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Effects of Spatial Ability and Instructional Program on

Geometry Achievement
a a a a
Robert D. Hannafin , Mary P. Truxaw , Jennifer R. Vermillion & Yingjie Liu
University of Connecticut
Published online: 07 Aug 2010.

To cite this article: Robert D. Hannafin , Mary P. Truxaw , Jennifer R. Vermillion & Yingjie Liu (2008) Effects of Spatial Ability
and Instructional Program on Geometry Achievement, The Journal of Educational Research, 101:3, 148-157, DOI: 10.3200/

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Effects of Spatial Ability
and Instructional Program
on Geometry Achievement
University of Connecticut University of Connecticut

OLEs in and of themselves; they contain neither informa-

Downloaded by [University of Illinois Chicago] at 11:38 24 October 2014

ABSTRACT The authors investigated the effects of student

spatial ability, as measured by Raven’s Progressive Colored tion nor content. More akin to word processors and spread-
Matrices (J. C. Raven, 1938) and type of instructional pro- sheets, dynamic geometry programs are tools that one
gram on geometry achievement. Sixth-grade students worked can use to create and support student-centered learning
through either 6 instructional activities in Geometer’s Sketch-
pad (Key Curriculum Press, 1993), a dynamic geometry environments. To use dynamic geometry programs to foster
program, or a geometry tutorial, both of which paralleled student-directed inquiry, instruction needs to be structured
Connecticut’s geometry standards. The authors hypothesized to guide students to the point at which conjectures are
that students working with the activities in Sketchpad would possible (Hollebrands, 2007). One can design activities
learn geometry better and that (after controlling for math- to promote learning while not strictly regulating the man-
ematics ability) student spatial ability would predict success
in such an environment more reliably than it would in the ner in which they are used. The designers of Geometer’s
tutorial program. However, students with high spatial ability Sketchpad, for example, recommend that through a series
performed significantly better than did low-spatial learners in of structured activities, learners make conjectures as they
both instructional treatments; students in the Sketchpad treat- “click and drag” geometric shapes. Many advocates of that
ment scored only marginally higher on the posttest than did type of learning environment also recommend that stu-
learners in the tutorial condition, despite spending more time
on task. Results have implications for mathematics instructors, dents work collaboratively to formulate theories and draw
researchers, and computer-based programs. their own conclusions (e.g., CTGV, 1992).
Many educators and researchers believe that dynamic
Keywords: computer-based instruction, dynamic geometry, geometry programs can support higher order thinking skills
middle school mathemtics, spatial ability such as generalization (e.g., Knuth & Hartman, 2005; Vin-
cent, 2005). The National Council of Teachers of Math-
ematics (2000) advocated for dynamic geometry programs:

“Middle-grades students should explore a variety of geo-

esearchers have advocated using computer tech- metric shapes and examine their characteristics. Students
nology to help learners succeed in less traditional can conduct these explorations using materials such as
and less structured learning environments (e.g., geoboards, dot paper, multiple-length cardboard strips with
Battista, 2003; Crown, 2003; Cognition and Technology hinges, and dynamic geometry software to create two-dimen-
Group at Vanderbilt [CTGV], 1992; Gardner, Wissick, sional shapes” (p. 233). Battista (2002) found that interac-
Schweder, & Canter, 2003; Kozma, 1994; Quintana et tive geometry programs could be used to “build increasingly
al., 2004; Scher, 2005). In open-learning environments sophisticated mental models for thinking about shapes, mod-
(OLEs), for example, learners are provided with varying els that form the foundation on which genuine understand-
amounts of support for deciding which information they ing of geometry must be constructed” (p. 339). Battista
need to learn, how to learn, and what resources they need also argued that using dynamic geometry software develops
to learn (e.g., Brown, Collins, & Duguid, 1989; Land & geometric thinking in ways consistent with van Hiele’s levels
Hannafin, 1996; Scardamalia, Bereiter, & Lamon, 1994). (van Hiele, 1986, cited in Clements & Battista, 1992).
Proponents of OLEs argued that by identifying goals and Zheng (2002) found that dynamic geometry software is
constructing meanings, learners become active managers, useful for teaching students how to create generalizations,
rather than passive receptacles, of information.
We examined learning outcomes of students work-
Address correspondence to Robert D. Hannafin, University of Con-
ing in learning environments with Geometer’s Sketch- necticut, Educational Psychology, 249 Glenbrook Road, U2064 249,
pad (Sketchpad; Key Curriculum Press, 1993), a dynamic Storrs, CT 06269-2064. (E-mail:
geometry program. Dynamic geometry programs are not Copyright © 2008 Heldref Publications
January/February 2008 [Vol. 101(No. 3)] 149

which have long been considered important for help- by Raven’s Progressive Matrices, the Visual-Span (VSPAN)
ing students think critically. For example, Pólya (1954) test, and individuals’ performance on dynamic decision-
described generalization as “passing from the consideration making tasks as they interacted with one of three micro-
of a given set of objects to that of the larger set, contain- worlds. They found a positive association between VSPAN
ing the given one” (p. 12). Sinclair and Crespo (2006) and Raven’s Progressive Matrices scores and among several
reported that dynamic geometry programs “make it possible performance measures in three dynamic tasks.
for [elementary] students to learn more important math- The impact of spatial ability has also been investigated in
ematics content and processes that are challenging to learn three-dimensional multimedia environments. Huk (2006)
in other non-technological contexts” (p. 443). examined the impact that interactive three-dimensional
Research has shown that cognitive abilities such as (3D) models implemented within a hypermedia-learning
working memory and spatial ability predict success in environment have on understanding cell biology. Huk
certain learning environments. For example, researchers found that only students with high spatial ability benefited
have shown that working memory is a strong predictor of from the presence of 3D models and that students with
achievement across a variety of learning tasks (Kylonnen low spatial ability became cognitively overloaded by the
& Christal, 1990; Shute 1991). Another less researched presence of 3D models. Conversely, students with high
but potentially important cognitive skill, particularly in spatial ability benefited from the models because their total
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geometry, is spatial ability. Student ability to detect rela- cognitive load remained comfortably within the limits of
tionships and changes in shapes is not typically measured working memory. The role of spatial ability in graphics-rich
in traditional school settings but may contribute to success environments, both 3D and 2D, is not well understood. In
in a dynamic geometry environment. We theorized that sum, although researchers have found that spatial ability
ability to succeed using a graphical tool like Sketchpad relates to achievement in mathematics in some cases, find-
might depend on skills other than reading and math- ings are mixed. Also, many of the studies have been rela-
ematics. Solving traditional mathematics problems often tional—the researchers have attempted to correlate spatial
requires only that students read and understand text-based ability with some external measure like SAT mathematics
word problems. Although researchers have found that spa- scores. Few researchers examine the effect of spatial ability
tial ability relates to achievement in mathematics in some in an experimental design. Furthermore, there is a paucity
cases, findings are inconsistent. of studies in which researchers have examined spatial abil-
Rhode and Thompson (2007) found that for under- ity with middle school students in public school classrooms
graduate students, spatial ability as measured by Raven’s with relevant standards-aligned content.
Progressive Matrices (Raven, Raven, & Court, 1998) pre- Another variable of interest in the present study was
dicted success in the mathematics portion of the Scholastic type of instructional program. There is ample evidence
Achievement Test (SAT), even after general cognitive purporting that students learn effectively in linear tutorial
ability was partialled out. Conversely, Friedman (1995) instruction delivered via computer-based programs. J. Kulik
conducted a meta-analysis of 75 studies in which research- (1994, 2003) examined the impact of computer-assisted
ers investigated the relationship between spatial ability and instruction, or CAI, on achievement (as measured by a
mathematics skills and found little correlation. She deter- posttest) in a variety of disciplines and confirmed that CAI
mined that verbal ability was a stronger predictor of math- is an effective medium for learning. What is not as well
ematics achievement than was spatial ability. Friedman understood is the effectiveness of using computer programs
also confirmed a claim of many previous researchers—that like Sketchpad to support less structured environments.
spatial mathematics ability correlation is stronger among Hannafin (2004) investigated the effects of student ability
female than male learners. and type of instructional program, structured and unstruc-
Hannafin and Scott (1998) investigated the predictive tured, on easy and difficult posttest items. Although their
value of spatial ability on posttest performance after using a overall performance was poor in both programs, Hannafin
geometry program with Sketchpad. They found a mild (non- found that low-ability learners performed relatively better
significant) association between spatial ability and achieve- than did high-ability learners in the less structured, less
ment but also recommended further research in this area. traditional mathematics activities, an encouraging finding
In an examination of student structuring and enumeration for advocates of ill-structured learning environments.
of two-dimensional rectangular arrays of squares in which Isiksal and Askar (2005) investigated effects of
spatial structuring is defined as the mental operation of instructional programs on the mathematics achievement
constructing an organization or form for an object or set of of seventh-grade students. The programs included a tra-
objects, Battista, Clements, Arnoff, Battista, and Van Auken ditional instruction group as a control, a dynamic-soft-
Borrow (1998) concluded that many students do not see ware group, and a spreadsheet software group. Results
row-by-column structure. The researchers identified various revealed that students in the dynamic software group
levels of sophistication in students’ structuring of arrays. and the traditional instruction group had significantly
Also, Gonzalez, Thomas, and Vanyukov (2005) investigated higher posttest scores than did students in the spread-
the relationships between spatial cognitive ability as assessed sheet group. Although the authors’ findings supported
150 The Journal of Educational Research

use of the dynamic software over the spreadsheet soft- only the Tutorial. The content of both resources directly
ware, little difference occurred in achievement between addressed several state geometry standards identified by the
the dynamic software group and the traditional instruc- host teachers.
tional program condition. The authors speculated that Student booklet. The students in the Sketchpad treat-
their finding resulted from the fact that the assessment ment group used a booklet that we developed, containing
required only reading and understanding text-based six geometry activities. Each activity required that stu-
mathematics word problems rather than tasks emulating dents use Sketchpad to create and manipulate geometric
the dynamic software. shapes and objects. The activities allowed students to
We designed two instructional programs for this study. explore while guiding, prompting, and helping them as
One treatment required students to proceed in an online necessary. For example, in Figure 1, students received
linear instructional program. The other treatment cov- step-by-step instructions on ways to construct the alti-
ered the same content through a series of activities using tude of a triangle to calculate the area. After the altitude
Geometer’s Sketchpad. Students using Geometer’s Sketch- and base had been measured and the area calculated in
pad could also use the online tutorial as a resource while Figure 1, learners could drag the triangle’s vertex and
they worked through the activities. The treatment groups observe the relationship among the base, altitude, and
are referred to as Tutorial and Sketchpad, respectively. We area. Our intention was that the student booklet would
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examined the effect of spatial ability (low and high) and provide sufficient guidance to allow student pairs to work
type of instructional program (Tutorial or Sketchpad) on as independently as possible, enabling them to generate
geometry achievement. Students were assigned to dyads one team answer during the activities. The activities pro-
and then to either condition. The study permitted exami- gressed in difficulty from basic geometric concepts such as
nation of the following hypotheses: measuring and classifying angles, lines, rays, and segments
to more abstract relationships.
1. Students in the Sketchpad treatment group will score
Online tutorial program. Intro was the second resource
higher on the posttest than will students working in the
used by students. The program included instruction,
Tutorial program;
examples, and practice questions necessary to master the
2. High-spatial students will outperform low-spatial stu-
learning objectives identified by the state standards. Intro
dents on the posttest and particularly in the Sketchpad
included several Macromedia Flash animations to help
treatment; and
students visualize rotated shapes. Students could play the
3. Students in the Sketchpad condition will like the instruc-
animations as often as they needed. We based Intro’s design
tion better than will students in the Tutorial group.
on Dick and Carey’s (2000) systematic design model; it
could be used either as a linear tutorial or a searchable
database. Students in the Tutorial treatment group used
Intro as a linear tutorial and proceeded through the entire
program sequentially by clicking on the “Next” button to
Participants were 66 sixth-grade students (27 boys, view all the instruction, examples, and practice problems.
39 girls) of four mathematics teachers in a middle-class Conversely, in the Sketchpad treatment group, Intro was
suburb located near a northeastern university. The total available on a computer adjacent to the machine used
number of students working in the experimental sessions by students to work on Sketchpad activities (each dyad
was initially 125, but 59 either did not complete the pro- had two dedicated computers). Learners in the Sketchpad
gram (because of absences) or did not return the signed group tended to use it as a resource or database, “jumping
release forms necessary for compliance with the Insti- in and out of it” looking for a particular concept or term.
tutional Review Board. Students took part in the study The search feature and menu allowed students to access
during their normally scheduled mathematics periods. We different sections directly, that is, without paging through
had two dedicated laboratories, which allowed students all of the content.
to be assigned randomly by instructional treatment, thus To summarize, students in the Sketchpad treatment
avoiding the threat to internal validity that intact classes group had access to two sets of instructional resources; they
often present. completed activities in the student booklet and were able
to use the Intro tutorial program as needed. They tended
Materials to use Intro as a database to look up specific definitions or
concepts as they worked through the activities in the book-
We used two instructional resources (not to be confused let. The booklet contained activities and a series of guided
with treatment groups): (a) Intro—an online geometry questions that students answered by drawing shapes and
program and (b) a booklet of activities that guided stu- manipulating them in Sketchpad. Students in the Sketch-
dents’ use of the Geometer’s Sketchpad software program. pad group accessed Intro for needed factual information
Students in the Sketchpad treatment condition used both but were not required to complete all of Intro in a linear
resources; students in the Tutorial treatment group used fashion. Students in the Tutorial treatment group did not
January/February 2008 [Vol. 101(No. 3)] 151

use the student activities; they worked in a linear fashion

1. Open a new sketch and draw a triangle. Select a side of only through Intro.
the triangle and the vertex opposite the base.
A Procedure

Prior to the initial experimental session, teachers informed

students that they would be working on a computer-based
C B geometry program and that their test grade at the end of
the program would count toward their course grade. The
2. Construct a perpendicular line by clicking on the construct
menu and choosing perpendicular line. week before the program began, the host teachers adminis-
3. Place a point at the intersection of the base and the tered a geometry pretest (measuring prior knowledge about
perpendicular line. the content) and Raven’s Colored Progressive Matrices,
4. Click on the perpendicular line and choose Hide Line a measure of spatial problem solving. Raven’s Progressive
from the Display menu.
Matrices (Raven, Court, & Raven, 1986; Raven, Raven,
5. Select the new point on the base and the vertex opposite
the base. (This is not necessary on the current versions & Court, 1998), introduced originally in 1938, “is a non
of Sketchpad.) verbal test of reasoning ability based on figural stimuli . . .
Downloaded by [University of Illinois Chicago] at 11:38 24 October 2014

6. Click on the Construct menu and select Segment. that measures the ability to form comparisons, to reason by
A analogy, and to organize spatial perceptions into systemati-
cally related wholes” (Sattler, 2001, p. 561).
The Colored Progressive Matrices is a 36-item test
appropriate for students aged 5–11 years (host teachers
C B informed us that their students were 11 years old, on aver-
D age) that uses colors to attract and hold the attention of
Length of segment AD = 2 in. children. Split-half reliabilities for the colored matrices
have ranged from .65 to .94; test–retest reliability ranged
7. While the new line segment is still selected, click on
from .71 to .93 (see Raven et al., 1986). The Raven tests
the Measure menu and select Length. The length of
that segment is the height of the triangle. have been correlated with intelligence (with concurrent
validity coefficients between .50 and the .80s) and achieve-
FIGURE 1. Part of a sample Sketchpad activity. ment tests (coefficients between .30 and the .60s).
We gave students a matrix-like arrangement (included in
the published Raven test set) of figural symbols and asked
them to complete the matrix by selecting the appropriate
B12 missing symbol from a group of symbols (see Figure 2).
Because of time constraints, we shortened Raven’s Colored
Progressive Matrices to a 16-item test. Student scores on
the Raven ranged from 7 to 16 (Cronbach’s α coefficient
of .73) with a mean score of 13.87. Thirty-three students
scored 15 or 16 (M = 15.51) and were classified as high spa-
tial ability; 33 students scored 14 or below (M = 12.03) and
were classified as low spatial ability. We also used the scores
to systematically pair students from each class into dyads
(the student with the highest Raven score in one class was
paired with the student with the lowest score in the same
class; the student with the second highest score was paired
1 2 3 with the student with the second lowest score, and so on).
As teachers brought their classes to the labs, dyads were
then assigned randomly to one of two dedicated computer
labs (one lab for the Tutorial treatment, one for Sketchpad)
4 5 6 to work on the instructional program.
We conducted the treatments simultaneously in two adja-
cent computer labs. On Day 1 of the experimental sessions,
we (at least two researchers in each lab) provided general
instructions and examples for using each of the respective
FIGURE 2. Sample item on Raven’s Colored Progressive programs. The orientation sessions for the Sketchpad group
Matrices (J. C. Raven, 1938). took more time than did the sessions for the Tutorial group
because students had not used or seen Sketchpad previously
152 The Journal of Educational Research

and needed guided practice using the construction tools to an expert in mathematics assessments) and the four host
create and manipulate figures in Sketchpad. We conducted teachers reviewed the final examination. All the review-
the experimental sessions during regularly scheduled math- ers judged that the items adequately covered the content
ematics classes over 7 school days. objectives and were a representative sample of the con-
While students in the Sketchpad treatment group worked tent being assessed. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was a
on the instructional activities in the student booklet, we low-moderate .60 for the posttest. Netemeyer, Bearden,
instructed and encouraged them to use the Intro program and Sharma (2003) argued that a .70 alpha level is a
as a resource to clarify, look up definitions, and so forth desired minimum.
but did not force them to go through Intro in a linear fash- The other criterion measure was a student questionnaire
ion. Students were also prompted by the student booklet; that contained five Likert-type attitude items with choices
theoretically, the students were not obligated to use Intro. ranging from 1 (strongly agree) to 5 (strongly disagree). The
Along with the participating teachers, we were available items measured learner attitudes about the instruction-
to clarify, guide, and assist students, but we did not provide al programs. The questionnaire was administered online
explicit answers related to geometry content. Students in immediately preceding the posttest. We determined that
the dyads assigned to the Tutorial instructional treatment the alpha coefficient for the attitude survey was .69.
were also able to discuss and work together. Students in the We adapted the items from instruments used in previous
Downloaded by [University of Illinois Chicago] at 11:38 24 October 2014

Tutorial treatment completed Intro as a tutorial, then took research (e.g., Hannafin, 2004; Hannafin & Scott, 1998).
the posttest. We anticipated that students in the Tutorial
group would need less time to complete the Intro program, Design and Data Analysis
so we allowed those students to complete the Sketch-
pad activities after the 26-item posttest. Students needed We used a 2 × 2 (Instructional Program × Level of Spa-
approximately 90 min to complete the Intro program, tial Ability) design. The following cell sizes (n) resulted:
compared with about 3 hr for the Sketchpad program. We (a) low spatial in the Tutorial treatment, n = 16; (b) low
did not report data from the after-treatment activities for spatial Sketchpad treatment, n = 17; (c) high spatial Tuto-
the Tutorial group. No time-on-task data were available; rial, n = 15; and (d) high spatial Sketchpad, n = 18. To
we did not systematically collect observational or other increase the power of the design, we controlled for ability-
qualitative data. related variability in posttest scores by using the pretest as
We instructed students in both treatments to work a covariate because the pretest correlated strongly with the
and collaborate with their partners during the program, posttest scores (r = .28, p = .01).1 We examined gender but
although we specified that each student would take the found no effect for either achievement (r = .06, p = .31)
posttest independently with no help from his or her part- or attitude (items ranging from r = .01, p = .49 to r = .12,
ner. Some degree of students’ collaboration was ensured in p = .18). Therefore, we analyzed posttest data in the 2 × 2
the Sketchpad treatment while they completed the student (Program × Spatial Ability) design with analysis of covari-
booklet by performing interdependent tasks. Collabora- ance (ANCOVA).
tion in the Tutorial group occurred naturally but was not Because we did not expect that mathematics ability
prompted by the program instructions. Students in both would influence student attitudes about the program, we
groups completed the attitude survey after the program but analyzed attitudes without the covariate. We first con-
before the posttest. ducted a 2 × 2 (Program × Spatial Ability) multivariate
analysis of variance (MANOVA) across the five attitude
Criterion Measures items, followed by corresponding univariate tests if we
detected any significant multivariate effect. We performed
We developed two criterion measures for the current all tests with the SPSS (Version 14) statistical package at
study: a posttest measure of achievement and an attitude an alpha level of .05.
questionnaire. Once students completed the instruction
and began the posttest and the attitude questionnaire, Results
they could no longer access the information portion of
the program. The 26 items on the posttest were multiple- Table 1 shows the unadjusted and covariate-adjusted
choice format, with four response choices per question. mean posttest scores for program (Tutorial and Sketchpad)
The posttest did not involve using Sketchpad to draw and spatial ability (low and high). The overall mean for
or construct. Rather, we wanted the posttest to mirror as all students was 15.73 out of 26 (60.5%). The ANCOVA
closely as possible the test items typically included in the revealed a significant effect for spatial ability but not for
state mastery examination. Wherever possible, the test instructional treatment. The adjusted marginal mean post-
items replicated released items exactly from previous state test scores for learners in the high-spatial groups (M =
mathematics examinations. To ensure content or face 16.69) were significantly higher on the posttest than for
validity, the second author (a mathematics educator for low-spatial learners (M = 14.76), F(1, 61) = 6.41, p = .014,
elementary and middle school preservice teachers who is partial η2 = .10. Despite spending substantially more time
January/February 2008 [Vol. 101(No. 3)] 153

active geometry programs as helping to build “increasingly

TABLE 1. Mean Adjusted Posttest Scores, by Program sophisticated mental models for thinking about shapes,
and Spatial Ability
[and] models . . .” Our finding was also inconsistent with
the findings of Sinclair and Crespo (2006) who found
Spatial ability group Tutorial Sketchpad Total that students learn more mathematics content by using
a dynamic geometry program. There are several possible
Low reasons for that nonfinding. The most obvious reason
M 13.75 15.78 14.76
SE 0.77 0.75 0.54 is that sixth-grade students can enjoy learning as well
Unadjusted M 13.69 15.71 14.73 and in less time with computer-delivered direct linear
High instruction as they can in the more labor-intensive, time-
M 16.68 16.70 16.69 consuming Sketchpad environment. Although that possi-
SE 0.80 0.74 0.54 bility deserves serious consideration, we believe that there
Unadjusted M 16.47 17.00 16.76
are other plausible explanations.
Total The first explanation is that in an attempt to not “stack
M 15.21 16.24 15.73 the deck” against the Tutorial, we may have made the
SE 0.56 0.52 0.38
Intro program, in a sense, too good. We designed Intro
Downloaded by [University of Illinois Chicago] at 11:38 24 October 2014

Unadjusted M 15.03 16.37 15.74

to cover the same content as the Tutorial in an engag-
ing way; but unlike computer tutorials used in older CAI
in the program and the advantage of having access to both studies, instructional programs like Intro can feature flash
instructional programs, the Sketchpad group scored only movies and animated examples. Thus, the programs were
marginally higher (M = 16.37) than did the Tutorial group perhaps not sufficiently different from each other to result
(M = 15.03), F(1, 61) = 1.79, p > .05. The interaction was in achievement or attitude differences.
not significant, F(1, 61) = 1.73, p > .05. A second possibility could relate to a match or lack of
We conducted a 2 × 2 (Program × Spatial Ability) match between the treatment programs and the assess-
MANOVA on the attitude items, which we scored on a ment. For example, Isiksal and Askar (2005) suggested that
4-point, Likert-type scale ranging from 1 (strong agreement little difference in mathematical achievement between a
with positively stated items) to 4 (strong disagreement with traditional instruction group and a dynamic software treat-
positively stated items). Our analysis revealed no significant ment group could relate to the text-based assessment—that
multivariate effect for program, F(5, 58) = .77, p = .58, is, one more aligned with a traditional program than with
spatial ability, F(5, 58) = .91, p = .48, or interaction effect, a dynamic program. In that case, although the assessment
F(5, 58) = 1.04, p = .40. Overall item means indicated was administered on a computer and included some graphic
that students liked working in the programs (Tutorial M = images, it may have more closely emulated the tutorial pro-
1.68, Sketchpad M = 1.86), tried hard (Tutorial M = 1.71, gram than the Sketchpad program.
Sketchpad M = 1.74), and enjoyed working with a partner On the surface, the Intro program seemed to be a more
(Tutorial M = 2.10, Sketchpad M = 1.89). Students agreed efficient program. Students spent less time in the program
with the statement that “I would like to use this program than did learners in the Sketchpad treatment. A few cir-
again in mathematics” (Tutorial M = 1.61, Sketchpad M = cumstances also contributed to the time difference; we spent
1.86) and agreed with the statement, although less strongly, considerably more time introducing the tool and helping stu-
that the program was easy (Tutorial M = 2.16, Sketchpad dents use the construction and measure tools in Sketchpad.
M = 2.20). In addition, we prompted students to collaborate with their
partner and then write their answer in the activity booklet.
Discussion Finally, students had to open several preconstructed sketches
from the school’s file server, which sometimes caused small
The first hypothesis, that students in the Sketchpad delays. However, the biggest reason for the time difference
treatment group would score higher on the posttest than was clearly the questions that arose when students manipu-
would students working in the Tutorial group, was not sup- lated shapes. Students routinely asked us or their teachers
ported. Despite the advantage of additional time on task to help them understand one or more parts of an activity.
(90 min to complete the Intro program compared with 3 The increased engagement (observed by us, but evidence is
hr for the Sketchpad program) and additional instructional anecdotal) was belied by the fact that learners in the Tuto-
material (Intro program plus the Sketchpad activities), stu- rial performed as well and liked it as much as students in the
dents in the Sketchpad group did not perform significantly Sketchpad group liked their program.
better than did their classmates in the Tutorial group. The impact of additional time on student achieve-
We believed that because students could manipulate and ment is unclear. C. Kulik and Kulik (1991) examined 32
interact with onscreen shapes and activities, they would postsecondary studies in which they compared the impact
perhaps internalize the experience and learn the concepts of instructional time on the performance of students in a
more deeply, the way that Battista (2002) described inter- CAI program with subjects in conventional classrooms.
154 The Journal of Educational Research

They found that CAI students needed much less time on graphical, students with high spatial ability may have been
task to master the same content. Hannafin and Sullivan rewarded equally in both programs. That phenomenon is
(1996) reported that students assigned to a CAI geometry possibly related to Huk’s (2006) speculation that students
unit controlled by the program (no user choices) spent with high-spatial ability benefited from the presence of 3D
more time in the program and did score significantly better models because their total cognitive load remained within
than did students who had a choice to either add or bypass working memory limits. The possibility that Intro and
instructional material. However, in the same study, the Sketchpad taxed cognitive load equally (albeit uninten-
authors also examined the performance of students in the tionally from our point of view) because of the animated
two-choice conditions (add vs. bypass) and reported that rotations in Intro might help explain the similar perfor-
learners who had the option to add screens scored compa- mance on the posttest.
rably with the bypass group, despite spending less time in The third hypothesis that students in the Sketchpad
the program (36 min vs. 52 min) and viewing fewer (34 vs. treatment would prefer it to the Tutorial treatment was
82) screens. The critical factor here was that students in also not supported. The simplest explanation, and perhaps
the add group spent more time (19.2 sec vs. 16.1 sec) on somewhat self-serving, is program length; Intro was shorter,
each of the screens that they viewed. Hannafin and Sulli- and for sixth graders, shorter is often better. Intro also was
van speculated that there was perhaps more intentionality fairly engaging. In hindsight, students had little reason to
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in the add condition because students had to consciously favor one program over the other.
decide to select information, contrasted with students in Dynamic geometry programs are intuitively appealing
the bypass condition, who repeatedly clicked on the Next to many mathematics teachers and mathematics educa-
button to skip the additional instruction. tors. There is an underlying assumption in the literature
Kritch and Bostow (1998) found that college students that students’ use of programs like Sketchpad is inher-
who spent more time than did their fellow students in a ently worthwhile. Our findings do not quite challenge that
CAI instructional program on authoring languages did assumption, but they also do not directly support it. Hol-
score higher on a posttest but that the difference was caused lebrands (2007) examined Sketchpad qualitatively (e.g.,
by the nature of student involvement (being required to interviews, videotaping) as a mediator of learning and
engage in dense reflections during the instruction (i.e., they noticed that even with well-designed tasks (questions, etc.)
experienced frequent situations requiring them to supply and skilled teachers, students may realize different (and not
key components of the subject taught) rather than by the always accurate) meanings. She suggested that instruction
additional time. The researchers used a yoked control group needs not only to focus on “mathematical relationships
in which students did not have access to the dense instruc- represented in the technological environment” (p. 190)
tion but spent the same amount of time as did students in but also to attend to students’ current understandings and
the dense reflections group. Students in the control group to bridge new learning to those understandings. Her results,
scored significantly worse than did their counterparts in along with those of the present study, suggest the need for
the experimental group. Thus, one can argue that addi- additional research into the availability and constraints
tional time alone will not result in higher achievement; of programs like Sketchpad for helping students enhance
rather, it is how time is used that matters. More research is mathematical understanding.
needed for a determination of ways to better quantify the We acknowledge a few limitations. The sample size
outcomes that we observed. was relatively small. However, as is often the case with
The second hypothesis, that high-spatial students would all school-based research, we had no control over student
outperform low-spatial students on the posttest, was sup- attrition or whether parent permission forms were returned
ported. That spatial ability predicted success in this instruc- by students. Clearly, however, a larger sample would be
tional program, after mathematics ability was partialled out, desirable. Also, because students worked in pairs and were
has potentially important implications for the design of encouraged to help each other (especially in the Sketchpad
multimedia and open environments. Our finding supports treatment), we cannot know how much their performance
that of Rhode and Thompson (2007), who found that spatial was influenced by these interactions. But because the host
ability in young adults predicted success in the mathematics teachers preferred students to work in dyads, we had to
portion of the SAT examination, over and above the contri- forfeit some internal validity for arguably more ecological
bution of general cognitive ability. However, our finding was validity (teachers believed that the students benefited from
not consistent with the results of Friedman’s (1995) meta- working with a partner).
analysis, in which she found that mathematics achievement Another possible limitation was the fact that we used
correlated only mildly with spatial ability. Yet, it is possible a truncated (not normed) version of the Raven Colored
that when looking solely at geometry achievement, as we Progressive Matrices. If time permitted, we would have
did, the relationship may be stronger. preferred to use the full 36-item version, but because the
The expectation that high-spatial students in Sketchpad host faculty objected, we adapted it. We know that the
would outperform their counterparts in the Tutorial condi- shortened instrument did measure something apart from
tion was not borne out. Because both programs were very mathematics ability, and we believe that it was the same
January/February 2008 [Vol. 101(No. 3)] 155

construct—partial ability—that the 36-item test would Cognition and Technology Group at Vanderbilt (CTGV). (1992). The
Jasper experiment: An exploration of issues in learning and instruc-
have measured, but we cannot be sure. tional design. Educational Technology Research and Development, 40(1),
Researchers need to consider the fact that recently, 65–80.
multimedia design tools have become so sophisticated that Crown, W. D. (2003). Using technology to enhance a problem-based
approach to teaching: What will work and what will not work. In F.
they render moot some of the advantages that Sketchpad K. Lester, Jr. (Ed.), Teaching mathematics through problem solving: Pre-
previously afforded. Perhaps researchers can create a new kindergarten-grade 6 (pp. 217–228). Reston, VA: National Council of
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Dick, W., & Carey, L. (2000). The systematic design of instruction. Glen-
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Hollebrands (2007) used qualitative methods to develop 33, 169–186.
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Downloaded by [University of Illinois Chicago] at 11:38 24 October 2014

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