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DarmaHenw. integrated mining services MEMO Kepada/To: Head of Project, © AITHOD HR Site Dari/Fro1 HRD Prita Widita Directorate/Division/Departmen M-012/PTDH/HR/V/2021 ce: All Chief Functions Order. Perihal/Subject: ‘Aturan Sanksi Tidak Mengikuti Perintah Pelatihan / Rules of Sanction on Refusing to Follow Training Tanggal/Date: 03 Mei 2021 © Mendesak/Urgent Osegera/immediately 1 Normal Dengan Hormat, Dalam rangka menurunkan kejadian insiden dan memberi pedoman serta penegakan aturan pemberian sanksi terkait kehadiran mengikuti —pelatihan, dengan ini menyampatkan aturan-aturan yang wajib ditaati oleh setiap pekerja dan atasannya: L._Setiap pekerja wajib mengikuti pelatinan yang diminta oleh perusehaan khususnya pelatihan yang bersifat mandatory. 2. HR site akan menginformasikan jadwal pelatinan 3 (tiga) hari sebelum Pelaksanaan kepada pekerja_calon peserta pelatihan dan kepada atasan. Dalam hal atasan tidak mengizinkan karena alasan operasional, maka wajib memberikan justifikasi dan menginformasikan jadwal ulang atas pekerja tersebut. 3. Pekerja yang tidak menjalankan perintah sebagaimana yang disebutkan pada poin 1 diatas, maka kepada pekerja tersebut dikenakan sanksi sesuai_ketentuan perusahaan, Dasar hukum dan sanksi terkait memo ini mengacu pada: 1. Peraturan Perusahaan Pasal S7 ayat 3 angka 25. In order to reduce the incidence and provide guidelines and enforcement of rules for imposing sanctions of employee related to attendance at training, hereby convey the rules that must be obeyed by every employee and their superiors: 1. Every employee is obliged to attend training requested by the company, ‘especially training that is mandatory. 2. The HR site will inform the training schedule 3 (three) days prior to implementation to prospective trainee employees and to their superiors. In the event that the superior does not allow for operational reasons, then it is obligatory to provide justification and inform the rescheduling of the employee. 3. Employees who do not carry out the orders as mentioned in point 1 above will be subject to sanctions according to ‘company regulations. The legal basis and sanctions associated with this memo refer to: 1. Company — Regulations paragraph 3 number 25. Article 57 DarmaHenwa 2. Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Pasal 63 bagian B ketidakpatuhan angka 3. Adapun aturan karena tidak mengikuti pelatihan tersebut sebagai berikut: 2. Collective Bargaining Agreement Article 63 part B non-compliance point 3. The rules for not participating in the training are as follows: Ketidakhadiran Sanksi ‘Absence Sanctions kali SPL time SPL 2 kali sP2 2times $2 3 kal $P3 3 times $3 Melanggar disaat | PHK Breaking when | Work Termination $03 $3 Atasan yang tidak memberikan iin Superiors who do not give their bawahannya untuk mengikuti pelatihan subordinates permission to participate in ‘tanpa alasan yang dapat diterima/sesual akan diberikan sanksi_ mengikuti sanksi yang seharusnya diterima bawahan yang tidak menghadiri pelatihan, Dalam hal pemberian sanksi, mengikuti ketentuan berikut: 1. SP1 dan SP2 akan diberikan oleh atasan langsung berdasarkan data kehadiran pelatihan yang disampaikan oleh HR site 2. SP3 dan PHK akan diberikan oleh HR Site Demikian memo ini kami sampaikan untuk dapat dilaksanakan sebagaimana mestinya, Terima kasih atas kerjasamanya. PT. Darma Henwa Tbk. y Prita Widita Head of Human Resources Thus, implemented properly. Thank you for your cooperation. Thank you for your support and cooperation. training without an acceptable / appropriate reason will be given sanctions following the sanctions that should be received by subordinates who do not attend the training. In the case of imposing sanctions, follow the following conditions: 1, SPi and SP2 will be given by the direct, Superior based on the training attendance data submitted by the HR site. 2. SP3 and work termination will be given by the HR Site we submit this memo to be LAMPIRAN. ATTACHEMENT Berikut daftar training mandatory terkait basic The following is a list of mandatory training safety yang disesuaikan kembali dengan related to basic safety that is adjusted to the kebijakan masing-masing klien. Training ini _policies of each client. List of training base on berdasarkan jabatan dan posisi position and job. 1_| Safety Awareness standard SMK3,ISO 45001,SMKI 2_| Basic Fire Fighting 3 _| Basic First Aid 4 _| IBPR (Identifikasi Bahaya Potensi Resiko) 5 _| Basic Investigation & Lost Control 6 7 8 9 DEWA PORTAL Awareness Electric Awareness/LOTOTO Fire Prevention Program / Fire Prevention Element Geotechnical Awareness 10_| Hazard Identification & Hazard Report 11_| HSE General Induction 12_| Human Element/Fatigue 13 | Audit Technic and Safety Inspection 14_[JSEA 15_| Water Rescue 16__| Manual Handiing/Lifting 17_| Mine Traffic Rules 18_| Confine Space 19 | Personal Hygiene 20_| Prima Nirbhaya Advanced Safety Audit/Dewasa 21_| Traffic Management 22_| Hydrocarbon and Waste Management Awareness 23_| Conduction Safety Talk 24 | Working at Height Awareness Catatan/Note: Daftar data pelatihan terlampir dapat bertambah/berubah sesuai kebutuhan perusahaan yang akan diinformasikan leih lanjut oleh perwakilan HR Site masing-masing. The list of training as attached could be add/changed according to the Company needs and will be further informed by HR Site Representative.

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