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Faculty of Technology

Wayamba University of Sri Lanka

EMGT 1162 – Principles of Management


Managers & Management

Prof. MMDR Deegahawature

B.Sc. (Bus.Ad.) Sp, MBA (Col), MBA (AIT), PhD (HUST), MIM, MAA

Department of Industrial Management

Faculty of Applied Sciences
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka
Learning Objectives

 On the successful completion of this lesson,

participants will be able to:
– Explain who managers are
– Tell where they work
– Define Management
– Describe what managers do
– Recognize what skills managers possess

EMGT1162 - Principles of Management - Prof. MMDR Deegahawature, Dept. of IMGT, FAS, WUSL 3
Who are Managers?

Where Do They Work?

 In Organizations
– A group of people working together
in a structured and coordinated fashion to achieve a
set of goals

– Two or more people wok together

in a structured way
to achieve a specific goal or set of

EMGT1162 - Principles of Management - Prof. MMDR Deegahawature, Dept. of IMGT, FAS, WUSL 4
Who are Managers?

 Characteristics of an Organization
– Two or more (group of) people
– Work together in a structured manner
– With the purpose of achieving goals

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Who are Managers?

Non-Managers Vs. Managers

 Non-Managers:
– Work directly on a job or task, and have no
responsibility for overseeing the work of others
 Managers:
– Direct and oversee the activities of other people in
the organization

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Who are Managers?

What Title Do Managers have?

 Classifying managers
– Top Managers
– Middle Managers
– First-line Managers

EMGT1162 - Principles of Management - Prof. MMDR Deegahawature, Dept. of IMGT, FAS, WUSL 7
What is Management?

Define Management
 The process of getting things done, effectively
and efficiently, through and with other people
 Management is a process of planning,
organizing, leading and controlling the limited
physical and human resources effectively and
efficiently to achieve pre-set objectives/goals
 Management is the attainment of organizational
goals in an effective and efficient manner
through planning, organizing, leading and
controlling the organizational resources
EMGT1162 - Principles of Management - Prof. MMDR Deegahawature, Dept. of IMGT, FAS, WUSL 8
What is Management?

 A process of set of activities

– planning and decision making, organizing, leading,
and controlling
directed at an organization’s resources
– human, financial, physical, and information
with the aim of achieving
organizational goals
in an efficient and effective

EMGT1162 - Principles of Management - Prof. MMDR Deegahawature, Dept. of IMGT, FAS, WUSL 9
What is Management?

 What is missing in below definition?

The process of getting things done,

effectively and efficiently,
through and with other people

EMGT1162 - Principles of Management - Prof. MMDR Deegahawature, Dept. of IMGT, FAS, WUSL 10
What is Management?

 Key words in above definitions

– Process of set of Activities [Will be discuss later in
– Organizational Resources
– Achieving Goals
– Effectiveness
– Efficiency

EMGT1162 - Principles of Management - Prof. MMDR Deegahawature, Dept. of IMGT, FAS, WUSL 11
What is Management?


Factors of

EMGT1162 - Principles of Management - Prof. MMDR Deegahawature, Dept. of IMGT, FAS, WUSL 12
What is Management?


The 5 M’s

EMGT1162 - Principles of Management - Prof. MMDR Deegahawature, Dept. of IMGT, FAS, WUSL 13
What is Management?

 The ability to minimize the use of resources, and
thus cost of recourses
 Doing a task correctly; “Doing the thing correctly”
 Refers to the relationship between inputs and
outputs; seeks to minimize resource costs

EMGT1162 - Principles of Management - Prof. MMDR Deegahawature, Dept. of IMGT, FAS, WUSL 14
What is Management?

 The ability to attain goals
 “Doing the right thing”
 Doing those works/ tasks that help the organization
reach its goals – Goal attainment

EMGT1162 - Principles of Management - Prof. MMDR Deegahawature, Dept. of IMGT, FAS, WUSL 15
What is Management?

Basic Purpose of Management

Using resources wisely and
in a cost-effective way


Making the right decisions and
successfully implementing them so that the
organization can reach its goals
EMGT1162 - Principles of Management - Prof. MMDR Deegahawature, Dept. of IMGT, FAS, WUSL 16
What is Management?

Efficiency and Effectiveness

EMGT1162 - Principles of Management - Prof. MMDR Deegahawature, Dept. of IMGT, FAS, WUSL 17
What is Management?

Efficiency & Effectiveness in an Organization

Information Resources

Financial Resources
Physical Resources
Human Resources

Plan Organize

Control Lead

EMGT1162 - Principles of Management - Prof. MMDR Deegahawature, Dept. of IMGT, FAS, WUSL 18
What is Management?

Efficiency & Effectiveness in an Organization

Efficiency Effectiveness
EMGT1162 - Principles of Management - Prof. MMDR Deegahawature, Dept. of IMGT, FAS, WUSL 19
What is Management?

Efficiency, Effectiveness and Management

Doing Things Both Efficient & Efficient but not


Right Effective Management Effective Management

Doing Things Both Inefficient &

Effective but not
Wrong Ineffective
Efficient Management

Doing the Doing the

Right Thing Wrong Thing


EMGT1162 - Principles of Management - Prof. MMDR Deegahawature, Dept. of IMGT, FAS, WUSL 20
What is Management?

What is Performance?
 Performance: The measure of how efficient and
 Managerial Performance
– The measure of how efficient and effective a
manager is – How well a manager determines and
achieves appropriate objectives by wisely using
 Organizational Performance
– The measure of how efficient and effective an
organization is - How well it determines and achieves
appropriate objectives by wisely using resources
EMGT1162 - Principles of Management - Prof. MMDR Deegahawature, Dept. of IMGT, FAS, WUSL 21
What Do Managers Do?

Functional Approach

 Four functions: Planning, Organizing, Leading,


EMGT1162 - Principles of Management - Prof. MMDR Deegahawature, Dept. of IMGT, FAS, WUSL 22
What Do Managers Do?

Management Roles Approach

o Figurehead
Mintzberg’s Interpersonal
o Leader
Managerial Role o Liaison
o Monitor
o Disseminator
Role o Spokesperson

o Entrepreneur
Decisional o Disturbance Handler
Role o Resource Allocator
o Negotiator
EMGT1162 - Principles of Management - Prof. MMDR Deegahawature, Dept. of IMGT, FAS, WUSL 23
What Do Managers Do?

Interpersonal Roles
 Pertain to the relationship with people and other
duties that are ceremonial and symbolic in nature
 Involves managers’ interaction with people inside
and outside their work units
 Figurehead
– Perform ceremonial and symbolic duties such as
greeting visitors, handing over awards
 Leader
– Direct and motivate subordinates; Train, counsel and
communicate with subordinates to accomplish goals
EMGT1162 - Principles of Management - Prof. MMDR Deegahawature, Dept. of IMGT, FAS, WUSL 24
What Do Managers Do?

 Liaison
– Communicate with internal and external entities on
behalf of the manager’s unit/ organization

Informational Roles
 Involve collecting, receiving, and disseminating
 Activities related to maintain and develop an
information network
 Monitor
– Seek and scan environment, and receive current
information; Scanning reports, personal contacts etc.
EMGT1162 - Principles of Management - Prof. MMDR Deegahawature, Dept. of IMGT, FAS, WUSL 25
What Do Managers Do?

 Disseminator
– Share information with others in the organization;
Send memos, reports, make phone calls etc.
 Spokesperson
– Transmit information to outsiders of the organization;
through speeches, reports, memos etc.

Decisional Roles
 Revolve around making choices
 Pertain to those events about which the manager
must make a choice and take action
EMGT1162 - Principles of Management - Prof. MMDR Deegahawature, Dept. of IMGT, FAS, WUSL 26
What Do Managers Do?

 Entrepreneur
– Initiate improvement projects; Identify new ideas;
Delegate the responsibility of ideas to others
 Disturbance Handler
– Respond to problems that demand immediate
 Resource Allocator
– Decide who gets resources; Prepare schedules,
budgets, set priorities etc.
 Negotiator
– Represent interest of work unit during negotiations;
Negotiate schedules, resources, contracts etc.
EMGT1162 - Principles of Management - Prof. MMDR Deegahawature, Dept. of IMGT, FAS, WUSL 27
What Do Managers Do?
Attending ribbon-cutting ceremony for new
plant, Signing legal documents
Interpersonal Encouraging employees to improve
productivity, training, counseling
Liaison Coordinating activities of two projects
Scanning industry reports to stay abreast of
Informational Sending memos outlining new organizational
Spokesperson Making a speech to discuss growth plans
Entrepreneur Developing new ideas for innovation
Disturbance Resolving conflict between two subordinates,
handler Resolve conflicts among subordinates
Resource allocator Reviewing and revising budget requests
Reaching agreement with a key supplier or
labor union
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What Skills Do Managers Need?

Managerial Skills

EMGT1162 - Principles of Management - Prof. MMDR Deegahawature, Dept. of IMGT, FAS, WUSL 29
What Skills Do Managers Need?

Managerial Skills
 Technical Skills
– Job-specific knowledge and techniques needed to
proficiently perform work tasks
– Includes mastery of the method, procedures,
techniques and equipment and knowledge of
specialized field such as engineering, finance or
– Includes job-specific knowledge needed to perform
well in a specialized field

EMGT1162 - Principles of Management - Prof. MMDR Deegahawature, Dept. of IMGT, FAS, WUSL 30
What Skills Do Managers Need?
 Human Skills
– Ability to work with, and through other people and to
work effectively as a group member to get things
– Ability to communicate with, understand, and
motivate both individuals and groups
 Conceptual Skills
– Cognitive ability to see the organization as a whole
(think in abstract) and the relationships among its
– Ability to coordinate and integrate all of an
organization’s interests and activities

EMGT1162 - Principles of Management - Prof. MMDR Deegahawature, Dept. of IMGT, FAS, WUSL 31
What Skills Do Managers Need?

Skills Needed at Different Managerial Levels


Middle - Conceptual Human Technical

Manager Skills Skills Skills


EMGT1162 - Principles of Management - Prof. MMDR Deegahawature, Dept. of IMGT, FAS, WUSL 32
What Skills Do Managers Need?

What Companies Look for in Managers?

Technical Human
Skills Skills

Conceptual Motivation to
Skills Manage

EMGT1162 - Principles of Management - Prof. MMDR Deegahawature, Dept. of IMGT, FAS, WUSL 33
Management: Science or Art?

Management is a Science
 Assumes that problems can be approached
using rational, logical, objective, and
systematic ways
 Requires the use of technical, diagnostic, and
decision-making skills and techniques to solve

EMGT1162 - Principles of Management - Prof. MMDR Deegahawature, Dept. of IMGT, FAS, WUSL 34
Management: Science or Art?

Management is an Art
 Decisions are made and problems solved using
a blend of intuition, experience, instinct, and
personal insights
 Requires the use of conceptual,
communication, interpersonal, and time-
management skills to successfully accomplish
the tasks associated with managerial activities

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Work Together

 Hope, you have experience in working with

managers in various capacities such as managers
in organizations, principal in your school, leader in
temple/ church etc.
Obviously, some managers are better than others.
Do certain characteristics help distinguish good
managers? List those characteristics?
For each item, indicate which management
function and which management skill you think it
falls under.

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