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for mines and agriculture; in Victoria, by a member of

refectory or frater-house here as always on the side opposite

second or third stomach, although less than the first. The base

character,'' i.e. in the most exalted and peculiar sense,

of the council and of the general assembly, and the annual

the hamada are covered with Quaternary deposits. (W. G.*)]

some 70,000, but in 1131 it was reduced by King Roger of

Browne, St Aldhelin: his Life and Times, p. 73.

under the forms of the Orthodox Greek or other churches. The

regions, the Barbary coast and along the east coast. (W. G.*)

transmitted the crown to her descendants. In 1268 the kingdom

plays only a secondary part in the incidents at Pharaoh's

felony. The punishment for the offence is penal servitude

sumptuously entertained noblemen, ambassadors and strangers of

to stress heavily the first syllable bids fair ultimately

subject of naval finance is one of great complexity and of vast

cf. Josh. xxiv. 2), and knew of Abraham's miraculous escape

states. The owners, agents and masters of vessels loading

ship and cargo from a danger common to both. Voluntary

Naples and the neighbourhood of Rome. He is represented

``time,'' while a has become ai in Kate, pane, &c. In,

Ba-Mangwato Ama-Tembu

1550) are preserved in the British Museum. The Scots Buik

fact that varieties of animals and plants occur, both in

earl. From it comes the earl's title of Lord St Colme (1611).

colour owe their value to the principle of unity. But such

of infinite satisfaction. Art in thus effecting a revelation


``black-ash.'' Care must be taken to heat it no longer than

fact that the term depending on this difference, although very

dominion over the whole country. Some local revolts among the

which well represents the bewildering difficulties which the

territory was erected into a Roman province, and a trench,

the quarrels of the two great schools. His death is variously

control of their husbands, and placed upon a practical equality

Lord Wellington, was only effected after a relieving force

entered the household of the marquis de Salinas, became a

from Lago Maggiore eastwards. Jurassic and Cretaceous beds

year was intersected by their sacred year of twenty weeks

were organized under Macedonian governors and in Caria a

more intellectual than that of Howells, has greater artistic

1799-1800. The kasbah was begun in 1516 on the site of an older

(1561) and by the other (Henry III.) was appointed, in spite

minister. Johann studied with great success at the universities

the observance of unity he seems to have forgotten that its

send Paul and Barnabas up to Jerusalem to ask the opinion

and its Resources (Boston, 1870); C. Sumner, Speech on

of this institution. In the same year an academy was

of this region of experience, instead of at once disclosing

Psychological analysis of material.

mistake, though it is upheld by M. Jastrow.

Louis XIV.; its statutes were reformed and the number Of

Connecticut Reports, 576; 38 Atlantic Reporter, 708.

of disease by artificially prepared atmospheres. The physical

and fish along the rivers. Steamers ply regularly along the

the Roman people, who out of gratitude instituted in her honour

in an ugly form. Alexander had come to merge the characters

of western Algeria. The story of his fifteen years' struggle

he undertook the editorship of the third edition of Kitto's

commanders proved themselves quite unequal to the crisis, and

potentiometer (q.v..) The ammeter to be calibrated is placed

Crete, the shaft-graves in the Mycenae circle, the Vaphio tomb,

The best general maps are those of the Carte de l'Algerie,

then secretary for foreign affairs, it is unnecessary to enter;

under park supervision and several fine parks (17, with 307

praises. In his opposition to the scholastic philosophy he

and enables us to compare it with that of the 9th as seen at St

of appealing from contemporary disputes to ``the verdict of

transferred first to the privy council and then to the judicial

performs two distinct functions: -- (1) it overcomes the

1458. Of his many mistresses the one for whom his passion

Amiens on the Northern railway. Pop. (1901) 18,519; (1906)

his doctrine of free-will the basis of his ethical system.

argosies of the Israelites saileffi. Taba being on the Egyptian

his literary taste home-bred, and if his affections gave

the accession of Elizabeth, he was deprived upon refusing

geologischen Kenntniss des omstlichcn Afrika (Vienna, 1891);

solicitors. The place of the attorney-general was taken

expenditure in charity and church building, which endeared

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