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Thea (DISCUSSION DIRECTOR): Good morning, everyone, and especially to our teacher,
Ms. Relucio. Our group is named The Pantheon.
(meaning - a group of particularly respected, famous, or important people.)
I am the Discussion Director, and I am in charge of guiding the literature circle through the
discussion of the chosen text. But before we proceed to the summary of the Myth, Marchee
will tell you some difficult words.

Marchee (WORD WIZARD): These are the words we find difficult to comprehend.
First is Dreadful - extremely bad, distasteful, unpleasant, or shocking
2. Wily - crafty; full of wiles
3. Lest - for fear that—often used to denote or express fear or apprehension
4. Perilous - full of danger or risk
5. Crept - to move along with the body prone and close to the ground; past tense of creep
6. Clamor - noisy shouting; a loud continuous noise
7. Nymphs - girl or woman
8. Woe - used to express grief, regret, or distress
9. Vaunted - much praised or boasted
10. Appease - to cause to subside; pacify or conciliate

Kim (SUMMARIZER): Now, let's proceed to the summary of The Gorgon's Head.

Acrisius, King of Argos received a dreadful oracle from Delphi. According to the priestess of
Delphi, he will not have a son but a grandson from whose hands he will be killed. Frightened,
King Acrisius hid his only daughter Danae from the sight of all men. Danae was locked up
inside a house of bronze sunk underground.

Zeus entered into the underground chamber in the form of the shower of gold through the
roof partly opened. He appeared in front of Danae and in an instant Danae conceived a
baby. Later, Danae had given birth to a boy named Perseus. She kept her baby a secret
from her own father. But days have come and King Acrisius learned about her secret.

The King ordered his people to have a chest built for Danae and child Perseus. Danae and
her child were put inside the chest and sent adrift the sea. It bobbed in the waves until it
reached the Island of Seraphos where a fisherman named Dictys noticed the chest and took

When he opened, he saw Danae and Perseus. The kind Dictys let them in their house to live
together with his wife. Dictys’ brother, King Polydectes was captivated with Danae’s beauty
and married her. Polydectes felt jealous over the love that Danae was giving to Perseus.

The mission was to kill Medusa, one of the three Gorgons. She has snaky hair and
metal-scaled skin. Looking straight in Medusa’s eye can turn mortals into stone. Despite the
danger, Perseus agreed to embark on the adventure in order to get his own name a glory.

Hermes gave him a sword. Hermes added that Perseus needed also the winged sandals,
the helmet of invisibility, and the magic wallet. Those three essential things were all in the
possession of the Nymphs of the North. Perseus went to the Gray women, he snatched the

eye of the women and threatened not to return it unless they led him to the the Nymphs of
the North. As soon as the direction was given, Perseus headed to the Island of Gorgons.

He was instructed by Athena, telling him that Medusa was the one lying closest to the
seashore. With one swift of his sword and with the help of his shield as mirror, Medusa was
beheaded and her head was put inside the magic wallet.

Perseus, guided by the gods. battled with the gorgon. During the battle, he encountered a
beautiful maiden chained near the sea and save her from the monster. He asked for her
hand in marriage, but everyone objected, including the maiden's promised husband. A fight
ensued, which Perseus easily won by using the Gorgon's head.

He returned to see his stepfather, who did not believe Perseus had killed Medusa. He turned
his stepfather into a statue. After this, the prophecy was fulfilled when he returned to his
grandfather’s homeland and accidentally killed him in a throwing contest.

Thea: Thank you Kim for that, now to understand more the story, Jeune will introduce to you
the characters of the story

Jeune (ILLUSTRATOR): Here are the characters

• Acrisius - King of Argos, being warned by an oracle that the son of his daughter should slay

• Perseus - Is best known for the slayer of the Gorgon Medusa and the rescuer of
Andromeda from a sea monster.

• Dictys - Description
A fisherman and brother of King Polydectes of Seriphos.

• Andromeda - The beautiful daughter of King Cepheus and Queen Cassiope of Joppa in
Palestine (called Ethiopia) and wife of Perseus.

• The Graeae - Are a trio of sisters they appear in the adventures of the legendary hero

• Medusa - Best known for having hair made of snakes and for her ability to turn anyone she
look at to stone.

• The Gargons - 3 sisters with coiling snakes for hair, who could turn unwitting onlookers to
stone in an instant.

Thea (CONNECTOR): I hope that you all get to know them well, let's now connect the
characters to a real life persons

- Medusa was generally described as winged human females with living venomous
snake in place of hair. There was a saying that Medusa was raped by Poseidon, and
after that Athena cursed Medusa because of jealousy and hatred.

If we connect Medusa to a real life person in our modern culture Sexual Abuse Victims
would've fit in, in view of the fact that they're like medusa in our modern world because not
only they tend to be seen as a powerful symbol of female yet they are still getting abused
and harassed, just like today's modern world regarding woman empowerment. We still seek
for justice to women who got sexually harassed, while Medusa didn't get justice for her rights
and suffered until death.

- Perseus is a major hero from Greek mythology and the slayer of the Gorgon Medusa
and the rescuer of Andromeda from a sea monster. He is best known for his clever
decapitation of Medusa.

If we connect Perseus to a real-life person, it would be our parents because they're willing to
face anyone and everything to do for love, or to fight for the rights. Our parents tend to be
seen as a Strength, Intelligence and perseverance. So do Persues.

- The Graeae Sister In Greek Mythology were three sisters who shared one eye and
one tooth among them. When Perseus stole them, the sisters revealed how to kill the
Medusa, but he broke his oath and threw away their life source.

If we will connect the Graeae sisters to a real life situation in this modern period, then our
sisters would definitely fit in because they were like the Graeae sisters, for they always stick
together and help each other. Yet, in times when other people want to break their friendship
and bond just because of jealousy that others feel towards them, they might fall apart but
they won't give up. Their friendship has been strengthened even more, just like the Graeae
sisters. Even though lots of dilemmas came into their lives, they'll stick together as much as

- Athena is a Greek goddess known as both Pallas and Athene. In ancient Greek
mythology, they often associated her with both warfare and wisdom as well as
handicraft, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, strategic warfare,
mathematics, strength, strategy, the arts, and skill.

If we will connect Athena to a real life person, then our discussion direction/leaders would
absolutely fit in, in the view of the fact that our discussion director uses their wisdom to
decide on how they should react in a situation like on how they guide us in answering the
tasks. Also, they are the vision of feminine loveliness. Furthermore, our discussion director
and Athena almost have the same personality and quality, not only in a very dualistic one but
many more.

Marchee (TRAVEL TRACER): Now, I'll share to you some of Perseus dangerous journey.

When Perseus was fully equipped, he recklessly approached the fearful island of the
Gorgons. As he entered nor approach, he could see the statues of men and beasts
scattering in the fields whom the sight of the Gorgons had turned stone. However, Perseus
saw, from high above, he beheld the monsters themselves reflected in his shield. Its
scale-covered bodies glistened in the sun, their great wings were folded, the snakes

hideously coiled and intertwined. The Gorgons were asleep, even before they could turn
Perseus into stone.

As Perseus swept down, he boldly swung his blade. With one stroke, he cut off the gristy
head of Medusa. Perseus thought he finally got his prize, yet, up leaped the Gorgon sisters,
for they heard Medusa's scales as the severed body thrashed about. They turned their snaky
heads. After seeing Perseus' presence, they roared with fury as they tried to chase Perseus
using their flapping wings. Luckily, Perseus got away from them.

Surprisingly, when Perseus got off from the Gorgons, a beautiful chained maiden caught his
attention. After knowing and learning the reality behind the maiden named Andromeda,
Perseus decided to make a contract that if he saved Andromeda from the serpent, then she
shall be his. Eventually, the monster was coming on, his breast parting the waves like a swift
ship. In the end, Perseus survived and killed the monster.

Another journey that Perseus had faced was the scene where he and Andromeda got
married, Andromeda's uncle named Phineas, broke the feast, along with the rioters. While
having the conversation, the rioters went wild and they immediately attacked Perseus. With
the help of Medusa's eyes, two hundred men became stony statues as Phineas yielded.

Jeune (PASSAGE MASTER): It's game time! Don't worry, it's very simple; simply identify the
quotes and dialogues and state the name of the character in the story who owns that line.

1. "Descend, Perseus, and strike! The Gorgon nearest the shore is Medusa." Who said this?
Indeed! It was from Athene, who is also known as Athena. These words from Athene
represent how Athene is willing to help Perseus achieve his goal, which is to kill Medusa.

2. "I think it would be a good idea for you to cut off the Medusa's head. That would bring you
the greatest fame."
Whose dialogue is this?
Yes, you are correct! It is from Polydectes. These words from Polydectes show how greedy
he is. He wanted Perseus to be gone so that he could marry Perseus' mom, Danae.

3. "I beg you, tell me your name and why you're bound this way."
This dialogue is from?
Indeed, it is from Perseus. These words from Perseus show how curious he is and how
much he cares for the people he loves.

4. "If I have any friends here, let them hide their faces!"
Whose dialogue is this?
Correct, it is from Perseus. These words from Perseus show how much he cares for the
people close to him. It also shows how brave he is.

5. "Behold, I am here! I have come to avenge the theft of my promised bride."


Can anyone tell me whose dialogue is this?

Correct, it is from Phineas. It shows how emotional and upset he is about Perseus's wedding
to his promised maiden, Andromeda. It also shows how much he loves Andromeda, but
unfortunately, they weren’t meant for each other.


"No sons shall be born to you, but you shall have a grandson and by his hand you shall die."

"I will evade my fate. I will shut Danae up away from the sight of men in a house of bronze all
sunk underground." - Acrisius in his thoughts

"The time has come, Perseus, for you to win glory for yourself in some bold adventure." -

"I think, it would be a good idea for you to cut off the Medusa's head. That would bring you to
the greatest fame." -Polydectes

"Perseus, I approved the high adventure you have in mind. But you must be properly
equipped for it; Without the winged sandals, the magic wallet, and the helmet of invisibility it
will be difficult for you to slay Medusa. But I will take you to the Gray women. You can find
out from them." -Hermes

"And will they indeed tell me?" -Perseus

"Not willingly, but you can make them do it. They have but one eye shared among the three.
Snatch it from them as they pass it from one to another and none can see. And do not give it
back till they tell you what you want to know.” - Hermes

“You will need it, for Medusa’s scales are hard as metal.” – Hermes

“Of what use will be your sword, my brother, when none may look the Gorgons and live? The
sight of them as you well know, turns men into stone. Take my bright shield, Perseus. Look
into it instead of at the monster as you approach to do battle, and you will see the Medusa
reflected as in a mirror” – Athena

"Descend, Perseus, and strike! The Gorgon nearest the shore is Medusa." – Athena

“I pray, you, tell me your name and why you are bound like this.” - Perseus

“I am Andromeda, daughter of Cepheus, king of Ethiopian. The beautiful Cassiopeia is my

mother. It is her beauty that has chained me here for the gods are jealous and in nothing
may we mortal surpass them. Woe woe, the day my mother vaunted herself fairer than the
daughters of Nereus! The sea god has sent a serpent to prey upon our people, and my
death alone can appease his anger. So says the oracle.” – Andromeda

“Enough of tears! I am Perseus, son of Zeus and Danae. Now I will make this contract with
you that Andromeda shall be mine if I save her from the serpent.” – Perseus

“Indeed, indeed, valorous youth she shall be yours! Only save her from the monster and you
shall have our kingdom as well as our daughter.” -

“I will take fair maiden without dowry,”-Perseus

“Behold, I am here! I have come to avenge the theft of my promised bride.” – Phineas

“If I have any friends here, let them hide their faces!” – Perseus

“Put away your horrible weapon. Hide it! Grant me only my life and may the rest be yours!” –

“What I can give you, most cowardly Phineas, I will! You shall be a lasting monument here in
the palace of my father in law.” – Perseus

“I shall prove to you that what I say is true! Hide your eyes, all you who are my friends!” –

KIM (RESEARCHER): Let me share to you some movies that are based from the story.

The Gorgons Head, a very old film from 1925, is the first to be based on the tale of the
Gorgon's Head. In it, a daydreaming drawing student at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
brings the legendary Greek hero Perseus to life. Set out on a historic journey that is full of
peculiar encounters, from the enigmatic elderly lady with a single eye to the alluring sea
nymphs of the western region.

The following film is Clash of the Titans. In order to save the Princess Andromeda, Perseus
must fight Medusa and the Kraken. The second iteration of Clash of the Titans, Clash of the
Titans (2010), is significantly superior to the first while maintaining the same basic storyline.

Percy Jackson, a current film based on The Gorgon's Head, features three friends who must
find the three green pearls and battle Medusa to obtain one of the green pearls before
cutting off her head. They battled the three-headed dragon and slew it using Medusa's
severed head.

Thea (LITERARY LUMINARY): Let's now discuss what is a Myth? a myth is

- a typically traditional story of presumably historical events that serves to reveal a portion of
a people's world view or to explain a practice, belief, or natural phenomenon.
- Myths are stories with religious origins that explain natural phenomena, provide moral
insight, and include supernatural beings.

Kim: What are the Characteristics of a Myth?

- A myth is a story that is or was thought to be a true explanation of the natural world and its

- Characters are frequently non-human; myths feature gods and/or goddesses with
supernatural abilities.
- The setting is typically ancient, myths are usually set in a world that is very similar to ours,
but with supernatural monsters or areas.
- The plot of a myth may alternate between a supernatural world and our own. Myths do this
to highlight the fundamental human behaviors that are required in any situation.
- Myths contain events that defy or violate natural laws. This is frequently done to emphasize
the supernatural nature of the mythical world.
- Myths are filled with mystery and the unknown.
- Dualities (or complete opposites such as night/day, good/evil) are frequently important in
myth plots.
- Myths frequently emphasize language Mythical heroes are frequently sophisticated
- Morals are frequently taught to audiences through myths. Many myths contain a lesson to
be learned.

Kim: What makes the Gorgon's Head a myth?

- It has all the characteristics of a myth

- Many elements of the classic Greek epic are present, such as sibling rivalry, a prophecy, an
unexpected birth, revenge, a quest, and the unavoidable nature of fate.
- Medusa's Gorgon's head is a symbol of deathly terror in Greek mythology. It directs its
penetrating, wide-eyed gaze directly at the viewer, with sharp teeth and a tongue stretched
far out of its gaping jaw. Poisonous snakes coil around the head in place of hair.
- The Gorgons were depicted as winged female creatures with snake hair, round faces, flat
noses, tongues lolling out, and large projecting teeth.
- It shows/demonstrate how evil breeds evil and the consequences of thinking oneself to be
greater or wiser than the gods.

Thea: How does god/goddesses interfere with the life of the mortal?

-Andromeda was chained because the gods are jealous by her beautiful mother, Cassiopeia,
and in nothing may mortal surpass them. The sea god has sent a serpent to prey their
people, and her death alone can appease the god's anger.

Thea (DISCUSSION DIRECTOR): Before we sum up our discussion, our documentor is

about to share what happend during our meetings.


Thea: And that concludes our presentation; we hope you learned a lot from the Gorgon's
Head and that you enjoyed it. Again, we are the group of Pantheon, thank you for listening.

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