Ta Hydrogeology

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‘afta 4 yet a tea : 32 No. of Pages in Booklet : 32 ‘gftrar 4 veal a ee : 150 No. of Questions in Booklet : 150 Paper Code : 04 SUBJECT : Hydrogeology (T.A.) HAT-22 a oN 9008 UoH SEND /a. kebyf Lak Waa : 2.30 9% ‘sia oa = 150 Time: 2.30 Hours Maximum Marks: 150 wer Gar & See Ga ais Ser wy as we we ae Ga we SP we Gr Wea de SACS STRUT foe acts rs 1 en ang Aten hat Utter ere GT ETA ore ae Ay er GPA et aA eter seme wh On opening the paper seal/polythene bag of the Question Booklet the candidate should ensure that Question Booklet Number and Barcode of OMR Answer Sheet must be same. If there is any difference, candidate must obtain another Question Booklet from Invigilator. Candidate himself shall be responsible for ensuring this. mental &_ferg ft wh wet 3 oer Are wh wet & sig wre wets we BT BL LS ATR ATC Ww Bait soe 4 a ee A ger Soe aT To ATT sae 5. wet we aR totem woe fet mae fore wre 2, 3, 4 irr flrar rar 8 sree wy aT ree Pe wet BUSH 8 daa Ww He sem was a Te AT Wa age bo 8 er eT EI 3. OMR: weR-TIT Fy eT oor wart) oe ae ea rer ater BY BT TE, MT TERA FT we ame & abet aha ter ge BS fer 7. ees ere ee fry eT kes a 4/3 AI TET TTT ram eS aneed oige Ge sera fon A wer Sys A cats sere 81 Pre Ay wer A alr aa aT aes BT cach vig met sew at aT TT 2 10. af re wer & Feth wee A ahs Beor aT ET HME REPEAL W pens fled ver Sh wae Ae tht 1 apr ag sneha Be TST OTT FAT Te TS ‘ares org or 8, ct we ore ob free gre wet ay Pater Peretsrauret & ee artes 2 Rare OS eae wy afer A a arch fer atarst & refer eer i i INSTRUCTIONS FOR CANDIDATES Answer all questions. All questions carry equal marks. Only one answer is o be given for each question. If more than one answers are marked, it would be treated as ‘wrong answer. 5. Each question has four alternative responses marked serially as 1, 2,3, 4. You have to darken only one circle or bubble indicating’ the correct answer on the Answer Sheet using BLUE BALL POINT PEN. 6. The OMR Answer Sheet is inside this Test Booklet. 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Sheet. §§ Marks can be deducted for filing wrong or incomplete Roll, Number 10, If there is any sort of ambiguity/mistake either of printing or factual nature, then out of Hindi and English Version of the question, the English Version wil be treated as standard. ‘Warning : Ifa candidate is found copying orif any unauthorized material is found in histher possession, FLLR. would be lodged against hinvher in the Police Station and he/she would liable to be prosecuted. Department may also debar hinvber permanently from all future examinations. Se Wen goer at oa ae 4 hel wa aw wer A GIy) Do not open this Test Booklet until vou are asked to do so. Page 1 of 32 1, Whatis the range of driven well diameter? 1. fax Ae cpr faeare Bt Ait war 8? @ 50t0 70cm, @ 508708 2) 80t090cm 2) 8089084 @) 3t010em @) 330% @) 1210 18cm @ 2a1sdt 2. The ability of a rock that defines 2 we ta at ana ut vad wa Warm aT transmission of fluid in it, is desoribed as - weft at &, wet afi Peer rer 8 — @) Permeability @ Ter (2) Porosity @ we @) Transmissivity @) aera (4) Fracture @ frit 3. In saturated material which equation is 3, qa Ver{ 4 ot wT wir wel e correct? © weer = faire wit + faire () Porosity = Specific yield + Specific eqeer ‘etenton @) weve = fate mite — fre (2) Porosity = Specific yield ~ Specific — retention ©) Porosity = Specific yield x Specific @ wee = fare fe x fare retention, oer (4) Porosity = Specific yield + Specific @ oer = faire wits + faire retention oR 4, Which among the following district of 4. yoo 4 wines A afte a wren & Rajasthan is the worst affected district for wet Foren &} fe 4 a few fie a high fluoride problem in groundwater? waittres waite ara ver 8? (@® Baran ® aw Q) Chittorgarh Q frtsae @) Sikar @ wre (4) Nagaur @ ante 5. Which one is not direct surface technique of 5. GAH GRR a aa Wh caries Wa dik artificial recharge? WR Weel warty et 8? @) Flooding @ a (@) Basin tank @ ar ta (3) Stream augmentation @) oR oraty (8) Borehole flooding @ & tia 4 ag 04- Page 2 of 32, fr a a ara Hert we a? 6 Which of the following statement is 6. correct? (@) ARH sel A vera a ay (1). There is no fixed limit of resistivity of Piact er ae ee various rocks ©) Prep wfeRterrar fY wY yore (2 Electric resistivity method is most arom 2g wad ates Seer 4 aT widely used for groundwater waren 21 exploration. ) Seismic refraction method uses the ® = = peal = electric currents. oe ' @ Lonly @ aa (2) 2only @ ora 2 @) Land 2 @) 1042 (@) 3only @ saa 3 7. The disease “Blue babies” is related to the 7. “a adap’ amr dnt dave F feat high concentration of ....... in potable water. arftrpar B aftr 8? (@) Fluoride @ wits (2) Hardness @ aeret (3) Nitrates @ aR Chloride @ wheigs 8. How many times Central Groundwater 8 we af i date qua dS vel Ht qoaT Board takes sample for water quality from @ fay ares ant a fort ar oe TR monitored wells in a year? oe 8? @ 2 @ 2 @i Qi : @4 @ 4 @ 6 @ 6 9. Nalgonda technique is used for the removal 9. Teniret dari or waa Sera F ....... Of essen from drinking water. Praer & fay fear wien 21 1) Arsenic @ anitie 2) Nitrate @) ERE (3) Fluoride @ wires (4) Sulphate @ wee 10. Which of the following districts of Rajasthan 10, wore @ fr 4 a fara fore 4 a aT are having shallow groundwater level? BR OF Tes Ww a? (1) Banswara, Kota, Bundi () aivarst, wer, ei Q) Udaipur, Banswara, Chittorgarh Q senR, avers, Rritsrs (3) Jaipur, Dausa, Alwar @ oR, the, sae (4) Jodhpur, Jaisalmer, Barmer @ siege, hace, are ~ 04- Page 3 of 32 U1. Darcy’s law is valid for - TL enif er fer . (1) Horizontal flow @ afta ware (2) Laminar flow 2) veda ware (@) Turbulent flow @) yer ware @) Both (1) and (3) © Oe 12. The period of time for which groundwater 12, fait warya 4 yo 3 wed wa S oa remains in aquifer is - wi oe (1) base time () sTER we 2) residence time () Rom wa (3) dwelling period 3) dra ae @)_ home period @ fare or 13. The upper surface of water in the zone of 13. Higa a4 4 wea H Gat wae wi Ger oT saturation is called as - t- Q) Permeable table G) eR aR (2) Water table @) tro ER @) Viscosity table ® era eK (4) Ground table ® ae 14. Driven well gives the best result when water 14, fRa7 Ga fire Teg oy Ret shore wae table is situated at which depth? WS UROT Sa BP (1) Depth of 3 to 5 meter @) 38 Stier meg we @) Depth of 10 to 15 meter 2) 10% 15 tex TERE 3) Depth of 17 to 20-meter @) 17% 204 we (A) Depth of 25 to 50 meter @ 25% some TERE 15. Dupuit-Forchheimer Theory is used for the 15. fra ¥ @ feat morn @ fry gue — calculation of which of the following? wrderga fergie wr weil fear ore 8? (1) Flow field of an aquifer Q) wept wei Ges (2) Hydraulic conductivity 2) BER sewed B) Storage coefficient 3) sare PT (4) Porosity (@ wen 04- Page 4 of 32 16. The “pumping level” is also called as - 16, “ORT eR" ST ge aS A GT eT B— (Dynamic water level () aiteter rere (2) Static water level fer THER (8) Specific water level @) ire cE 4) Constant water level @ wa oaER 17. The important source of groundwater 17. weet aa ¥ awe wget S veep wilt contamination in urban area - t- (Q) Municipal solid waste @) wet sre anftrs (2) Poor sanitation system Q) Gea wey aan (3) Construction of concrete buildings 3) Sete F wet wr Prater (@) Both (1) and (2) @ OW @ 18. Most Probable Number (MPN) is astatistical 18. Whe vlaeet Tay (HOLT) Ye Tiers method, what is it used for? re 8, geror ood fered fore fra ora (1) To estimate the number of coliform ow eu eae! i Gd : group organisms per unit volume of et sample water on (2) Toestimate the number of sodium ion @ w end sitet oa sri + per unit volume of sample water ‘shige orert wear Prefer (3) To estimate chlorine ion number per @ w wot ved wa od unit volume of sample water wet arert Prafeet (4) To estimate the number of lead ion @ we god afteel rea ara & Stat per unit of sample water ort Pater ¥ 19. The source of groundwater extraction is - 19, Gora wi S Tats F — (1) Open well @) yan ait (2) Tube well Q) ze @) Artesian well @) Fe @i @i (2) Land2 @ 142 @) 2and3 @ 2043 @) 1,2and3 @ 12043 04- Page 5 of 32 eee 20. Darcy's Law provide analysis and solution 20. =rif faq fet 4 @ fer wren or Prat of problem related to which of the following? ik facet war erat 2? Q) Groundwater storage (ihrer ere (2) Aquifer development @) vragn fere id 16)) ee movement and well @ 4 aie ta fe (4) Groundwater chemistry @ stra Terai 21. Cleat are fractures or joint sets which yield 21. ale ae aay ar Wil wae * oh ahrorer ‘water in - BY TART een (1) Carbonates ) we (2) Granites @ wage 3) Sandstone @ ager @ Coal @ ara 22, Transient effects in groundwater flow 22. fei 4 fad uktora & mere Tex vat systems are the result of which of the 5 following? fereca ux (cfr) gaPaere were star 8? (Q) Topographic dependent changes in () age oe wreTEA sna SRE WATE the inflows and outflows at the aie wae # ground surface wy (2) Permeability dependent changes in @ te TET ons ar Was the inflows and outflows at the afte area ware ¥ azo ground surface ar 2@) Water stable fluctuations oe @) Time dependent changes in the @) Rate wR Ge onPirt ae: wae ote inflows and outflows at the ground aga vate 4 acena surface 23, Auger hole test is most suitable for - 23, sire fisx fai farard fry waged #? @) shallow water table conditions @) wed! / fee ator eR Rea (2) deep water table conditions 2) Tet snore GR Reet @) perched water table conditions @) Gftat stro ee Reta @ Both (1) and @) ® at Maik 24, In an aquifer . plays an important 24. We wren FH yw ome S Gael oFIE oie role in moving water from one point to wae. Fair weal at 81 another. @) volume @) srr (2) height 2) wang (3) gradient @) sar @) texture (4) 84 04- Page 6 of 32 25. Which artificial recharge technique is useful 25. wi ok Ya aa 4 ot th pa Grier in hard rock flat area? ‘carte oaahit 8? (Basin tank @ ae te (2) Ditching @ fiir (3) Dug well recharge @ WRWI TR (4) Contour budding © oe er 26. Sewer leakage can introduce high 26. some o fara 8 ya ¥ concentration of ...........in groundwater. ag Unt 81 , Q) Nitrate () age (2) Sulphate Q) we @) Calcium @ én @ Barium @ im 27. If the soil has high infiltration rate than such 27, af& fAgt ¥ Rena a ae aga waar B, at soil will be categorized in ....... hydrologic ta Aa A oe fart qa we a soil group. ait 4 waa MA Ma @sB @B @c @c @D @ D 28. The igneous and metamorphic rocks 28, aa aie ararata tai at wea & resistivity-values are in the range of - a ot Site — @) 10? to 10° ohm-meter @) 10°S 108 sta—er 2) 10° to 10 ohm-meter 2) 10°S 10° si—hez 3) 10! to 10'° ohm-meter @B) 1098 108 ai—ater * @ 10" to 10 ohm-meter @ 105% 108 atte 29. The example of aquiclude is - 29, Picorenya wT Saree BY (@) sandstone @ ager 2 Q) greywacke Q) tte (3) limestone @ wreR 4) compact clay @ oa 30, In which type of following material the 30. fri 4 8 fea veri 4 oRreta weer aT capillary rise will be highest? afte err? @ Silt @) fice (2) Medium sand (2) ream (3) Coarse sand @) we tt (4) Fine gravel (4) Wie tat 04 - Page 7 of 32 31. A pumping test is performed to know about 31. fra #8 eat orm & feed afta eee far which of the following? ure 8? (1) The porosity of an aquifer @) versa a eT (2) The behaviour of well and aquifer Q) os vera wT aE 3) Permeability of an aquifer @) weye Ht eT (4) Viscosity of groundwater (4) Strat HH vara 32. A small earthen check dam that capture and 32. Uw Biel gad oar wil fe auleiet wr ear conserve rainwater and help in groundwater @ wd wet oar Fer ye grie F ' were ttt — recharge is - @® @) Pat @) shes Q) Tohad . (8) Saza kuva Coe (4) Paar ot 33. The uniform water table produces - 33. We wren ay Gere BHT Gea B () acomplicated flow system @) we fea vel Rea (2) asingle flow system (2) W@ Wa vel rer (3) atri-series flow system @) we Bette vot Rew _ @) an unpredictable flow system © Ww amentte wh fret 34, ‘The causes of groundwater pollution in rural 34. ater Ga FY Grr wEWT eH Get — areas are - @) Agricultural runoff @ of why avae (2) Direct discharge of sewage in water Q) sa a oa Gia A ter Pree Bodies @) Both (1) and (2) & HOW (4) Industrial release (4) siete Pra 35. Which method should be applied for 35. ye tifa worga oh weet We (RNY areT) pumping test data when confined aquifer is 4 ww ohin de gigs oa oe in steady state? fed ott tait smart oes? () Thiem method @ oa vet 2) Theis method Q) he vet (8) Jacob straight-line method Cs (4) De Glee method @ Ot vat 04- Page 8 of 32 ‘ 36. Which of the following will have highest 36. fra # faraat dqq vfteereat wad after electricity resistivity? anh? (Q) Dense limestone Q) wer MER (2) Hard shale @ wer ta @) Dry sand @ you (4) Clay oR 37. Which of the following is correct? 37. Prafeiftaa 4S aire adh 8? (1) Cubic packing has higher porosity (@) aa aa 4 eeu ae ah 2 2) Rhombohedral packing has higher @ wer vee de A ae porosity afte eh 2 3) Both have equal porosity (@) Sta qa wea he (4) Cubic packing has lower porosity (@ oF eH wou oH ate 38. Which of the following is not categorizedas 38. PT 4G fat apa waNT ag “fey Sa” “Point source” for groundwater pollution? & wa 4 afiga ae fear war? (Agricultural activities () ef aaa (2) Landfitt () aafire age aa (3) Chemical industrial unit @) THER atthe sae (4) Petroleum refining unit @ Yeikem she at ee 39, The formula “Annual replenishable 39. @t “afte grit qo Wee () groundwater resource (-) natural discharge thorny ore 9 opie era" Re HS during non-monsoon season” is used for fot ara wer S fore wre F re rar 8? calculating which of the following? (W) Stage of groundwater development @) esa Rone A Rae (2) Net annual groundwater availability 2 oa H Ye alte waren (3) Annual groundwater potential @) Hs St aie arena @) Annual water fluctuation @) Hs St aie aera 40. If in an area the stage of groundwater 40. aft fot aa 4 yor ore a Rett development is more than 100%, than the 100% & siftte @, tae aa ga Soh F area will come under the category of - ame — (1) over~exploited ) a-aeer (2) critical Q) WK @) semi-ctitical @) akatie @ safe 4) Bar 04-®% Page 9 of 32 41. Kidney stone is a problem associated with- 41. - Jee WRT wea Wala & — (D) Water hardness @ ve vera & Q) Nitrate @ wR B (@) Fluoride @) wings & @ Mercury @ we 42, The need of groundwater management is 42. TR oh araed og Yat &, ST because of ~ - (1) Decreasing groundwater level only oa Saat Pot WR HF ea TT wes (2) Increasing groundwater pollution (2) Sam apt wr aT ae wee = @) da oe Hh win ag et (3) Increasing water demand only @mi Mi @2 @2 @) 2and3 @) 2003 @ 1,2and3 @ 1,2083 43. Which of the following has highest intrinsic 43, Preifefar 4 8 feei wernt atafte permeability? career 8? () Well sorted gravel ® wer wt e) Nacedeeed @ ate ag eed @) Wika yer @) Sandy silts @ aga 44, Which of the following types of groundwater 44. Pt 4G fa yo vER a “are is also referred to as “Fossil water"? wet” & we Hah GT are 8? (@ Suvenile water a (2) Meteorie water @) sree stat (3) Intemal water @) sake oer ( Connate water 4) BESTE ste 45, The seismic wave will travel with higher 45. yoda wat fT 4a ota 8 area A eo velocity in which of the following rock am am oe? medium? (1) Loose sand @) frat ta @) Silt ~ @ fire (3) Sandstone @ se @) Basalt @). wae 04 - Page 10 of 32, ji 4 46. An indirect method of artificial recharge by 46. wich HR WE We W |S EY VAT ENT pumping from an aquifer hydraulically phar yorker & fey at arg iT wr ora - vale ort ont 8 — connected to surface water is known as - (1) Rainwater hi ting: 2 ainwater harvest @ dRa grker (2) Induced recharge (3) Reduced recharge ® (4) Deficient recharge @ 47. Higher concentration of which of the 47. 44 @ wa % fie 4 @ feat ate ar following in drinking water may cause % frags & errchfeatar are er et methemoglobinemia in infants? urn 8? @F @F 2) NOs 2) Nos (3) CaCOs (8) Cacos (@ Mgcos (4) Mgco3 48. Which of the following has the lowest 48. fq 4 8 feet aera wt oF ek porosity? 2? (1) Clay @ wa (2) Glacial til (2) fear Ra @) Vesicular basalt @) wend dae (4) Compact marble to dhe etree 49. What is the maximum acceptable limit of 49. 3m. TH. 10500: 2012 3 sigan daca ¥ total hardness on CaCOs in drinking water as oer onite & wr 4 cea wipe per IS 10500: 20127 ivr em 8? (1) 600 mg/L. (Q) 600 fim. /a. (2) 700 mg/L. (2) 700 fim. / ch. @) 1000 mg/L (3) 1000 fam. / eA. @ 200 mg/L @) 200 ian. /aA. 50. An isolated body of groundwater that occurs 50. Y-Wiet ST Ye yer apt oh fe arrer aT above the imperious layer in the zone of @ SR a Wee F oT UT @, HEAT aeration is called as - ge @) Arstesian well @ Fa ag Ga) (2) Perched aquifer 2) Bert erg @) Secondary groundwater @ fidew qo ee @) Spring @ wer 04- Page 11 of 32 51. The principle source of groundwater SI. set WENT G1 WgE Git s — pollution is — () arte crafts (1) Municipal waste Q) athens srafires (2) Industrial waste @ wrete we @) Chemical fertilizers @i @i @ 2 @2 @ 3 @ 3 (4) 1,2and3 @) 1,2043 52, Find the wrong pair - 52.0 Ted aH aga — (A) Aquifer — sandstone @) ERR - Tear (2) Aquiclude —clay Q) Pasera — ae (3) Aquifuge — siltstone @) wiaraftia — Ree eer (4) Aquitard - sandy clay @ wats — aga 53. Which of the following district of Rajasthan 53, toRaTT fet 4 W fare fea 3 aga 8 is facing problem of water logging at many ert oe cream Barer oe TE 8? places? @ Udaipur @) seagR (2) Rajsamand Q) we (3) Shri Ganganagar 3) Shir (4) Pali @ et 54. The major natural source of ‘Nitrate’ in 54, yore 4 “igge’ eh ar age biphte air groundwater is - (1) animal excrement () Tesi or aor @) clay minerals @ wi ara 3) legumes @) weiter ae (4) Both (1) and (3) @ OW Oe 55. Rainfall Infiltration Factor (RIF) method is 55. aSt Rena qi Ga. ong. a) fa at Pr used for estimating which of the following? 48 fe aa oS Ug or F fern oar isd (Q) Groundwater draft @ qo ye (2) Groundwater recharge @ eae wie 3) Groundwater flow @) qwe wae (4) Stage of groundwater development (4) sore Pree ot Re 04-® Page 12 of 32 56. Hydraulic conductivity is measured in which ‘unit? @) Meters/day (2) Percentage 3) Cubic meter/day @) Liters/day As per the BIS, the maximum allowable limit for Arsenic (mg/L) in drinking water is - @ O1 @ 05 @ 0.05 4) 10 58. Which of the following is not a significant aquifer? + 1) Sandstone (2) Greywacke () Compact Quartzite (Conglomerate 59. What is the effect of geological variation on “Regional flow system”? @) No effect on regional flow system (2) Regional flow system is controlled only by hydraulic conductivity (3) Geological variation effects regional flow system (4) Regional flow system is only effected by depth of water table 60, What isthe diameter of a collector well? @) 1 meter (2) 0.5 meter (3) 5 meter (4) 1.25 meter 56. 59, 60. fea gent § acta arama et aT TAT e @ Atex/afaea (2) sfeert @) ar Her sfatet @ chex/sfares ada ae oR S aga, a Forty aris (mg/L) #7 afer efter) var Reet eet 8? @ 0.1 @ 05 @) 0.05 @) 10 Pre 8 ate Go maemo 8? , ager @) ie G) dhe wadage @) dyer qonia faite er gare “fore vel fare” oe war Tsar 8? () Sorta Felt Riker oR whe were eT asa & Q) tora well Rea ot Petar dae Reps sere s date @ yowita Pee or wae ore Tet Rea we aga & @) tora seit fieer wR Saar hy Gre BR BY Tems St FAT Tse ioreee apolt aor amet fever Bie 8? @) ittee @ 05 Mex @) ster (4) 1.25 Fee 04 - ‘Page 13 of 32 1. How many potential electrode are used in 61. t-urdtafit waft # fart fra state Lee-Partioning Electrical Method of ibrar argent & fare waa eit BP ‘groundwater exploration? gi @i @ 2 Q) 2 @ 3 @) 3 @ 4 @) 4 62. A ratio of annual groundwater draft andnet 62. affe qo Form wd ye arfie yor annual groundwater availability in ‘auerere & wftrerr A rer argurt ay ast percentage is called - #- (Q)_ groundwater recovery () we sree (2) withdrawal ratio Q) Pont aqart @) stage of groundwater development @ yom Rare Ht Rett (@) groundwater recovery ratio @ Ewa 63. Which groundwater exploration method is 63. wt fiex @ atm meg & fed ot A suitable at depth of more than 100 meter? aore ararr ref srgad 8 @) Seismic refraction method (1) qetta sade veer Q) Seismic reflection method 2) wept werads waht () Electrical method @) age vere () Radioactive method (4) SRetert ute 64. For clay and shale logging which logging 64. afar wi da deed & fay fra 7S technique is used? ehh eickert wien waar at cindt 8? @) Gamma Logging (aT RAT (2) Caliper Logging @ deme terert (3) Television Logging @) editor Weer ee @ aR eet 65. Hydrological equation to express the Lawof 65. sant der @ Pa at aul ait ‘Mass Conservation is - cote hat sere — @ Changes in Storage = Inflow + @) dae 4 oRafa = arate + afeate @) Changes in Storage = Inflow — : _ Outflow @ dae 4 oRada = orate — aftate (3) Outflow = Inflow — Changes in @) aftate = arqate — ve 4 oRRaa Storage @ Inflow = Outflow + Changes in @) orate = oats + eine 4 oat Storage 04- Page 14 of 32 66. High ‘Sulphate’ concentration in drinking 66. aac 4 “Hede’ HH atom 8 gaat wT ‘water can cause - suede — @) Stomach disorder @) tc Ht ae a @) Fluorosis @ FART a (3) Urinary concretions @ Grane a (4) Blue babies ® aig a 67. The salanity in groundwater is measured by 67. Ware & fore yor S ana we TAT BT which property? sar wire &? (Q) Electrical conductivity @) Eglo serie (2) Beta particle number Q) der ott th ver @) pH value @ fixe. oar (4) Hardness @) edRaT 68. Water having pH greater than 7.0 is — 68. Get ferret pH aT AM 7.08 ae ot, ae te (1) Acidic water @ seta sre (2) Alkaline water @) ata ar (3) Soft water @ we oe @) Heavy water @ we oa 69. The ratio of the volume of water in arock, 69. fare tight Ya B Yer set HRT wast that after saturation can be drained by gravity ef oot oa arn ak de 3 ot Ea to its own volume is defined as - SRT Br segura wr ufvaP ie fea Grate (1) Specific yield“ @ Shifro ates (@. Specific retention Oy BR Re 3) Specific hydrologic constant 3) Bhiire wee Reis (4) Specific gravity @ Aire sac 70. Which method of groundwater exploration is 70, 4-iet Oyo oH Grr fA H meee aT based on the observation of velocity of ya or srachara ear oer #? elastic waves? (1) Seismic method @) awh AR 2) Resistivity method (2) uitrtererar Pr @) Gravimetric survey @ meee wie @) Blectromagnetic survey (4) Regn grace wer 04- Page 15 of 32 71. Which of the following has high porosity, 71. fiat 4 fri Seq wera, Sea TeTTCT high permeability and high specific yield? ed veg ARE wafer Siete? ' () Gravel © tea (2) Loess @ cigs @) Clay @ a @ Silt @) fie 72. If drinking water contain more than 72, aff tae ¥ webe a ara 500 fim. am fale sulphate, than the taste of water Jae & atte ant &, a wa a ee @) Sweet erm — (2) Chocolatey @) ater @) Bitter Q) tieweet (4) Salty @) esa @ ar 73. COD stands for - 73. daisi. (COD) a wher s — (2) Chemical Oxygen Demand Q) éfrra aieeitom feats 2) Calcium Oxygen Demand 2) Siar sitar Rais (3) Copper Oxygen Demand @) Sine sitar Bais (4) Cadmium Oxygen Demand (4) aefhern attactiorr Ronis 74. A ‘taanka’ is a traditional water harvesting 74. “ci@T Uf fe Te WRITE Te Tee BAT structure, very popular in - 8 ud aga & choi 8 — (Mewar region @ tas a 4 (2) Hadoti region @ aekt aaa (3) Thar desert region @ or trea aa ¥ (4) Vagad region ® we ea4 75. As recognized by WHO the most serious 75. fied ‘rea Wied ge yerdhe inorganic contaminants in drinking water yar @ tque 4 wae te AMT TT “0 Chloride and sulphate () ites va Webs 2) Chloride and zine @ wirigs we fiw (3) Arsenic and fluoride @) snifie w wis (4) Arsenic and chloride @ anifie wd ikigs 04-& Page 16 of 32 76. Infilration galleries allow collection of water 76. ait: wieat @afsit ¥ wet doer fet a a through which of the following? fered ener ear 2? (1) Atmospheric pressure () aaischa (2) Alluvial zone @ seg ar (3), Hydrologic regime @ wa fart eer (4) Watershed @) ae ts 136. As perthe Central Groundwater Board report 136. @athy yet aS at witdert 31.03.2020 0 as on 31.03.2020, how many blocks in o aR wer 4 fer aie Rajasthan is under “Over exploited” vafte—ahe’ ah Av Y ond # category? @) 152 (@) 152 @) 165 @) 165 @) 315 @) 315 @ 203 @ 203 137. Following equation SoemeeTwmessae 100 137. rey apthareor SAE 400 aa gives - e- (D) Specific yield @) faftre safer (2) Specific retention @ fARre seer @) Porosity @) wee (4) Permeability @ TERT . 138, Caliper Jog is used to measure ... Rie tide wr gut de Be S ..... borehole. any & fr fra orf @) Diameter ) are @) Depth @) TEM @) Height @ wae @ Length - @ ag 139. Which of the following has lowest value of 139. f= 4 @ féraait fafRiee uniter =H eh? specific yield? (@) Sandstone @ ager (2) Massive limestone. @ 3 a eR (3) Unconsolidated sand @ seitiea ay . / : @ Gravel ) daa 04- Page 29 of 32 ~ 140. 141. 142, 143, 144. 145. Which of the following is not a natural recharge source of groundwater? (1) Precipitation (2) Canal (3) Stream (@) Lakes In application of electric method of groundwater exploration the electrical conductance is measured in which of the following unit? @) Volt/em (@ Ampere/em (3) Microsiemens/em (@ Henry Which drilling method will be used to make deep drill hole in hard rock area? (@) Chum Drilling (2) Jet Drilling (8) Rotary Drilling (@) High Temperature Flame Drilling How much free chlorine is required to inactivate virus in drinking water? @) 0.1 mg/L for 30 minute (2) 0.2 mg/L for one hour (@) 0.6 mg/L for one hour (4) 0.01 mg/L for one hour ‘Which of the following is not a component: of global water cycle? (1) Evaporation (2) Hydration (3) Precipitation (@ Infiltration ‘The overall stage of groundwater extraction in Rajasthan as an 31.03.2020 is - (2) 150.22% (2) 139.88% (B) 125.48% @) 75.32% 140. 141. 142, 143. 144, 145. Pre 4 a aha ahora gre or aipiew wha wei 2? () araeert @ WR @) wRar @ sta ama 3 ge eft qerter watr A waagiod Goats T fs Fa fre garg ‘¥ anor oret 8? @ dee / et Q) Pra /ai @) TEERTERT/ a @ eet oor ta aa 4 ate foam Taft 8 wet fxn Ga aad or wad BP () mH RET 2) se fier @) Wee Rei @) sea are Sarat fRferT tart 4 aaa a fiftra wet & fag forrlt seit ot oreaersat ett 8? @ 0.1 fan. /ah. 30 fre & fore @ 02fia/ch. ww ae & fag @) 06 Ra / ch. we Hes fy @ 0.01 Ran. /a. vw He FE Pr 48 oH aan wa aw aI Few TET e @) aeteet Q) Terie @ we @) we eT ga Prarie wore 4 pret hes wh Ret 31.03.2020 3H Fer 8? () 150.22% (2) 139.88% 3) 125.48% @) 15.32% Page 30 of 32 146. Landsat - Thematic mapper and the Indian Remote Sensing Satellite (IRS-1A, LISS-IT sensors generated groundwater potential map on which scale? 146. ae We - ettiee any atk gar Reale Vit eae (IRS-1A, LISS-I), SR fou tam we mvs dex cera Aq oT ‘Prater fever ver 8? @ 1:50,000 @ 1:50,000 (2) 1:25,000 (2) 1:25,000 @) 1:1,50,000 @ 1:1,50,000 @) 1:2,50,000 @ 1:2,50,000 147. A traditional method that uses a forked stick 147. Yam WRITE PR fret qos wt Refer to locate groundwater is known as — @ ur & fay fener ost or saat Ber &, oeanht 8 — (1) Dowsing ® sefir (2) Remote sensing Q) UR wa (3) Magnetic survey @) waa wert (4) Wooden survey @® arse wert 148. The quantity of groundwater withdrawn 148, Yoel @ ag Arar Git PB fret yore wT from a groundwater source is called as - U Reoret ont 8; wean & — ) groundwater yield @ oer wafer (2) groundwater draft @ eon ge G) groundwater recovery ® yaa one @ water recovery @ vaome 149. In which of the following district fissured 149. Prafefaa 4 8 fea fod ¥ fate volcanic hydrogeological formations occur? wares vengriia dear ot crit 8? (Q) Shri Ganganagar @) sitter + 2) Nagaur @ ak 3) Jaipur G3) Ta (4) Shalawar 4) sraTAS 150. How many times water wells are monitored 150. afta data yoo as are fer aK wat by the Central Groundwater Board annivally? agat o Pererit at ont 8? @ 4 a 4 @2 @ 2 @) 6 @ 6 4) 12 @) 12 seeeeeeenene 04. Page 31 of 32 Space for Rough Work /@ ori & fey wre Page 32 of 32

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