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Activity 1.

1: Review

1. What is assessment? Why is it important?

In the process of learning and motivation, assessment is important. The types of

assessment activities we assign to our students influence how they approach the
learning task and what study strategies they employ. Given the importance of
assessment for student learning, you should think about how you can best assess the
learning you want your students to attain. For your pupils, assessment should include
grading, learning, and incentive. Assessment procedures that are well-designed provide
useful information regarding student learning. They provide information about what
pupils learned, how well they learned it, and where they struggled.

2. What are the purposes of assessment? Describe each

● Diagnostic Assessment - As a teacher, we must check the capable and

determine the weakness and strengths of our students
● Formative Assessment - refers to a range of approaches used by teachers to
assess student comprehension, learning requirements, and academic
achievement in the middle of a lesson, unit, or course. To put it another way,
formative tests are for learning and summative assessments are for evaluating
● Summative Assessment -utilized to assess student learning, skill acquisition, and
academic accomplishment at the end of a pre-determined instructional session,
such as a project, unit, course, semester, program, or school year.
● Placement Assessment - Students are "placed" into a course, course level, or
academic program via placement assessments. An assessment, for example,
could be used to determine whether a student is ready for Algebra I or a higher-
level algebra course, such as honors algebra.

3. What are the types of assessments? Compare and contrast them.

The differences about these types of learning is, assessment as learning is

assessment before instruction while assessment for learning is assessment
during instruction and assessment of learning is assessment after instruction

4. What should be assessed?

Learning takes occur in the minds of students, where it is unnoticed by others. This
means that learning must be measured in terms of performance, or what pupils can do
with what they've learned. Formal or informal assessments, high- or low-stakes,
anonymous or public, individual or communal, can all be used to evaluate pupils'
performance.We will assess what students know, understand, and can do as a result of
their experiences and outcomes as teachers. Teachers will evaluate each student's
progress and accomplishments in the following areas: knowledge and understanding.

5. How should assessment be done?

Your child's success is determined not only by 'tests,' but also by the learning that takes
place in the classroom and in other contexts outside of it.

Day-to-day learning and the things they write, say, make, or do will provide evidence of
children and young people's progress and successes. Children and young people may
produce evidence as a result of their participation in a presentation, conversation,
performance, or practical investigation, for example. A drawing, report, or piece of art
work that they have created could also be used as evidence. As part of a specific
learning experience, evidence can be captured as a photograph, video, or audio

6. What are the principles of assessment that you have learned in Assessment 1 Class.
Give 1 example for each principle based on your experience.

The assessment tool should be flexible enough to be used in a variety of contexts, such
as different industries, different people, different scenarios, and so on. The assessment
method should also accommodate a degree of flexibility in assisting the learners' needs.
Learners with prior experience should be given consideration if they have the skills up.
For example, teachers need to have a lot of styles and be flexible about everything like
understanding the students and teach them as well.

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