Biochem, PLSS

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This question paper contains 4 printed pages.

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SL No. of Ques. Paper: 6743 HC

Unique Paper Gode 32231402

Name of Paper Animal Physiology: Life
Sustaining Systems
Name of Course B.Sc. (Hons.) Zoology
Semester :IV
Duration 3 hours
Maximum Marks :75

(Write your Roll No. on the top immediately

on receipt of this question paper)

Attempt five questions in allL

Question No. 1 is compulsory.
Draw suitable welllabelled
diagrams wherever necessary

1. (a) Define the terms given below:

(i) Compliance
(iii) Stroke volume

(iv) Ultrafiltration

Portal triad. 5
(b) Differentiate between:

(i) Granulocytes and Agranulocytes

(ii) PCT and DCT

(iii) Acidosis and Alkalosis

P. T. O.
6743 3 67413
Auerbach's and Meissner's Nerve Plexus 8
(iv) (0Writesignificance of the following:
the following:
(c) Expand (i) Biconcave shape of erythrocytes
) ANP (i) Long refractory period in cardiac muscle
(ii) GIP ii) Presence of submucosal glands in the
duodenum. 3
(ii) GBHP
(iv) PCV
Discuss in detail the countercurrent mechanism
2. (a)
d Write the location and function of the following: and its importance. 9
) Papillary muscle Add the pressures responsible for
(b) a note on
glomerular filtration. 3
(ii) Podocytes
(ii) Paneth cells that
3. (a) What is cardiac output? Explain the factors
(iv) Carotid bodies regulate the stroke volume. 9
(b) Comment on coronary circulation of the heart. 3
(e) State true or flase:
Dissociation shifts to the right when Describe the extrinsic and intrinsic pathway of
(i) curve 4. (a)
hydrogen ion concentration increases in blood clotting. 9
blood. 3
(b) Comment on the fibrinolytic systemn.
(i) Atrial systole is followed by isovolumetric
contraction phase in the cardiac cycle. 5. Discuss in detail different phases of digestion. 9
(i) During normal breathing the (b) Draw a well labelled diagram of oesophagus
between the two pleural layers (intrapleural showing histological details. 3
pressure) is subatmospheric.
(V) Aldosterone converts angiotensinogen 6. (a) Explain the mechanism of gas exchange in
angiotensin I. respiration. 6
(V) Phrenic neves innervate the diaphragm. (b) Writea note on the neural control of respiration.
vasoconstrictor. 6
(VI) Nitric oxide acts as a
P: T. O.
7. Write short notes on any three of the following:

(a) Spirogram
(b) Structure of Liver
(c) ECG

(d) Regulation of blood pressure

(e) Juxtaglomerular apparatus. 4,4,4

This question paper contains 4 printed pages
Your Roll No. ..
S1. No. of Ques. Paper : 6744 IIC

Unique Paper Code 32231403

Name of Paper Biochemistry of Metabolic
Name of Course B.Sc. (Hons.) Zoology
Semester :IV

Duration :3 hourss
Maximum Marks :75

(Write your Roll No. on the top immediately

on receipt of this question paper)

Attempt five questions in all.

Question No. 1 is compulsory.
Structures to be given in all pathways.

1. (a) Define:

(i) Glycogenin
(ii) Ketonemia
(ii) Amphibolic Pathway
(iv) Uricotelic Organismns
(v) Cytochromes. 1x5=5

(b) Differentiate between:

(i) Thioesterase and Thiolase

(i) Anabolism and Catabolism

(ii) Glucogenic and Ketogenic amino acid

(iv) B oxidation and w oxidation

P. T. O.
2 6744
and Glucokinase. 2x5 10 of
Hexokinase 2. (a) Elucidate the mctabolic pathway bionynthesis9
of Palmitic acid.
(c) Name
amino acid that is (b) What is the importance of Fatty Acid Synthase
(i) A three carbon 3
metabolized to pyruvate (FAS) multienzyme complex?
of Acyl CoA into the
(ii) Transporter 3. (a) Give a detailed account of ketngenesis in líver.
mitochondrial matrixx
Glyceral to (h) What role do dehydrogenases play in the
(ii) Enzyme that converts
oxidation of fatty acid?
in Glycolysis.
(iv) Any one rate limiting step 4. (a) Describe the reactions of Citric Acid Cycle.
rate limiting reactions
(b) Give a brief account of the
Write the importance of the following Calculate the energy yield per
(d) of glycolysis. 4
molecule of glucose oxidised.
(i) Thiamine Pyrophosphate
(ii) Acyl Carrier Protein
Describe the process of Glycogenolysis and give
5. (a)
(ii) Pyruvate Carborylase 9
its importance.
(iv) Oxaloacetate to comvert fatty acids into
animals unable
(b) Why are 3
(v)NADPH. glucose?
(e) Expand the following: of Pentose
Explain the
Oxidative phase
6. (a)
(i) FAD
Phosphate pathway.
inhibitors or
(i) Tyr Mention the importance of
(b) Chain. 6
(ii) PDH Electron Transport
uncouplers of
(iv) PLP
notes on the following: (Any three)
(v) DHAP 7. Write short
(vi) AMP 1/2x6=3 (a) Gluconeogenesis
6744 4

(b) Glycerol Phosphate Shuttle

(c) Chemiosmotic Hypothesis

(e) Role of Carnitin. 4x3=122

Sr. No. of
question paper S843 Roll No.

Unique paper code :223403

Name of the paper BIOCHEMISTRY

Name of the course B.Sc. (HONS.) ZOOLOGY

Semester :IV

Maximum Marks :75

Time :3 Hours

(Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.)

This paper contains seven questions.

Answer five questions in all.

Question No.l is compulsory.

Write structural formulae where specified.

Q.1.(a) Define the foliowing: 4)

() Holoenzyme
(ii) Zwitter ion
Gii) Ketosis Oxidate phs«plasuate
iv) Allosteric site

b) Differentiate between the following: (10)

) Glucokinase and hexokinase
(i) Transamination and deamination
(iii) Ketogenic and gBucogenic amino acids
(iv) Glycosidic and peptide bond
(v) Starch and Cellulose
of the following:
(c) Give the structure
(1) AC-16 saturated fatty acid (4)
) A 3C amino acid which is the precursor in gluconeogenesis

and fructose
(ii) A disachharide composed of glucose
iv) A dicarboxylic intermediate ofTCA cycle

(d) Expand the following:

) DHAP 3)
(i) FAD

(i) PDH
(iv) FMN

(v) c-AMP
(vi) TPP

(e) Give the major contribution of the following scientists:

) Hans Krebs
i) Luis Leloir

(Fill in the blanks

(i) Name the enzyme which
catalyzes the conversion of:
Glycogen Glucose-1-Phosphate.
Gi) Glucose 6-phosphatase is
_in the muscle.
ii) Pyridoxal phosphate is a carrier
of an group.
(iv) is the primer required during glycogen synthesis.

.2. (a) Elucidate the

Michaelis-Menten kinetics for a one enzyme-one substrate rea
(6) Explain the function of
transaminases in the catabolism of amino aciu
Support your answer with suitable (4)
Q3. (a) Explain the (6)
-oxidation pathway of palmitic acid.
( Discuss the Embden Meyerhof (6)
pathway for carbohydrate lism.

Q.4.(a) Enumerate various fates (5)

of glucose in the living system.
6) Describe secondary and
tertiary structures of the proteins. O ent-
upon the factors involved in stabilizing these structures. (7)

Q.5. (a) With the help of structural formulae, Describe the citric acid cycle use.structural.
formulae). How is it regulated in the body (7)
(b) Comment upon the statement, "Gluconeogenesis is not a reversal of glycolysis",

Support your answer with suitable chemical reactions (5)

Q6. (a) Describe the urea cycle, represent chemical reactions with structures and

enzymes only. (9)

(b) Briefly explain the malate-aspartate shuttle. 3)

Q.7. Write short notes on any three ofthe following: (3X4 12)
() Cori cyole
(i) Allosteric inhibition
(i) Ketogenesis
iv) Glycogenolysis

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