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Mi mundo en otra lengua

Semana 4
Semana de integración

My personal blog
Proyecto integrador:

Imagina que vas a llenar los apartados de un blog turístico en el cual mencionas las principales
actividades que pueden realizar las personas en tu ciudad.

A) Responde a cada pregunta planteada para completar la sección “About me” de tu blog.

1. What is your name?

My name is Victor Manuel Montero Flores

2. How old are you?

I’m Twenty-two years old

3. What do you look like? 4. What do you do?

I am a tall boy, with light brown eyes and brown I am a student and employee in a coffee
hair, I am of fair complexion and thin maker

5. What is your marital status? 6. Who do you live with?

Unmarried I live with my grandmother and her son

Mi mundo en otra lengua
Semana 4
Semana de integración

7. Who is your favorite family member?

My grandmother Proyecto integrador:

8. Where are you from?

I’m from Merida, Yucatan

9. What nationality are you?


B) Responde a cada pregunta planteada para completar la primera entrada de tu blog “First blog post”.

1. Where do you live? 2. How is your city?

I live in the city where I was born, Merida My city is small, but there are a lot
of people from various countries
and states. It is quite hot all year

3. What places are there in your city?

In my city, there are shopping centers, in the center of the city is the market and you can
find all kinds of regional crafts. There are also green areas with lakes.

4. What activities can you do in your city?

On Sundays you can go to the center to enjoy plays at different points, ride a bicycle in an
event called "LaBiciruta" and it is only available on Sundays.

5. What do you like about your city? 6. What do you dislike about your
I like the tranquility and security. city?
I do not like that the people from

Mi mundo en otra lengua
Semana 4
Semana de integración

different parts of the country or

Proyecto integrador:
from other countries want to come
and live here, because despite
having overpopulation in the city,
they want to build here and that
generates that the heat increases.

7. What do you do on weekends?

I party with my friends or stay home to play video

C) Redacta, en español, una reflexión de media cuartilla sobre la forma en que el aprendizaje del
idioma inglés puede favorecer tu desarrollo personal, profesional y laboral.

The importance of knowing this language is that you can read, participate in forums,
apply for a scholarship or a student exchange program, be aware of the news, among
other benefits. When it comes to job opportunities, English is the most sought-after
language by employers. You also have the possibility to travel anywhere in the world. In
the same way you can meet many new people who only speak English, make friends,
meet a new partner among many things that you would not have thought of before.

D) Copia y pega la URL del audio donde se puede escuchar tu grabación con las preguntas y
respuestas del inciso B, considera que la duración máxima debe ser de 1:30 minutos.

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