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International Journal of Informatics and Communication Technology (IJ-ICT)

Vol. 99, No. 1, Month 2099, pp. 1~1x

ISSN: 2252-8776, DOI: 10.11591/ijict.v99i1.pp1-1x  1

Problem Solving Support in Intelligent Tutoring System for

Polynomial Algebra

Dede Anjar Permana1, Dade Nurjanah2

School of Computer Sciences, Faculty of Infromatics, Telkom, Bandung, Indonesia

Article Info ABSTRACT (10 PT)

Problem support is an important part of learning that will help student
Article history: when students face difficulties in doing exercise of question. The teacher has
Received month dd, yyyy strategy to every single student to give appropriate help for student who face
struggling. But teacher is hard to conduct one-on-one giving help to
Revised month dd, yyyy
students. To solve this problem an Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) offers
Accepted month dd, yyyy adaptive help for handling diversities students in classroom. To offer help
which is personalized to student’s condition based on feedback [1], hint [1,
43] and worked example [3, 44, 45, 47, 55]. One of the important things in
building adaptive help is the existence of student model. The adaptive will
Intelligent Tutoring System be running because of the existing of student model. In creating student
Recommender System model is used Performance Factor Analysist (PFA), yet in this study the PFA
Adaptie help just as to measure the performance of students. When a student tries to solve
a problem and could not answer correctly, the first help would be given to
Webbing Matrix
student is feedback. This feedback gives a sign to student which being
Performance Factor Analysis solved means true or false. If student still could not answer correctly after re-
attempt question, the second support is giving hint. These hints based on the
probability of student’s error from one question. The more he/she almost
answers perfectly the question, the more specific the hint will be given to
student. The third support is giving worked example. Worked example
consist of step by step crafted answer by expert. The method to generate
worked example is webbing matrix, which is a selection worked example by
connected between question and worked example to the same competences.
The evaluation for webbing matrix reaches 93%. The proposed has been
implemented in grade 8 secondary level takes two group, control group and
experimental group. The comparation between control group and
experimental group is used N-gain score. The final N-gain score prove that
student which use adaptive help (feedback, hint and worked example) is five
times bigger than students who do not use adaptive help in their learning.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.

Corresponding Author:
Dede Anjar Permana
School of Computer Science, Faculty of Informatics, Telkom University
Bandung, Indonesia
Email: dedeanjarpermana@gmail.com

Algebra is an essential section of mathematics concept in science, statistics, business, or current
technology. The proper comprehension of algebra is a prerequisite of mastery and advance in higher
mathematics and life [5]. Preparing students to understand algebra easier is a challenge for the teachers. A
research show that junior high school pupils possess fallacy in the foundation of algebra concept, variables,

Journal homepage: http://ijict.iaescore.com

2  ISSN: 2252-8776

algebraic expressions, equations and word problems [5]. In the initial formative, the average of student’s
achievement was 55.78, plenty lessened from the least possible grade which is 75 [40]. Thus, it needs an
evaluation to improve both teaching methods and treatments for students who made misconceptions in
solving algebra problems. 
Beside the low score issue, another issue in teaching in a classroom with a varied group of students
is very challenging, since appropriate teaching style that works for some group students is unlikely can be
applied for entire students in the class. Although the most teacher are aware that students have different rate
pace and different improvement. During the learning process, usually teacher only show limited spotlight to
every pupil, because the school conducts the “one-size fits all” procedure [24]. Another reason is the usage
of e-learning. According to [23] that e-learning alters traditional teaching, but these methods are unable to
give the learners with adaptive and personalized experienced. The system just provides the same materials for
all students without personalization.
In the real life, it is really hard for teachers how to give help one on one student when they face a
problem. It is really challenging how to give support personalized when students working with different
question and different level difficulty. Usually, a teacher will give explanation about a question in front of
class, for entire students not to one-on-one student. This is in line with [24] that teachers still conduct “one
size fits all” for all students even when teachers give a help to student in one classroom. Regards to interview
with some mathematics teachers in secondary level, some activities that would help in solving a problem are
direct feedback, hint and giving worked example to students.
Regard to the result of numbers of research in ITS [16], interactive problem-solving support and
example-based problem-solving support are the least items which has been researched if compares to
adaptive presentation and navigation support [16]. Even though, much of the present research in cognitive
psychology has shown that students learn better when utilized in solving problems and really supported by
interactive problem solving [16].
In comparison to unsupported problem solving, numerous studies have demonstrated that learning
from worked examples is beneficial for beginners [3, 44, 45, 47, 55]. In [44] worked examples have been
proved to be effective in the classroom. According to research published in [45], using worked examples can
improve students' performance. According to research published in [45], using worked examples can improve
students' performance. [3, 47]. Based on [45] student who were given worked example finished more of the
needed problem and were less likely to drop out of tutoring than those who just did in problem solving. The
result has demonstrated that worked examples are really useful [45].
Applied ITS in math has shown in activeMath [58]. ActiveMath is used in adaptive presentation.
The result has demonstrated that use activeMath students learn mathematics more effective [58]. However,
the usage of adaptive help in other subject such as in Fundamentals of artificial intelligence [1] and Physics
[42]. In Mathema [42] the result of student’s average has increased. The difference average score between
student who do not used hint and feedback was 63.14, while students who used hint and feedback the average
score was 71.04. This result has shown the difference improvement in learning result.
This study focuses on interactive problem-solving support in learning polynomial for high school students.
According to previous studies, interactive problem-solving support, in the forms of hints and feedback, have
been applied [1, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21] and worked examples have been applied in [44, 45, 46].
To improve student result in math especially in polynomial algebra, then build an ITS based on
adaptive learning. How to support students when students solve problem in polynomial algebra. By providing
support adaptive help it will increase student result of students.
If it seen based on the delivering by time, feedback is divide become two parts, first immediate
feedback and second delay feedback. Immediate feedback is giving signal or feedback to students after each
step or action in the problem-solving process has been done. While delay feedback is giving signal or
feedback to students after students submit whole their answers of problem solving [1]. Furthermore, on
immediate feedback itself the division become two parts, first positive feedback which is if the student
answers correctly, second negative feedback which is if students answer incorrectly [1]. Delay feedback is
giving feedback to students for a whole correction to the problems which student was being solved. It could
be general or specific hints. Feedback and hints were also proposed in [16, 17] and applied to group
collaboration. During learning in a group collaboration, students will get hints is shown in the dashboard if
they made a mistake. This research applied rule modeling, constraint-based modeling, and knowledge
Another study [18] proposed interactive problem-solving support, not only in a cognitive domain,
but also in metacognitive and affective skills. This research used an association rule mining for behavior
discovery. Different with the aforementioned research, an ITS research in [19] applied hints to computer
programming, especially for beginner students in computer science. This research used two kinds of hints,

Int J Inf & Commun Technol, Vol. 99, No. 1, Month 2099: 1-1x
3Int J Inf & Commun Technol ISSN: 2252-8776 

which are explanation text and self-explained hints. The research shows that hints with textual explanations
could significantly improve the students’ programming performance

We propose an ITS that offers adaptive help for students, consist of feedback, hint and worked-
examples. The topic implemented is polynomial algebra for grade 8 in secondary level. The proposed ITS
applies the general architecture of ITS, but the focus is on the pedagogical model, domain model and student
A. Pedagogical Model
Pedagogic model is a process which is adapted in the classroom. In this study the pedagogical model
is set by providing help for student when the students face difficulties in solving a problem. The help would
be provided are feedback, giving hint and giving worked example for students.

Fig. 1 Learning Scenario

The sequences of learning scenario start from giving question, giving feedback, giving hint and
giving worked example aim to make student experienced empirical exploratory [58] and inquiry process. In
order the student can through this inquiry process properly, then the first thing should be given to student is a
problem or question.
By exploring the question student will know wrong or false, because of giving feedback. This
feedback the information just giving signal true or false in a question. To give more knowledge which is not
only giving signal true or false is giving hints. Providing hints give chance to the student get knowledge piece
by piece, depend on what mistake had been done. Then providing worked example to give chance the student
to get more knowledge than piece by piece information. In providing worked example student can see and
can compare the solution with the problem is being solved. In this part student is expected can answer the
problem because system provide worked examples which is crafted by expert, student just follow and see
step-by-step from worked examples.
If student still cannot answer the question even already given worked example, the last step is providing the
correct answer. In this session student will know the correct answer, just type the answer, submit the answers
and then will continue to the next question.
In inquiry process student are expected able to find their understanding by feeling the question and
finding the solution of the question step by step without given any correct answer directly. This is in line with
[1] that given feedback is to check whether student applied the relevant knowledge. Also [1] said that when
the system giving hints or feedback is given the students after each performed action or during the process.

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The general overview of learning scenario is shown in figure 1. The first time, student register to the
system and try to answer pre-test. In this study the score of pre-tests do not used for initial learning, pre-test
would be used for data analyzing. After student answer pre-test, afterward student look at to the exercise.
When student answer the question, students would get support or help if they cannot answer the question,
vice versa student do not get help if they can answer question and could continue to the next question. Kind
of help would be given to students if they cannot answer the questions are direct feedback, hint and giving
worked examples.
In the first time the students face the no 1 and related to competence 1. If students answer correctly
the system will update student model directly and students will not gain help. While for student who could
not answer the question will gain help. The first-time kind of helps would appear after submitting the answer
is feedback in the form of signals of correct and wrong. In this moment the student would be given button to
tried answer question again.
Then, after click button to try the answer again, the procedure was same as above, if student could
answer correctly the system will update student model, for those who cannot answer again, the system will
not only give the feedback, but also provides hints. These hints based on students’ errors. Then button tried
answer again will appear. The procedure was same as mentions before. If students could answer the question
the system would update the student’s model, for those who cannot answer will get feedback that the answer
is wrong. In addition, worked examples are also given. A worked example contains a problem that has been
solved by an expert. It has a similar targeted knowledge with a problem being solved by student.
After getting feedback, hints and worked examples, student re-try the question for the last time, if in the last
time student could not answer correctly, the system will provide the correct answer. In this session student
just put the correct answer that already provided by the system.Domain Model.
The domain knowledge is the knowledge where the system is teaching. In this study the domain of
knowledge is about algebra for grade 8 of the secondary level. The domain knowledge is organized in a
hierarchy, in which topics are the top entity which includes some units and each unit consists of several

Fig. 2 Relationship competence among questions and worked example

Figure 2 shows domain model that would be executed in learning scenario. This figure shows the
relationship competence among questions and worked examples. This figure is a path that would be passed
by student in the system. Based on figure 3 M is material, Q is question, WE is worked example and C is
Competence. In a topic there will be many competences. For one competence can be reach not only by one
material but also more than one. Which all materials can be connected or not. A student called has one
competence if he/she is able to solve a problem question. In order help student reach its competence it can be
by empirical method such as drilling for many examples include worked example. Regards to this path, first
student will solve a problem from C3.1. In this scenario every competence contains at least 2 questions. After
student pass competence C3.1, student will be directed to competence 3.2 than competence 3.3. This is
because the weighted of competence 3.2 is bigger than competence 3.3. After student passed competence 3.2
student will be directed to competence 3.3.

B. Student Model
The student model is the core component of an ITS. Ideally, it should contain as much knowledge.
In this study the student model using Performance Factor Analysis (FPA). PFA is used to measure student
performance when students answer questions. Student performance consist of accumulative score from
students answer even from true answer or false answer.

Int J Inf & Commun Technol, Vol. 99, No. 1, Month 2099: 1-1x
5Int J Inf & Commun Technol ISSN: 2252-8776 

In PFA, student mastery is expressed as the probability that a student will produce the correct
answer to a problem. PFA models student performance using a logistic regression equation with two
variables - the cumulative number of correct and incorrect answers that a student has produce the current
skill. It also uses three parameters:
 gamma (γ), the degree for a correct answer is associated with better future performance.
 rho (ρ), the degree for an incorrect answer is associated with better future performance;
 beta (β), the overall ease or difficulty of the KC to be learned.

m=β q + ∑ ❑ ( γ j si , j + ρ j f i , j ) (1)
j ∈KCs

mi = score of student’s performances on question i
i = question for i = 1,2,3 …. n
j = skill for j = 1,2,3 … m
s = item success
f = item failure
β i = coefficient of easiness or difficulty of question i
γ j = history of item corrects
ρ j = history of item incorrect
Si , j and ρ j f i , j are two observable variables in the equations, representing the number of prior successful and
unsuccessful practices performed by student on skill j
In order value of m become the probability value (range 0-1), value of m would be changed become
probability form by equation 2:
p ( m )= −m (2)
1+ e
We propose the PFA approach to perform student model in this study. The graphical for PFA is like figure 4.

Fig. 4 Performance Factor Analysis Graphical

To get the difficulty weight of a question (β), history of successful question (γ), history of failure
question (ρ) was collected from three expert teachers based on their experience in the previous lesson in the
algebra topic. Each teacher gave different weighted, for those value will take the average to be used in
calculation. Table 2 shows average of beta (weighted of easiness of question, gamma (history of successful)
and rho (history of failure) which is collected from 3 teachers who teach secondary level.


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Table 1 shows relationship among question, competence, taxonomy bloom, beta ( β ¿, gamma ( γ ¿ and
rho ( ρ ¿. This table shows that every question connects to suitable competence and taxonomy bloom. Beta,
gamma and rho is coefficient which is needed in computational process which were collected from three
expert teachers and was taken the average of them. This table also shows information about the previous
successful and failure of students for each competence. The number of succeeding in competence C3.2 is 0.74
which is the highest amount among all 3 competencies. In other hand, the failure history has the biggest
amount in competence C3.3 as much as 0.53. By those numbers, can be concluded that most of students are
able to solve questions in second competence, but found some difficulties to answer competence C3.3
questions correctly. In line with that, can be written that the difficulty’s intentions of competence C3.3 is
higher than 2 other competencies.

C. Webbing Matrix Method

In this thesis the adaptation model will be handled by webbing matrix method. The pedagogy strategy
is making help for students when they solve a problem like giving hint, feedback and giving worked
examples. Recommend worked example for students is the best way to help student when the students stuck
in a problem. By giving worked examples student to be expected will know the correct way to solve a
problem. Specifically, in recommendation of worked examples is to measure the similarity between worked
examples and questions. The purpose of gaining similarity between worked examples and question is to
recommend the best worked example to students when they cannot answer correctly. How to recommend the
relevant worked example to students is by using webbing matrix method. By using webbing matrix would be
measured which one of the worked examples are very similar with question.
Recommending worked example for student is a way to make a personalized help for students, for
example students who solve a problem which has lower competence, worked example will be recommended
for students is a worked example which has simple competence too, not worked example which has high
competence. When giving worked example for student, the problem is how to give the best worked example
and it is very individual, which certain student really needed that worked example. The way how to make the
recommendation of worked example is very useful by using webbing matrix. Before use similarity
measurement, in this study make filtering first for every competence


After filtering for question and worked example, another way to get recommendation is to count
similarity between question and worked example by using Jaccard similarity. Jaccard Similarity use weighted
to counted similarity between question and worked example. The formulation for Jaccard like formulation

Ix = item x, in this scenario Ix is item question

Iy = item y, in this scenario Iy is item worked example

Int J Inf & Commun Technol, Vol. 99, No. 1, Month 2099: 1-1x
7Int J Inf & Commun Technol ISSN: 2252-8776 

After counting similarity every question and every worked example, all of the result from Jaccard will
be put in webbing matrix like table 3.


If is seen in table 3.8 that the value of pair WE1, Q1 has the highest value. Pair of WE1, Q1 is the best
candidate to be recommended to a student, if finds difficulty in question 1.
The evaluation of webbing matrix is using Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (NDCG). Rather
than explicitly estimating ratings, several recommender systems provide estimations of the underlying ranks
[57]. In practice, the recommender system creates a rank item for a user and then recommends the top-k
items. The value of k varies depending on the system, item, and user. In general, highly rated goods should
be listed higher than items that are not highly rated [58]. Based on the result, has been gotten that NDCG for
this webbing matrix is 93%, it means the effectiveness of using webbing matrix is 93%.


The evaluation of webbing matrix is using Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (NDCG). Rather
than explicitly estimating ratings, several recommender systems provide estimations of the underlying ranks
[57]. In practice, the recommender system creates a rank item for a user and then recommends the top-k
items. The value of k varies depending on the system, item, and user. In general, highly rated goods should
be listed higher than items that are not highly rated [58]. Based on the result, has been gotten that NDCG for
this webbing matrix is 93%, it means the effectiveness of using webbing matrix is 93%.
The objective of the experiment is to prove the hypothesis that feedback, hint and worked examples
can improve the learning outcome of students. The experiment is designed using qualitative method with a
between-group method. The participants were second year students of junior high school who had linear
equation of algebra. They were divided into two groups. The first group was called the experiment group,
this group consisted of participant who has got treatment which is provided feedback, hint and worked
example when they do exercise. The second group was the control group that the participants did not get
treatments. To prove the hypothesis, we measure between pre-test and post-test score by using N-gain score.
In this study we take experimental design in between group. The experimental group has treatment
which are using adaptive help, in contrast the control group has been not treatment. The experimental group
consist of 28 students and the control group consist of 26 students. Both these group are grade 8 in secondary
level. Both of groups has pre-test, treatment and post-test. After the all process are complete, then we
calculate N-gain score and compare between them (see figure 5).

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Fig. 5 Comparation N-gain score between experimental group and control group.
By comparing N-gain scores between control group and experimental group we can conclude that
students who use adaptive help in polynomial algebra have five-time differences. This can be concluded
students who used adaptive help have better learning outcome than student who do not use adaptive help


This research aims to develop hint, feedback and worked examples for students when solve a
problem, especially in topic algebra, also to develop personalized recommender worked example while
students fail to solve a problem.
This study has applied using ontology to build domain model and student model. The domain which
is taken is polynomial algebra which has been tested to grade 8 junior high school students in Fitrah Insani 2
The student model which has been applied is PFA which is used for monitoring performance of
students. The adaptive support which has been implemented in this research are giving feedback, giving hints
and giving worked examples.
On this research the experiment implements direct feedback, give positive feedback if student
answer correctly and giving encouragement if student answer wrongly. Also, in this experiment has been
used 3 or 4 hints. By using 3 or 4 types of hints based on students’ mistake.
To generate worked example that should be given to student is by using webbing matrix. Webbing
matrix method in this experiment gives experience to personalize to students when giving recommendations
of worked example. Based on NDCG calculation the effectiveness from the usage of webbing matrix is 93%,
this is proving that the usage of webbing matrix method can be used in recommendation and personalized
technique. In accordance with the webbing matrix, response from students about giving worked example is
really helpful, also giving worked example is really relevant with the question that is being solved by student.
By conducting the experiment to control group and experimental group, both of groups were given
different treatment. The experimental group was given adaptive help (feedback, hints and worked example)
in their learning. Whereas for control group the treatment only be given the material that contain polynomial
algebra both pdf or PowerPoint. By comparing N-gain score between control group and experimental group
has shown significant improvement five times.

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Int J Inf & Commun Technol, Vol. 99, No. 1, Month 2099: 1-1x
Int J Inf & Commun Technol
11 ISSN: 2252-8776 


The recommended number of authors is at least 2. One of them as a corresponding author.

Please attach clear photo (3x4 cm) and vita. Example of biographies of authors:

Laith Mohammad Abualigah received his first degree from Al-Albayt

University, Computer Information System, Jordan, in 2011. He has also Master degree from
Al-Albayt University, Computer Science, Jordan, in 2014. The Ph.D. degree from the
School of Computer Science in Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Malaysia in 2018. He is
currently a computer science researcher. His main research interests focus on Bio-inspired
Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Metaheuristic Modeling and Optimization, Evolutionary
Computations, Optimization algorithms, Information Retrieval, Feature Selection,
Combinatorial Problems, Data Mining, and Text Mining. He can be contacted at email:

Arnold Adimabua Ojugo was born 28-February-1980 to Williams and Mrs.

Queen Ojugo. He hails from Ibusa, in Oshimili North LGA of Delta State. He received his
BSc in Computer Science from Imo State University Owerri in 2000, MSc in Computer
Science from Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka in 2005, and PhD in Computer Science
from the Ebonyi State University Abakiliki in 2013. He currently lectures with the
Department of Computer Science, Federal University of Petroleum Resources Effurun,
Delta State, Nigeria. His research interests: Intelligent Systems/Machine Learning,
CyberSecurity/IoT, and Graphs. He is a member of: The Nigerian Computer Society (NCS),
Computer Professionals of Nigeria (CPN) and The International Association of Engineers
(IAENG). He is happily married to Dr. Prisca Ojugo with five children: Gregory Ojugo,
Easterbell Ojugo, Eric Ojugo, Elena Ojugo, and Elizabeth Ojugo. He can be contacted at
email: ojugo.arnold@fupre.edu.ng.

Deepika Koundal received her Ph.D. and M.E. Degrees in Computer Science
and Engineering from UIET, Panjab University, Chandigarh, India and B.Tech. Degree in
Computer Science & Engineering from Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana,
India. She is currently working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer
Science and Engineering at Chitkara University Institute of Engineering & Technology
(CUIET), Chitkara University, INDIA since March, 2016. She is having 10 years of
teaching and research experience at various reputed Universities of India. She was
previously associated with NIT Hamirpur as an Assistant Professor. Prior to that she
worked as a Research Associate at UIET, Panjab University, Chandigarh. Her Ph.D. thesis
focused on Automated delineation of thyroid nodules in Ultrasound Images. She is actively
pursuing research in Medical Image Processing. She is the awardee of TEQIP-II fellowship
during Ph.D. Her areas of expertise are Computer Vision, Image & Video Processing,
Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning, Soft Computing, Artificial Intelligence,
Information Retrieval and related fields. from Neutrosophic Science Association from
University of Mexico for her outstanding publication in the Applied Soft Computing
Journal (SCI Journal). She has published 22 research articles in reputed SCI and scopus
indexed journals and conferences. She can be contacted at email: koundal@gmail.com.

Paper’s should be the fewest possible that accurately describe … (First Author)

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