Module 2

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General Physics 2
Quarter 4: Week 2
Module 2: Len’z Law, Alternating and
Direct Current, and LC Circuit
General Physics 1
Grade 12 Quarter 3: Week 2- Module 2: Len’z Law, Alternating and Direct
Current, and LC Circuit
First Edition, 2021

Copyright © 2021
La Union Schools Division
Region I

All rights reserved. No part of this module may be reproduced in any form
without written permission from the copyright owners.

Development Team of the Module

Author: Ymor A. Balala

Editor: SDO La Union, Learning Resource Quality Assurance Team

Illustrator: Ernesto F. Ramos Jr., P II

Management Team:

Atty. Donato D. Balderas, Jr.

Schools Division Superintendent

Vivian Luz S. Pagatpatan, Ph.D

Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

German E. Flora, Ph.D, CID Chief

Virgilio C. Boado, Ph.D, EPS in Charge of LRMS

Rominel S. Sobremonte, Ed.D, EPS in Charge of Science

Michael Jason D. Morales, PDO II

Claire P. Toluyen, Librarian II

What this module is about?

In this module you will learn the nature/concept of Len’z Law, Alternating
and Direct current, and LC circuit
What you are expected to learn

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Describe the direction of the induced electric field, magnetic field, and
current on a conducting/nonconducting loop using Lenz’s Law
2. Compare and contrast alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC)
3. Characterize the properties (stored energy and time-dependence of
charges, currents, and voltages) of an LC circuit ( STEM_GP12EMIVb-8).


For you to understand the lesson well, do the following activities.

Have fun and good luck!

Activity 1: What is Lenz's law?

Direction: Write the answer that best corresponds to the blank in the sentence.
Copy and answer in a separate sheet of paper.

Lenz's law is associated with the electromagnetic area, since its approach is
based on the relation of changes or tensions produced by variations in magnetic flux
property from which these variations are presented in an ______ to the ____ that
produces them. In honor of its creator, Lenz's law bears his surname. The
physicist ________ formulated it at the beginning of the _____century with the aim of
Activity 2: Story board (Milestone n the history of electricity)

Direction: Fill in the missing blanks.

Electricity Milestone

601 BCE

1.______ found that if Amber

was rubbed with animal fur,
it could attract light objects
such as feather or seeds.

1751 CE

2.______ discovered that

lightning and electricity were
the same using a kite, a key,
and a layden jar.

1779 CE

3.______ found that he could

make frogs legs move when
they were connected to
different types of metals.

1799 CE

4.______ created the first

battery. The voltaic pile
produced a current.
1830 CE
5.______ discovered
electromagnetic induction by
passing a magnet through a coil
of wire
6.______ was the first town in the
1880 CE world to have a public electricity
supply. A generator was
connected to a wire.

Activity 3: Who am I?
Direction: Name the given pictures below and tell its use in an electric circuit.





Lenz’s Law
Lenz’s law of electromagnetic induction states that the direction of the current
induced in a conductor by a changing magnetic field (as per Faraday’s law of
electromagnetic induction) is such that the magnetic field created by the induced
current opposes the initial changing magnetic field which produced it. The direction
of this current flow is given by Fleming’s right-hand rule.
Lenz’s law obeys Newton’s third law of motion (i.e to every action there is
always an equal and opposite reaction). If the induced current creates a magnetic
field that is equal and opposite to the direction of the magnetic field that creates it,
then only it can resist the change in the magnetic field in the area. In addition, it
also obeys the conservation of energy, the direction of the current induced via Lenz’s
law must create a magnetic field that opposes the magnetic field that created it.
Through this, a creation of endless energy source is attained.
To better understand Lenz’s law, let us consider two cases:

Case 1: When a magnet is moving towards the coil.

When the north pole of the magnet is approaching towards the coil, the
magnetic flux linking to the coil increases. According to Faraday’s law of
electromagnetic induction, when there is a change in flux, an EMF, and hence
current is induced in the coil and this current will create its own magnetic field.

Case 2: When a magnet is moving away from the coil

When the north pole of the magnet is moving away from the coil, the magnetic
flux linking to the coil decreases. According to Faraday’s law of electromagnetic
induction, an EMF and hence current is induced in the coil and this current will
create its own magnetic field.

In finding the directions of magnetic field or current, use the right-hand thumb
rule i.e if the fingers of the right hand are placed around the wire so that the thumb
points in the direction of current flow, then the curling of fingers will show the
direction of the magnetic field produced by the wire.

Below is an illustration of a bar magnet thrust into the coil.

(a) When this bar magnet is thrust into the coil, the strength of the magnetic
field increases in the coil. The current induced in the coil creates another field, in
the opposite direction of the bar magnets to oppose the increase. This is one aspect
of Lenz’s law—induction opposes any change in flux. (b) and (c) are two other
situations. Verify for yourself that the direction of the induced shown indeed opposes
the change in flux and that the current direction shown is consistent with RHR-2.

To use Lenz’s law to determine the directions of the induced magnetic fields,
currents, and emfs, consider the following:

1. Make a sketch of the situation for use in visualizing and recording directions.
2. Determine the direction of the magnetic field B.
3. Determine whether the flux is increasing or decreasing.
4. Now determine the direction of the induced magnetic field B. It opposes
the change in flux by adding or subtracting from the original field.
5. Use RHR-2 to determine the direction of the induced current I that is
responsible for the induced magnetic field B.
6. The direction (or polarity) of the induced emf will now drive a current in this
direction and can be represented as current emerging from the positive
terminal of the emf and returning to its negative terminal.

Direct Current

When current flows in just one direction, it is called direct current (DC).
The diagram below shows how direct current flows through a simple circuit. An
example of direct current is the current that flows through a battery-powered
flashlight. In addition to batteries, solar cells and fuel cells can also provide direct


Alternating Current

When current keeps reversing direction, it is called alternating current (AC).

You can see how it works in the two diagrams below. The current that comes from a
power plant and supplies electricity to homes and businesses is alternating current.
The current changes direction 60 times per second. It happens so quickly that the
light bulb doesn’t have a chance to stop glowing when the reversals occur.

LC Circuit

An LC circuit (also known as an LC filter or LC network) is defined as an

electrical circuit consisting of the passive circuit elements an inductor (L) and a
capacitor (C) connected together. It is also called a resonant circuit, tank circuit, or
tuned circuit.

LC – Circuit Diagram

Above diagram is showing the operation of a tuned circuit (LC circuit). The
capacitor C stores energy in its electric field E and the inductor L stores energy in
its magnetic field B .It further shows the circuit at progressive points in the
oscillation. The oscillations are slowed down; in an actual tuned circuit the charge
may oscillate back and forth thousands to billions of times per second.
An LC circuit, oscillating at its natural resonant frequency, can store electrical
energy. A capacitor stores energy in the electric field (E) between its plates, depending
on the voltage across it, and an inductor stores energy in its magnetic field (B),
depending on the current through it.
How does an LC circuit work?

If an inductor is connected across a charged capacitor, the voltage across

the capacitor will drive a current through the inductor, building up a magnetic field
around it. The voltage across the capacitor falls to zero as the charge is used up by
the current flow. At this point, the energy stored in the coil's magnetic field induces
a voltage across the coil, because inductors oppose changes in current. This induced
voltage causes a current to begin to recharge the capacitor with a voltage of opposite
polarity to its original charge.
Due to Faraday's law, the EMF which drives the current is caused by a
decrease in the magnetic field, thus the energy required to charge the capacitor is
extracted from the magnetic field. When the magnetic field is completely dissipated
the current will stop and the charge will again be stored in the capacitor, with the
opposite polarity as before. Then the cycle will begin again, with the current flowing
in the opposite direction through the inductor.
What is the cyclic pattern?
Explanation 1: The charge flows back and forth between the plates of the
capacitor, through the inductor. The energy oscillates back and forth between the
capacitor and the inductor until (if not replenished from an external circuit)
internal resistance makes the oscillations die out. The tuned circuit's action, known
as a harmonic oscillator, is similar to a pendulum swinging back and forth, or water
sloshing back and forth in a tank; for this reason the circuit is also called a tank
Explanation 2: Initially the charges on the positive capacitor plate
(conventional current) will begin circulating counter-clockwise. As the current from
the capacitor dies out, the inductor reverses its emf to keep the charges flowing until
the bottom plate of the capacitor becomes positively charged and the top plate holds
all of the negative charge. Then the process reverses and the current flows clockwise
until the capacitor's top plate is once again positively charged and its bottom plate
negatively charged. This process of "filling and emptying" the capacitor's plates, and
its subsequent electric field, continues at a specific frequency.
Explanation 1 and 2 result in a charging and discharging process. This means
that charging and discharging of the LC circuit can be in a cyclic manner and energy
oscillates back and forth between the capacitor and the inductor until the internal
resistance makes the oscillations die out. In an oscillating LC circuit, the energy is
shared between the amount stored in the electric field of the capacitor and the
amount storied in the magnetic field of the inductor. This charging and discharging
process will begin again, with the current flowing in the opposite direction through
the inductor as before.
The figure below shows the charging and discharging voltage and current


In most applications the tuned circuit is part of a larger circuit which

applies alternating current to it, driving continuous oscillations. If the frequency of
the applied current is the circuit's natural resonant frequency, resonance will occur,
and a small driving current can excite large amplitude oscillating voltages and
currents. In typical tuned circuits in electronic equipment the oscillations are very
fast, from thousands to billions of times per second.

Here is some independent practice for you to work on to master and

strengthen the basic concepts you have learned from this lesson.

Self-Practice 1: Predict me!

Direction: Based from the sketch below, answer the given questions.

1. Will a current be induced in the coil on the right when the magnet passes
A. Yes
B. No

2. Will a current be induced in the coil on the left when the magnet passes through?
A. Yes
B. No

3. If a current is induced in the coil when the magnet passes through, which way
will the current flow?
A. Clockwise
B. Counterclockwise
Self- Practice 2: AC vs DC

What is the difference between DC and AC electricity? Identify some common

sources of each type of electricity

Self- Practice 3: Go round and round!

Direction: Fill in the missing blanks
LC Circuit cyclic pattern

An ______, also called as _______, is an electric circuit consisting of an _____ and

a ______, connected together. If an inductor is connected across a charged capacitor, the
voltage across the capacitor will drive a _____through the inductor, building up a
______around it. The voltage across the capacitor falls to zero as the charge is used up
by the current flow.
At this stage, the stored energy in the coil's magnetic field induces a ____across
the coil, because inductors ____changes in current. This induced voltage causes a
current to begin to _____the capacitor with a voltage of opposite _____to its original
charge. When the magnetic field is completely dissipated the current will stop and the
charge will again be stored in the capacitor, with the opposite polarity as before.

Application 1: SCIENCE PROJECT: My simple electric motor

Lenz’s law provides back emf in the case of electric motors. Electric motors work
due to electromagnetic interactions: the interaction of current (the flow of electrons)
and a magnetic field. •
Direction: Construct a motor coil following the procedure correctly.

• D battery
• Insulated 22G wire
• 2 large-eyed, long, metal sewing needles (the eyes must be large enough to fit the
wire through)
• Modeling clay
• Electrical tape
• Hobby knife
• Small circular magnet
• Thin marker

1. Starting in the center of the wire, wrap the wire tightly and neatly around the
marker 30 times.
2. Slide the coil you made off of the marker.
3. Wrap each loose end of the wire around the coil a few times to hold it together,
then point the wires away from the loop, as shown:

4. Use the hobby knife (extra careful) to remove the top-half of the wire insulation
on each free end of the coil. The exposed wire should be facing the same direction
on both sides.
5. Thread each loose end of the wire coil through the large eye of a needle. Try to
keep the coil as straight as possible without bending the wire ends.

6. Lay the D battery sideways on a flat surface.

7. Stick some modeling clay on either side of the battery so it does not roll away.
8. Take 2 small balls of modeling clay and cover the sharp ends of the needle.
9. Place the needles upright next to the terminals of each battery so that the side of
each needle touches one terminal of the battery.

10. Use electrical tape to secure the needles to the ends of the battery. Your coil
should be hanging above the battery.
11. Tape the small magnet to the side of the battery so that it is centered underneath
the coil.

Note: This procedure is optional, you may create your own design in developing your own
simple electric motor.

Application 2: Research some applications of LC-circuit. Follow strictly this format.

I. Title
II. LC-circuit explanation
III. LC circuit application
IV. Reflection (what have you realize?)
V. Reference (in APA format)

Directions: Read carefully each item. Use a separate sheet for your answers. Write
only the letter of the best answer for each test item.

1. What does Lenz devise? A rule to find out the direction of _________
A. current induced in a circuit. B. electromagnetic difference.
C. potential difference. D. flow of power in fuse.

2. In Lenz’ law, what is the direction of induced current? It always______

A. opposes the cause. B. remains same as that of cause.
C. equal to cause that produces it. D. directs the cause.

3. If the N pole of a bar magnet is quickly thrust into the opening of the large coil that
faces you, how will the galvanometer deflect while the magnet is moving into the coil?
A. positive deflection B. negative deflection
C. no deflection D. undetermined deflection

4. If the N pole of a bar magnet is held motionless inside the large coil, how will the
galvanometer deflect?
A. positive deflection B. negative deflection
C. no deflection D. undetermined deflection

5. What are the two main applications for ac?

A. direct, pulsating B. electric, magnetic
C. power, information D. static, dynamic

6. The distance that a signal's energy can travel in the time it takes for one cycle to occur
is called the signal's:
A. amplitude B. frequency
C. wavelength D. period

7. The current that flows through a battery-powered flashlight, solar cells and fuel cells
is called:

8. If current varies periodically, from zero to a maximum, back to zero, and then repeats,
the signal is:
A. direct B. alternating
C. pulsating D. repetitive

9. The voltage across the capacitor falls to zero as the charge is used up by the current
flow. At this point, the energy stored in the coil's magnetic field. What is induced
during this stage?
A. Voltage B. Current
C. Resistance D. Charge
10. If a voltage is induced it will create a current. What is the use of this current that
was produced? begin to ________
A. recharge the inductor B. discharge the inductor
C. recharge the capacitor D. Discharge the capacitor

11-13 For the following scenarios, determine whether the magnetic flux changes or
stays the same. If the flux changes: indicate whether it is increasing or decreasing (and
in which direction).

11.The magnet is held stationary to the solenoid.

12. The magnet is moving toward the solenoid.
13. The magnet is moving away from the solenoid.

14-15 Find the direction of the induced current for the solenoid in the figure below,
when the magnet is ________.
14. moving toward the solenoid.
15. moving away from the solenoid.
Activity 1: What is Lenz's law?
Lenz's law is associated with the electromagnetic area, since its approach
is based on the relation of changes or tensions produced by variations in
magnetic flux property from which these variations are presented in an opposite
direction to the flux that produces them. In honor of its creator, Lenz's law bears
his surname. The physicist Heinrich Lenz formulated it at the beginning of
the 19th century with the aim of conserving energy.
Activity 2: Story board
1. Thales 4. Volta
2. Franklin 5. Faraday
3. Galvani 6. Godalming
Activity 3: Who am I?
1. Insulator 2. Capacitor
The capacitor stores energy in its electric field E and the inductor stores
energy in its magnetic field B .
Self- Practice 1: Predict me!
1. The correct answer is B: No (Current is only generated with a complete
2. The correct answer is A: Yes (The complete loop completes a circuit.)
3. The correct answer is B: counterclockwise. (Apply the left-hand rule.)
Self- Practice 2: AC vs DC
The DC flow is a single direction while AC is reverse. Alternating current
from a power plant flows through the wires in a home. DC is from a dry cell.
Answer Key
Self- Practice 3: Go round and round
An LC circuit, also called as tuned circuit, is an electric circuit consisting
of an inductor and a capacitor, connected together. If an inductor is connected
across a charged capacitor, the voltage across the capacitor will drive a current
through the inductor, building up a magnetic field around it. The voltage across
the capacitor falls to zero as the charge is used up by the current flow. At this
stage, the stored energy in the coil's magnetic field induces a voltage across the
coil, because inductors oppose changes in current. This induced voltage causes a
current to begin to recharge the capacitor with a voltage of opposite polarity to its
original charge. When the magnetic field is completely dissipated the current will
stop and the charge will again be stored in the capacitor, with the opposite polarity
as before.
Answer may vary.
1. A 6. C 11. zero
2. A 7. B 12. increasing
3. A 8. C 13. decreasing
4. C 9. A 14. Counter-clockwise
5. C 10. C 15. clockwise
Printed Materials:

Padua, Alicia L., Crisostomo, Ricardo M. (2005). Practical and Explorational

Physics Modular Approach.Araneta Ave. Quezon City, Philippines: Vibal
Publishing House, Inc
Deauna, Melecio C., Eusebio, Rosemarie D. Eusibio, Edvino G.,Catris, Leticia V.
(2001). The World of Physics.Quezon Avenue,1104 Quezon City, Philippines:
SIBS Publishing House, Inc.
Young, Hugh D., Freedman Roger A., (2012) University Physics with Modern
Physics 13th Edition. 1301 Sansome Street, San Francisco, CA, 94111:
Addison-Wesley Publishing

Lenz’s Law of Electromagnetic Induction: Definition & Formula, (n.d) Retrieved

February 20,2021 from

Time-variant Teaching,(n.d) Retrieved February 22,2021 from

LC Circuit Analysis: Series, Parallel, Equations & Transfer Function,(n.d) Retrieved

February 25,2021 from

Milestone in the History of electricy,(n.d) Retrieved February 27,2021 from

How to Make a Simple Electric Motor,(n.d) Retrieved February 28,2021 from

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