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Purok-5 Libertad Isabel

Leyte Philippines 6539

October 2, 2022

Greenplains Company

Dear Greenplains,

On September 29, 2022, I have experienced a sudden interruption of my internet connection

during my work hours. It so happened that I saw a Facebook post from a concern citizen about an
incident of a humungous truck from your company hitting low hanging wires along Purok-5 Libertad
Street, Isabel. It causes the wires to loop around the truck and pulling out the wires from its pole. It
resulted to lose of electricity and internet connection to some premises in the area. I am one of those
residents who were affected with Internet connection. I have confirmed it with a PLDT user who
happened to be a tech savvy that my line was affected. I am personally writing this complain letter to tell
you that I am deeply aggravated in this unfortunate situation.

I am working from home as a virtual assistant and Internet is a vital necessity for me. I rely most
on internet everyday specially that I have to take calls from clients. It requires unlimited connection.
Aside from that, I have a Wifi Vendo Machine to somehow help me to pay electric bills. Now that my
internet connection has been compromised, my life becomes unproductive and may risk my work. I
already contacted the customer service of PLDT and I was just routed to a bot that made a ticket of the
incident. I was advised to wait for an update and that it would take 3-5 days for the restoration. Though
I have been making a follow up every now and then, I know for sure it would take 5 or more days to fix
it. If you are an Internet user, you would understand how terrible Customer service of Telco here in the
Philippines which is something that I am already used to. Anyhow, the point here is I don’t want to keep
waiting for nothing as it definitely affects my work and business.

This might be an accident but it could have been prevented from this recklessness. As a working
person like you, I hope you would feel the same way what I felt. This is very inconvenient on my part and
also to those who are affected. I never had a problem with my Internet connection until this abrupt
situation happened. This may be beyond of your control but I hope you would do your thing. My days
are not for free as I have bills to pay. For those days that I won’t be able to work or may have spent
money for data, the day that I don’t have internet and the fee for the restoration, I would like to have
these compensated. I don’t want to be unproductive with the following days; I could have done more
with my internet and I don’t want to lose my client just because of this. Isn’t this unfair? I hope you do
understand the situation I have been through. This is so frustrating!

PS: My internet finally came back today. My request has already been granted and my ticket for
restoration has been taken care of. Through prayers and regular follow up, I somehow resolve this issue.
However, this does not mean that my issue from you has been addressed. I would still like to have this
settled and be compensated with my loss. I can give you raw calculation. I am earning at least 24$ a day
and that’s a total of 3 days with no work. My monthly bill for my internet is P1699 and that’s 3 days
without internet. As per the agent of PLDT, there might be a fee for restoration as the wires were
replaced but this will reflect on my next billing cycle. I have attached the documents that will support
this complain.


Francis P Santana

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