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Jl. Jembatan Selatan Kebayoran Baru Jakarta Selatan
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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Nama :

Hari / Tanggal :…………., …, Mei 2021 Kelas : 3
Waktu : 90 menit

KD 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8

Nomor Soal 1, 2,3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, 14, 17, 18, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27 28, 29, 30
4, 8 11,12 15, 16 19, 20 23, 24


Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D

1. Patigaman is a kind of matrial art from….

a. East java
b. South Sumatra
c. Betawi
d. Sulawesi

2. Our teacher is practicing patigaman silat ……. the student

a. Behind
b. In front of
c. Beside
d. Between

3. . ...….. many teachers in the teacher’s room

a. There is
b. There are
c. That is
d. This is

4. The teacher aks Zaenab to clean the…....

a. Window
b. Vase
c. Ruler
d. Blackboard
5. What number is it?
a. Twenty two
b. Twenty three
c. Twenty five
d. Twenty six

6. Forty, ………….. Forty two, ………….., Forty four.

a. Forty and Forty three
b. Forty one and Forty two
c. Forty one and Forty three
d. Forty one and Forty five

7. What is the cheapest and fastest transportation in Jakarta?

a. Taxi
b. Bus
c. Commuter line
d. Bajaj

8. We go using commuter line, we have to buy

a. Newspaper
b. Ticket
c. Magazine
d. Book

9. Mamat is ........(tall) than Juki

a. Taller
b. more tall
c. tallest
d. tall

10. Radio is ...... (murah), but television is ....... (mahal)

a. Expensive – cheap
b. Cheap – expensive
c. Cheap – good
d. Cheap – new

11. If the gadget that we have is not working well, it means it is.......
a. New
b. Good
c. Broken
d. Perfect

12. Zaenab cannot buy the smartphone because the price is too...
a. Cheap
b. Expensive
c. Good
d. Easy
13. Rearrange this sentence
(a table - take cover – under)
a. Under take cover a table
b. A table take cover under
c. Take cover under a table
d. A table under take cover

14. The picture mean?

a. Don't throw the rubbish
b. No smoking
c. No food allowed
d. No pet allowed

15. We........ stay away from the beach during an earthquake

a. Must not
b. Must
c. Don't
d. Do

16. Rearrange this sentence!

(Ground - to - the – drop)
a. to the drop ground
b. drop to the ground
c. ground drop to the
d. drop the ground to

17. Diligent mean in Indonesian is ……

a. Rajin
b. Bodoh
c. Malas
d. Cantik

18. Taman in English is …..

a. Classroom
b. Field
c. Toilet
d. Garden

19. A healthy school which ……

a. Have a wide window
b. Have Dirty canteen
c. Have a good teacher
d. have a good students

20. We must plant many trees in our school to get ……

a. Hygienic food
b. Healthy food
c. Fresh air
d. fresh water
21. She …… a diligent girl
a. Am
b. Is
c. Are
d. He

22. Dono …….. milk every morning

a. Drinking
b. Drink
c. Drinks
d. Drunk

23. I always do my homework at home In Indonesia is….

a. Saya tidak pernah mengerjakan PR di rumah
b. Saya jarang mengerjakan PR di rumah
c. Saya biasanya mengerjakan PR di rumah
d. Saya selalu mengerjakan PR di rumah

24. Mamat ............ after school

a. Play
b. Playing
c. Plays
d. Played

25. Below are the toys in the playground park, except ………
a. See-saw
b. Slides
c. Motorcycle
d. Swing

26. What can you see in the park?

a. Fish
b. Book
c. Candy
d. Trees

27. What is the name of this toy?

a. Swing
b. Slides
c. Springy
d. Monkey bar

28. These are traffic safety equipments, except

a. Jacket
b. Helmet
c. Gloves
d. Umbrella
29. Helmet serves to protect the ...... driver
a. Head
b. Hands
c. Body
d. Nose

30. To make the lungs clear from fumes and air pollution, we need to always use..........
when using motorcycle
a. Helmet
b. Gloves
c. Mask
d. knee protection

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