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Philosophy- “Love for wisdom”

Philosophically, discussion of the self is a basic search for meaning and purpose in life.
Inability to define oneself leads to a lot of contradiction in life

SOCRATES: An unexamined life is not worth living

-know thyself
-answer always subjective

PLATO: The Soul is Immortal

- The republic
-Theory of Human Nature – The Tripartite Structure of the Soul.

Appetite Soul- needs and wants that are to be satisfied (physical urges)
Spirited (will )Soul- courageous part of the person; one who wants to do something or
right the wrongs
Rational (reason) Soul- “the conscious mind”; decides, plans, and thinks.

ARISTOTLE: The Soul is the Essence of the Self

ST. AUGUSTINE: I am Doubting, Therefore I

-original sin
-the big picture event
-the free will defense
-Augustine believed one could not achieve inner peace without finding God's love.

RENE DESCARTES: I Think Therefore I am

-father of modern philosophy
-cigito ergu sum or i think before i am
-Dualism; mind and body

JOHN LOCKE: The Self is Consciousness

-Father of Liberalism
-Locke posits an “empty” mind, a tabula rasa

DAVID HUME: There is no Self

-This is an irony because, he espoused three (3) notable contention in philosophy; empiricism,
skepticism and naturalism.
-Empiricism asserts that knowledge is only attained through the senses.
-Immanuel Kant subscribe to the idea of metaphysics,
-Rationalism is the theory that reason, rather than experience, is the foundation of all knowledge.
Humans have both an inner and an outer self which unify to give us consciousness.
The inner self is comprised of our psychological state and our rational intellect.
The outer self includes our sense and the physical world
IMMANUEL KANT: We Construct the Self
-Immanuel Kant subscribe to the idea of metaphysics,
-Rationalism is the theory that reason, rather than experience, is the foundation of all
Humans have both an inner and an outer self which unify to give us consciousness.

The inner self is comprised of our psychological state and our rational intellect.
The outer self includes our sense and the physical world

Apperception is how we mentally assimilate new ideas into old ones. Occurring through rational
reasoning, it’s how we make sense of new things.
Representations are the immediate objects of our awareness.

GILBERT RYLE: The Self is the Way People Behave

-The ghost in the machine means the consciousness or mind carried in a physical entity.
-He believed that human consciousness and mind are very dependent on the human brain

PAUL CHURCHLAND: The Self is the Brain

-The main philosophy of Churchland is predicated on “eliminative materialism”
-The “self” is defined by the movements of the brain.

MAURICE MERLEAU-PONTY: The Self is Embodied Subjectivity

-The main articulation of the self-philosophy of Merleau-Ponty is existentialism

Phenomenology of Perception:
The Body
The Perceived World
People in the World


Is the study of how human society is established, its structure and how it works, the people’s
interaction with each other and the effects they have to one another.

George H. mead and the social self

-Is an American sociologist, he is considered as the father of American Pragmatism

The term looking glass self was created by American sociologist Charles Horton Cooley in 1902

-Charles cooley
I am not what I think I am,
I am not what you think I am.
I am what I think you think I am.

four main subdisciplines or subfields namely;


Cultural Anthropology-is the study of human society and culture which describes, analyses,
interprets and explain social and cultural similarities and differences.I
Archaeological Anthropology-This type of anthropology reconstructs, describes, and
interprets, human behaviour and cultural patterns through material remains.
Biological or Physical Anthropology-This focuses on the special interest, human evolution,
as revealed by the fossil, human genetics, human growth, and development.
Linguistic Anthropology-This studies languages in its social and cultural context across
space and over time.

The self embedded in the culture

Psychological Perspective of the
The scientific study of human behavior

James also give sub-categories of self:

“The Material Self”
“The Social Self”.
“The Spiritual Self

TRUE SELF – instinctual and spontaneous.

FAKE SELF – hideous and pretentious.

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