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Simon Brill, of his heraldics, in field of argent, eight pointed star of gold atop

potentate cross sable, lived a rather pedestrian and small bourgeois life with
his wife Ella (he called her "Hella"), until the day he woke up and felt miser
and regretful and a tremendous and total sinner, despite him being a
milquetoast of industrial dimensions, and got up and dressed and went
outside decided to look for the Lord.
Oh Lord! he screamed aloud, looking for his guidance. In vain he went to
churches and chapels and prayed and fasted and mortified his flesh to obtain
atonement, but the Lord wouldn't appear. At the sight of his escalating mad
belief, his wife sent him to be institutionalized without ceremonies. He spent
some time at the looney bin, one day he escaped in the laundry truck, and
dumped himself way far from it, near Sparkbrook.
Agrippa found him in white uniform, wasted and exhausted, quite haggard,
laid down in the gutter, and took him home to fix him, but when he perceived
his state he knew sadly Simon had to be locked in the basement because he
was nowhere good or stable. In the meantime, Manto diagnosed Simon, his
state was caused by the Plague of Bran. To this day, Simon lives in Agrippa's
basement, where he's frequently showered with the cold water hose to calm
down his berserker attacks. The cure of the Plague of Bran exists, but its
development is still in course.

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