Purok 5 Coronation Night

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Purok 5 Coronation Night

Francis: Good Evening, Ladies and Gentlemen. We are all gathered here, to celebrate one
of the activities we look forward as part of the festivity to our Patron Berhin sa
Fatima.Tonight, witness, as our 5 dazzling candidates present their very best and vie for
the covetous crown right here at this stage.

Maricris: As the night fills with sheer excitement, we will soon find out who will be the
worthy titleholders. I’m Mariciris Pacabis

Francis : And I’m Francis Santana

. And this is

BOTH: Miss Purok V Libertad 2022 CORONATION NIGHT!

Maricris: Good evening, France

 Francis: Good evening to you as well! It’s a privilege for me to be right here beside you
hosting the Miss Purok 5 Libertad Coronation Night! It has been a long journey since the
last pageant we had And we are finally back here despite the challenges.

Mariciris: I’m happy hosting this event with you as well. Indeed, this is the most awaited
night for our exquisite candidates. And everyone is excited about this pageant.

Francis: That’s right! And I believe our spectators have their own bets as well on who will
win this prestigious pageant.

Mariciris: So, let us not prolong the agony of waiting. Let us formally start tonight’s

Francis:.Alrjght, Sure thing! And to invoke the spirit the God in us tonight, here is the
Purok 5 Youth for the Doxology

Mariciris: This will be followed by the singing of the Philippine National anthem by the
Sound system. May we invite everybody to pls stand.
Francis: Please be seated. Thank you Purok 5 youth. And To formally welcome us in tonight,
here is Julius Santana, the PUrok 5 President for his welcome address. let us all welcome
him with a big hand pls

Mariciris: Thank You President for that warmth words of Welcome. Let me also call on
Honorable Jay mayot, our Purok adviser to give us his message. Around of applause pls.

Francis: Thank you so much Hon. Jay mayot for that very welcoming message. This program
is indeed one of the most awaited and most glamorous isn’t it?

 Maricirs: I definitely agree, but I also believe that this event will never be completed
without the people behind this momentous event.

Francis: Right! So we would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to those people who
have helped realize this event. Let me Generalize, to PUROK AND BEC officials, to our
Brgy Captain, Brgy Chairman and to everyone who has contributed in some way to the
success of this event.

Mariciris: Alright! Truly, tonight will be a showcase of beauty, elegance, and wit, for before our
very eyes 5 lovely candidates will strut down the runway and show what it truly means to be
confidently beautiful.

Francis: Also not just showcase physical beauty, but will challenge the ladies to speak out on
their life’s principles, showing to everyone that they are as well women of purpose. With this
year’s impressive batch of gorgeous candidates, we truly need an exceptional set of judges who
have the eye for exceptional beauty that could truly represent the title Purok 5 Libertad 2022.
Let us now get to meet our board of judges.

Maricris: Ladies and gentlemen Our first judge is

Francis: 2nd Judge ….

Maricris: Our third judge is

Francis: As much our judges would undertake the difficult task of deliberating who will take the
crown tonight, our judges will be guided by a set of criteria which our organizers believe the
winning candidate should embody.

Maricris: So our candidates will be judged in each competition with its corresponding criteria.
Lets start with the Best in Production #
We have Poise and bearing 30%

Mastery 30%

Self introduction 30% and audience impact 10% a total of 100%

We will be providing the rest of the criteria in each competition

Francis: Alright,. I know everyone is now getting excited to witness the beauty of lovely
candidates. So here they are Ladies and gentlemen

Both: Our 5 lovely candidates in their production number! Around of applause pls

Mariciris: Thank you so much ladies, for that very graceful and enthusiastic performance. I know
for sure our judges are now having a hard time giving points with these equally exquisite ladies

Francis: That’s right, but that is just the beginning as we still have more competition coming
soon. While our candidates are preparing for the talent portion. Let us first be entertained by the
Purok 5 Dancers. A big hand pls

Maricris: Thank you so much guys for that very entertaining performance. It truly shows how
undeniably talented are the people in our Purok.

Francis: Indeed! And I think our ladies are still preparing so let us hear first a message from our
very active Brgy captain Hon Reynaldo Roche, around of applause pls.

Mariciris: Thank you Hon. Reynaldo Roche for that very informative yet inspiring message. So I
guess our candidates are now ready to showcase their respective talents.

Francis: However before that, let me first read to you the criteria

We have Mastery 35%, execution of talent 30%, stage presence 20%, over all impact 15% a
total of 100%

Mariciris. Alright Without further a do, let start with our candidate number 1 miss ____. A big
hand pls

Francis: Thank you candidate #1 … And now let us proceed with our candidate #2 miss ____
Maricris: Thank you candidate #2. Our candidate #3 is now ready, so lets give up to miss _____

Francis: Thank you candidate #3. Moving on we have our candidate #4 Miss ___

Maricris: Thank you candidate #4. And last but not the least we have Miss__ our candidate #5

Francis: Thank you candidate #5. So that ends the Talent portion. It is very important that the
candidates are not just for beauty but also have hidden talents that represent their individuality.
So our tabulators are now accumulating the data to know who among the ladies excels the
talent part.

Maricris: That’s right.So while waiting for the candidates to prepare the next competition, we will
witness our first set of Kuratcha number. It is said that an event like this wont be completed
without this traditional dance. So May we call on Mrs __- to be paired by Mr ---

Francis: Thank you so much Mrs and Mr --- That is just our first set and will have our next batch
later on so sit back and relax.

Maricris. Right, also, please be informed that the amount of money gathered will be given to our

Francis: Alright so I think our ladies our now very ready and with our audiences are very
eagerto witness the spectacular Fantasy Costume of each candidates. I believe this will be the
very first competition we have in this prestigious pageant so they really make sure to prepare
and give their best to show what they got.

Maricris. That is right! So let me read to you the criteria for judging

We have creative design 40%, stage presence 20%, poise and bearing 30% and overall impact
10% a total of 100%

let’s give it up to our lovely candidates

Both: in their Fantasy costume.

Candidate number1: Describe and soot, made of.. and so on and so forth

Francis: Thank you so much ladies for that glaring, fancy performance with your fantastical
costumes. The next competition will be the Swimsuit competition, however since they are still
preparing let us have our 2nd set of Kuracha number.

Let’s give it up to Ms___ to be paired by Mr _____ , Around of applause pls

Maricris: Thank you so much.

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