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Comparing the socio-political and economic conditions

between the 19 century and the contemporary Philippine

society, how much have changed really?

19th century was the age of revolutions as well as golden age for political enlightenment since there
were numerous significant event happen during this span of time not just in the Philippines, but around
the world. Some significant events shaped, influenced, and advocated to a strong and profound socio-
political and economic conditions that we had today. During Spanish regime, Philippine failed to develop
politically and economically due to the feudal system, among others, there were also disputes within the
government and governance that alters the political power of leaders. Political system during their time
was organized but it was not that effective since most officials are anointed and that some of them lacks
the quality of a good leader or officials. Moreover, church holds more power than government hence
there is an imbalance in the governance of the officials. Revolts were prevalent during that times
altering the consistency of leadership of the officials in the government. In economical perspective,
industrial and agricultural aspect prospered as the Suez Canal was opened in 1869 allowing market trade
and acquisition of knowledge to prosper. In the contemporary world, politics are very define and
profound having a strong foundation in the 1987 Constitution. Law are accordingly mandated and that
government system has their own authoritative powers like the executive, legislative, and judicial power
and the Church can no longer intervene in the government. In economic, Philippines greatly developed
compared in 19th century establishing numerous infrastructures, bridges, road system, and more but
still we belong to the Third World Country.

2. Has the Rizal Law been successful in achieving its declared

purpose or not? Cite evidence/s to support your claim.
Yes because indeed Rizal law greatly instill nationalism and patriotism among students for them to
appreciate and love our country. Moreover, they are presented with significant events of history which
are crucial in the in gaining our freedom as well as to our development. As cited by Ki (2021), it
preserves nationalism and notions of freedom through education and commemorate the greatness of
our national heroes more specially, Rizal. For me, it greatly widens my knowledge about Rizal's life and
enlightened me on the true happenings that I've never learned in my elementary and high school
period. It allows me to venture and make realizations of all the hard work and dedication of the people
behind our independency.
3. It is said that literature has the power to intervene in history.
Cite one literary piece (local or foreign) that you believed
showcased this power. Support your claim.
There are various notable literatures that can intervene in history and among of that was Rizal's
masterpiece which is the El Filibusterismo. El Filibusterismo was the modern name as it was known
before as "Fili", but the context context remains the same. It was a novel that sharply critical of Spanish
Colonialism since it presents the corrupt, violence, and injustices of governing system as well
domination of friars in the world of politics. On the other hand, El Filibusterismo was reluctant in
promoting nationalism and independence as it inspired Filipinos to fight for their freedom against the
abusive and oppressive Spanish Government. It was also viewed the the El Filibusterismo as a
foundational novel of modern globalization as it arose a mutable suit of planetary voices during the end
of 19th century in the Philippines (Adam, 2008).

4. If you can have only one, which between “acclamation” and

“proclamation” will you choose as basis for declaring a
personality “national hero”? Provide argument/s to support
your choice.
For me, Proclamation is the most legal and official way to declare a hero since acclamation can be
manipulated by persons who are biased or in favor of one's hero. For example, Ninoy Aquino was
proclaimed to be a one of national heroes and even get commemorated in 500 pesos bill together with
Corry Aquino. Indeed they have done significant things but it was not that great or crucial because most
of his works are merely selfish ambitions and not for the betterment of the people (Salonga, 2016). I also
agree to the fact the Ninoy and even Corry Aquino was not hero since they are driven with selfish
ambition to overthrow Marcus in his position. Marcus reign indeed has bloody history but that was just
the issue there, most of his works greatly contribute to the Philippine development during that time and
Philippines was once powerful during his era since it was among the founding father of ASEAN. Ninoy
Aquino was a hero not by proclamation but merely acclamations of the people that supported them and
those who experience abuse in Marcus era. Proclamation is the most ideal and legal way to proclaim a
hero since they undergo several studies, affirmation, and verification from their life, works, and
contribution in order for them to become one. Hence until now, due to the preciseness and fairness of
the process we still don't have our very own national hero that is proclaimed by the government.
5. The Philippines is home to many ethno-linguistic nations.
Given this, how can we have that one Filipino national identity?
Philippines is indeed an ethnolinguistic country since it has almost 110 ethno-linguistic groups as well as
over 120 different spoken languages. But how can we have one Filipino national Identity? In this aspect,
we can trace back and relate among one notable person in the history no other than Rizal. Rizal was
known to have a mixed lineage of Malayan blood, Chinese ancestry, and Spanish Lineage but he fight
not so much for Ethno-cultural aspect but for the common good of the people in the Philippines to free
us from the hands of the Spaniards. This we can reflect that no matter your family background or history
is, we are driven of the common goal and purposes, empowered with the notion of freedom and
independence, we are united as one race or culture, which is a Filipino. We have our common
characteristics like being hospitable, common indigenous ancestry, one geographical location, and one
National Language.

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