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People all around the world had been exploiting so many products, we've been building lots of

factories, plants, and laboratories to produce a mass number of products. However, with all these
facilities, all wastes go direct to our environment (waters, air, and to our land), it is seriously damaging
the natural process some bodies are even polluted to the point that not even a single form of life could
bear to live in it. Due to human activities, mass exploitation of products, and industrialization, the bodies
of the environment are left mangled.

In our country, the local and national governments made efforts to avert the rapid destruction of the
environment. They had promulgated a lot of laws that stand guard on our natural resources and wildlife.
I will site two Philippine environmental laws that interest me the most. First, is the Republic Act No.
6969 also known as the "Toxic Substance and Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes Control Act of 1990". In
this law, it is stated that it is the policy of the state to regulate, restrict, or prohibit the importation,
manufacture, processing, sale, distribution, use, and disposal of chemical substances and mixtures that
present unreasonable risk/ and injury to health or the environment. It is to prohibit the entry in every
transit, of hazardous and nuclear wastes and their disposal into the Philippine territorial limits for
whatever purpose; and to provide advancement and facilitate research and studies on toxic chemicals.

The environmental law, RA no.6969 targets the construction of national programs that will facilitate
waste management. Disobeying the law may have a grave result on our society, economy, and our
surroundings, wherein any company or factory that violates it could suspend their business permit,
could be issued with ECC or Environmental Compliance Certificate or worse could be permanently
closed. All cases of violation found therein could be fined not less than P10,000 and not more than
P50,000 Philippine peso to any individual proven offender.

The second law that I will be introducing is Republic Act no. 9147 also known as the "Wildlife
Conversation and Protection Act". It stated that it shall be the policy of the state to conserve the
country's wildlife resources and inhabitants for their sustainability. This law is crucial as we are
witnessing more species declining or being threatened and endangered towards their extinction.

In the pursuit of this policy, this law must have the following objectives: (a) To protect and conserve
wildlife species and their habitats to promote ecological balance and enhance biological diversity (b) to
regulate the collection and trade of wildlife (c) to pursue, with the regard of the national interest, the
Philippine commitment to international conventions, protection of wildlife and their habitats (d) and to
initiate or support scientific studies on the conservation of biological diversity. The law is applicable not
only to plants and animals that we aim to conserve and protect but as well as the preservation of their
habitats. It aims to protect critically endangered animals like example Philippine eagle and Tamaraw;
endangered species like Palawan pangolin; endemic species that include Philippine tarsier; and exotic

Nevertheless, amidst the number of environmental laws, we have in this country to protect our
resources and the environment. At the end of the day, it is we who are responsible to protect our
surroundings and anything that lives and grows in it, it is our responsibility to do our actions and not just
to sit and wait for the government to mandate laws.


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