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Work Health and Safety






Work Health and Safety

Managers should protect their staff and reduce the risks of preventable accidents and

injuries. Outspan automobile garage that majors in vehicle maintenance, customization, and

repair have put in place work health and safety procedures have in line with the health and safety

at work regulations of 1999. The garage has pinned notices in the employee's notice board stating

the name, contacts, and office number of the officer involved with safety issues of the employees

and clearly stating the steps to be followed in case an eventuality occurs. The garage uses past

information on hazards that occurred in the garage, gathering information from individuals who

have worked in the organization for a long time and researching risks that mainly happen in

automobile garages and their leading causes. Outspan garage management often conducts

meetings with employees to air out their issues and point out potential hazards. Outspan garage,

therefore, has come up with procedures to work safely, implement safety requirements, and

participate in the work health and safety consultative process.

Working safely is the first step to employee security in the workplace. Outspan garage

has come up with protocols such as emphasizing the need for each protecting each other while

working in their respective departments by ensuring that the working conditions are safe for

every employee. I made it a personal responsibility to constantly remind my associates to wear

protective gear such as gloves and glasses to help reduce accidents in the garage Gallagher &

Underhill, 2012). I, therefore, emphasized personal protection because I understood that the safety

of all workers starts with the safety of an individual

Implementation of the safety requirements is vital in any organization. I encouraged

every employee to observe the organization's safety requirements to ensure safety in their work

departments. Safety requirements such as wearing protective gear such as gumboots and aprons

are what many individuals neglected and preferred to work without them (Hughes & Ferrett, 2011).

Therefore, I took a step further to educate my associates on the need to wear protective gear in

the workplace, especially when working in a garage. Sharing this vital information with them

was an eye-opener to the employees as most did not understand the need for protective gear.

Employee participation in the work health and safety consultative process is essential in

identifying potential hazards in the workplace. Outspans' management often conducted meetings

with its employees to identify potential risks and help come up with appropriate possible

solutions (Hughes & Ferrett, 2011). Employees in the garage were afraid to point out some of the

potential hazards they had identified during the work process, and they appointed me to be their

spokesperson. I, therefore, pointed out these conceivable eventualities because I understood that

only through speaking up will management know and act on the issues that threaten the

employees' lives.

In conclusion, work health and safety greatly depend on personal initiatives and decisions

individuals make. Following the laid safety portals by the management plays a vital role in

preventing some of these eventualities from happening because most of them are preventable.

Therefore, individuals in any organization should stand in their places to see that hazards are

minimized in their workplaces.


Gallagher, C., & E. (2012). Managing work health and safety: recent developments and future

directions. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 50(2), 227-244.

Hughes, P., & Ferrett, E. (2011). Introduction to health and safety at work. Routledge.

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