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Research Design

This study used the descriptive method research. This is a methodology used to describe

the characteristics of population. That aims to obtain information to systematically describe a

phenomenon, situation, or population. It collects data such as age, gender and grade level. The

main goal of this type of this research is to describe the data and characteristics about what being

studied. The idea behind this type of research is to study frequencies, average, and other

statistical calculations. This research is highly accurate; it does not gather the causes behind a

situation. Descriptive research is mainly done when a researchers want to gain a better

understanding of a topic.

According to J-Gate admin (2018), the descriptive research as the name suggests, it

describes a phenomenon or a subject. One can gather data to study a target audience or a

particular subject. In this design, the researchers started by conducting a questionnaire. Can

provide information further research and serve as a base for other applications of research. It can

provide insights that often bring awareness that may have otherwise gone unnoticed. In finding

the level of the support of parents, the means and standard deviation will be used.

In describing in the tardiness of Junior High School Students weighted mean and the

standard deviation. In determining the significant relationship between the frequency of tardiness

in the level of support of parents among Junior High School Students of the researchers used the

Independent T-test.
Locale of the Study

The research study was conducted at San Felipe Integrated High School Junior High

School of Llanera District, DepEd Schools Division of Nueva Ecija. This is one of public

secondary school established in 2003, located at purok Liw-Liwa Barangay San Felipe, Llanera,

Nueva Ecija. The research local is presently headed by the Rizaldy T. Caritativo. Currently, it

has 9 Junior High School Teachers with 8 permanent and 1 Municipal of Local School Board.

Among of the 151 Junior High School, there are only 20 students chosen as the respondents of

the study. The researchers believe that determining the correlation of tardiness and support of

parents could help this study could help the parents to assist and direct themselves in the most

effective support to the students. Moreover, the findings of the study could address the

difficulties experienced by the students in the support of their parents as a bridge to innovate

effective support strategies.

Figure 1. San Felipe Integrated High School Building

Figure 2. Map of San Felipe Integrated High School

Population and Sampling

The subjects of the study were the Junior High School Students enrolled at San Felipe

Integrated High School for the school year 2021-2022 of the second semester. The research

study utilized a purposive sampling technique in selecting the desired subject. In determining the

desire subject the researchers considered the demographic profile of the students such as age,

sex, grade level and the level of tardiness committed by the students. From forty-six (46) grade 7

there are only 5 students, thirty-five (35) grade 8 there only 1 student, forty-one (41) grade 9

there are only 7 students, twenty-nine (29) grade 10 there are only 8 students with a total of 20

students. The researcher matched only twenty (20) students, who had the same demographic

profiles. Upon, determining the control of the parent support required the respondents of the

study, each of the parents as guardian would answer the questionnaire to determine the level of

support to respective child.

By random sampling with standards error of measurement set at 0.05 significant level.

An application of the formula:

n= N/1+ Ne2

n- sample size

N- total number of respondents

1- Constant

e- marginal error

yielded sample size of 20 out of 151 students from the Junior High School Students

Grade Level Population(N) Sample(n)

Grade 7 46 5

Grade 8 35 1

Grade 9 41 7

Grade 10 29 8

Total 151 20

The researcher used the Slovin’s Formula that results to the sample size and selected by
stratified random sampling with standard error of measurement set at 0.05 significance level of
the following strata. In which;

n= N/+ N e 2
n- sample size
N- total number of respondents
1- Constant
e- marginal error

Subject of the Study
The subjects came from Junior High School of San Felipe Integrated High School

(SFIHS). A group of twenty (20) students were chosen to be the involved with this research

study. The parents of twenty (20) students chosen would answer the research questionnaire to

determine their level of support to their respective child.

Research Instrument

In this study, the researcher had developed three instruments:

Research Questionnaire.

A research tool featuring a series of question researcher uses to collect information useful

information from the respondent that include either oral question and comprised an interview

style format. However, researcher made composed of twenty (20) questioner for parents that

form a multiple-choice type composed of five selections. The questioner was administered

individually to the parents by writing or checking the correspondent answer on the space

provided. They provided a checking list to the paper with the corresponding with accurate

question that has exact answer that given by the researcher.

Data Gathering Procedure.

We the researcher wrote a letter addressed to the Barangay Captain Mr. Rolando P.

Santiago asking for his approval in allowing them to collect the level of support of parent among

the Junior High School student with their academic performance and frequency of tardiness in

the barangay. With the permission given, the researcher, adviser, research teacher then proceeded

to gather the necessary data which was given and validated by Mr. Rizaldy T. Caratitativo, the
head teacher. After the permission letter was signed by the proper authority, we the researchers

immediately conducted the pretesting with the use of twenty (20) respondents in Junior High

School we the researcher search the students that has habitual tardy in class and after 1-day

searching we the researcher start to conduct a research out of the campus. By the help of parent

answering our questioner after 2-days pretesting in pieces of data were organized in a table with

the names and grade level removed to assure the confidentiality and protection of the student was

analyzed by Eng. Rudy Mariano Jr. Lastly, the we researcher interpreted and evaluated the

analyzed data.

Data Analysis Technique

In testing the hypothesis of the study, the following statistical tools were used to facilitate the

quantitative analysis of the data.

*Frequency- a statistical tool used to summarize and organized a set of data. Presenting data in

a frequency distribution makes inspection of a data set much more manageable than presenting

the entire set of raw data.

*Percentage – a statistical tool used to determine the Academic performance.

*Mean- another name for average. The mean is calculated by adding all of the values together,

then dividing by the number of original values.

*Pearson Correlation Coefficient- a statistical tool used to test the relationship between the

frequency of tardiness and the academic performance of junior high school.

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