Cutting My Head On A Hammock

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Cutting My Head on a Hammock

I was at my Aunt Lisa’s house, swimming and playing hard. When I got

back in the hammock, the rope broke and a metal clip swung around and hit

me in the head. THUMP! I had hit the ground. I quickly put my hands over my

head. I first looked at Austin, Aliyah, Miracle, and back at the hammock. All

I could see was the house, the grass, and the woods. And when I had taken

my hands off my head, I saw my hands were all bloody.

I went in the house and told, Aunt Lisa, “I’m bleeding! My head is

bleeding really bad!” Aunt Lisa grabbed a wash cloth from her closet and got

wet from the faucet and then put it on my head. ” When you cut your head,

how long did it hurt?” Lisa asked me. “ Not very long” I replied. 5-10 minutes

later Mom and Dad arrived at Aunt Lisa’s house.

“How are you not freaking out right now Lisa?’’ Mom asked
Dad told me to take the washcloth off, so I did. “How bad is it?” Mom

asked Dad. “We are going to take her to the doctor to have them look at the

cut. They are probably going to stitch it.” Dad told her.

We got in the car and left. At the doctors I would not go in the room.

‘‘Why won't you go in? Mom asked. “Do you want them to take the IV machine

out of the room?’’ Mom said. I shook my head yes. ‘‘Can you please take the

IV machine out,” Mom asked the nurse. ‘‘Yes!” said the nurse. We sat down

on the hospital bed. A few minutes later the doctor, who was a girl, came in

the room where I was. She looked at the cut. “She’s going to needs to get

that cut stitched up” the doctor said. I started to cry. Mom asked if we

could use some medical glue instead. “Of course we can, anything to make her

all fixed up and to make you her happy little one,” said the doctor. After the

doctor put glue on my head we went home.

“Hey Sis do you want to come with me and your father to say goodbye

to Trinity and say sorry to Trinity’s mom for her loss,’’ Mom asked me. “What
do you mean mom’’ I asked. “I mean do you want to go to Trinity’s funeral”

Mom replied. “ No I do not. That will just make the sadness even worse” I

said wailing. So on their way to her funeral, before dropping me back off at

Aunt Lisa's house to play with Miracle. I did not go in the hammock or the

pool because the doctor said that I can’t get my head wet. So instead I went

inside and watched TV downstairs while mom and dad were at Trinity's

funeral for about 20 minutes. After they were done at Trinity's funeral

they came to aunt lisa’s house and picked me and Aliyah up and then I went

to laid down on the couch and fell asleep watching TV.

And so after that horrible day of cutting my head we had left the

house to go to my grandma’s house and went swimming but since I could not

go under the water I played on my D’s.

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