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Mauro Aleandro

Campos Obando
Ways to help out our

there are a lot of ways that we can help

our community, but we are gonna center in
what is Volunteering? Volunteering is a
voluntary act of an individual or group
freely giving time and labour for
community service. Many volunteers are
specifically trained in the areas they work,
such as medicine, education, or emergency
rescue. Others serve on an as-needed basis,
such as in response to a natural disaster.
Nowadays, one common type of volunteer
is volunteer tourism.
Ways you can

Offer to Help Family.

Volunteer at Your Local School.
Organise a Garage Sale for Charity.
Visit a Senior Centre.
Coach or Manage a Local Youth Sports
Tutor a Student.
Fix and Serve Meals.
Serve on a Community Board.
There are many other ways to
volunteer to help make better your
community or help people in need,
usually you can search for
volunteering programs in your
deparment that can assist you with
helping out your community. I
made a list of five volunteering
programs that I find the most
1. Nuesstros pequeños

What they do.

Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos (Spanish for

“Our Little Brothers and Sisters”) cares for
poor and vulnerable children across Latin
America and the Caribbean, including:
Mexico, Honduras, Haiti, Nicaragua,
Guatemala, El Salvador, the Dominican
Republic, Peru, and Bolivia. We provide a
loving, secure environment for thousands
of children, plus education and family
support services for thousands more.
2. Techo

What they do.

TECHO es una organización presente en 19

países de América Latina, que busca
superar la situación de pobreza que viven
millones de personas en asentamientos
populares, a través de la acción conjunta
de sus habitantes y jóvenes voluntarios y
3. Fundación niñez

What they do.

Niñez primero fundacion (FUNIPRI) was born as a

non-profit entity in September 2002, with the
primary objective of promoting the right to
recreation for children in El Salvador.
Through play, the physical, social and emotional
development of children is favored, the
appropriate use of free time is supported, and it
is supported in the prevention of social risks,
mainly gangs or drugs.
Our goal is to contribute to the construction of a
healthier, safer and more peaceful society, for
which we are serving with five types of toy
libraries: Hospital, Mobile, Therapeutic, School
and Penitentiary
5. Sus hijos/ His children

What they do.

His Children is a registered NGO (nonprofit / 501 C-3)

created to help children and adolescents in the
government and private orphanages in El Salvador.
We implement projects to reunite families and show
them the love and grace of God. We provide
humanitarian aid to communities, families, and the
Salvadoran people through projects and activities.

What they do.

11 Ways to Volunteer Your Time and Help Change
Lives. (2018, September 26). Cause Connect.
The History of NPH | Nuestros Pequeños
Hermanos | Who We Are. (2021, October 11). NPH.
TECHO. (2019, February 28). ¿Qué es ?
Funipri. (2017, August 11). Niñez primero.
Hábitat El Salvador. (2020, April 30). Nosotros.
Sus Hijos / His Children. (2021, January). About
Us – Sus Hijos / His Children.

France is a beautiful country with amazing

culture, art and architecture. It offers an inmense
variety of places you can visit, such as the Eiffel
Towe, where you can take beautiful photos while
admiring the view; Notre Dame, where you can
appreciate the architecture of the place and
learn history; a lot of museums with stunning
pieces of art; and different exquisite dishes you
can delight yoursel with. France and it's capital
are beautiful destination, it's habitants are
friendly, their culture is rich, and the activities
you can complete are never stoping and always
The flower shop is in front of the
music shop
The hospital is next to the flower
The taco place is next to the bar
The bakery is in front of the bar
The street is between the taco
place and the flower shop
The music shop is between two
The bar is next to the flowe shop
The flower shop is next to the
The music shop is behind the
flower shop
The bar is behind the bakery
My favorite tv show

AFRIENDS is Comedy Series based in Manhatten

about 6 young friends, in the struggle to find success
and happiness in life, but it is never that straight
forward, is it? Rachel Green - A popular schoolgirl of
the past, is now a spoiled brat living off her fathers
finance. In an attempt to start a new life after
running out on her wedding, she shares an
apartment with an old best friend Monica Geller, and
eventually befriends the other 4 and Monica's older
brother, Ross. Monica Geller - A compulsive neat
freak, who has trouble with her love life. Monica was
teased when she was in high school for being
overweight. However, now a head-chef at a top
restaurant in Manhatten, she has lost all her
excessive weight, and just wants to start a family
with 'the right guy' to complete a happy life. Ross
Geller - Older Brother of Monica, he has always had
strong love feelings for Rachel.
A successful professor of science leads him to be
often teased by the other 5 friends about his
profession. Ross has experienced many misfortunes
in life, including 3 divorces and bringing up a child
with his lesbian ex-wife. Ross now is devoted to
finding a girl to settle down with, without a divorce,
and makes it his personal goal to share happiness
with Rachel. Phoebe Buffay - Brought up as a
fatherless child, Phoebe is a ditzy yet loveable hippy,
who has become a personal masseuse. Despite liking
her profession, her dream is to become a star in the
music industry and bases her songs on her life
experiences. The other 5 friends secretly believe that
Phoebe will never make it, but still encourage her to
write. Phoebe often performs at the 'Central Perk'
coffee house, and strongly believes in herself.
Chandler Bing - A financially secure data processor,
who relies on humor as a defense mechanism.
Despite being rich, the other 5 have no idea what his
profession is, and Chandler is a wimpy, average
looking cigarette addict,
who has never had a serious relationship. Will he
ever get it, and is she just round the corner from
him? Joey Tribiani - Despite being close to all the
friends, he is especially open with Chandler, who his
also his roommate. Joey is a small time actor, who
desperately wants fame and fortune, and Chandler
has high hopes of Joey, so helps Joey with money for
acting lessons and professional photographs.
Despite being a relatively bad actor, Joey is an
adorable, sensitive guy, who is very successful with
women, but needs to become famous and rich to
complete his successful life.
When i grow up

My life plan is verey simple, but weird i want to

study micology but theres no University that has
this career, so i want to leave the country to study
micology, than after i graduate i´ll search for a job
at a lab to study the fungi, after that i want to put
my own mushrom farm, and i want to live single
with a dog and a cat and have a spore print
have a spore print collection
have an edible mushrom farm
study micology
buy my own house
earn enough money to have a cat and a dog

My name is Mauro Alejandro Campos. I

was born in El Salvador at Roma's
hospital on may 23 of 2004 at 2 pm,
two years before me was born. My
sister, our parents are Sonia
Guadalupe y Manuel vicente.
My childhood was very normal. I went
to andres bellos schools, I also
practiced karate , painting, and a lot of
other activities, in 7th grade I moved to
Emiliani's scholar center where I am
currently at.
Making my
the quality of aiding an enemy

discourage or frighten with threats or a
domineering manner

abstaining from sexual intercourse

a trite or obvious remark

the union of diverse things into one body or form
or group

someone who acts as if possessed by a demon
become invisible or unnoticeable

your usual mood

destroy completely, as if down to the roots

the front of a building

designed for or capable of a particular use

annoy continually or chronically

without interruption

laying out money or capital in an enterprise
full of or showing high-spirited merriment

inactivity; showing an unusual lack of energy

relating to a self-governing district

the beginning or early stages

the act of moving forward, as toward a goal

necessary activity

a string of words satisfying grammatical rules of a

something that is a counterfeit; not what it seems to
enduring strength and energy

functioning in a supporting capacity

in the nature of something though not readily

not bound or restrained, as by shackles and chains

the quality of being doable

an extended area of land

lacking bodily or muscular strength or vitality

harsh criticism or disapprova
if i were millionaire
We have often heard old people advise the young ones not to indulge in wasteful talk about the past
and future by quoting the following lines from H.W. Longfellow:

“Trust no future, however pleasant,

Let the dead past bury its dead.

Act, act in the living present,

Heart within and God overhead.

But there will hardly be a man or woman who has never indulged in daydreaming. It may be sheer
wastage of time but this at least shows some of the ambition of a man.

If I were to become a millionaire, I shall use the money in my own way. Do you think that I shall have a
luxurious air-conditioned bungalow to take repose in, a big limousine to take me from one place to
another, several servants to attend to me and be at my back and call every moment? My answer to all
this would be an emphatic “No.”

India is a poor country. There are many people in India who can’t get two square meals a day, not to
mention the comforts and luxuries of life. They don’t have even a very small room where they can find a
response. They don’t have clothes to perfect themselves from the chilly winter. Though the Government
has opened a few night shelters, they are insufficient; therefore I will open more night shelters.

I find that many people still die for want of proper medical aid. I would therefore open a dispensary for
the poor. This will save them from the jaws of death.

Many people particularly villagers have no means of recreation. I will open socio-cultural centers at such
places for their recreation. I will open orphanages and widow houses for the orphans and windows.
They will live and work there in an honorable manner. Through the Government has tried its best to
open secondary and primary schools in almost every village of the country, little progress seems to have
been made in the direction of adult education. It is a Herculean task. I will close three or four villages for
this purpose. I would provide the necessary establishment there and intensity the adult literacy

There are still certain villages where the villagers have not yet been able to free themselves from the
clutches of the village moneylender who always charges an exorbitant rate of interest on the money he
lends to them. So I shall start a co-operative society to feed a few villages which are situated near to
each other. The Society will lend money to the poor farmers. Besides money, it will supply them with
good manure and fertilizer.

This is how I will make use of my money if I become a millionaire. There will be people who will jeer and
mock me for my foolishness of spending my money in this manner but they perhaps do not realize that
the inner happiness and man get out of helping the poor and needy is something which is far more
valuable than the sensual pleasures that a man can purchase from the money he has.

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