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Test of Understanding the Application of Management

Only answer this activity after reading Chapter 2. Please read, follow instructions and answer comprehensively.



Below is a list of performance problems commonly found among many hotels and food
establishments. These problems usually result from mismanagement- a deficiency in executing
one or a combination of management functions of planning, organizing, training,
leading/monitoring and controlling. Analyze each problem carefully and indicate the
management deficiency where one could attribute the occurrence of said problems, using the
code below. Defend your answer. Correct choice of code will get 1 point and 2 points for
reasons given.

P if deficiency in planning
O organizing deficiency
LM leading & monitoring deficiency
C deficiency in the controlling function
T inability to train and develop staff

No. Cause/s Situation Give reasons and elaborate.

1. Rampant violation of standard operating Make it easy to replicate processes across
procedures your organization.
2. Consumption is beyond the limits of the Budgeting exercise can be at times a very-
budget consuming exercise. It involves extra
manpower to get the estimates as accurate as
3. Duplication of tasks, leading to buck-passing If you aspire to be a leader,you have to
accept that you are the buck stops. If you’re
not prepared to take responsibility and be
accountable, look for another role.
4. Personnel working on a hit and miss basis,Techniques on a consistent basis or working
making costly on a specific safety-related habit.
5. Manager is unaware that his unit Employees taking personal time out of the
Is making wasteful consumption working day can be a big issue for some
6. No consistency in the quality of We have on a regular basis have purchased
food food but it is now getting to the point that we
may consider going there because of the food
7. A lot of reports related to Misconduct They have a chance to loss their job because
of their some misconduct reports.
8. Inaccurate and incomplete This kind of reports are not completed and
reports some of reports are mistaken.
9. Waiters use wrong procedures Not being able to recommend meals
10. Inspection is undertaken but the deviations Inspection checklist is simple and essay to use
are left unnoticed but contains all
11. The cook follows his own recipe To make her own recipes that’s why he did
not follow the procedures.
12. No profit despite the high patronage Most customers of the financial support from
customers or guests
13. Frequent Absenteeism and tardiness Employees who show up to work regularly
and on time feel frustrated that chronically
late or absent employee is giving them an
increased workload by forcing them to fill in.
14. Discrepancies in cash transactions Most often the difference between the cash
book and the bank pass-book is due to the
difference in the time period
15. Unaccounted losses and pilferage The difference between a community water
system’s billing records to volumes of water
distributed and production records for
volumes of water treated.

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