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ASSIGNMENT: Research Using Descriptive Statistics


COURSE TITLE- Research Methodology – I
RESEARCH TOPIC – Impact of covid 19 globally

NAME- Anuvartika Bharti (12107644)
Satnam Singh (12111031)
Harsh Kumar Singh (12107735)
ROLL NO- RQ2143B45

Faculty, Mittal School of Business

Learning Outcomes:
I. We had hands-on-experience in Microsoft Excel.
II. Learned to use descriptive statistics techniques like mean, mode, median, quartile and other
functions like max, min, sum.
III. Learned to create tables depicting valuable data and pivot tables.
IV. Learned to create interactive visualizations or graphs like bar chart, pie chart, 3D chart and
many more.
V. Learned how to analyse data using tables and charts and make comparison to get the required

• Declaration:
I declare that this Assignment is my individual work. I have not copied it from any other student’s
work or from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made explicitly in the text, nor
has any part been written for me by any other person.
Student’s signature: Anuvartika Bharti
Satnam Singh
Harsh Kumar Singh


Anuvartika Bharti (12107644) 10

Harsh kumar singh (12107735) 7
Satnam Singh (12111031) 6




Topic of Research: Impact of covid 19 globally.

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses known to cause infections ranging from the common cold to more
serious diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. This new
coronavirus has never been identified before in humans.

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) was identified in 2019 in Wuhan, China and has spread to more than 50
countries. WHO has declared COVID-19 as the Public Health Emergency of International Concern on 30
January 2020. Naturally, an increasing number of infectious diseases are spreading rapidly, endangering life of
a large population, and thus requires immediate measures to prevent the disease at the community level.

We have taken the datasets from Kaggle. We have used two datasets for the research one is Country wise covid
details data, showing cases of corona virus, deaths, recovery, active cases and current new cases, new deaths
and recoveries of each country. Second dataset used is Covid vaccination status of India state wise which shows
total vaccines administered and total number of people vaccinated according to gender and age group.


I. To find Worst affected country and Least affected country due to corona virus pandemic.
II. To find the Average number of corona virus vaccine doses administered on monthly basis in India and
comparison of individuals vaccinated in different age groups in India, and on average people are getting
which vaccine among covishield, covaxin and sputnik V.
III. To find the Median incubation period of covid-19.
IV. To find the top 25% countries and bottom 25% countries affected by corona virus pandemic.

On analysing the datasets based on corona virus disease we found that there are various loopholes through
which we can pursue our research. The research question selected for the analysis on these datasets and how
they are solved are as follows.

I. As all countries have been challenged by the novel coronavirus, but they did not all go the same way.
Here, the patterns are different displayed using daily calculations of new certified cases reported
according to the World Health Organization, which will help us to find out the most affected country
and least affected country by corona virus disease.
We will perform analysis on this data to get results of this research question by calculating the
maximum confirmed case, maximum deaths, minimum recovery, and maximum active cases using
MAXIMUM and MINIMUM function and by looking at these patterns we will get to know which
country is worst affected by corona virus and by analysing minimum confirmed cases, minimum deaths,
maximum recovery and minimum active cases using MINIMUM and MAXIMUM function, we will
find out the least affected country by corona virus disease and these will be done making use of pivot
tables to add required data columns and performing analysis accordingly and showing the effective
results using charts of respective analysis.
II. The average number of corona virus vaccine doses administered on monthly basis in India and
comparison of individuals vaccinated in different age groups in India, and on average people are getting
which vaccine among covishield, covaxin and sputnik V. Using Mean (Average) function we first
calculated the average doses administered in each month and then using the sum function we calculated
the total number of individuals vaccinated according to different age groups. Using Mean (Average)
function again we calculated the average doses taken by individuals of different vaccines then
comparing those we will know which vaccine on average are people getting and administered in high
amount , to carry on this analysis we have made use of tables and charts.
III. To find the median incubation period i.e. covid 19 incubation period is 1-14 days that means in how
many days most people are likely to show the first symptom of corona virus after getting infected. By
calculating median of incubation period we will analyse that after how many days most people are
showing the first symptom of corona virus after getting infected. We have collected this probability data
of each day of incubation period through analysing the patterns of covid 19.
IV. To find the top 25% countries and bottom 25% countries affected by corona virus based on current
cases reported in each country. To calculate these we have used the quartile technique of descriptive
analysis. For finding the bottom 25% countries we have calculated the lowest value that means we have
calculated quartile 0 and we have also calculated quartile 1 because the value of quartile 0 to quartile 1
are the countries which comes under bottom 25%. For finding the top 25% countries we have calculated
the highest value that means we have calculated quartile 4 and we have also calculated quartile 3
because the value of quartile 3 to quartile 4 are the countries which comes under top 25%. And by
calculating quartile 2 we can find the median value of data.


We have used descriptive statistics techniques for performing the analysis on the datasets of covid 19 that we
have collected. Following are the descriptive statistics techniques that we have used in our dataset.

I. MAXIMUM and MINIMUM functions are used to perform analysis on first research question that is
finding the least and worst affected country due to covid 19 pandemic. The MAX and MIN functions
are used because we need to calculate the maximum and minimum values in the columns. The
prerequisites for applying these techniques are that we should have at least one numerical data column
in the dataset, the columns should have different set of values, and find the result of our research
question by comparing the data and analysing it. To make clear comparison we have used pivot tables
and charts. By comparing maximum and minimum values we get the result of our analysis.
II. MEAN (Average) function is used to perform analysis on second research question that is finding the
average doses administered in India on monthly basis and on average mostly which vaccines are people
getting and is administered. MEAN function is used because we wanted to know the average values of
data columns. The prerequisites for applying this technique is that we should have numerical data
column so that we can add array of data to calculate average, data column showing monthly doses
administered on average and which vaccines doses are administered the most in India on average. To
make comparison and get attractive and clear result we have made use of tables and charts. By
calculating average we will get to know how many people on average are getting which vaccine and
average doses administered on monthly basis.
III. MEDIAN function is used to perform analysis on third research question that is finding the median
incubation period of corona virus disease. MEDIAN function is used because we want the middle or
central value of the data column incubation period. The prerequisites for using this technique is that we
should have numeric data column with values arranged in some pattern like ascending or descending.
By calculating the median we can get to known the middle or central value of the data for which we are
calculating median, we have used median to calculate median incubation period which shows highest
possibility of people to show first symptoms is when.
IV. QUARTILE is used to perform analysis on fourth research question that is finding the top 25%
countries and bottom 25% countries affected by corona virus pandemic. Quartiles are used to separate
the data column in 4 equal parts. The prerequisites for using this technique is that we should have the
array or cell range of numeric values for which we want the quartile value. We have used quartile to
know the country in top and bottom 25% which is affected by corona pandemic on the basis of new
cases reported in the countries currently
V. The descriptive statistics technique MODE can not be used in our dataset because the data columns we
are supposed to work on doesn’t contain any repetitive value and mode calculates the highest occurring
value in a range. So, this technique was not feasible to apply for our data.

VI. Types of tables used:-
• Normal Tables
• Pivot tables
VII. Types of Visualizations or graphs used:-
• Pie chart
• Bar chart
• Line chart
• 3D chart


1. Finding the worst affected and least affected country.

We have used the MAX and MIN function to find out the maximum cases, maximum deaths, minimum
recovery and maximum active cases. After analysing these we find that in US there are more number of
confirmed cases, maximum deaths also happened in US also the active number of cases are highest in US
only, though the recovery rate is also good in US but more number of cases are coming day by day and also
lots of deaths are happening and active number of cases are also high which can increase the risk of
infection, so we can conclude that US is the worst affected country by corona virus disease.

This will be clear seeing the graphs.

US having maximum confirmed cases of corona virus.

US having maximum number of deaths of people suffering from corona virus.

Highest number of active cases are in US.

Recovery rate of US is slower than many other countries comparative to its confirmed cases and deaths
We have used the MIN and MAX function to find out the minimum cases, minimum deaths, maximum
recovery and minimum active cases. After analysing these we find that there are less number of confirmed
cases in countries like Western Sahara, Holy See, Greenland, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Dominica, Laos,
Grenada, Timor-Leste, Saint Lucia, Fiji and minimum deaths happened in Holy See, Greenland, Saint Kitts
and Nevis, Dominica, Laos, Grenada, Timor-Leste, Saint Lucia, Fiji and the active number of cases are
lowest in Holy See, Greenland, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Dominica and countries like Holy See, Dominica,
Grenada shows the best recovery rate as in these countries all the confirmed cases that have registered are
recovered no deaths are there. So, we can conclude that least affected countries according to the current data
is Holy See, Dominica, Grenada whereas Western Sahara is also a least affected country but still there is
one active case there which can increase the number of cases so the country is prone to get affected.

Analysis through graphs :-

2. Average doses administered in India on monthly basis and on average which vaccines are mostly
administered and taken by people.

Here we can see that the 38% of people of age group 60+ is vaccinated and 42% of people of age group 45-
60 years is vaccinated and 20% of the people of age group 18-44 years is vaccinated. By comparing this
data we can see that people of age group 45-60 year are getting vaccinated more comparing to other age

Through this graph we can see that on average people are getting more covishield vaccine and then covaxin
the least taken vaccine in India for now is Sputnik V. But on average more people are getting covishield.

Through this graph we can understand why people are taking covishield because the efficiency of
covishield to fight the severe corona virus disease after taking both doses is higher than other two vaccines
which is covaxin and sputnik V.

3. Calculating median incubation period of corona virus disease.

probability of people showing first symptom after getting infected by corona virus.

The highest probability of people showing first symptom of corona is between 7th and 8th day after the
person getting infected and the median incubation period is 7.5. So, we can conclude that as the median
incubation period is 7.5 so people are most likely to show the first symptom after the day of getting infected
is between 7th and 8th day. Most commonly, people show their first symptom after 1 week of the infection.
4. To find the top 25% countries and bottom 25% countries affected by corona based on factors like
current cases reported in each country, current deaths reported in each country and current recovery
reported in each country.

Bottom 25% effected countries based on newly reported cases.

The values that are in quartile 0 to quartile 1 are the bottom 25% countries, we got the quartile 0 value as 0
and quartile 1 value as 4, so all the countries having newly reported cases from 0 to 4 will come in bottom
25% countries effected by corona currently. So, here we can see that the countries that come in bottom 25%
are Barbados, Belize, Benin, Brunei, Burma, Central African Republic, Comoros, Dominica, Equatorial
Guinea, Estonia, Fiji, Grenada, Guinea-Bissau, Holy See, Laos, Latvia, Lesotho, Liechtenstein, Mauritius,
Monaco, Nicaragua, Niger, Papua New Guinea, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the
Grenadines, San Marino, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Spain, Tanzania, Timor-Leste, Western Sahara,
Cambodia, Greenland, Malta, Mongolia, New Zealand, Trinidad and Tobago, Eritrea, Sao Tome and
Principe, Slovakia, Cyprus, Mali, Tunisia, Antigua and Barbuda, Bhutan, Taiwan.

Top 25% effected countries based on newly reported cases.

The values that are in quartile 3 to quartile 4 are the top 25% countries, we got quartile 3 value as 419.5 and
quartile 4 value as 56336 so all the countries having newly reported cases from 419.5 to 56336 will come in
top 25% countries effected by corona currently. So, here we can see that the countries that come in top 25%
are US, India, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, South Africa, Russia, Mexico, Argentina, Bangladesh, Iraq, France,
Iran, Chile, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Bolivia, Philippines, Kazakhstan, Indonesia, Dominican Republic,
Pakistan, Panama, Romania, Oman, Turkey, Ukraine, Bosnia and Herzegovina, United Kingdom, Canada,
Uzbekistan, Ghana, Nigeria, Algeria, Costa Rica, Morocco, Kuwait, Japan, Ethiopia, Venezuela, Kosovo,
Kyrgyzstan, Singapore, Ecuador, Honduras, Germany, Egypt.


The current pandemic reported worldwide is Coronaviruses. In late 2019, the novel coronavirus was
identified as the cause of a group of cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, a city in the Hubei province of China. It
spread rapidly, leading to epidemics throughout China, followed by an increasing number of cases in other
countries around the world it is reported as pandemic by the World Health Organization. So, based on
corona virus data our graphical estimates provide a clear indication of the progress of the pandemic in
various countries, providing confirmed and active cases in different parts of the world which concludes that
US is the most affected country due to corona virus. People were frightened seeing the rapid spread of
corona virus, but then came the vaccines. First vaccine was covishield, then came covaxin and then sputnik
V and many more. Currently in India people are getting vaccinated with covishield, covaxin and sputnik V
and people are preferring covishield as its efficiency to fight with severe corona virus disease is higher than
other two vaccines and its production is also high related to other vaccines. Covishield is 93% efficient after
its two doses are completed. The people of age group 45-60 years are more exposed to the virus because
these are the people who daily go for their jobs or other works and meet people, so they are at a high risk to
get infected so, they are the people who are getting the vaccinations in high amount. Till now in India 42%
of this age group had been vaccinated which is higher than the other age groups. Based on average monthly
doses administered people are getting vaccinated accordingly. The incubation period of corona virus is 1-14
days. Incubation period is the period when a person will show its first symptom after entering of corona
virus in its body. So, the median incubation period 7.5 shows that in between 7th and 8th day most people are
likely to show the first symptom after getting infected. This is based on the data till now. But again the
cases are being reported in different countries as corona virus pandemic is still not recovered fully. So,
based on the newly reported cases we can see that the top 25% countries effected are US, India, Brazil,
Colombia, Peru, South Africa, Russia, Mexico, Argentina, Bangladesh, Iraq, France, Iran, Chile, Israel,
Saudi Arabia, Bolivia, Philippines, Kazakhstan, Indonesia, Dominican Republic, Pakistan, Panama,
Romania, Oman, Turkey, Ukraine, Bosnia and Herzegovina, United Kingdom, Canada, Uzbekistan, Ghana,
Nigeria, Algeria, Costa Rica, Morocco, Kuwait, Japan, Ethiopia, Venezuela, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan,
Singapore, Ecuador, Honduras, Germany, Egypt and least or bottom 25% countries effected are Barbados,
Belize, Benin, Brunei, Burma, Central African Republic, Comoros, Dominica, Equatorial Guinea, Estonia,
Fiji, Grenada, Guinea-Bissau, Holy See, Laos, Latvia, Lesotho, Liechtenstein, Mauritius, Monaco,
Nicaragua, Niger, Papua New Guinea, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the
Grenadines, San Marino, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Spain, Tanzania, Timor-Leste, Western Sahara,
Cambodia, Greenland, Malta, Mongolia, New Zealand, Trinidad and Tobago, Eritrea, Sao Tome and
Principe, Slovakia, Cyprus, Mali, Tunisia, Antigua and Barbuda, Bhutan, Taiwan. These we have concluded
based on the research questions we have taken. The overall conclusion is that corona virus is a pandemic

which affected various countries and lead to the innovation of vaccines of corona and it is under control
now but still many of the countries are reporting high number of cases of corona virus while some are
reporting low number of cases, it is fluctuating. And can increase or decrease anytime and can have more
adverse effect on the population.


This recommendation is based on the analysis we did that how corona virus is spreading rapidly. Though,
controlled but fluctuation in number of cases at different places.

If you are not in the area where COVID-19 is spreading or you have not been to the area where COVID-19
is spreading or you have not been in contact with an infected patient, your risk of infection is low.
Understandably, you may feel anxious about the outbreak. Find out the facts from reliable sources to help
you determine your risk and take appropriate action. Seek guidance from the WHO, your health care
provider, your national public health officer or your employer for accurate information on COVID-19 and
whether COVID-19 is around your area. It is important to be informed of this situation and to take
appropriate steps to protect yourself and your family. If you are in an area where there are COVID-19
conditions you need to take the risk of infection seriously. Follow WHO's advice and guidance from
national and local health authorities. For most people, the infection with COVID-19 will cause minor
illnesses but can make some people very sick and, for some people, can be fatal. Therefore, follow safety
precautions and take vaccines for safety.


I. von Rajkumar, S., Sr, & de Kp, D., Sr. (2019, May 22). Dataset on Novel Corona Virus Disease
2019 in India. Kaggle.Com.
II. de Kp, D., Sr. (2020, December 22). COVID-19 Dataset Number of Confirmed, Death and
Recovered cases every day across the globe. Kaggle.Com.


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