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Class 11 - English Core

Sample Paper 04

Maximum Marks: 40
Time Allowed: 90 minutes

General Instructions:

1. The Question Paper contains THREE sections.

2. Section A-READING has 18 questions. Attempt a total of 14 questions, as per specific instructions for each
3. Section B-WRITING SKILLS has 16 questions. Attempt a total of 12 questions, as per specific instructions for
each question.
4. Section C-LITERATURE has 28 questions. Attempt 26 questions, as per specific instructions for each
5. All questions carry equal marks.
6. There is no negative marking.


Question No. 1 to 10 are based on the given text. Read the text carefully and answer the
1. The role friends play in our lives has become significantly greater at any other time in our history.
Today many of us live and work great distances from where we were born or grow up & are
separated from our original families. The pain we feel when we are away from our families can be
2. The happiness of the individual relies on friendships that form a necessary human connection. It is
perfectly normal to need and want friends and depression is more prevalent among those who lack
friends. They lack the intimacy and richness friends can bring into our lives. Frequently friends
reflect similar values to us. Yet these values are often different from the ones we grew up with;
they are the values we created for ourselves in our adult lives.
3. Communication skills are fundamental in all friendships. The more friends and acquaintances one
has, the greater are one’s communication skills. Some call these, people skills.
4. Like watering a plant, we grow our friendships (and all our relationships) by nurturing them.
Friendships need the same attention as other relationships if they are to continue. These
relationships can be delightfully non-judgmental, supportive, understanding, and fun.
5. Sometimes a friendship can bring out the positive side that you never show in any other
relationship. This may be because the pressure of playing a 'role' (daughter, partner, or child) is
removed. With a friend, you are to be yourself and free to change. Of course, you are free to do this
in all other relationships as well but in friendships, you get to have lots of rehearsals and
discussion about changes as you experience them. It is an unconditional experience where you
receive as much as you give. You can explain yourself to a friend openly without the fear of hurting
a family member. How do friendships grow? The answer is simple. By revealing yourself; being
attentive; remembering what is most important to your friend and asking them about it; put
yourself in their position; showing empathy; seeing the world through the eyes of your friend, you

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will understand the value of friendship. All this means learning to accept a person from a
completely different family to your own or perhaps someone from a completely different cultural
background. This is why we have learned tolerance. In turn, we gain tolerance and acceptance for
our own differences.
6. Friendships are made by being considerate which means all the communication skills come into
play: active listening skills, questioning skills, negotiation skills, reflecting content skills, reflecting
emotion skills, and editing yourself.
7. Friendships offer a great opportunity to learn about yourself because a friend can reflect back to
you ‘how you come across in the world’. They also allow you to practice skills in dealing with
'personal boundaries' by looking after yourself as well as your friend. They help you develop
resilience in relation to the wider society that would beyond your family.
1. Who do friends play a more significant role today than ever before?
a. People are distanced from families
b. Pain caused by separation from families can be cured by friends
c. Having friends is the only way to go ahead in life
d. In the modern world, people need someone to talk to
2. Why friendship is considered an essential human need?
a. Friends bring in the intimacy and richness of values in life
b. The happiness of individuals rely on their friendships
c. Depression is more prevalent among people with fewer friends
d. All of these
3. How is friendship different from other relationships?
a. Non-Judgmental relationships
b. More or less similar to other relationships
c. We need to nurture it a lot more than other relationships
d. Need more attention to continue
4. Mention an essential human value that helps friendship to grow.
a. Remembering things about friends and their lives
b. Accepting differences and willing to change them
c. Being empathetic and attentive to their needs
d. Understanding common family values
5. Which communication skills help in building friendships?
a. Reflecting emotion
b. Active listening skills
c. Negotiation skills
d. All of these
6. Friendships offer a great opportunity to ________.
a. See your own reflection
b. Learn not only about self but for others
c. Become less dependent on others
d. All of these
7. Friendships bring out a positive side of you as ________.
a. You need not change as per the society
b. The pressure of playing a companion’s role is removed
c. You are free to change and be your real self
d. You are yourself and can be stubborn
8. How do we gain tolerance in our lives?

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a. By accepting people’s differences

b. By being friend’s with people of different cultural backgrounds
c. By realizing self-worth
d. By being friendly to other people
9. Find the antonym of "distance" in paragraph 5
a. Tolerance
b. Background
c. rehearsal
d. Empathy
10. Find the synonym of "genuine" in paragraph 1
a. Friends
b. Family
c. Original
d. Significance

Question No. 11 to 18 are based on the given text. Read the text carefully and answer the

Land-use Changes in India

Land-use in a region, to a large extent, is influenced by the nature of economic activities carried out in
that region. However, while economic activities change over time, land, like many other natural
resources, is fixed in terms of its area. At this stage, one needs to appreciate three types of changes that
an economy undergoes, which affect land-use.

i. The size of the economy (measured in terms of value for all the goods and services produced in the
economy) grows over time as a result of increasing population, change in income levels, available
technology and associated factors. As a result, the pressure on land will increase with time and
marginal lands would come underuse.
ii. Secondly, the composition of the economy would undergo a change over time. In other words, the
secondary and the tertiary sectors usually grow much faster than the primary sector, specifically
the agricultural sector. This type of change is common in developing countries, like India. This
process would result in a gradual shift of land from agricultural uses to non-agricultural uses. You
would observe that such changes are sharp around large urban areas. The agricultural land is
being used for building purposes.
iii. Thirdly, though the contribution of the agricultural activities reduces over time, the pressure on
land for agricultural activities does not decline. The reasons for continued pressure on agricultural
land are:
a. In developing countries, the share of population dependent on agriculture usually declines
much more slowly compared to the decline in the sector’s share in GDP.
b. The number of people that the agricultural sector has to feed is increasing day by day.

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India has undergone major changes within the economy over the past four or five decades, and this has
influenced the land-use changes in the country. There are two points that you need to remember
before you derive some meaning from this figure. Firstly, the percentages shown in the figure have
been derived with respect to the reporting area. Secondly, since even the reporting area has been
relatively constant over the years, a decline in one category usually leads to an increase in some other
category. Four categories have undergone increases, while four have registered declines. Share of the
area under forest, the area under non-agricultural uses, current fallow lands and net area is sown have
shown an increase. The following observations can be made about these increases:

i. The rate of increase is the highest in the case of areas under non-agricultural use. This is due to the
changing structure of the Indian economy, which is increasingly dependent on the contribution
from industrial and services sectors and the expansion of related infrastructural facilities. Also, an
expansion of area under both urban and rural settlements has added to the increase. Thus, the
area under non-agricultural uses is increasing at the expense of wastelands and agricultural land.
ii. The increase in the share under forest, as explained before, can be accounted for by the increase in
the demarcated area under forest rather than an actual increase in the forest cover in the country.
iii. The increase in the current fallow cannot be explained from information pertaining to only two
points. The trend of current fallow fluctuates a great deal over years, depending on the variability
of rainfall and cropping cycles.
iv. The increase in net area sown is a recent phenomenon due to the use of culturable wasteland for
agricultural purposes. Before which it was registering a slow decrease. There are indications that
most of the decline had occurred due to the increases in area under nonagricultural use.
11. What happens to the size of the economy over a period of time usually?
a. It decreases
b. It vanishes
c. It remains constant
d. It increases
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12. What factors lead to an increase in the size of the economy?
a. All of these
b. Increasing population
c. Available technology
d. Change in income levels
13. How does the composition of the economy in developing nations undergo a change?
a. The secondary and tertiary sectors usually grow much faster than the primary sector
b. The secondary and tertiary sectors grow slower than the primary sector

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c. The secondary, tertiary, and primary sectors grow at a similar pace

d. All of these
14. On what factor does the land-use in a region depend upon to a large extent?
a. On the topography of that region
b. Nature of economic activities carried out in that region
c. Nature of the working population in that region
d. On the size of the population of that region
15. Land ________ in terms of its area over a period of time.
a. becomes invisible
b. diminishes
c. increases
d. is fixed
16. On what factor does the land use depend upon?
a. The pressure on land for agricultural activities
b. The composition of the economy
c. The size of the economy
d. All of these
17. What is the economic status of India?
a. Underdeveloped
b. Developed
c. Developing
d. Superpower
18. What is the proportion of land occupied by forests in the year 1950-51 and 2014-15?

a. Option (D)
b. Option (C)
c. Option (B)
d. Option (A)
WRITING (Short Writing)

Question No. 19 to 22 are based on the given text. Read the text carefully and answer the

The secretary of the Janata Group Housing Society, Palam Vihar, Kurnool , has to write a notice about
the suspension of the water supply. It will be suspended for eight hours (10 am to 6 pm) on the 6th of
March for cleaning of the water tank.

19. Select the appropriate conclusion for this notice.

1. Stay informed
2. Collaboration solicited
3. Stay prepared
4. Inconvenience regretted

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a. Option (iii)
b. Option (i)
c. Option (iv)
d. Option (ii)
20. Would this notice reflect the name of the Janata Group Housing Society?
a. No, because the title makes it clear.
b. Yes, because it makes it informal.
c. Yes, because it is the issuing body.
d. No, because it is understood through the signature.
21. Points that must be written on the notice
a. Reason for water suspension
b. all of these
c. Date of water suspension
d. Duration of water suspension
22. Choose the point which the secretary will advise his notice:
a. to store water for a day
b. all of these
c. to curb water consumption
d. to check water supply
WRITING (Long Writing)

Question No. 23 to 28 are based on the given text. Read the text carefully and answer the

You are writing a letter to the textbooks in charge of NCERT, New Delhi. You are Advik/Ayesha and are
complaining about the non-availability of textbooks even one month after the beginning of the new

23. How will you write the subscription of your letter?

a. Yours truly/Sincerely
b. None of these
c. Your truly/Sincerely
d. You truly/Sincerely
24. How to end the main body of your letter?
a. By discussing weather
b. None of these
c. By telling the recipient what he should be doing next
d. By showing love/regard
25. What will be the accurate representation to show the purpose of your letter?
a. Subject (formal notice)
b. Announcement (formal notice)
c. Attention (formal notice)
d. Please note (formal notice)
26. Your letter should be ________ to have the desired effect on the recipient.
a. relevant
b. all of these
c. in proper format

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d. grammatically correct
27. The key point of your letter will be written in which part?
a. Intro
b. Subject
c. Body
d. Heading
28. What would you write in the opening part of your letter?
a. Asking about syllabus
b. None of these
c. Informing about the purpose of the writing letter
d. Asking about the examination pattern
29. Choose the correct order:
Work is the one thing
A. and without it
B. that is necessary
C. to keep the world going
D. we all should die
30. Rearranging the words in meaningful sentence:
a. His wife entered the room he stood up whenever.
b. He stood up whenever the room entered his wife.
c. He stood up whenever his wife entered the room
d. He stood up his wife entered the room whenever.
31. Choose the correct determiner:
My friend lived on ________ first floor of ________ recently renovated old house on ________ river Beas.
a. a, a, the
b. the, the, a
c. a, the, a
d. the, a, the
32. Choose the correct determiner:
Game hunting was ________ favourite pastime of the officers of ________ British Raj. This resulted in
decrease in the number of animals in ________ wild.
a. a, the, a
b. the, the, the
c. a, a, the
d. a, the, the
33. Choose the correct tense:
The Prime Minister ________ on a three-day tour of the south-east Asian countries on Monday.
a. was left
b. will leave
c. will leaves
d. will left

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34. Choose the correct tense:

A team ________ from Berkley to study the problem.
a. was arrived
b. will arrive
c. is arrive
d. will arrived

Question No. 35 to 39 are based on the given text. Read the text carefully and answer the

She hobbled about the house in spotless white with one hand resting on her waist to balance her stoop
and the other telling the beads of her rosary. Her silver locks were scattered untidily over her pale,
puckered face, and her lips constantly moved in inaudible prayer. Yes, she was beautiful. She was like
the winter landscape in the mountains, an expanse of pure white serenity breathing peace and

35. Here, the word hobbled means:

a. ran
b. relax
c. slowly
d. move
36. Beads of rosary are helping her:
a. to remember her prayers
b. to note down her prayers
c. to attain peace
d. to say her prayers
37. How did the grandmother appear like the winter landscape in the mountains?
a. Because she has silver locks.
b. Because she always wore white dress.
c. Because she was beautiful.
d. Because she had a divine beauty.
38. Who hobbled about the house in spotless white?
a. Author's mother
b. a Ghost
c. Author's grandmother
d. Author
39. What could be the possible antonym of the word pucker used in the above passage?
a. cockle
b. Crinckle
c. Flatten
d. Wrinkle

Question No. 40 to 44 are based on the given text. Read the text carefully and answer the

The cardboard shows me how it was

When the two girl cousins went paddling,

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Each one holding one of my mother's hands,

And she the big girl - some twelve years or so.

40. What does the cardboard refer to here?

a. A sketch
b. A diary entry
c. A photograph
d. A card
41. It here refers to:
a. the relationship between the poet and her mother
b. the poet's mother's childhood
c. the beach holiday
d. the poet's childhood
42. The rhyming scheme of the given lines is:
a. abca
b. no rhyme
c. abba
d. abaab
43. What does the cardboard show to the poetess?
a. Her mother's childhood picture
b. Her mother's portrait
c. A sad memory of her mother
d. Her childhood picture
44. What does the word paddling refers to as used in the above stanza?
a. Walking through shallow water in bare feet
b. A brisk walk
c. Walking along the pond
d. Walking through river with bare feet

Question No. 45 to 49 are based on the given text. Read the text carefully and answer the

I was home for a few days and it struck me immediately that something or other about the rooms had
changed. I missed various things. My mother was surprised I should have noticed so quickly. Then she
told me about Mrs. Dorling. I had never heard of her but apparently, she was an old acquaintance of
my mother, whom she hadn't seen for years. She had suddenly turned up and renewed their contact.
Since, then she had come regularly

45. Which of the following aspects was noticed by the narrator?

a. Didn't witness anything different.
b. Her mother was surprised.
c. Room has changed with different items.
d. Various things were missing.
46. The mother of the author was surprised because:
a. her daughter quickly noticed the changes in the house.
b. her daughter has changed completely.
c. her daughter was upset.
d. her daughter did not inform about her visit.

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47. Which of the following is incorrect about Mrs. Dorling?
a. She was an old acquaintance of author's mother.
b. She was a nice lady.
c. She suddenly renewed contact.
d. She was not seen by author's mother for many years.
48. Since then she had come regularly. Who is referred as she in the passage?
a. Mrs. Dorling
b. Mrs. Dorling's Daughter
c. Author's cousin
d. Author's mother
49. What does the word Acquaintance used in the passage mean?
a. a person that you know but who is not a close friend
b. A morose person
c. A person who looks pale
d. a person that you know and who is a close friend

Question No. 50 to 54 are based on the given text. Read the text carefully and answer the

You sent for me? He asked as he came in and sat on a chair. Ratna stood at a distance, her head
lowered. Ranga repeatedly glanced at her. Once, our eyes met, and he looked very embarrassed. No
one spoke for a long while. "It was my coming in that stopped the singing. Let me leave." Words, mere
words! The fellow said he would leave but did not make a move. How can one expect words to match
actions in these days of Kaliyuga?

50. Here, the phrase sent for me means:

a. called me
b. ordered me
c. requested me
d. take me
51. Who among the following offered to leave the place?
a. Author
b. Ranga
c. Ratna
d. Rama Rao
52. When Ranga reached the narrator's house, Ratna was
a. dancing
b. cooking
c. singing
d. painting
53. Ranga was sent to which place for further studies?
a. Kerala
b. Delhi
c. Mumbai
d. Banglore

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54. The narrator describes Ratna as:

a. A pretty girl
b. A depressed girl
c. A morose girl
d. A girl who belongs to village
55. On which date did they reach the island of Ile Amsterdam, as mentioned in the prose We Are Not
Afraid To Die?
a. January 4
b. January 6
c. January 7
d. January 5
56. How many years ago did King Tut die?
a. A hundred years ago
b. Thirty-three hundred years ago
c. Twenty-two hundred years ago
d. Twelve hundred years ago
57. Describe the Chinese view of art?
a. The landscape is inner and spiritual
b. The landscape is real
c. The landscape is mesmerizing
d. The landscape is awful
58. How did the chicks react to the goldfinch's arrival on the laburnum tree?
a. They were full of energy
b. They started chirping
c. All of these
d. They flattered their wings
59. Why didn't the narrator pay much attention to things around while walking to the station? (The
a. The place was so ugly
b. Her surrounding was not attractive
c. She was least interested
d. She did not want to upset herself with the sight of streets
60. How old was Aram in the plot, The summer of the beautiful white horse​​?
a. Nine years
b. Twelve years
c. Seven years
d. Thirteen years

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Class 11 - English Core

Sample Paper 04


1. (b) Pain caused by separation from families can be cured by friends
Explanation: Pain caused by separation from families can be cured by friends
2. (d) All of these
Explanation: All of these
3. (a) Non-Judgmental relationships
Explanation: Non-Judgmental relationships
4. (c) Being empathetic and attentive to their needs
Explanation: Being empathetic and attentive to their needs
5. (b) Active listening skills
Explanation: Active listening skills
6. (a) See your own reflection
Explanation: See your own reflection
7. (c) You are free to change and be your real self
Explanation: You are free to change and be your real self
8. (a) By accepting people’s differences
Explanation: By accepting people’s differences
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9. (d) Empathy
Explanation: Empathy
10. (c) Original
Explanation: Original
11. (d) It increases
Explanation: It increases
12. (a) All of these
Explanation: All of these
13. (a) The secondary and tertiary sectors usually grow much faster than the primary sector
Explanation: The secondary and tertiary sectors usually grow much faster than the primary sector
14. (b) Nature of economic activities carried out in that region
Explanation: Nature of economic activities carried out in that region
15. (d) is fixed
Explanation: is fixed
16. (d) All of these
Explanation: All of these
17. (c) Developing
Explanation: Developing
18. (d) Option (A)
Explanation: Option (A)
WRITING (Short Writing)
19. (c) Option (iv)
Explanation: Option (iv)

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20. (c) Yes, because it is the issuing body.

Explanation: Yes, because it is the issuing body.
21. (b) all of these
Explanation: all of these
22. (a) to store water for a day
Explanation: to store water for a day
WRITING (Long Writing)
23. (a) Yours truly/Sincerely
Explanation: Yours truly/Sincerely
24. (c) By telling the recipient what he should be doing next
Explanation: By telling the recipient what he should be doing next
25. (a) Subject (formal notice)
Explanation: Subject (formal notice)
26. (b) all of these
Explanation: all of these
27. (c) Body
Explanation: Body
28. (c) Informing about the purpose of the writing letter
Explanation: Informing about the purpose of the writing letter
29. (a) BCAD
Explanation: Work is the one thing that is necessary to keep the world going and without it we all
should die.
30. (c) He stood up whenever his wife entered the room
Explanation: He stood up whenever his wife entered the room.
31. (d) the, a, the
Explanation: the, a, the
32. (d) a, the, the
Explanation: a, the, the
33. (b) will leave
Explanation: will leave
34. (b) will arrive
Explanation: will arrive
35. (d) move
Explanation: move
36. (d) to say her prayers
Explanation: to say her prayers
37. (d) Because she had a divine beauty.
Explanation: Because she had a divine beauty.
38. (c) Author's grandmother
Explanation: Author's grandmother
39. (c) Flatten
Explanation: Flatten
40. (c) A photograph
Explanation: A photograph
41. (b) the poet's mother's childhood

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Explanation: the poet's mother's childhood

42. (b) no rhyme
Explanation: no rhyme
43. (a) Her mother's childhood picture
Explanation: Her mother's childhood picture
44. (a) Walking through shallow water in bare feet
Explanation: Walking through shallow water in bare feet
45. (d) Various things were missing.
Explanation: Various things were missing.
46. (a) her daughter quickly noticed the changes in the house.
Explanation: her daughter quickly noticed the changes in the house.
47. (b) She was a nice lady.
Explanation: She was a nice lady.
48. (a) Mrs. Dorling
Explanation: Mrs. Dorling
49. (a) a person that you know but who is not a close friend
Explanation: a person that you know but who is not a close friend
50. (a) called me
Explanation: called me
51. (b) Ranga
Explanation: Ranga
52. (c) singing
Explanation: singing
53. (d) Banglore
Explanation: Banglore
54. (a) A pretty girl
Explanation: A pretty girl
55. (b) January 6
Explanation: On the morning of January 6, the wind had eased down and Gordon did some
calculations with which he hoped to reach the island of Ile Amsterdam. He instructed Larry to steer a
course of 185 degrees and to their relief, the crew reached the island by nightfall.
56. (b) Thirty-three hundred years ago
Explanation: King Tut died more than thirty-three hundred years ago.
57. (a) The landscape is inner and spiritual
Explanation: Chinese artist doesn't choose a single viewpoint. His landscape is not real and his art
requires the active participation of the viewer.
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58. (c) All of these
Explanation: The chicks were delighted to see the goldfinch. They were hungry as well as sad being far
from their mother. So, there was an abundance of noise when the goldfinch arrived.
59. (d) She did not want to upset herself with the sight of streets
Explanation: The place was full of memories from her former life. So, she did not pay much attention
to things, streets, and houses around her while walking to the station.
60. (a) Nine years
Explanation: Aram was a nine years old Armenian boy who had a staunch desire of riding a horse
which was fulfilled by his cousin Mourad.

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