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Go lsSustaina But
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The able er a ap inable
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g u t th . W th e
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ce, an of life t imply live
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T th-worthy
Always hink Sustainably to be Ear
orgeou s and Nobody
EverydG s o m e Persoyns a Should
Han lanet Pla PRIV
Unsustainable consumption
and production pract
In this dimension, all The framework of on thoeleP in Making No Matt ILEDGE
ices not only that matters is that humans
R er Who
deplete natural resou economic dimension is to
use of material inputs,rces through the grow and develop properly, increase the productivity of our
Sustan Are! You
regardless of their age or R
me t a
environmental but also have economic process while looking
stage of a producons equences at every gender. The primary resource
for development is people's for ways to stop or reduce the
ct or service's lifesp an, creative initiative, and the continuous use of new
including extraction , proce ssing,
manufacture, cons ultimate goal of development resources by implementing the
disposal. As a resulumpt ion, and waste is their well-being,
t, natural resources includes improved health which 3rs, particularly the recycle rule.
must be managed care In addition, Everyone should
caref ully
sustainably in the physical and and education. have equal and
Also, their social and impartial access Cities or local governments,
dimension. spiritual health. to resources. the commercial sector, and
civil society all bear
The environmental responsibilities for changing
dimension seeks to strike a The political dimension reminds However, the technological unhealthy behaviors to save
balance between natural dimension states that the
resources and people. Since it is us that citizens in a community developed technologies must not Earth.
concerned with protecting the must make decisions that will generate additional waste and
natural resources required for the influence their lives. It is also must be effective in conserving
food, cooking fluids, land, fisheries, about managing the natural resources in order to
and woodlots while ensuring environment and its ecology, as prevent global warming, climate
well as recognizing whoever
that the expanding
population will satisfy makes the decisions on how change, and other issues related to
pollution, population, and
its needs. things should economic activity.
be handled.

Sustainable Development is another name for

environmentally sustainable economic growth. The
objective is to develop harmony between
environmental, economic, and socio-political
sustainability. Sustainable development constantly

pushes us to conserve and improve our resources
by progressively altering how we create and use
technology. Every country must provide its
fundamental necessities for work, food, electricity,

water, and sanitation. Everyone has the right to live

in a healthy, safe, and clean environment. This is

readily accomplished by lowering pollution,

poverty, and unemployment.

The best way to predict future is to create it

What is Agenda 21? What Else Can We Do? Before we End...
Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be
Economically, we cannot afford to support a major section of Remember again that, Sustainability is all
implemented worldwide, nationally, and locally the world's population by relying on nonrenewable about preserving energy and resources
by United Nations System entities, Governments, resources, damaging the environment to develop new
over time rather than constantly using
products, or exposing people to dangerous repercussions of
and Major Groups in all areas where humans poor business practices. Socially, we must work to make the them to meet short-term requirements.
influence the environment. entire population aware of, and accountable for, the use of The constant exploitation of natural
The original sustainable methods. This is something that both resources by companies in the course of
individuals and organizations can accomplish. We must also urbanization degrades the environment.
the goal of Agenda 21 was to make an effort to ameliorate the ensuing poverty of people
Sustainable development is all about
achieve worldwide who make a living by damaging their surroundings. Finally,
we must examine environmental influences. We cannot developing new technologies, businesses,
sustainable continue to deforest, clear land for farming, overfish the and environments without harming the
development oceans, and pollute the air at our current rates. environment.
by 2000,
with the "21"
alluding to the
target of the

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