FSC 1st Year Chemistry Chapter 3 Notes

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11th Class Chemistry Chapter No. 3

Q. Why high pressure and low temperature make gas non-ideal? “OR” Gases deviate from ideal
behaviour more significantly at high pressure. Why? “OR” Why do real gases deviate from the ideal
behaviour at low temperature and high pressure?
Ans. When the temperature of a gas is lowered, the average kinetic energy decreases and high-
pressure bring gas molecules close to each other, thus the attractive forces between the molecules
become significant so real gases deviate from the ideality at low temperature and high pressure.
Q. Lighter gases diffuse rapidly than heavier gases. Give reason.
Ans. Although the average kinetic energies of different gases are same at the same temperature, but
their molecular masses are different, so their velocities will also be different at the same
temperature. The lighter gas molecules would have greater velocities so they diffuse rapidly than
heavier gases.
Q. What is plasma state? Where plasma is found?
Ans. Plasma is often called the “Fourth state of matter”. It occurs only in lightning discharges and in
artificial devices like fluorescent lights, neon signs, etc. The ionized gas mixture, consisting of ions,
electron and neutral atoms is called plasma. Plasma is a distinct state of matter containing sufficient
number of electrical charges to affect its behaviour, electrical and magnetic properties. Entire
universe is almost of plasma. Plasma is found in everything from the sun to quarks. It is the stuff of
stars. Our sun is a 1.5-million-kilometer ball of plasma, heated by the nuclear fusion. On earth, it
occurs in lightning bolts, flames, auroras and fluorescent lights.
Q. Justify that the volume of a given gas becomes theoretically zero at -273 0C.
Ans. The quantitative definition of Charles’s law is “At constant temperature, the volume of a given
mass of a gas increases or decreases by 1/273 of its original volume at 00C for every 1 0C rise or fall
in temperature”.
According to this definition, if the volume of the gas at 0 0C is 273cm3. and temperature is decreased
by 10C i.e., Temperature is -1 0C, then volume of the gas decreases and new volume becomes 272
cm3 as follows
t 273+t
Vt = Vo (1 + 273) = Vo ( )
273−1 272
Vto c = 273 ( ) = 273 (273) = 273 × 0.9963369963 = 273cm3

Now if the temperature decreases to -273oC then new volume will become zero.

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Vt = Vo ( ) = 273(0) = 0 cm3

The volume of a gas would become theoretically zero.

When T = -273oC; then V−273o 𝐶 = Vo (1 − 273) = 0

Thus, the volume of a given mass of a gas becomes theoretically zero at -273oC.
Q. The plot of PV versus P is a straight line at constant temperature and with a fixed number of
moles of an ideal gas. Justify it. “OR” The product of pressure and volume of a gas at constant
temperature and number of moles is a constant quantity. Why?
Ans. According to Boyle’s law, when the temperature and number of moles of a gas are constant,
then the increase in pressure will decrease the volume in proportion to the increase in pressure, so
that the product of pressure and volume remains constant (PV = k) By doubling the pressure the
volume becomes half. Thus
P1 V1 = P2 V2 = P3 V3 = R (T and n are constant)
Q. What is absolute Zero? What happens to real gas while approaching it?
Ans. The hypothetical temperature at which the volume of a gas would become zero is called absolute
zero, and is taken as the zero point on the Kelvin scale temperature (Zero Kelvin = -273.160 C). This
temperature, -273.16 is never achieved because all gases liquefy or solidify before reaching this
temperature. Thus, real gases will liquefy or solidify while approaching absolute zero. For routine
calculations, the value of absolute zero is taken as -2730C.
Q. At higher altitudes, the pilots feel uncomfortable breathings. Why?
Ans. At higher altitudes, the pilots feel uncomfortable breathings because the partial pressure of
oxygen in the unpressurized cabin is low as compare to 159 torr, where one feels comfortable
Q. Define critical temperature and critical pressure.
Ans. Critical temperature:
“The highest temperature at which a substance can exist as a liquid, is called its critical
temperature”. It is denoted by TC
Critical Pressure:
The minimum pressure which is required to liquefy a gas at its critical temperature is called its
critical pressure. It is denoted by PC.
Q. Give two causes for deviation of gases from ideality.
Ans. The deviation of real gases from ideality is due to the following two faulty assumptions.

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1. The actual volume of gas molecules is negligible as compared to the volume of the vessel.
2. There is no forces of attraction among the molecules of a gas.
However real gas molecules have finite volumes, and they attract one another.
Q. State Dalton’s law of partial pressure.
Ans. It can be defined as “The total pressure exerted by a mixture of non-reacting gases is equal to
sum of their individual partial pressures”.
Let we have three gases as 1, 2, 3 and their partial pressures are P1 , P2 , P3. The total pressure (P) of
the mixtures of gases is given by
Pt = P1 + P2 + P3
Q. 280 cm3 of H2 gas and 280 cm3 of CO2 gas at STP contain equal number of molecules. Why?
According to Avogadro’s law “Equal volume of all the ideal gases at same temperature and pressure
contain equal number of molecules”. Since both H2 and CO2 have equal volume at STP, so they will
also have equal number of molecules.
Q. Calculate the SI units of R? “OR” Derive the units for general gas constant (R) in general gas
(a) When the pressure is in atmosphere and volume in dm3.
(b) When the pressure is in N/m2 and volume in m3.
(c) When energy is expressed in ergs.
Ans. The unit of R can be calculated by Avogadro’s principle easily. Its value depends upon the units
chosen for pressure volume and temperature. So, there will be different units of R:
• When the pressure is in atmosphere and volume in dm3
• When the pressure is in N/m2 and volume in m3.
• When energy is expressed in ergs.
When Pressure in atmosphere and Volume in dm3
Since R=

atm × dm3
R= = dm3 atm K −1 mol−1
mol × K
When Pressure in N/m2 and Volume in m3
Since R = nT

Nm−2 × m3
R= = Nm K −1 mol−1 = J K −1 mol−1 ∴ Nm = 1J
mol × K
When Energy is Expressed in ergs

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In CGS system “erg” is used to express the energy units.
1 J = 107 erg
So, unit of R will be
R = erg K-1 mol-1
But remember that R will have different numerical value than SI unit i.e.
R = 8.314 J K-1 mol-1 = 8.314 × 107 erg K-1 mol-1
What are isotherms? What happens to the positions of isotherms when they are plotted at high
temperature for a particular gas? “OR” Why the graph plotted between pressure and volume
moves away from pressure axis at higher temperature.
Ans. Isotherms are the graphs plotted between pressure and volume when temperature and number
of moles are constant. When the isotherms are plotted at high temperature, then they go away from
the axis. The reason is that, the volumes of the gases increase at high temperature. When
temperature is increased then volume has increased and new curve is obtained away from the axes.
Q. Differentiate between diffusion and effusion of gases?
Ans. The spontaneous intermixing of the molecules of different gases by random motion and
collisions to form homogeneous mixture is called diffusion. It takes place in all directions. For
example, spreading of fragrance of rose.
The escape of gas molecules one by one without collisions through a hole of molecular size into a
region of low pressure is called effusion. It takes place form a hole. For example, escape of gas
molecule from punctured tyre.
Q. Explain that the process of respiration obeys the Dalton’s law of partial pressure.
The process of respiration depends upon the difference in partial pressures. When animals inhale air
then oxygen moves into lungs as the partial pressure of oxygen in air is 159 torr. While the partial
pressure of oxygen in lungs is 116 torr. CO2 produced during respiration moves out from the lungs
into air, as the partial pressure of CO2 is more in the lungs than in air. Thus, process of respiration
obeys the Dalton’s law of partial pressure.
Q. What is Avogadro’s law of gases?
This law states, “Equal volumes of all the ideal gases at the same temperature and pressure contain
equal number of molecules”. Since equal number of moles of different ideal gases at the same
temperature and pressure contain equal number of molecules; therefore, the number of moles “n”
of any ideal gas is directly proportional to its volume (V).

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One mole of an ideal gas at 273.16K and 1atm pressure has a volume of 22.414 dm 3. One mole of a
gas has Avogadro’s number of particles, so 22.414 dm3 of various ideal gases will have Avogadro’s
number of molecules, i.e., 6.02 × 1023.
Q. How cooling is produced in joule Thomson effect?
According to joule Thomson effect;
“When a compressed gas is allowed to expand into a region of low pressure it gets cooled”.
Actually, the molecules of compressed gas are very close to each other, and appreciable forces of
attraction are present among them. When a gas is allowed to undergo sudden expansion through
the nozzle jet, the gas molecules move apart. In this way energy is needed to overcome the
intermolecular forces. This energy is taken from the gas itself, which is cooled. In this way cooling
is produced in joule Thomson effect.
Q. State Graham’s law of diffusion, give its mathematical expression. “OR” What is Graham’s law
of diffusion?
Ans. This law states that the rate of diffusion or effusion of a gas is inversely proportional to the
square root of its density at constant temperature and pressure.
Rate of diffusion ∝ (at Constt. T & P)
Rate of diffusion =

Or Rate of diffusion × √d = k
Q. Derive Boyle’s law from kinetic gas equation.
Kinetic equation for an ideal gas:
PV = 3 mNC ̅2 ------------------ (1)
According to kinetic molecular theory of gases, the kinetic energy of N gas molecule 2 mNC 2̅ directly

proportional to the absolute temperature (T)

mNC2̅ ∝ T
mNC̅2 = KT ----------------- (2)

Multiplying and dividing equation 1 by 2, we will get

2 1
PV = × mNC2̅
2 3
2 1
PV = 3 × (2 mNC ̅2 ) ------------------ (3)

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By putting equation 2 in equation 3.
PV = 3 × KT

If “T” = Constant, then

PV = K
V= P

This is Boyles’s law. It shows that at constant temperature, the volume of a given mass of gas is
inversely proportional to the pressure exerted on it.
Q. Water vapours don’t behave ideally at 273 K.
Ans. Water vapours at 273 K have sufficient attractive forces because 273 K is the freezing point of
water. Moreover 273 K is below than the critical temperature of water so Water vapours don’t
behave ideally at 273 K.
Q. SO2 is non-ideal at 273 K but behaves ideally at 327 K.
Ans. SO2 is non-ideal at 273 K because this is low temperature and gas molecules have appreciable
forces of attraction while 327 K is very high temperature, gas molecules have negligible forces of
attraction hence SO2 behaves ideally at 327 K.
Q. Write four applications of plasma. “OR” Write four applications of plasma.
Ans. Plasma has following applications:
• It is used to make corrosion resistant tools.
• It can be used to pasteurize food.
• It lights up our offices, homes, helps in working of electronic equipments.
• It drives laser and particle accelerators.
Q. What is difference between centigrade and Fahrenheit scale and which relationship is used for
their interconversion?
Ans. Difference between Centigrade and Fahrenheit scale:
Centigrade Scale Fahrenheit Scale
The distance between two points is divided into The distance between two points is divided into
100 equal parts. 180 equal parts.
On this scale the freezing point of water is 0 0C On this scale the freezing point of water is 32 0F
and boiling point is 100 0C. and boiling point is 212 0F

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The following relationships are used for the inter-conversion of centigrade and Fahrenheit scale.
Fahrenheit to Centigrade = Co = (F o − 32)
Centigrade to Fahrenheit = F o = (Co − 32)
Q. Hydrogen and helium are ideal at room temperature, but SO2 and Cl2 are non-ideal, how do you
explain it?
Ans. H2 and He have very low boiling points which are far below the room temperature, so the room
temperature is very high for H2 and He. Moreover, the molecules of H2 and He have very small masses
and sizes. Due to very high temperature, small masses and sizes of H2 and He, the intermolecular
forces are negligible and they behave ideally. While the boiling points of SO2 and Cl2 are close to room
temperature and their molecular masses and sizes are relatively high. Thus, significant attractive
forces are present among their molecules, therefore SO2 and Cl2 are non-ideal
at room temperature.
Q. How does K.M.T explains Avogadro’s law?
Ans. Consider two gases 1 & 2 at the same P and having the same V. their number of molecules are

N1 & N2, masses of molecules are m1 & m2 and mean square velocities are ̅𝐶̅̅12̅ & ̅𝐶̅̅̅
2 respectively. Their

kinetic equations can be written as follows:

Kinetic equation for an ideal gas is:
PV = m1 N1 ̅̅̅
C12 for gas 1
PV = m2 N2 ̅̅̅
C22 for gas 2
By comparing equation 1 and 2
1 1
m1 N1 ̅̅̅
C12 = 3 m2 N2 ̅̅̅

m1 N1 ̅̅̅
C12 = m2 N2 ̅̅̅
C22 ------------- (3)
When the temperature of both gases is the same, their mean kinetic energies per molecule will also
be same, so
1 1
m1 ̅̅̅
C12 = 2 m2 ̅̅̅

m1 ̅̅̅
C12 = m2 ̅̅̅
C22 -------------- (4)
Divide equation 3 by equation 4, we will get.
N1 = N 2

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Hence equal volumes of all the gases at the same temperature and pressure contain equal number
of molecules, which is Avogadro’s law.
Q. Why the volume correction is done by van der Waal.
Ans. The real gas molecules have definite volume. When high pressure is applied this volume is not
negligible. So, van der Waals did a correction in volume factor in order to make it applicable to the
real gases. Thus, the volume available to gas molecules is the volume of the vessel minus the volume
occupied by gas molecules.
Vfree = Vvessel − b
Q. The factor b is called the excluded volume which is constant and characteristic of a gas.
Ans. The Van der Waal’s constant ‘b’ of a gas is four times the molar volume of gas. The gas molecules
are incompressible spheres. When they are packed together like spheres, there remains some empty
spaces in between the spheres which are also incompressible. Hence, the incompressible volume “b”
is actually more than the actual volume of gas molecules. Actually, it is four times than their molar
b = 4Vm
Q. What is Kelvin scale of temperature?
Ans. A scale of temperature at which -273.16oC is taken as zero Kelvin is called Kelvin scale
temperature. Zero on the Kelvin scale corresponds to -2730C. Therefore, K = 00C + 273.16oC.
Q. What are various scales of thermometry?
Ans. There are three scales of thermometry; i.e., centigrade, Fahrenheit and absolute or Kelvin scale.
5 9
Co = (F 0 − 32) , F o = (Co + 32) and K = Co + 32
9 5
Q. How will you explain that the value of the constant K in PV=K (Boyle’s law) depends upon
(a)Temperature of the gas. (b) Quantity of the gas
Ans. (a) Temperature of the gas:
According to Boyle’s law at constant temperature and number of moles the PV = K. When
temperature changes, the volume of gas also changes i.e., increases or decreases. Therefore, the
product PV will also change. So, we can conclude that value of constant in
PV = K will also change.
(b) Quantity of the gas:
According to Boyle’s law at constant temperature and the number of moles the PV = K. When number
of moles (i.e., quantity of gas) changes, the volume of gas also changes i.e., increases or decreases.

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Therefore, the product PV will also change. So, we can conclude that value of constant in PV = K will
also change.
Q. Why do we feel comfortable in expressing the densities of gases in the units of g/dm3 rather
than g/cm3?
Ans. In gases, Molecules are widely separated from each other. Small amount of gas is present in a
large volume. Therefore, values of densities will be much smaller if we expressed in cm3. So, a bigger
unit dm3 is used because appreciable amount of gas will be present per dm3 of gas and values of
densities will be larger. So, we feel comfortable in expressing the densities of gases in the units of
g/dm3 rather than g/cm3.
Q. Do you think that 1 mole of H2 and 1 mole of NH3 at 0 ºC and 1 atm pressure will have Avogadro’s
number of particles? If not, why?
Ans. One (1) mole of every substance has Avogadro’s number of particles. So, 1 mole of H2 and 1
mole of NH3 at 0oC and 1 atm pressure will have Avogadro’s number of particles.
Q. Justify that 1 cm3 of H2 and 1 cm3 of CH4 at STP will have same number of molecules, when
one mole of CH4 is 8 times heavier than that of H2.
Ans. In gases distance between two molecules is approximately 300 times their own diameter. So,
volume occupied by gas molecules does not depends upon the size or mass of molecules. The volume
of gas only depends upon the number of molecules. Hence according to Avogadro’s law equal volume
of H2 and CH4 at STP will have same number of molecules, although CH4 is 8 times heavier than that
of H2.
Q. Dalton’s law of partial pressure is only obeyed by those gases, which don’t have attractive
forces among themselves, explain it.
Dalton’s law of partial pressure is an ideal gas law which assumes that there are no attractive forces
among the gas molecules. Hence every gas molecule moves independently. If gas molecules have
attractive forces then every molecule will not move independently because when a molecule is about
to colloid with the wall of container, it is attracted away from the wall by attractive forces of nearby
molecules. As a result, pressure exerted by the gas would be less than that of an ideal gas so Dalton’s
law of partial pressure is only obeyed by those gases, which don’t have attractive forces among
Q. How will you calculate the partial pressure of dry gas which is collected over water?
Ans. When a gas is collected over water, it becomes moist. The pressure exerted by this moist gas is,
therefore, sum of the partial pressure of the dry gas and that of water vapours. Mathematically,

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Pmoist = Pdry + Pwater vaours
Pmoist = Pdry + aqueous tension
Pdry = Pmoist + aqueous tension
The partial pressure exerted by the water vapours is called aqueous tension.
Q. Why do we get a straight line when pressure exerted on a gas are plotted against inverse of
volumes? This straight line changes its position in the graph by varying the temperature.
Ans. When the pressure exerted on a gas is plotted against 1/V, we get a straight line because
pressure and inverse of volume are directly proportional to each other at constant temperature. This
straight line changes its position by varying the temperature, because this straight line at higher
temperature will be close to zero; which means when P is very close to zero, then the volume is so
high that 1/V is very close to zero.
Q. What is Charles’s law? Which scale of temperature is used to verify V/T = k (P and n are
Ans. Charles’s law gives the relationship between gas volume and temperature. This law states that
the volume of a given mass of a gas is directly proportional to the absolute temperature when the
pressure is kept constant. Mathematically
V ∝ T or V = kT (When P and n are constant)
=k (When P and n are constant)

Thus, doubling the absolute temperature, cause the gas volume to double. If the temperature is
changed from T1 to T2, the volume changes from V1 to V2, then
V1 V2
=k & =k
T1 T2
V1 V
Or = T2
T1 2

The value of the constant ‘k’ depends on the pressure and amount of the gas. Kelvin scale is used to
verify that V/T = k
Q. Do you think that the volume of any quantity of the gas become zero at -273oC? Is it not against
the law of conservation of mass? How do you deduce the idea of absolute zero from this
Ans. No, volume of a gas cannot be zero at -273 0C. Because mass of gas will be destroyed, which is
against the law of conservation of mass (i.e., mass can neither be created nor destroyed). Since 2730C
is unattainable lowest temperature. Therefore, it is taken as absolute zero of Kelvin scale, so
absolute zero is defined as

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“The hypothetical temperature at which the volume of all gases become zero is called absolute zero”.
Q. Throw some light on the factor 1/273 in Charles’s law.
Ans. This factor helped us in the development of Kelvin scale. The factor 1/273 in Charles’s law shows
that at constant pressure the volume of a given mass of a gas increases or decreases by 1/273 of its
original volume at 0oC for every 1oC rise or fall in temperature respectively.
1 1
If we have 273 cm3 of a gas at 0oC, then its 273 part = 273 × 273cm3 = 1 cm3 . So, for every 1oC rise

or fall in temperature, volume will increase or decrease by 1 cm3. The general equation to know the
volumes of the gases at various temperature is;
𝑉𝑡 = 𝑉𝑜 (1 + 273)

Where Vt is the volume of a gas at t 0C, V0 is the volume of the gas at 0 0C and t is the temperature
on the centigrade scale.
Q. The straight line in (a) is parallel to x-axis and goes away from the Pressure axis at higher
Ans. At higher pressure the molecules of the gases come close to each other and attractive forces are
created among gas molecules and gases do not remain ideal. Therefore, volume does not decrease
in a regular way and hence the value of product PV increases and straight line goes away form the
pressure axis. The nature of the curve depends upon the nature of gas.
Q. Pressure of NH3 gas at a given condition (say 20 atm pressure and room temperature) is less
as calculated by Van der Waal’s equation than that calculated by general gas equation.
Ans. The general gas equation is applicable for only ideal gases. Ideal gases have no forces of
attraction and molecules hit the walls of container with greater force. Hence, pressure calculated by
the general gas equation is always higher than calculated by van der Waals equation for non-ideal
NH3 is a polar gas and attractive forces exist among its molecules and it behaves non-ideally
at room temperature and 20 atm pressure. These attractive forces decrease the force with which the
molecules hit the wall. As a result, the pressure is less than that of an ideal gas.
Therefore, pressure of NH3 gas is less as calculated by van der Waal's equation than that calculated
by general gas equation.
Q. Why gases do not settle?
Ans. According to the kinetic molecular theory of gases, the gas molecules are in a constant motion,
they collide with one another and their collisions are perfectly elastic therefore gases do not settle.

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Q. Briefly describe the significance of the constants ‘a’ and ‘b’ in the van der Waals equation.
Significance of ‘a’
In van der Waals equation “a” is called co-efficient of attraction forces per unit volume. It
indicates the strength of intermolecular forces in gases. Stronger the intermolecular forces, higher
the value of “a” and vice versa.
Unit of ‘a’
The factor ‘a’ is coefficient of attraction or attraction per unit volume of the gas its unit can be
calculated form lessened pressure of the gas.

n2 a
P = 2
a= 2
a = atm × (dm3 )2 /mol2
a = atm dm6 mol−2
If SI units, pressure is in Nm-2 and volume is in m3.
a = Nm−2 × (m3 )2 /mol2
a = Nm+4 mol−2
In van der Waals equation “b” is known as effective volume occupied by gas molecules in a highly
compressed state but not in liquid state. It depends upon the size of gas molecules. Greater the size
of molecules greater will be the value of “b” and vice versa.
Unit of ‘b’
The factor ‘b’ is excluded volume occupied by one mole of the gas. Hence, its unit should be
dm3mol-1 or SI unit should be m3mol-1.
Q. Gases deviate more from the general gas equation at 00C and deviate to less extent at 1000C.
Ans. At 0oC the attractive forces between the gas molecules are significant thus gases become non
ideal. At 100oC the forces of attraction are negligible and they behave ideally.
Q. What is meant by partial pressure of gas?
The partial pressure of a gas in a mixture of gases is the pressure that it would exert on the walls of
the container, if it were present all alone in the same volume under the same temperature.
Q. How do you justify that from general gas equation that increase in temperature or decrease of

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pressure decreases the density of the gas? “OR” How will you calculate the density of an ideal gas
from the general gas equation?
The general gas equation for a gas can be written as
PV = nRT
Mass of the gas m
No. of moles of gas = n = =
Molecular mass of gas M
Putting the value of n in the above equation gives
Rearranging the equation
PM = dRT
Therefore, the density of the gas will be d = RT

This formula shows that the density of gas is inversely proportional to the absolute temperature. If
we increase the temperature then gas will expand and molecules will move apart and density will
decrease. Similarly, formula shows that density is directly proportional to pressure. If we decrease
the pressure then again molecules will move apart and density will decrease.
Q. Can we determine the molecular mass of an unknown gas if we know the pressure, temperature
and volume along with the mass of that gas?
Ans. The general gas equation for a gas can be written as
PV = nRT
Mass of the gas m
No. of moles of gas = n = =
Molecular mass of gas M
Putting the value of n in the above equation gives
For the molecular mass of gas, we can arrange this equation as

If we know the values of P, T, V and mass of gas then using this relation we can determine the
molecular mass of an unknown gas.
Q. How the density of an ideal gas doubles by doubling the pressure or decreasing the
temperature on Kelvin scale by 1/2?
Ans. We know that
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d= RT

The density of an ideal gas is directly proportional to the pressure on the gas and is inversely
proportional to the absolute temperature. Thus, by doubling the pressure on the gas, the density
becomes double. Similarly, when the temperature becomes one half, the density becomes double;
d= RT
d= T
R( )

d= RT

Important Long Question

Q. Calculate the mass of 11.2 dm3 of H2 at 00C and 2 atm pressure considering hydrogen to be ideal
under these conditions.
Q. What is plasma? Give three application of plasma.
Q. Why real gases deviate from ideal behaviour? Discuss its causes.
Q. Calculate the density of methane at 0oC and 1.0 atm pressure. What will happen to density if:
(a) temperature is raised to 27oC.
(b) Pressure increases to 2 atm at 0oC.
Q. Derive van der Wall’s equation for real gases and give the physical significance of
Vander Wall’s constants “a” and “b”.
Q. What are applications of Dalton’s law of partial pressure?
Q. Explain Boyle’s law and Avogadro’s law from kinetic molecular theory of gases.
Q. What is kinetic molecular theory of gases? Write its postulates.
Q. Derive general gas equation also calculate the value of “R” in S.I units.
Q. What is meant by liquefaction of gases? Describe Linde’s method of liquefaction of gases.
Q. Give explanation of applications of Dalton’s law of partial pressure of gases.
Q. What is joule Thomson effect? Explain Linde’s method of liquefaction of gases.

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Multiple Choice Questions

1. Lind's method is employed for:
(a) Separation of gases (b) Expansion of gases
(c) Compression of gases (d) Liquification of gases
2. What will be the pressure of 1 mole of an ideal gas maintained at 300 K and 250 cm3 volume:
(a) 98.5 atm (b) 96.7 atm (c) 95.8 atm (d) 97.1 atm
3. Hydrogen diffuses four times more rapidly than volume of an unknown gas; molar mass of
unknown gas should be:
(a) 16 g/mol (b) 32 g/mol (c) 48 g/mol (d) 64 g/mol
4. The highest temperature at which a substance can exist as a liquid is called its:
(a) Critical temperature (b) Transition temperature
(c) Absolute temperature (d) Standard temperature
5. The expression for root means square velocity is:
3RT 1/2 3PV 1/2
(a) Crms = ( ) (b) Crms = ( )

3P 1/2
(c) Crms = ( d ) (d) All are right

6. The kinetic molecular theory of gases was put forward in 1738 by:
(a) Boltzmann (b) Maxwell (c) Clausius (d) Bernoulli
7. The spreading of fragrance in air is due to:
(a) Diffusion (b) Effusion (c) Density (d) Compression
8. The partial pressure of oxygen in air is:
(a) 760 torr (b) 323 torr (c) 159 torr (d) 1 16 torr
9. What is the simplest form of matter:
(a) Solid (b) Liquid (c) Gas (d) Plasma
10. The equation 𝑽𝑻 = 𝑽𝒐 (𝟏 + 𝟐𝟕𝟑) is based on:

(a) Fahrenheit scale (b) Celsius scale

(c) Kelvin scale (d) None of these
11. Critical temperature of a gas depends upon:
(a) Size of molecule (b) Shape of molecule
(c) Intermolecular forces (d) All of these
12. The diffusion of gases at absolute zero will be:

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11th Class Chemistry Chapter No. 3
(a) Unchanged (b) Slightly decreased
(c) Slightly increased (d) Zero
13. At constant temperature the pressure of an ideal gas is doubled, its density becomes:
(a) Half (b) Double (c) Same (d) None
14. The densities of gases are expressed in:
(a) kgm-3 (b) gcm-3 (c) gdm-3 (d) All of these
15. 0.5 mole of N02 and 0.5 mole of S03 gas have equal:
(a) Volume (b) Molecules (c) Mass (d) Atoms
16. Which one has the lowest density at room temperature:
(a) Ne (b) N2 (c) NH3 (d) CO
17. Which of these gases diffuse more quickly than oxygen:
(a) H2S (b) NO (c) C12 (d) N20
18. Which of the following is not an intermolecular force between molecules:
(a) Covalent bonds (b) Hydrogen bond (c) Debye forces (d) Ion-dipole force
19. The weakest intermolecular force is:
(a) Hydrogen bonding (b) Debye force (c) London force (d) Ion-dipole force
20. Under what conditions real gases deviate from ideal behaviour:
(a) High temperature (b) Low temperature (c) High pressure (d) Both (b) and (c)
21. Equal masses of methane and oxygen are mixed in an empty container at 250C. The fraction of
total pressure exerted by oxygen is:
(a) 1/3 (b) 8/9 (c) 1/9 (d) 16/17
22. The molar volume of C02 is maximum at:
(a) STP (b) 127OC and I atm (c) OOC and 2 atm (d) 2730C and 2 atm
23. Which of the following gases diffuse more rapidly:
(a) C12 (b) C02 (c) CH4 (d) N2
24. For a gas obeying Boyle's law if pressure is doubled the volume becomes:
(a) Double (b) One half (c) One forth (d) Remains constant
25. According to Graham's law, the rate of diffusion of and 02 gases has the
(a) 1:4 (b) 1: √6 (c) 4:1 (d) 3:32
26. Boyle's law is represented as:

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1 1
(a) V ∝ T (b) V ∝ P (c) V ∝ P (d) P ∝ T

27. Absolute zero is equal to:

(a) -273.15 K (b) -273.150C (c) 273.150C (d) -237.150C
28. Which one of the following gases is more ideal at STP:
(a) S02 (b) NH3 (c) H2 (d) H2S
29. Which gas deviate more from ideal behaviour at high pressure:
(a) H2 (b) He (c) Ar (d) NH3
30. Eight grams each of 02 and H2 at 27oc will have total K.E in the ratio:
(a) 1:1 (b) 16:1 (c) 8:1 (d) 1:16
31. Which pair of gases do not obey Dalton's law of partial pressure:
(a) H2 and 02 (b) N and 02 (c) NH3 and HCI (d) H2 and He
32. Which gas cannot be dried by passing over H2S04:
(a) S02 (b) H2 (c) N02 (d) H2S
33. One dm of at STP contains number of molecules:
(a) 6.022 x 1023 (b) 6.022 x 1022 (c) 2.68 x 1022 (d) 3.01 x 1023
34. Which one of the following has least critical temperature:
(a) 02 (b) NH3 (c) H20 (d) HCI
35. Which one of the following molecules have maximum root mean square velocity at 250C:
(a) C02 (b) H2S (c) NH3 (d) C02
36. Pressure remaining constant, at which temperature the volume of a gas will become twice of
what it is at 0oC.
(a) 546oC (b) 200oC (c) 546 K (d) 273 K
37. Number of molecules in one dm3 of water is close to:
6.02 12.04 18
(a) 22.4 × 1023 (b) 22.04 × 1023 (c) 22.4 × 1023 (d) 55.6 × 6.02 × 1023

38. Which of the following will have the same number of molecules at STP?
(a) 280 cm3 of CO2 and 280 cm3 of N2O
(b) 11.2 of O2 and 32 g of O2
(c) 44 g of CO2 and 11.2 dm3 of CO
(d) 28 g of N2 and 5.6 dm3 of oxygen
39. If absolute temperature of a gas is doubled and the pressure is reduced to one half, the volume
of the gas will:

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11th Class Chemistry Chapter No. 3
(a) Remain unchanged (b) Increase four times
(c) Reduce to ¼ (d) Be doubled
40. How should the conditions be changed to prevent the volume of a given from expanding when
its mass increased?
(a) Temperature is lowered and pressure is increased
(b) Temperature is increased and pressure is lowered
(c) Temperature and pressure both are lowered
(d) Temperature and pressure both are increased
41. The molar volume of CO2 is maximum at:
(a) STP (b) 127oC and 1 atm
(c) 0oC and 2 atm (d) 273oC and 2 atm
42. The order of the ratio of diffusion of gas NH3, SO2, Cl2 and CO2 is:
(a) NH3>SO2>Cl2>CO2 (b) NH3>CO2>SO2>Cl2
(c) Cl2>SO2>CO2>NH3 (d) NH3>CO2>Cl2>SO2
43. Equal masses of methane and oxygen are mixed in an empty container at 25oC. The fraction of
total pressure exerted by oxygen is:
(a) 1/3 (b) 8/9 (c) 1/9 (d) 16/17
44. Gases deviate from ideal behaviour at high pressure. Which of the following is correct for non-
(a) At high pressure, the gas molecules move in one direction only
(b) At high pressure, the collisions between the gas molecules are increased manifold
(c) At high pressure, the volume of the gas become insignificant
(d) At high pressure, the intermolecular attraction become significant
45. The deviation of a gas from ideal behaviour is maximum at:
(a) -10oC and 5.0 atm (b) -10oC and 2.0 atm
(c) 100oC and 2.0 atm (d) 0oC and 2.0 atm
46. The real gas obeying van der Waal’s equation will resemble ideal gas, if:
(a) both ‘a’ and ‘b’ are large (c) both ‘a’ and ‘b’ are small
(c) a is small and b is ‘b’ is large (d) ‘a’ is large and ‘b’ is small

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11th Class Chemistry Chapter No. 3
1 d 2 a 3 b 4 a 5 d
6 d 7 a 8 c 9 c 10 b
11 d 12 d 13 b 14 c 15 b
16 c 17 b 18 a 19 c 20 d
21 a 22 b 23 c 24 b 25 c
26 c 27 b 28 c 29 d 30 d
31 c 32 d 33 c 34 a 35 c
36 c 37 d 38 a 39 b 40 a
41 b 42 b 43 a 44 d 45 a
46 b

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