make better cooks than men.
• Filipinos are rich.

Learning Activity
A. Provide two (2) examples for each of the following:


Explicit Universal

Implicit Universal


Explicit Particular

Implicit Particular

B. Answer briefly the following questions:
1. How confident are you in expressing your ideas to others?


2. How does your family value the ideas and opinions of each of its members?

Note: Submit required tasks in a neat and presentable manner.


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