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Test 1

Present Tenses
Variant 1
Task 1 Write the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the sentenses. Use only the
present simple or the present continuous.

A) Debbie .. works (work) as an administrator at the university.

She.2.................................................. (organise) all the timetables and teaching schedules. She
3................................................... (work) very long hours at the moment because it's the start of the
academic year but she .4.................................................. (go) on a short holiday at the end of the

B) Simon and Sylvia .5.................................................. (stay) in a cottage in the Yorkshire Dales this
month. The cottage .6. ................................................. (belong) to a cousin of Sylvia's but the cousin
is away: she ..7. ................................................ (cycle) around Norfolk for a few weeks. Simon and
Sylvia often
...8. ............................................... (use) the cottage when Sylvia's cousin is away.
They really .9.................................................. (enjoy) being in the middle of the countryside.

C) The International School for Languages 10................................................. . (do) very well at the
moment. About two hundred students 11.................................................. (take) evening classes this
term. Many
of them 12.................................................. (need) to learn a new language to improve their job
prospects but some of them 13 .................................................. (learn) a new language purely for
pleasure. The European languages .14................................................. (be) very popular but Japanese
and Russian .15................................................ . (get) more popular too. The school
16............................................ .. (provide) good learning facilities and
17................................................. .(organise) a range of study tours.

D) The world population 18.................................................. (still increase) rapidly. Many people in

the world .19................................................ . (already starve) and many more
20................................................ .(suffer) from malnutrition.

Task 2 Put the verbs in brackets into the right tense.

1. The number of cars on the road _____________(increase) every year.
2. _____________(they/arrive) already?
3. Adrian __________(need) your help.
4. That coat ____________(belong) to me.
5. Lucy ______________(run) 2000 metres today.
6. I _______________(clean) the floor all morning today. -I'm fed up.
7. Cats ____________(not/like) water.
8. I _________(catch) the 8 o'clock train every morning.
9. How long __________(know) Simon?
10. Sorry about the mess! I ___________(bake).
11. Jane _____________(cook) the dinner! Let's go and eat!
12. You ___________(mix) the soup with some cream at the end.
13. I'll give her the message when she _____________(come) back.
14. He ______________(attend) the board meeting every Monday.
15. The students _____________(finish) their exams. They are very happy.
16. The child's face is really dirty. What ____________(he/eat)?
17. Water ____________(boil) at 100 degrees centigrade.
18. The decorator's painting the children's bedrooms this week so they ______________(sleep)
in the living room.
19. He ______________(write) a report about the safety at the working place. (right now)
20. I _______________(wait) three hours already.
21. He _________ (appear) on the stage twice a week in the performance.
22. I ______ (taste) the food, as it _______ (smell) strange.

Task 3 Read the text and make necessary changes to the verbs. The tenses that are used in the
text:  Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect Simple.

We 1.___________(be) at a party today. Today Nick 2.__________(have) a birthday. Many guests

3. __________(already/come) to his party. Everybody 4. ___________(be) happy. Lisa
5.___________(dance) with Mark. Tina 6.____________(hold) some drinks and ice-cream. Barbara
and Tina 7._________(talk) about the party. They 8._________(like) the party. They bought
beautiful dresses for the party yesterday and now they 9.__________(discuss) the prices for the
clothes. Michael 10.__________(stand) at the table. He 11.___________(not/eat) anything yet and
he 12.______(be) hungry. He got up three hours ago and he 13.__________(not/have) time for
lunch yet. He went to bed very late yesterday. So it 14__________(be) difficult for him to get up in
the morning. Nick’s parents 15________(go) to visit their friends. They 16________(not come)
back yet.
So today Nick and his friends 17.___________(celebrate) his birthday. “Many happy returns of the
day, Nick!”
Task 4 Insert the verbs using one of the Present Tenses:
Croatians 1. _______( take) pride in their literary tradition and art. Croatian visual artists also 2.
_______(be) active in several other genres. Hundreds of painters and photographers
3._________(represent) their works in galleries throughout the country, and traditional Croatian
arts, including fine textile and lacework, can still be seen. The monumental sculptures of the
Croatian-born American artist Ivan Meštrovič 4.________(include) religious motifs. His works 5.
__________(gain) popularity since house in Split was opened. The historical area of Split that 6.
__________(contain) ruins of the palace of the Roman emperor Diocletian 7.________ (be) in the
World Heritage List. Besides this place, UNESCO 8. _________(inscribe) several more sites in
Croatia on its World Heritage List. These 9.________(include) the old city of Dubrovnik and the
historical area of Split that 10. ________ (comprise) ruins of the palace of the Roman
emperor Diocletian.
Croatians 11.__________(enjoy) music of many varieties, ranging from folk to opera, jazz, and
rock. In Croatia and among the Croatian diaspora, traditional music featuring the tamburitza,
a stringed instrument similar to a mandolin. While some people 12. _________ (listen) to the
instrument, other people 13________(dance) the traditional kolo dance.
Test 1
Present Tenses
Variant 2
Task 1 Write the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the sentenses. Use only the
present simple or the present continuous.
M: Jill, how nice to see you. I ___________________(not think) we've seen each other since that
party at Jim's last year. How
2 _________________ (you/get on)?
J: Oh, fine. Everything 3 __________________(go) very well.
M: 4 ____________________ (you still/go out) with Dave?
J: No, I'm not, but I 5 ______________________ (go out) with someone called Jamie: I met him at
my pottery class.
M: Is he here now?
J: Yes look, he's over there. He 6 ____________________ (talk) to Charlotte.
M: Oh yes, I 7 ____________________(see) him. 8 _______________ (he/wear) a yellow jumper?
J: Yes, that's him.
M: Oh, he 9 __________________ (look) really nice.
J: He is. I'll introduce you to him when he 10 _____________________ (come) over here. So what
about you? How 11 ____________________(life/treat) you?
M: Not too badly. I 12 _____________________(still/work) at that awful cafe. I 13
______________ (keep) looking for other jobs but the problem is that I 14 ______________(feel)
so tired when I 15 ____________________(get in) that I 16 ____________________(not have)
much energy to look through all the job ads and everything. Oh well, I 17
____________________(suppose) something else will come up soon.
J: I 18 ............................................................ (hope) so. Oh look, Jamie
19 ............................................................ (come over) here. 20 ............................................................
(you/want) to meet him?
M: Oh yes.
Task 2 Put the verbs in brackets into the right tense.
1. _____________(they/arrive) already?
2. Adrian __________(need) your help.
3. Cats ____________(not/like) water.
4. He ______________(attend) the board meeting every Monday.
5. He ______________(write) a report about the safety at the working place. (right now)
6. How long __________(know) Simon?
7. I _______________(clean) the floor all morning today. -I'm fed up.
8. I _______________(wait) three hours already.
9. I _________(catch) the 8 o'clock train every morning.
10. I'll give her the message when she _____________(come) back.
11. Jane _____________(cook) the dinner! Let's go and eat!
12. Lucy ______________(run) 2000 metres today.
13. He _________ (appear) on the stage twice a week in the performance.
14. I ______ (taste) the food, as it _______ (smell) strange.
15. Sorry about the mess! I ___________(bake).
16. That coat ____________(belong) to me.
17. The child's face is really dirty. What ____________(he/eat)?
18. The decorator's painting the children's bedrooms this week so they ______________(sleep)
in the living room.
19. The number of cars on the road _____________(increase) every year.
20. The students _____________(finish) their exams. They are very happy.
21. Water ____________(boil) at 100 degrees centigrade.
22. You ___________(mix) the soup with some cream at the end.
Task 3 Read the text and make necessary changes to the verbs. The tenses that are used in the
text:  Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect Simple.

Yesterday all the family was very busy. They did many things for Nick’s party. Nick’s mother
cooked many tasty things. Nick also helped her. Nick’s father did not cook anything because he was
very busy at work. Nick’s sister Patricia baked a nice cake and Nick’s brother cleaned the house. So
today Nick and his friends 1.___________(celebrate) his birthday. We 2.___________(be) at a party
today. Today Nick 3.__________(have) a birthday. Many guests 4. __________(already/come) to
his party. Everybody 5. ___________(be) happy. Lisa 6.___________(dance) with Mark. Tina
7..____________(hold) some drinks and ice-cream. Barbara and Tina 8._________(talk) about the
party. They 9._________(like) the party. They bought beautiful dresses for the party yesterday and
now they discussed the prices for the clothes. Michael 10.__________(stand) at the table. He
11.___________(not/eat) anything yet and he 12.______(be) hungry. He got up three hours ago and
he __________(not/have) time for lunch yet. He went to bed very late yesterday. So it was difficult
for him to get up in the morning. Nick’s parents 13________(go) to visit their friends. They
14________(not come) back yet.
Task 4 Insert the verbs using one of the Present Tenses:
Using any phone, while the person 1._________ (drive), is dangerous - driving 2._____ (be) a
highly complex task that 3.________ (require) a person’s full attention, as any error can be
catastrophic. Drivers who 4._______ (talk) on phones, both hands-free and hand-held, are four
times more likely to be in a crash resulting in injuries, and researchers 5.___________ (find) a
correlation between phone use and culpability in crashes. Especially it is typical for the drivers who
6. ________ (drive) for 36 minutes already.
The primary impairment that drivers 7.________ (face) from using a phone behind the wheel, is the
mental distraction from the driving task. Research 8._________ (show)that after using your phone,
it can take half a minute to regain full attention, during which time your driving is impaired.
Aside from mental distraction, any distraction that 9. _______a driver’s eyes or hands off the road
for any length of time (for example to check messages or scroll through music options) is
potentially lethal. So, please, 10. __________ (focus) on the road rather than on your messages.
However, still there 11._______ (be) some people who would object, as they 12. __________
(consider) that the research 13. __________(be/carry out/not) thoroughly enough.
Variant 1
1. take
2. have been
3. represent
4. include
5. have gained
6. contain)s
7. is
8. has inscribed
9. include
10. comprises
11. enjoy
12. are listening
13. are dancing

Variant 2
1. is driving
2. is
3. requires
4. talk
5. have found
6. have been driving
7. face
8. has shown
9. takes
10. focus
11. are
12. consider
13. has not been carried

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